Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 101 Iron Bridge Hard Horse

Chapter 101 Iron Bridge Hard Horse
Facing Lei Yiyi's menacing pounce, Master Hu also greeted him with a punch.

Lei Yiyi has never been afraid of exchanging injuries for injuries.

The fist in front of her was getting closer and closer, Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth, and went up to him without dodging or avoiding, at the same time, with all her strength, she slammed towards Master Hu's face.


But the fact, ruthlessly dealt Lei Yiyi a severe blow.

A huge force acted on the left side of the face, and Lei Yiyi was directly punched, his head went blank, and at that moment, all consciousness left his body.

Lei Yiyi's thin body rotated to the right and flew sideways, but her fist didn't touch a single hair of Master Hu.

Under Mr. Hu's wide windbreaker, a pair of long arms hang down and almost touch the knees. The proportions of the whole body are completely out of harmony.

Such a pair of arms are even longer than Lei Yiyi's legs.

He was able to hit Lei Yiyi, but Lei Yiyi couldn't even touch Master Hu's chest, which led to the failure of the surprise attack just now.

Moreover, the power in those arms was terrifying, Lei Yiyi felt that even his three souls and seven souls had been knocked out of his body after being punched.

Lei Yiyi's body rolled five or six meters on the hard ground before stopping, lying on her side on the ground, her eyes were a little dazed, her left face was purple, her hair was messy, and blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth. It looks as miserable as it needs to be.

"The strength is really not small." Master Hu shook his hand, and put away the iron bridge hard horse.

Standing up, on the flat ground, the place where Mr. Hu stepped on just now, actually sank slightly with a shallow arc.

Lei Yiyi turned sideways and swayed on the ground, trying to struggle to get up, but his body was a little out of conscious control.

"Little girl, it's good to have self-confidence, but if you are too conceited, you will die." Master Hu raised his foot towards Lei Yiyi who fell on the ground.

In a daze of consciousness, Lei Yiyi heard footsteps approaching, teeth gnashing, and she also regained some consciousness slightly in her body, twisted her body, and turned into a posture lying on the ground.

These movements are quite similar to those of a child with cerebral palsy, struggling to stand up, which shows how heavy the punch Lei Yiyi received just now. .

With all her strength, she raised her arms, put her on the ground, and bent her knees to support the ground. Lei Yiyi struggled to complete the kneeling position.

The feeling in the body slowly recovered, the numb hands and feet slowly recovered, and at the same time there were bursts of tingling on the left side of the face.

The burning pain stimulated Lei Yiyi's paralyzed nerves.

"Can you still get up? Good little girl, tell me, who sent you, maybe I can spare your life and let you work under my command." Master Hu saw Lei Yiyi's stubborn As soon as he moved, a trace of love for talents suddenly rose in his heart.

There are many powerful strengtheners in the world, but there are not many strengtheners who are truly determined and have an indomitable character.

After all, strengthening is a shortcut. Although it makes the human body stronger, it also indirectly weakens the role of will and character.

Before the interstellar calendar, there were many ordinary people who were able to develop a physique that was not inferior to those who strengthened it just by unremitting exercise.

Lei Yiyi's dizzy and swollen consciousness slowly returned to her body. After hearing Master Hu's words, she laughed sinisterly: "Ghosts want to work under your hands. The people dressed up are neither human nor ghost, and there is no one in their body. The mouse that dares to show itself in the place still wants me to follow?"

"Are you worthy?"

Lei Yiyi let out a low growl, and using both hands and feet, he bounced off the ground directly. His fingers were on the hard ground, grabbing a bloodstain, and the skin on his fingertips fell off from his fingers under the sudden violence.

But the motivation in exchange was extremely powerful, Lei Yiyi kept his body short, like a leopard that suddenly sprang up, fiercely charged towards Master Hu who was right in front of him.

Master Hu didn't back down. Facing Lei Yiyi's ferocious pounce, he staggered his steps and dropped his center of gravity, forming a lunge with his arms forward, directly preparing to take Lei Yiyi's impact head-on.

Elbow sideways.

The short distance was almost the blink of an eye, and Lei Yiyi rushed to Master Hu's eyes, raised her slender arm, sharp elbow, and the tip of the elbow directly hit Master Hu's chest.

Master Hu's reaction speed is very fast, the elbow close to the body is the best attack and defense method, when the opponent's elbow comes, he returns the elbow, and the elbow presses hard on Lei Yiyi's elbow.

Lei Yiyi was hit suddenly, lost her center of gravity, and directly slammed into Master Hu's chest.

Head up on the bridge!

Mr. Hu raised his elbows up sharply, and directly pressed against Lei Yiyi's chin.

Lei Yiyi stiffened his neck, facing the frontal impact, he couldn't dodge at all, and simply resisted.

