Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 102 Another Day of Nuclear Leveling in Silver Wolf Street

Chapter 102 Another day of nuclear peace in Silver Wolf Street

The crisp bone cracking sound echoed throughout the factory.

Lord Hu, who had the upper hand just now, tumbled out, his chest was sunken by a large piece, and his face was flushed strangely.

Seeing all the hooligans hanging in mid-air, they all stared at Master Hu who fell to the ground.

Master Hu was like a god in their hearts, and he was defeated like this?
Panting heavily, Lei Yiyi wiped away the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, but because she touched the wound on her face, she grinned for a while.

Raising his feet to walk towards Mr. Hu, Lei Yiyi looked at Mr. Hu whose chest was sunken: "Now order your people to get out immediately, or I will be rude to you."

Master Hu smiled weakly, the broken bones in his chest made him dare not move, for fear that the broken bones would scratch his internal organs.

"Are you really going to let me go?" Master Hu obviously didn't believe Lei Yiyi's words.

Lei Yiyi, whose face was half swollen, said calmly: "As long as you cooperate, I will definitely let you go. You are a descendant of ancient martial arts."

Lord Tiger was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, then I'll let them bring your people out." Master Hu forced a smile, and then tapped the personal terminal on his wrist carefully.

"Everyone, withdraw immediately without delay!"

Lei Yiyi glanced at Mr. Hu: "You are wise."

Master Hu shook his head: "It's useless, even if I let you go, you still can't leave the Silver Wolf Street."

"Why?" Lei Yiyi asked.

Master Hu remained silent, with his hands on his chest, as if he had difficulty breathing.

"Presumably, you don't know what our company does." Master Hu smiled.

Lei Yiyi frowned and looked at Master Hu: "Are you hesitating, are you delaying time?"

"How could it be, how could it be." Master Hu was afraid that Lei Yiyi would backtrack, so he quickly shook his head.

While talking, the man in black walked out of the door leading to the processing workshop in an orderly manner.

When the man in black saw the scene in front of him, there was a look of disbelief on his face.

In their eyes, the godlike man was lying on the ground dying, while the thin-looking girl was condescendingly talking to Master Hu.

"My lord!" All the men in black threw out their electric batons and surrounded them.

"Get out of the way!" Master Hu saw this posture, and hurriedly shouted, once this violent woman kicks himself again, even a god will be hard to save.

The men in black were all trained by Master Hu. Hearing what Master Hu said, they hesitated for a moment, and moved back.

"Where's my companion?" Lei Yiyi stared at the men in black and asked coldly.

"Go and bring someone up." Master Hu said weakly.

The man in black hesitated for a moment, then gave way directly. Five men in black walked over, dragging the team members who seemed to have been stunned.

Lei Yiyi glanced: "Where are the others?"

"I didn't catch it." A man in black said helplessly.

"Well, all of you, put down your weapons, wake up my companion, and let my companion come over." Standing in front of Master Hu, Lei Yiyi said calmly.

Master Hu lay on the ground, holding his chest: "Listen to her."

Then the men in black gritted their teeth to wake up the unconscious student.

"Yi, Sister Yi?" A few dazed students got up from the ground, and when they saw Lei Yiyi who was surrounded in the middle, they quickly got up and ran to Lei Yiyi's side.

"Sister Yi, what's the situation?" Feng Yuming asked Lei Yiyi because they were relatively close.

"I'll talk about it later." Lei Yiyi waved his hand.

"I'm afraid I will trouble you to come with us. Don't worry, we will let you go after we leave the Silver Wolf Street." Lei Yiyi knelt down and looked at Mr. Hu, with an ugly smile on his face.

Master Hu shook his head with a wry smile: "I said you can't get out of the silver wolf, even if you take me as a hostage."

Lei Yiyi frowned, no matter what Master Hu said, he stretched out his hand to pull him up, but Master Hu's breastbone was almost broken, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Just as Lei Yiyi stretched out his hand, there was a clanging sound of machinery running.

Lei Yiyi turned his head abruptly.

Looking out through the open door.

"My God, what is that!" exclaimed the cricket.

"Mechanical killers are dispatched, everyone quickly find cover!" A man in black immediately shouted, and all the men in black immediately dispersed in a swarm.

Just when all the students were confused, the slim robot, about the size of a person, turned its square head, and the front part of the head opened like a mailbox, revealing the silver firearm inside that was shining coldly.

"Hide!" Lei Yiyi yelled, grabbed Master Hu's hat, and dragged Master Hu towards the corner of the factory.

The moment Lei Yiyi ran past, the cold muzzle of the gun immediately fired ruthless bullets.

The bullet followed behind Lei Yiyi, making a line of craters.

Mr. Hu thanked God that Lei Yiyi still had a conscience and knew how to drag him away.

Five mechanical killers stood outside the factory, with machine guns on their heads and long tongues of fire from the injection department, shooting wildly at the factory.

For a moment, the bullets in the factory flew randomly, hitting the cold steel beams, making a crisp crashing sound.

