Chapter 123
"What, it's actually a mixed bath." Chris was helplessly wearing a hot and comfortable swimsuit, standing on the edge of the hot spring, her feet were full of lubricated pebbles, and it was very comfortable to step on.

In the hot spring, some people are already taking a bath, but fortunately, men and women are separated, otherwise Chris would really not want to join in the fun.

The appearance of Chris also attracted the attention of other people in the hot spring.

The slender and flexible waist has an enviable and exquisite vest line, and the plump European style makes others extremely jealous.

And Chris's beautiful face full of charm is even more enviable and hateful. So many beautiful things are all concentrated in one person, which really makes people lament the unfairness of the Creator.

Although her appearance and figure are top-notch, she can't stand it. There is something wrong with her mind.

Chris stepped directly into the warm hot spring water, two blushes floated on her comfortable face.

The beautiful carcass gradually disappeared in the pool water, and Chris let out a soft breath.

"It's really slut, soaking in a hot spring and humming." The middle-aged woman who was rubbing the ashes on her arms not far away couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Chris opened her closed eyes slowly, and looked at the middle-aged woman who was speaking with a smile.

"Don't you know that you can't rub your body in a hot spring? Do you think it's a bath, aunt?" Chris smiled and said extremely vicious words.

The middle-aged woman was taken aback for a moment, and immediately turned down: "Say it again, you stinky bastard! You call me aunt? You bastard, at first glance, you look like a mistress, you are not from the Huaxia District, and you actually ran away?" Come to Huaxia District to let loose."

The smile on Chrissy's face became wider and wider, with a strange flush on her face, and she slowly stood up from the hot spring, her beautiful figure exposed to the air again: "Hehe, that's why I hate mixed baths, really Any kind of person can appear."

"You bastard, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai? Think I can't hear it? Let me tell you, you are as bad as you are."


Crisp slaps echoed throughout the bathroom, and Chris watched with joy as the middle-aged woman who was slapped into the water struggled in the water.

Once Chris went crazy, but driving a mecha, even a B-rank Zerg dared to ride a ruthless person, this slap was already the result of being merciful and merciless.

Even so, the middle-aged woman was slapped in the water for a long time before she got up, and she choked on a lot of saliva during the period.

"Damn, you beat me! Do you know who I am? I'll fight you today!" The middle-aged woman struggled to get up from the water, and rushed towards Chris cursing.

The women who were watching the show all criticized one after another: "How can you really hit someone? You really have no quality. You must be a vixen looking at you like that."

Seeing the middle-aged woman pounced forward again, Chris had a perverted excited smile on her face.

"Hahahaha——" With a little maniacal laughter, Chris's red lips uttered, and the whole person became excited.

Facing the rushing middle-aged woman, Chris didn't take a step back.


There was a huge splash of water, and the middle-aged woman was directly pushed into the scalding hot spring water by Chris.

"Hehehahahaha, why don't you say it again? Say it? I want to hear it!" Chris pulled him up and pushed him into the water.


Intermittent calls for help came from the mouth of the middle-aged woman, her hands were scratching wildly, her fingernails cut through Chris's fair skin, and blood dripped into the pool, which aroused her madness even more.

Every mech master is a lunatic, but everyone goes in a different direction. The direction of Chris's madness is the direction of sadism and masochism.

Seeing Chrissy's ferocious side, other people in the same room screamed and ran out of the bath, and the whole hot spring pool suddenly became a mess.

bang bang bang-

The sound of heavy banging on wooden boards came from the mixed bathing pool on the other side.

"Chris, enough is enough!" A steady voice came from the next door.

This hot spring is divided into two halves by a partition, one half is a men's bath, and the other half is a women's bath.

Zhang Pingchee soaked in the hot spring with a face of indifference, with neatly folded white towels on top of his head, only one head was exposed on the water surface, and a string of bubbles spit out under the water surface.

After hearing Zhang Pingze's voice, Chris was taken aback for a moment, and the pleasure in her eyes faded slightly.

Suddenly a hand stretched out and grabbed Chris's side face directly, and a bloodstain appeared directly on Chris's face.

Chris's originally fading excitement erupted again, and Chris's whole body became wrong.

He pressed the middle-aged woman's head into the water, but failed to pull it out. A series of bubbles burst out from the bottom of the water, and the number of bubbles became less and less.

"Stop it, crazy woman!" A soft shout came, and Lei Yiyi, wearing a delicate swimsuit with lace trim, jumped off directly, hugged Chris from behind, and pulled her back.

"Go away!" Chris had already entered a highly sensitive state at this moment, and was suddenly attacked from behind, and immediately, she directly elbowed her back fiercely.


