Chapter 469
Zhang Ze knelt on the ground, holding Mo Lin's head halfway in his hands. When he saw the imperial physician approaching, he hurriedly shouted, "Emperor physician, quickly take a look at the is she?"

"Yes, please ask the guards to carry the Seventh Princess to the nearby yard. Wang Jun, you should go and put on some clothes too!" The old doctor just glanced at the two people on the ground and said.

Everyone was in a hurry again, and finally carried Mo Lin back to the yard beside him. Zhang Ze just put on his coat and came to guard Mo Lin's bed again. She was injured because of him, he had to watch Only when she has nothing to worry about can she feel at ease.

It was just a period of time when the imperial doctor was treating Mo Lin, but all the past between Mo Lin and him flashed in Zhang Ze's mind. He also didn't like Mo Lin because of his mother's relationship, but since he married into the Seventh Prince's Mansion, Mo Lin Lin, on the other hand, loves him very much, thinking about him everywhere, relying on him in everything, except for the deep-rooted power, she listens to him in other things, but it is because she loves the high position so much that he always treats her I can't like it.

Now that something happened to her, he started to panic. The person who obeyed him and regarded him like a jewel fell down, but he was afraid, afraid that she would never wake up again, afraid that she would never be able to smile and pamper her again. he...

Mo Lin, you must get well, for me, you must also get well...

The imperial doctor tore off Mo Lin's clothes, the flesh on his back was scorched, and even the bones of his legs were exposed. Zhang Ze bit his lips tightly and dared not make a sound, but tears rolled uncontrollably How painful it must be for her to fall down!Although she is unrighteous, although she loves power, although she is scheming, she treats him really well!
Zhang Ze fainted from crying at the side, and the imperial physician also couldn't bear to treat the wound for Mo Lin, what a crime!
On the second day, the Seventh Prince's Mansion was on fire and the news of the Seventh Prince's daughter's injury came out. At that time, Mo Han was having breakfast with Zijin, and the warmth and warm wind behind him just looked at each other and then looked away.

"Hey! The weather just got warmer, how could there be a fire!" Zijin murmured softly.

"Reincarnation in the world, karma!" Mo Han put a crystal ball into the bowl for Zijin, and said casually, but he thought in his heart that God couldn't see her sins and punished her for Ruyan!
"The servants in the Seventh Prince's Mansion really didn't do their best. They only found out after the master's yard was burned. No way! I have to call the housekeeper over later and give her a detailed explanation." Zijin suddenly He looked up at Mo Han and said, I heard that Mo Lin is still unconscious to save Wang Jun, he doesn't want his Mo Han to be injured, it's better to take precautions before they happen.

"Okay! You have the final say in the mansion..." Mo Han smiled and nodded, even if Zijin didn't say anything, she knew what he was thinking.

"Are you going to court today?" Zijin asked casually.

"No, just rest for a few more days." Mo Han shook her head and said, she still had a lot of things to deal with, and she didn't have time to go to court yet.

"Hmm... You're always so lazy, won't the Queen Mother and Sister Huang talk about you?" Zijin asked with a smile.

"They only love me." Mo Han looked at Zijin for a moment and suddenly said, "I will accompany you back to Li Xiangfu later! You may not have been back for a long time, so go and see how Ah Jin is doing recently."

"Okay!" Zijin's face couldn't help but a little more joy, she was very busy these days, but she could still think about him, what else could he ask for.

After eating, the two prepared some snacks for Li Zijin and took the car to Li Xiangfu. At this time, Li Xiang and his two daughters had not yet gone to court. After playing with Li Zijin for a while, they were all overjoyed.

When the three of Li Xiang went back to the mansion, they were also very surprised to see Mo Han and Zijin, and then chatted with Mo Han again.

"Did the princess hear about the fire in the Seventh Prince's Mansion last night?" Li Xiang looked at Mo Han and asked.

"I've heard it, doesn't it mean that no one was burned?" Mo Han nodded lightly and said, she only heard a few words from the servant this morning, so she didn't know the specific situation.

"The others are indeed fine, but I heard that the Seventh Princess was seriously injured..." Li Xiang suddenly approached Mo Han and whispered in Mo Han's ear, "It is said that the muscles and bones on the leg were injured, and I am afraid that she will be disabled... "

Mo Han stared closely at Li Xiang's eyes, saw her nodded again, and then realized what happened just now, a fire destroyed Mo Lin's legs, but Ru Yan had a spirit in the sky, looking for her to seek revenge Yet?

"Mother, she..." Mo Han hesitated to speak, anyway, Mo Lin is also the daughter of the Empress, so she probably feels bad too!
"Your Majesty is relieved! The things she did are very clear in your heart, and the benevolence and righteousness of the eight queens are all in your heart!" Li Xiang said with a sigh, the royal family is different from ordinary people!
"This king just can't bear the sadness of the empress!" Mo Han said in a low voice, now that she knew Mo Lin's ending, she just found it very ironic, fighting and snatching it all came to nothing in the end, Zhang Huairen might be going crazy!

"If the imperial daughters are as sensible as the Eighth Prince's daughter, the Holy Majesty can rest easy!" Li Xiang also sighed softly.

"Has the imperial physician come to a conclusion on this matter?" Mo Han asked again in a low voice.

"Well, the Holy Majesty invited the imperial physician in the palace to go in person..." Li Xiang saw something flickering in Mo Han's eyes, Mo Han was startled, but he understood everything!
Whether Mo Lin's legs are disabled is not up to her decision, nor is it up to the imperial doctor, but her high-ranking empress has the final say. Ruyan died yesterday, and today the emperor abolished Mo Lin's Legs, this should be the emperor's confession to himself. Mo Lin is the emperor's daughter after all. The emperor traded Mo Lin's legs for her life. Does this mean that the emperor is ruthless or merciless?
Mo Han was grateful for the difficulty of the emperor, outsiders thought that Ru Yan was Mo Han's favorite man, and the emperor was no exception.Mo Lin killed Ru Yan, the emperor was afraid of Mo Han's sadness, and felt that Mo Lin had caused her a lot of grievances over the years, and wanted to give her an explanation, but couldn't bear to hurt Mo Lin's life, so he just took this opportunity to use her Give Mo Han a pair of legs to explain, and Mo Han has no reason to fight against Mo Lin anymore. The emperor can't bear to see their sisters fighting each other!That's why she chose to let herself be the villain and ruined her daughter's legs with her own hands. Even if it was revealed one day, it had nothing to do with Mo Han.

Pity the parents of the world, her mother!It's hard for her to think about her daughters everywhere!

"It's our daughter's unfilial piety that made the Queen worry!" Mo Han lowered his head and sighed, Li Xiang just patted her on the shoulder lightly without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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