The strong muscle strength made Lei Yiyi hold his neck firmly, and his whole body was pushed up by his elbows. The moment he flew into the air, Lei Yiyi suddenly bent his knees and pushed up.

Mr. Hu also didn't expect that someone could forcibly resist the jaw hitting with both elbows. Seeing Lei Yiyi's whole body rolling up like a hard log, he was stunned for a moment.

When Shangqiao raised his head, he was hit on the jaw, and the jaw was injured. People naturally raised their hands, but when they raised their heads, all movements would be deformed, and naturally they could not organize a counterattack.

However, Lei Yiyi, with her neck stuck, resisted the blow with her elbows.

Lei Yiyi's raised knee went straight forward and hit Master Hu's chin.

Lei Yiyi and Master Hu rolled backwards at the same time and fell on their backs.

Lei Yiyi fell flat on her back to the ground, feeling her lungs were about to be thrown out, she braced her back uncomfortably, and turned over directly.

But Master Hu didn't fall to the ground, but took advantage of the situation to somersault and landed safely.

Master Hu touched his chin, which was deformed by the knee just now.

Lei Yiyi's chin was also swollen, and his whole body looked both funny and tragic, with bright red blood flowing down the corners of his mouth, and the wound in his mouth was continuously bleeding out.

Lei Yiyi, who felt a little uncomfortable from being thrown, loosened his shoulders, then stared fiercely at Master Hu with his bloodshot eyes.

"Twice, but that's all." Master Hu said with a sneer as if he felt that his face was a little damaged.

"Master Hu killed her!" The black mask and the white mask woke up and kicked their legs, swaying back and forth and shouted.

Lei Yiyi looked fiercely at the two guys hanging in the air like salted fish, and they immediately fell silent.

"I'll be good, I'm afraid I'll die if I'm so cruel, this woman's eyes are so fierce." The black mask muttered.

After staring at the two noisy guys, Lei Yiyi turned to look at Master Hu.

Mr. Hu has already put on his horse stance, and hooked Lei Yiyi.

Lei Yiyi let out a muffled sound, her blood-stained teeth were exposed, her expression couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying, in short, it made people feel hairy all over.


One of Lei Yiyi's feet slid back suddenly, making a stabbing sound on the ground, and then made a standing start posture.

Faint dust flew up on the ground.


With a bang, Lei Yiyi's body rushed out like an arrow from the string, and punched Master Hu head-on.

Master Hu sneered, it was still the same move, isn't this just looking for abuse.

Master Hu also punched fiercely, wanting to take advantage of the long arms again.

The moment both of them punched, Mr. Hu was shocked, Lei Yiyi's punch was not aimed at the body at all, her target was actually her own fist.


Damn, what a lunatic!
With this level of strength, the end result of a fistfight is that both of them are disabled at the same time.

Lei Yiyi is crazy, but he is not.

The waist, hips and body moved together, the fist strength changed from rushing directly to stepping forward and punching, and the other arm was more like a huge spear, swung down directly, as long as Lei Yiyi's fist strength was thrown away , the arm definitely hit Lei Yiyi's shoulder immediately.

"Splitting fist?"

Lei Yiyi's crazy consciousness suddenly flashed a moment of clarity.

At the moment when the boxers were about to meet, Lei Yiyi suddenly bent his elbows and swung his arms, his slender waist burst out with great strength, his whole waist was twisted, it seemed that his whole body was about to twist into a twisted shape.

Lei Yiyi had seen this kind of waist-twisting movement before on Jin Yuantai, but now he used it in a flash of inspiration.

The twisting force made Lei Yiyi turn her body 180 degrees suddenly, with well-proportioned and strong long legs, she kicked back suddenly in relay, aiming at the midline of Master Hu's body.

During this action, a sudden change of move caught Master Hu by surprise. Lei Yiyi turned around and kicked, Master Hu's arm swung into the empty space, and the exposed mid-line empty goal directly became the biggest flaw.

Iron bridge hard horse!Hu Da's anger sank to his dantian, and his whole body was like a wall, rooted to the ground suddenly, ready to meet the impact.

"Go to hell!" Lei Yiyi let out a low growl, his heel directly hit Master Hu's chest.

Master Hu himself was to blame for everything, and under the blessing of Lei Yiyi's strength, he actually chose to resist, so the result is doomed to tragedy.

Kicking a sandbag is not the same as kicking a wall.

If the wall is hard enough, it is the attacker who gets hurt.

If the wall cannot withstand the strength of the attacker, it will only be broken and collapsed, and it will not buffer the strength like a sandbag.

This is a duel of shield and spear.

 Ps: There is absolutely no opinion or anything. I have to submit the first draft of my thesis recently, and I don’t have much time to code words. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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