Lei Yiyi showed a painful expression, but she still pulled Chris away.

Chris made a wrong foot, her long legs were inserted directly between Lei Yiyi's legs, and her back suddenly arched, like a powerful big fish arching its spine.

Lei Yiyi was caught off guard and directly jumped into the air from Chris. Chris immediately grabbed Lei Yiyi's hand and threw a fierce shoulder throw in front of her.


Lei Yiyi panicked and was thrown into the deep water.

Chrissy was already red-eyed anyway, so she rushed over again.

After repeated injuries, Lei Yiyi immediately became angry, and the moment she stabilized her body, she punched Chris who was rushing forward: "Calm down."

Let people calm down, and the result is a punch.

Chris was not a good person either, and the two scuffled in the hot spring.

Of course, due to the resistance of the water, the scuffle between the two was completely useless.

Zhang Pingping leaned against the partition board, his head sank, only his nose and half of his head were exposed, his eyes were calm like soap sliding on the ground at a constant speed in the distance: "... Soaking in a hot spring is not clean. "

A soft sigh came out of Zhang Pingche's mouth, and he raised his hand and knocked on the partition board, "You two, enough is enough, this is a public place."

Originally, Lei Yiyi was asked to persuade the fight, but Zhang Pingze didn't understand why the two of them could fight.

Of course Zhang Pingze still believed that Lei Yiyi could hold on.


"What happened?" Tang Mingkong walked into the hotel helplessly, feeling a little headache seeing the chaotic scene.

This group of people, where did they come to compete, they simply came to make trouble, let's stir up shit.

As soon as he left on his front foot, he was called by the security bureau on his back foot.

The police officers from the security bureau also knew Tang Mingkong very well, and after greeting them, they pointed to Chris and Lei Yiyi and said, "These two people had a fight in the hot spring, which caused the hot spring to temporarily close its business, causing Pretty nasty effect."

"You can fight among yourself, and I can't help but admire you again, instructor." The corners of Tang Mingkong's mouth twitched, but he couldn't maintain his full aura.

"In fact, there are three people." Chris was not afraid of getting into trouble, she folded her arms around her chest, and said casually.

"Three people?" Tang Mingkong looked at the policeman with a questioning look in his eyes.

The police officer looked at the people around him, and then whispered something into Tang Mingkong's ear.

Tang Mingkong's face immediately turned cold: "The wife of the deputy director of the administrative department? So what? The difference in status is the reason for you to let the person who caused the accident go?"

The police officer suddenly looked embarrassed, he was just a small police officer in the Security Bureau, how dare he stop people, he was just joking with his position.

Tang Mingkong directly reprimanded the police officers of the Security Bureau. It could be seen that this proud and confident girl had a considerable background.

"So now I'll give you half an hour to bring me over immediately." Tang Mingkong looked at the time on his personal terminal and said calmly and dignifiedly.

"Yes." The little policeman immediately saluted and led the people away.

Only then did Tang Mingkong look at the troublesome duo: "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Chris brushed her blond hair, then tilted her head, and explained the matter in a simple way.

Tang Mingkong frowned: "It's because she scolded you that you beat someone?"

"Yes." Chris spread her hands indifferently.

"Then what's going on with you two?" Tang Mingkong pointed at Lei Yiyi.

"Our team members fight, do we still need a reason, let's learn from each other every day." Chris spread her hands.

Of course, the panda eyes on Chrissy's face seem very unconvincing.

Then the wife of the director was brought over, along with the deputy director of the administrative department.

In front of Tang Mingkong, the two of them were as docile as lambs. They apologized when they should apologize, and admitted their mistakes when they should admit their mistakes, but a matter big or small was easily settled.

They paid for the treatment of Chris's injuries, and they also compensated a lot of mental damage.

Zhang Pingze has been watching from the side without saying a word. Tang Mingkong's handling method is simple and rude, but very principled. This is a proud and confident woman who is very principled.

"Brother Zhang, why haven't you spoken?" Lei Yiyi touched Zhang Pingche.

"I was thinking about something. The tops of the heads of those two people seemed to be shining green." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Lei Yiyi was stunned.

"The deputy director's wife came to the hotel alone to soak in the hot spring, and then excitedly called others a mistress?" Zhang Ping said flatly, then turned and left.

"Eh." Lei Yiyi stayed on the spot pondering Zhang Pingze's words.

 Ps: The competition has already begun, please pay attention to every pit, otherwise you will not be able to get out of the pit when the time comes, you can’t blame me.

(End of this chapter)

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