Lei Yiyi curled up, yellow sparks were everywhere, and the whole factory crackled non-stop, as if the sky was full of flying bullets.

War machine processing is the company's business.

This is an industry strictly prohibited by human law, and all war machines must be in the hands of the military.

The suppression of firepower brought by the five electromagnetic machine guns is unparalleled. In the Earth region, gun control is very strict, and the five machine guns are definitely powerful and heavy firepower.

"Your company actually has such a thing!" Lei Yiyi shouted at Master Hu, holding his head.

"This is the company's industry. Now you know what I mean. You have found the location of the headquarters. The headquarters will definitely not let you leave alive." Master Hu shook his head.

"Only with these five mechanical killers?" Lei Yiyi sneered disdainfully.

At the moment of speaking, Lei Yiyi suddenly felt a dull crashing sound from the wall around her.

Lei Yiyi's hairs exploded in an instant, dragging Mr. Hu and rushing to the side.

At the moment of leaving, the original crouching position has been deformed violently. Under the continuous bombardment of the huge kinetic energy of the electromagnetic bullet, the metal wall was pierced. The high-speed hot bullet penetrated the wall and swept past Lei Yiyi's original position.

"The mechanical killer has a heat sensing device, so it doesn't matter where you hide." Master Hu said bitterly.

"Thermal induction? Then how to identify friend and foe?"

"There are no friends or foes, all living creatures within the range are targets for killing."

Lei Yiyi looked at Master Hu in shock.

As soon as Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth, she directly dragged Mr. Hu towards a man in black.

"Your boss will give it back to you."

Lei Yiyi directly threw Master Hu off, and then rolled over between the bunkers, bringing a series of strafing shots in just that instant.

The man in black looked at Lei Yiyi and forced a smile.

In any case, this enemy just now did not give up on his boss, which is already worthy of the man in black's favor.

"Sister Yi, sister Yi! There is another one at the window!" Cricket shouted with sharp eyes.

Lei Yiyi didn't even think about it, she just flew out, because just now her position was under the window.

A small round tube like a test tube fell in from the window.


The huge explosion directly sent Lei Yiyi who had rolled out not far away and flew away.

Lei Yiyi's thin figure flew more than three meters away with the flames, then fell directly to the ground, rolled on the ground, escaped the bullets again, and rolled behind a steel beam.

Leaning on the steel beam, Lei Yiyi's face was a little pale, and he stretched out his hand to touch his back, sweating profusely, and trembling all over, he tore off a small piece of glass.

The bright red blood stained his hands all over, Lei Yiyi leaned his head on the steel beam, took a few deep breaths, his heart beating loudly.

The moment just now can be called the biggest crisis that Lei Yiyi has faced in such a long time.

"What to do, what to do!" Lei Yiyi heard the roar of the machine gun in his ear, his mind went blank.



At this moment, there was a sudden call from the personal terminal, like a call from the sounds of nature.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, I'm here! I'm here!" Lei Yiyi was about to shed tears in her excited eyes.

"Are you in the factory? There are ten robots around the factory, and a large number of robots are rushing over in the distance." Zhang Pingze said calmly. big place.

"Ten, ten?" Lei Yiyi's teeth chattered.

Five mechanical killers left her helpless, but there were as many as ten, and a large number were still rushing over.

"I'm in the factory, the machine killer's firepower is too strong, everyone should be in the factory, we are trapped." Lei Yiyi shouted quickly.

"Don't panic, people from the Security Bureau are coming, and the Polar Bear Combat Group is also coming. Next, listen to my command and wear portable earphones. You must break out quickly, or you will be trapped." Lei Yiyi has great motivation.

Lei Yiyi curled up, trying to hide herself behind the steel beam.

"Cheer up, everyone! The support from the Security Bureau has arrived." Lei Yiyi immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

Although the shouts were drowned in the gunfire, everyone present could hear them clearly.

Then Lei Yiyi turned on the terminal distributed by the school again: "Listen up, everyone, the team members who are not in the front of the factory, all break through the back door, turn into the street on the left at the fastest speed, and then hide in place."

The people hiding in the processing workshop nodded to each other, and then rushed back quickly.

Thunderstorm: "Got it."

At this moment, no one doubted or guessed what Lei Yiyi said.

"It turned out to be a member of the Security Bureau." Master Hu muttered, but he didn't say much. At this time, it's not bad to save his life, and he doesn't care about the police and robbers.

"Great." Feng Yuming shouted happily immediately, the most nervous.

"You can hear me, please listen to my command!" Lei Yiyi shouted loudly.


"no problem."

"I can hear you, Miss Yi."

"no problem!"

"it is good."

"Cricket, Feng Yuming, take off your clothes, listen to my password, we will break through immediately." Lei Yiyi roared at the top of his voice.

The people in black are a little puzzled, what are these people going to do?
 Ps: The [-]-word chapter was sincere in the first update. It’s okay to call me lazy, but please don’t slap me in the face.The dissertation is not finished yet.

(End of this chapter)

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