Chapter 468 The Great Fire of the Seventh Palace
Nuanfeng held a jar of wine in his arms, while Wenxin touched the firewood in the firewood room. The two looked at each other and headed straight for the backyard.

The warm wind sprinkled the wine around the yard, carefully placed the empty wine jar in the corner, and then hid.Wenxin took out a fire pocket and threw it towards the wooden door that was spilled with wine. Seeing that the fire had started, before everyone could react, the two of them disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye...

After returning to the Eight Princes' Mansion, the two hurriedly took off their clothes and boots and threw them into the brazier in the room. This was done without anyone noticing, and no evidence was left behind. Wake up, the wine that ignited the fire belonged to the Seventh Prince's House, and the Huozhe that lit the fire also belonged to the Seventh Prince's House, so what do you have to do with others?
Warm and warm breeze changed into his clothes neatly, watched the last bit of black in the brazier disappear, then turned around and got into the bed, and finally got a good night's sleep tonight!

But at the Seventh Prince's Mansion at this time, in the silent night, there was a sudden shout of a watchman, which disturbed everyone's slumber.

"The water is gone... the water is gone..." The gongs and drums of the watch began to jingle and clang, and the dark night, which was originally invisible, was as bright as day against the firelight.

"Ze'er, Ze'er...wake up...wake up...cough cough..." Mo Lin, who was choked up by a puff of white smoke, heard the shouts outside, and immediately patted the face of his husband who was lying on his side shouted.

"Ahem..." Zhang Ze opened his misty eyes and coughed because of the smoke. He didn't know what happened, but he was dragged out of the bed by Mo Lin.

"Ze'er, let's go!" Mo Lin pulled Zhang Ze and rushed out, using his body to shield him from the surrounding fire from time to time.

"Hmm..." Zhang Ze could only hear a muffled groan from Mo Lin behind him, and he was pushed out of the room. When he turned around, Mo Lin had been knocked to the ground by the burnt beam.

"No, princess..." Zhang Ze cried and rushed to save her, but was held back by the servant.

"My lord, don't be impulsive! The guards have already gone to save the princess, so don't go over and cause trouble!" the servant shouted while holding Zhang Ze's arm tightly. Concerned about Wang Jun, they all saw clearly just now that the seventh princess was smashed just to save Wang Jun, if the prince and daughter rushed back to the scene of fire at this time, wouldn't their master's injuries be in vain?
"Princess, Mo Lin, Mo Lin, are you alright?" Zhang Ze didn't care about his disheveled clothes, he just scrambled to the side of Mo Lin who had been rescued by the guards, with tears still on his face.

"I'm fine..." Mo Lin tried to pull out a smile, but the wound behind her was involved again, and she couldn't help grinning in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Zhang Ze looked at Mo Lin carefully, and the emotion in his eyes made Mo Lin stunned. Over the years, he had never looked at her with such eyes, and there was clearly a moving expression in it. , Was he finally moved by her?

"It doesn't hurt at all. As long as you're okay, I won't hurt. Don't cry!" Mo Lin reached out to wipe the tears off Zhang Ze's face, but he fainted because he couldn't bear the pain behind him. It was an exclamation.

"Hurry up, the imperial doctor is here, let the imperial doctor show the princess." A waiter who Mo Lin took over the house a few years ago ran over panting, followed by an imperial doctor carrying a medicine box, and everyone hurriedly made room for them opened the way.

(End of this chapter)

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