Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 109 Barriers to joining the team

Chapter 109 Barriers to joining the team

"Little girl, it's nothing serious. It's just some trauma. Just go back and apply the medicine." In the duty room of the Central Hospital, a doctor who was about five or sixty years old looked at the test report and said casually.

Lei Yiyi was sitting on the seat opposite, his bloody hands had been replaced with a new layer of bandages, and strange plasters had been pasted on the red and swollen parts of his face, his whole person looked a little happy.

"Well, thank you doctor." Zhang Pingche nodded indifferently.

Taking Lei Yiyi out, Chris leaned against the wall, looked at the two of them and said, "Although the conditions of those two students have stabilized, they probably won't recover in a short time."

Zhang Pingze looked at Chris and said calmly: "This is your responsibility, I have tried my best."

Chris rubbed her long blond hair and smiled: "I know, but there are not enough contestants now, are you interested?"

Zhang Pingze was silent for a moment: "I'm not a strengthener, and I don't have any advantage when facing a strengthener."

Chris shook her head: "Now you have seen the quality of our Galaxy University team. If we go like this, there is no chance of winning. Although Lei Yiyi and Thunderstorm are strong enough, they can only guarantee that they will win in the individual competition. Just get No.1."

What Chris said, Zhang Pingze also knows that the team competition is the highlight, it is a real contest, a contest of strength and wisdom, which is why the Youth Fighting Conference is popular.

Every college represents a large region, and the strength of the team is strong, which can also demonstrate the comprehensive strength of the region to the outside world.

Therefore, the Youth Fighting Conference is a grand event that everyone from the top leaders to the common people pays close attention to.

Many extraterrestrial channels will also broadcast this five-year grand event.

"I might have doubted your ability before, but this time your performance really impressed me. I want to invite you to join me." Chris looked at Zhang Pingche, her eyes full of seriousness.

Zhang Pingze looked at Chris, who suddenly became serious, and asked calmly, "What is the reward for this year's champion?"

The corner of Chris's mouth twitched: "Well, let's keep this secret from the outside world. I don't know what it is, but I do know the championship reward in Huaxia District. It is said that it is 20 Galaxy points plus two nominations for the extraterrestrial mech master school. .”

After Zhang Pingze heard this, he was completely uninterested.

This is an extremely generous reward for others, but it is useless for Zhang Pingze.

Not to mention that the mere 20 galaxy points still have to be divided equally, the mecha master quota alone is completely useless.

Lei Yiyi's mental characteristics are not suitable for being a mecha master. Although Lei Yiyi will enter a crazy mental state during battle, it is crazy, not the perverted excitement of Chris.

And let alone myself, I can't generate too much excitement at all, obviously it's not the material of a mecha master.

Chris looked at Zhang Pingche's calm face, and didn't know what Zhang Pingche was thinking, but there was a little expectation in her eyes.

"Okay." Zhang Pingze said calmly, "But I don't know what ranking I can get."

Even if there were no such series of conditions, Zhang Pingze would consider agreeing to it. Under such a platform, Lei Yiyi could shine so brightly that the significance of the Valkyrie Project could be highlighted.

In order to enter, in the eyes of the Human Development Association, Lei Yiyi must make a big enough reputation.

Chris opened her arms and hugged Zhang Pingping into her arms: "Haha, thank you very much, this is the first time for me to be an instructor, if I can't make any achievements, it will really insult my reputation as Chris. "

"It turned out that it was for such a reason." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Chris hugged Zhang Pingze, her eyes flashed with excitement, and her red lips pressed against Zhang Pingze's mouth.

But before Chris's sexy red lips touched Zhang Pingze, a hand suddenly stretched out to cover her mouth.


Lei Yiyi covered her face with her hands, and then she pulled away from Zhang Pingze's body and violently pressed against the wall.

Chris looked at Lei Yiyi with an innocent face, and spread her hands: "Yiyi, if you are jealous, you can tell me, don't be so violent, I will consider kissing you first."

Lei Yiyi's eyebrows twitched: "Whoever wants you to kiss, can you, an old woman, pay attention to the influence?"

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's go and see the injured people."


In the ward, the atmosphere was a bit oppressive.

"Instructor Chris, you said you want to change? No, I don't agree!"

In the ward, only Yuan Long's loud voice was roaring, and everyone else looked a little unnatural.

"Student Yuan Long, calm down. You are also aware of the situation of the two team members. Their injuries could not heal at all during the Huaxia District Qualifiers. Even if they healed, they would be seriously injured and unable to participate in training and competitions." Ke Lisi crossed her arms and said to Yuan Long calmly.

Yuan Long stared at Zhang Pingzheng and Chris with unfriendly eyes: "It's all an excuse, instructor, you just want to add this surname Zhang to the team, an ordinary person who is not even a strengthener, how can you convince me?" ? With such a teammate, I definitely don’t trust him to hand over my back.”

Lei Yiyi frowned and said angrily, "Yuan Long, don't look down on me."

"Did I say something wrong?" Yuan Long spread his hands and glanced at everyone present.

