Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 110 Meeting Xiao Meng by chance

Chapter 110 Meeting Xiao Meng by chance
Thunderstorm looked at the two people who were facing each other, and shook his head. Originally, he was a little bit optimistic about Zhang Pingping's joining, but Yuan Long has such a temper, so it will be fine to persuade him when he goes back.

Who would have thought that Zhang Pingping actually agreed to compete with Yuan Long to decide whether to win or lose.

It's okay to win, not only Yuan Long himself is convinced, but also other team members. After all, a teammate with both strategy and strength is very reassuring.

If you lose, then Zhang Pingche will stop thinking about joining the team, not only Yuan Long can't pass this level, if he joins by force, what will other people think?Before participating in the competition, people's hearts were scattered.

The problem is that an ordinary person, even a Lianjiazi, can't beat an enhancer. No matter how he practices, the difference in physical quality is here. The physical functions of an E-level enhancer have already surpassed ordinary people by a lot, and even more so. Not to mention Yuan Long, a D-level enhancer.

"It's really impulsive." Thunderstorm shook his head.

Sometimes it is really impossible to see the face, Zhang Pingche looks indifferent and calm, unexpectedly he is so impetuous.

"Okay, like a man, let's talk about the time." Yuan Long looked at Zhang Pingche, and the anger in his eyes was not so intense.

Although he didn't think Zhang Pingche was capable, at least he didn't act timidly like a coward.

"Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon, in the boxing gym." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Okay, I'll let you rest for a day." Yuan Long sneered.

Zhang Pingping looked at Yuan Long, who had a bruised face and some blood on his body, and wondered how he had the confidence to say such words.

"Then I'll go first." Zhang Pingze turned around and went out after finishing speaking.

Lei Yiyi followed Zhang Pingping out.

Chris stood aside, looking at Yuan Long with a smile: "Student Yuan Long, don't underestimate the enemy."

Yuan Long smiled disdainfully: "Instructor Chris, don't worry, I will show mercy."

Chris shook her head, her military boots made a crisp clicking sound when she stepped on the ground, and she walked towards the door: "I hope you can still have a sense of confidence tomorrow."

"I don't know what's the relationship between Ping and Zhe, but he's so close to Instructor Chris." Xi Shuai said a little sourly.

"Cricket, what you said sounds so sour, you shouldn't be." Feng Yuming looked at Xi Shuai with an expression of discovering the new world.

Yuan Long sneered: "No matter how great his background is, what's the use? I, Yuan Long, am not a timid person. I don't care what background or identity he is in the ring."

"The cricket is reminding you not to overdo it. I have heard about it before. Zhang Pingping was also injured and hospitalized in the last incident in the breeding area. It is said that the people who came to visit him were some big shots, and there seemed to be two soldiers from the army. Senior officer." Xiaogu has always been relatively calm.

"That's why I hate the ways of the world. In the ring, either I beat him or he beat me. It's not as complicated as you think." Yuan Long waved his big hand and slammed the door directly out.

Thunderstorm looked at Yuan Long's leaving back and fell into thought.

"I'll go and persuade him." Lei Feng said, and followed him out.

Looking at the ward that was cleared up in a blink of an eye, Feng Yuming sat directly on the rattan chair, crossing his legs: "I always feel that Brother Lei has something on his mind recently."

"The captain hasn't confirmed it yet, can Lei Ge not feel bad?" Xi Shuai shook his head.

Feng Yuming shook his legs: "I'll stand by Sister Yi."

Xi Shuai looked at his good friend with some surprise. He was a supporter of Thunderstorm before, but he was turned against him so quickly. He was really not firm in his will.

"I'm standing with sister Yi too." Xi Shuai said with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled: "If you want me to say that our team is just such a flower, it would be a pity not to be the captain."

"Yes, yes, besides, sister Yi's appearance is definitely the first in the captain's appearance rating."

