Chapter 419 Escort
Empress Feng and Tai Nvjun also came to see Li Zijin in person, and after a few words of comfort, they took care of Mo Han.Empress Feng was worried that the young girl would be in danger, so she insisted on asking the princess to send many guards to the Eighth Prince's Mansion, so she was reluctant to return to the palace.

After Li Zhengjun woke up, he rushed over crying, sitting on Li Zijin's bedside and wiping away his tears. Although this child was not his own, he brought it up with his own hands. His feelings and intentions for Li Zijin can even be said to be More than his own son, seeing the child lying on the bed unable to speak today made him feel extremely distressed.

"Father, since the imperial doctor said that Jin'er is fine, don't worry about it. If Jin'er wakes up and sees you so sad, how can you rest in peace?" Li Zichen persuaded Li Zhengjun when he saw Li Zhengjun crying sadly. road.

"My poor child! Jin'er hasn't even been hurt since he was a child, and now he has suffered such a big crime. Daddy feels sorry for him!" Li Zhengjun wiped his tears and murmured. He knew the child was suffering. Maybe this is also rebirth, but I just can't get over the hurdle in my heart!

"Father, don't do this. Jin'er saved the life of the Eighth Prince and brought glory to my Li family. We should be proud of him!" Li Zichen persuaded softly. The palace is reasonable, but they have to go back!

"That's right! Father, let's go back to the house first. I'll come to see Jin'er tomorrow. If I don't go back, I'm afraid my mother will be worried!" Li Zijun also persuaded from the side.

Under the persuasion of his two daughters, Li Zhengjun stood up unwillingly, and looked back at his youngest son lying on the bed before turning around and leaving. Zijin personally sent them to the gate.

"Don't worry, Daddy, the baby will take good care of Jin'er!" Zijin said while holding Li Zhengjun's hand.

"Zijin, thank you for your hard work, you have to take care of your own body!" Li Zhengjun patted the back of Zijin's hand and said with red eyes. If Li Zijin's condition was not suitable for moving at this time, he would not want to move his son. Those who stay in the Eighth Prince's Mansion, after all, are more at ease by their side.

"Yes, Daddy, go back quickly, it's dark and the road is slippery, be careful!" Zijin nodded, and then said to Li Zichen and Li Zijun, only to return the same way when the carriage was far away.

"Xiao Ci, Mu Xi and Lin Shuang are afraid to interrogate the assassins at night, and it's getting late, I'll send someone to take you back!" Mo Han pushed the door open and came in, seeing Mu Ci wiping Li Zijin's face with a handkerchief, He also said with some embarrassment that he was here to attend his birthday banquet, but he encountered this kind of thing in the end.

"I'd better stay and take care of Jin'er with Zijin! With Zijin here, you don't need to worry about what will come out." Mu Ci turned his face and said, he knew what Mo Han was worried about, to be honest , this reputation is nothing compared to him.

"That's fine, we don't worry about Brother Mu Ci going back alone. Why don't we just let him stay and rest for a night, and bring him home tomorrow when Sister Mu Xi arrives!" Zi Jin just pushed the door open Come in, after hearing the conversation between the two, I also feel that it is not safe to let Mu Ci go back alone at this time, it is better to leave tomorrow during the daytime!

"Since that's the case, then I'll send someone to the Mu Mansion to inform, I'm afraid Mu Zhengjun will be worried too!" Mo Han thought for a while, then nodded and agreed. She was also a little worried, after all, no one knew about Mo Lin. What kind of moth will come up with!
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