Yuan Long pointed at Zhang Ping and sneered and said, "I admit that he does have some skills, and his marksmanship is also very accurate, but the use of weapons is not allowed in the fighting tournament. Even if an ordinary person like him is on the field, what's the use of it? what's the effect?"

The anger in Lei Yiyi's eyes became more serious. If it wasn't because Yuan Long was her teammate now, she would have greeted him with fists: "Don't talk nonsense, brother Zhang Pingping is very strong."

At this time, the silent thunderstorm also spoke, making a thunderous sound that made the ears of those present itchy.

"Lei Yiyi, although Yuan Long is impulsive, what he said is true. Fighting tournament is not a joke. Student Zhang is an ordinary person, it is really useless to go on stage. He may not even be able to keep up with our daily training."

After Yuan Long received Thunderstorm's support, he became even more confident, and said with a sneer, "Not everyone can participate in the Youth Fighting Conference. Instructor Chris, I express my objection on behalf of all participating members."

The others glanced at each other. Although they felt a little uncomfortable with Yuan Long pulling them hastily, there was nothing wrong with thinking about it carefully.

Lei Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer, stood up from her seat, slapped the personal terminal in her hand on the table, and a light screen unfolded.

"Take a good look. All our actions in the third district were actually planned by Brother Zhang. Without Brother Zhang, what would we have to do in five days? With your proud fists? Or your meal money for five days?" A standard personal account that you can’t afford? Or is it a brain that you don’t even have a clue?”

An action plan with nearly a thousand words was listed on the light screen, including the prediction and analysis of possible unexpected situations. Every step of the action was almost interlocking, as strict as a procedure.

Thunderstorm looked at the action plan on the light screen, and his eyes were gradually replaced by shock. From the beginning of the action, he was able to deduce all the subsequent events. Is this meow human?

And everyone else was gradually conquered by this detailed action plan.

"Haha, let me just say, Sister Yi, why did you look like a different person when you entered the third district, so it wasn't your idea." Feng Yuming slapped his thigh and laughed.

Lei Yiyi blushes a little, now that things are shaking out, she is the most embarrassing one, well, before she pretended to be b, but now she says it is someone else's b, so embarrassing.

Everyone looked at the taciturn Zhang Pingze, their eyes gradually changed from contempt to slightly sour and admiring.

360 lines, every line leads to the champion, this sentence is not wrong at all.

Yuan Long looked at the balance that was gradually tilting towards Zhang Pingche, and jealousy grew in his heart.

He only believes in strength, and the Youth Fighting Conference is also a temple in his heart. He doesn't want the temple in his heart to be polluted by such a powerless person.

"I don't agree! If he really participates, once the team fights, we will assign people to protect him. This will be too much of a drag on the team." Yuan Long still shouted stubbornly.

Seeing that Yuan Long still didn't say anything, Lei Yiyi felt a little angry.

Zhang Pingche, who had been watching the play, raised his eyes to look at Yuan Long, and then slowly uttered a series of fast and steady words in a steady voice.

"Yuan Long, a third-year student in the fighting department of Galaxy High School. He deliberately repeated two years in a lower school, just to participate in a youth fighting meeting after entering the university. Later, with his excellent physical condition, he entered the fighting department and received D-level strengthening fluid. Strengthening, directly ranks as the second best in the fighting department after Thunderstorm, has a violent personality and firm belief in martial arts, but due to his own talent and family background, he cannot carry out more advanced strengthening. The biggest goal is to obtain youth fighting Champions of the conference."


"Well, that's good. You, who regard the championship as the biggest goal in life, do you know the configuration of the champion team in the last fighting tournament?" Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"I don't care what others do!"

"Let me tell you, was the champion team of the last Fighting Conference? The team in the Americas region had a non-enhancer. The .1 score directly sealed the victory and won the championship glory, how do you explain it?"

Yuan Long's face turned red, he slapped the bed and stood up, and roared angrily: "Anyway, I just don't agree, to join the team must be unanimously voted, my vote, unless you can personally defeat me, otherwise you don't even think about it I can agree."

Zhang Pingche sighed slightly, Yuan Long was no longer willing to think about it.

"Well, as a D-rank enhancer, are you willing to accept my challenge?"

Zhang Pingping stood up slowly, his calm eyes collided with Yuan Long's irritable eyes.

Since it doesn't make sense, Zhang Pingze also decided to use the most brutal way to end this meaningless dispute.

Chris pursed her lips and looked at the two people who were facing each other. She didn't intend to intervene in any way. She felt that her cutie would definitely be able to solve all this very well, and she was responsible for applauding and kneeling and licking. Yes, Zhang Pingze, who is serious, looks really delicious.

"I will accompany you to the end!" Yuan Long's eyes flashed with violent flames.

 ps: Some children’s shoes asked me about putting them on the shelves. The results are too bad, so I don’t plan to put them on the shelves for the time being. I’m afraid that my heart won’t be able to bear the blow after it’s put on the shelves. Please watch it with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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