The guy with the same taste, hey and wretchedly smiled at the side, making the others look black.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, Chris, who was wearing a combat uniform, quickly followed behind Zhang Pingche and the two, and the military boots under her feet made a crisp and crisp sound.

"Walking so fast, what are you doing? Can you wait for me." Chris followed behind the two, spreading her hands helplessly.

"Why are you still following us?" Zhang Pingping stopped and turned to look at Chris.

"Are you going back to school? Give me a ride." Chris put one hand on her slender waist, walked with enchanting steps, and leaned over with a coquettish smile in her eyes.

"I won't return." Zhang Pingze said, then turned around and left.

Lei Yiyi tightened her nose at Chrissy, and made a provocative grimace at Chrissy.

Chris's face suddenly became embarrassed, and she hurriedly took small steps to catch up with Zhang Pingche.

"If you don't go back to school, where are you going? Shouldn't you be opening a room." Chris stopped the two of them with a look of shock.

Zhang Pingze said calmly, "Go home."

"Go home? Do you live together?" Chris looked at the two in disbelief.

Lei Yiyi showed a hearty smile on the corner of his mouth, grabbed Zhang Pingze's arm, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Chris stared at the two of them.

"Why, how did this happen, don't, the first time for the two of you should be mine!!" Chris yelled as she reached out and grabbed the two of them.

"Can you keep your voice down, bastard! This is a public place." Lei Yiyi's face flushed suddenly, and he immediately covered Chris's mouth, and pressed her against the pillar in the hall.

Seeing this familiar scene, Zhang Pingze turned his head silently, Lei Yiyi seemed to be rubbing against the wall, addicted to rubbing.

When the two women were messing around, Zhang Pingze seemed to see a petite figure flashing past the corner.

"Xiao Meng?" Zhang Pingping calmly read out the name of that little figure.

Regardless of the two enemies behind him, Zhang Pingping stepped up to keep up with the petite figure.

Looking at the height of the girl in front of her, she seemed to be less than 1.5 meters tall. Wearing a white nurse uniform, she didn't look like a nurse, but rather the child of some nurse aunt.

The two short legs walked quickly, but the road was not far away. Zhang Pingze caught up with Xiao Meng who suddenly appeared here.

Not long ago, Xiao Meng seemed to be doing something like a scout. Why did she come to the hospital all of a sudden?
"I'll go there right away, wait a minute, I'll be right there, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be there as soon as possible." Xiao Meng walked quickly, apologizing persistently.

"Senior Xiao Meng." Zhang Pingping's steady voice was unusually quiet and strange.

In the empty hall, the sound seemed extremely strange.

Listening to the voice, Xiao Meng's whole body trembled, her short legs seemed to be frozen when she moved, and the soft hair on her head seemed to bounce a little bit, and her hair became fluffy and messy.

Looking at Xiao Meng's hairy hair, Zhang Pingze didn't understand, so he asked, "Do you work here?"

Another cold voice came, and this time Xiao Meng confirmed that she was not hallucinating, and suddenly turned her head to look at Zhang Pingche behind her.

With Xiao Meng's height, when he turned around, he saw Zhang Pingping's shirt stained with blood. These blood stains were soaked into the inner shirt through the combat uniform when helping the wounded.

"Ah—a ghost!!" A piercing scream came out of Xiao Meng's small mouth.

However, Xiao Meng, who was short of lung capacity, shouted softly without any impact.

Xiao Meng covered her eyes, turned her head and ran, and was about to bump her head against a pillar beside her.

Zhang Pingping grabbed Xiao Meng by the collar to prevent her from being overwhelmed and committing suicide.

"What's going on!" Chris and Lei Yiyi poked their heads out and looked towards the place where the screaming occurred.

I saw that Zhang Pingche was holding a petite figure in one hand, blocking the little girl in a corner, and the little girl seemed unable to escape the clutches, and let out a scream with a cry, while Zhang Pingche had a happy (calm) expression on her face. It's like a strange sorghum.

"Pervert! Let go of that girl, come at me for something!" Chris yelled and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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