Chapter 103
"Take off your underclothes, then listen to my password and throw it to the right together." Lei Yiyi shouted, braving the ammunition.

The team members on the right side of the gate immediately began to undress.

"What is this for?" Feng Yuming wondered after taking off his clothes.

Cricket was not far away, humming: "Stop talking nonsense, do it quickly."

As soon as she took it off, Lei Yiyi yelled directly: "Throw it away!"

The jacket with its warm body temperature was thrown out of the hands by everyone.

The clothes thrown out flew across the air, followed by a burst of shooting, and the high-speed stream of bullets directly tore the clothes in the air into pieces.

Any object that moves within the infrared vision will be strafed by the mechanical killer.

And the moment the team members threw out their clothes, Lei Yiyi, who was leaning against the steel beam, rushed out like a cheetah launching an attack.

The moment Lei Yiyi moved, the mechanical killer on the far left noticed that the gun on his head spun and immediately locked on to Lei Yiyi.

Facing the cold muzzle of the gun, Lei Yiyi's eyes flashed with madness. She believed that Zhang Pingze would never give her a death order.

At the moment when the mechanical killer turned his head, an orange light flashed past, and the mechanical head of the mechanical killer burst instantly, releasing electric sparks.

The slender and somewhat deformed mechanical killer fell directly to one side.

And Lei Yiyi also rushed to the gate in an instant, and faced the four robots who hadn't turned their heads in time, showing their ferocious fangs.

Stepping on the slender legs of the mechanical killer, Lei Yiyi's body was raised in the air, and she missed the closest mechanical killer, and her slender fingers directly grabbed the mechanical head of the mechanical killer.

Turning around and missing the moment, the mechanical head with the electromagnetic gun was directly twisted off by Lei Yiyi.

Stinging, electric sparks erupted at the fracture.

Lei Yiyi had no time to appreciate this violent art scene.

Landing on the ground, kicking the ground, fine cracks appeared directly on the concrete floor.

With a flick of his hand, he threw the mechanical head in his hand towards one of the mechanical killers.

As for Lei Yiyi himself, he slammed directly into the back of another mechanical killer.

Put your knees on your neck.

Lei Yiyi's knee pressed against the cervical spine of the mechanical killer who hadn't had time to turn around, and the huge force in his hand exploded, tearing the mechanical killer's head backwards.

At this moment, the head of the mechanical killer on the far right exploded again, and the sniper bullets with huge kinetic energy sliced ​​off half of the mechanical killer's shoulder.


After the explosion, the long gunshots came slowly.

After falling, Lei Yiyi stepped on the head of the last mechanical killer who was knocked to the ground just now, and stepped on the muzzle of the gun.

The mechanical head under his feet sprayed tongues of fire, and shot to one side, feeling the vibration and struggle under his feet, Lei Yiyi pinched the joint between the head and body of the mechanical killer with a numb face.


Raising his hand and pulling back, a pile of wires and protective panels were torn off by Lei Yiyi, the mechanical killer immediately lost the motivation to struggle, and quietly softened.

Lei Yiyi stood up, looking at the broken limbs of robots all over the floor, the beating heartbeat gradually subsided.

Because of the collision between the fingers and the metal, the cortex on the five fingers seemed to have peeled off, exposing the white bones of the fingertips, and blood dripped from the fingertips, which looked alluring and ferocious.

Lei Yiyi looked at the trembling hands, and then said: "It's settled, we have to leave quickly."

"Yi, Sister Yi." Everyone raised their heads and looked at Lei Yiyi who looked like Shura, their voices trembled a little.

The white bones on the fingertips are so eye-catching, and Lei Yiyi's ferocity has once again refreshed everyone's perception.

Lei Yiyi directly tore up the underwear, tore out a not-so-wide and irregular strip of cloth, and then wrapped it around her hands indiscriminately.

"Hurry up, there are still many mechanical killers coming, we are going to meet up with Thunderstorm and them." Lei Yiyi didn't say much, turned around and ran towards the corner of the street.

On the ten-story building at the end of the street
Zhang Pingze got up directly, threw the black sniper rifle behind his back, and then ran directly to the safe passage.

Not far from the Silver Wolf Amusement Park on Yinlang Street, there were also bursts of explosions.

The Silver Wolf neighborhood is bustling like never before, and a large number of military suspension vehicles are constantly coming.

Large-scale arms dealers are absolutely not allowed on the earth. This is the rule of the earth region. As the home planet of mankind, the safety of the earth region is extremely important. This is the spiritual pillar of mankind.

Under the Silver Wolf Playground is the underground military factory in the Silver Wolf District. The military factory of the Silver Wolf has been in operation for more than ten years, and it has never been thought that such a situation will happen one day.

"Damn it, is the safe passage ready? Evacuate immediately, abandon all equipment, and protect the weapon experts to evacuate." In the central control room of the military factory, a man in a white robe shouted into the communicator.

He is the owner of this military factory, and also the newly appointed person in charge of the Silver Wolf District, Chu Renjie.

Just as the man in white was roaring, a voice suddenly came from his personal terminal.

"Hey! What do you want to say!" Chu Renjie shouted into the communicator.

"Don't be so irritable, I'm here to tell you, since you've been exposed, then die with your biological armor, I don't need you anymore." There was a mechanically synthesized voice from the other end of the communication, apparently the other party's voice They are unwilling to disclose.

"No, no, how could you do this? If you hadn't insisted on studying biological armor, I wouldn't be where I am today." Chu Renjie yelled at his personal terminal.

"I don't care that much. If you expose yourself, then you die there, that's the best result. The Security Bureau can rest assured, and so can I. Bye."

Before Chu Renjie could continue, the communication was shut down.

"No, no, no!" Chu Renjie called back, but there was no news from there, as if the terminal over there had been destroyed.

Just as Chu Renjie frantically dialed back, there was a huge explosion, and the entire underground military factory seemed to tremble.

"Boss, boss, it's not good, the escape route has been blown up!" His cronies rushed into the control room and shouted.

Chu Renjie's face turned pale.

Sure enough, once he was given up, that person would never give himself a way out.

"I, I still have, my Saruwa! Release Saruwa! We will break through head-on, with Saruwa here, we can escape!" Chu Renjie suddenly had a glimmer of hope on his desperate face, and shouted shouted.

The loyal confidant immediately showed a strange smile: "Okay, we can definitely escape, but you can forget it, Boss."

Chu Renjie didn't hear what his confidant said just now, and there was still hope on his face: "What did you say?"

"I said, Boss, you can die here with Silver Wolf."

While speaking, Chu Renjie's most trusted confidant took out an electromagnetic pistol and shot Chu Renjie in the head.

The splashed brains and blood were directly splashed on various instruments in the control room, and the auxiliary staff on the side were all frightened and sat in their positions, looking at the scene in front of them in shock.

"What are you looking at? Do your job well." The confidant spread his hands.

The staff around them looked away with palpitations, and their whole bodies trembled.

The confidant smiled and raised his gun again.

Accompanied by continuous gunshots, there was no one alive in the control room except him.

The confidant walked to the console, looked at the monitoring screen on the floating light screen, and clicked a series of buttons on the side, with white and red stains on his face, and smiled sinisterly: "The beast is out of the gate, let me Let's see what you have achieved, Chu Renjie."

 ps: The update will resume tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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