Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 124 Mount Emei!

Chapter 124 Mount Emei!
The treatment of A-level hotels is not covered. The room is like a luxury suite. In a suite, there are three independent rooms, a reception room, a living room, everything is available, and there is an open-air balcony to enjoy the beauty of the hotel's back garden. view.

Lei Yiyi went to live in the same suite as Chris, while Feng Yuming and Xi Shuai lived with Zhang Pingping.

Thunderstorm, Yuan Long, Hou Tian, ​​one room, Zheng Xiaogu, Zhao Pingming, Sun Liao, one room.

Here are all the personnel of Galaxy High School.

The nightlife in Yunchuan District is gorgeous and colorful, but as members of the participating teams, they can't experience it. Sleep is very important to maintain the body's condition, and no one wants to lose the chain at critical moments.

Nothing in the night

By the time the first ray of sunlight emerged from the sky in the early morning, Zhang Pingze had already taken Lei Yiyi to practice on the open space in the garden for half an hour.

"Don't always think about using force. Strength is used when deciding the outcome. Learn to save your energy and relax your shoulders and waist." Zhang Pingze patted Lei Yiyi's tense shoulders mercilessly. waist.

But Lei Yiyi was used to using force, her whole body was always in a state of tension, and her movements were naturally a little stiff.

Zhang Pingping watched Lei Yiyi's punching way out of shape, so he stretched out his hand and pushed Lei Yiyi from the side.

"Hey!!" Lei Yiyi swayed and fell to one side, swinging his arms several times to maintain his balance.

"The change of center of gravity is more important than the way of punching. Why don't you understand?" Zhang Pingze calmly criticized.

"Oh, I was wrong." Lei Yiyi bowed her head dejectedly and admitted her mistake.

Every time Lei Yiyi would go head-to-head with his opponent, this fighting style was both dangerous and rough, Zhang Pingzhen really couldn't see it, and he wanted to change Lei Yiyi's problem for a long time, but once this style was formed, he couldn't change it any more. so easy.

"Okay, let's do this for today." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Just when Zhang Pingping called Lei Yiyi to call it a day, the sound of footsteps came slowly.

The footsteps were very light, and they knew the footsteps were approaching before they noticed it.

Zhang Pingping turned around and looked.

A short-haired young man wearing a large black short-sleeved sweatshirt was walking towards him.

The young man is not tall, and his physique is not too strong, but his spirit is as strong as the rising sun.

"You two, I saw you two practicing boxing in the distance, so I took the liberty to come here, and I'm sorry to interrupt you." The young man in black raised his left palm and fisted right, and performed a rather ancient clasped fist salute.

Zhang Pingchee nodded slightly, did not return the salute, but looked the young man up and down.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. The Qitian Pavilion in Shanghai District, Qifeng moves, the wind of the strong wind moves like a rabbit." The young man in black smiled and introduced himself.

"Hi, what's the matter?" Zhang Pingze turned around and asked.

Qi Fengdong stroked the half-inch short hair on top of his head, Zhang Pingze obviously didn't follow the routine, and didn't even say a self-introduction.

"I see that the boxing techniques you two are practicing are somewhat familiar. I wonder where the two masters came from?" Qi Fengdong clasped his fists together and looked up at the two of them.

Lei Yiyi turned to look at Zhang Pingze.

Zhang Pingze was silent for a moment: "I'm self-taught."

"This is impossible." Qi Fengdong immediately interrupted.

"The boxing techniques you two practice are undoubtedly ancient martial arts, and I have seen some movements from my teacher, but if you say self-taught, I don't believe it. What's the secret, sir? If there is any secret, then When Qi did not ask." Qi Feng shook his head.

You can learn ancient martial arts by yourself, but you can learn the movements by yourself, but you can't learn the way of using force. It is too difficult to understand by yourself with just a few words in the book, and you often go astray. path of.

The master led the door. The premise of personal practice is that the master leads the door. If you don’t even enter the door, it’s like a headless fly bumping outside the door. Maybe someone is lucky enough to bump into the door, but most of the time, it’s a bump. Got to get dizzy.

"It's self-taught." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

At the beginning, Father Zhang dug out these ancient books from human data control, but he didn't practice himself, so the practice of ancient martial arts was basically Zhang Pingping's self-taught, that's why he practiced such a four-in-one boxing style.

"I am honest with you, but you are so secretive, with a villainous face, you can just say it if you don't want to, why make up some useless reasons." After Qi Feng heard this, a look of anger rose on his face.

Lei Yiyi's face turned cold immediately, and she stepped forward and said, "You are so unreasonable! Why are you swearing at people?"

Qi Fengdong waved his hands, and left with his hands behind his back: "The truth is for gentlemen, why should you reason with a villain with no morals?"

Lei Yiyi was so angry that she wanted to step forward to stop him, but Zhang Pingping grabbed Lei Yiyi by the collar: "No need."

"Qi Fengdong, the closed disciple of Monkey King Cao Wangyu in Qitian Pavilion, the biggest trump card of Shanghai High School." Zhang Pingping looked at the back of Qi Fengdong who had gone away, and then said calmly.

"Brother Zhang, why did you stop me!" Lei Yiyi was a little annoyed, "Then what kind of trump card, in a fight, it doesn't mean who is stronger."

"Confidence is a good thing. If his level as a closed disciple is not bad, you and him are now [-]-[-]." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily true." Lei Yiyi was still full of confidence.

"Can you use your brain? Qi Fengdong is here. Obviously, the team from Shanghai High School has also stayed in this hotel. Qingcheng High School arranged our participating teams together. What does it mean? Don't you understand? "Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Lei Yiyi's slender eyebrows slightly tightened: "Do you want us to fight among ourselves so that they can reap the benefits?"

"That's right." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"What do you mean? Am I wrong?" Lei Yiyi followed Zhang Pingche with a dissatisfied tone.

The two of them walked into the dining area of ​​the hotel one after the other. Of course, such a luxurious hotel provides full board and lodging. At this moment, in the private room of the restaurant, Chris was holding the chopsticks in her yawning hands, holding the plate listlessly. side dishes.

"This dish is also spicy!" Feng Yuming wailed while pointing at the dish in front of him with a look of bitterness and hatred.

"This is a local characteristic, do you understand?" Xi Shuai shook his head.

Except for these two live treasures, everyone else was eating quietly and quickly.

"Yawn—the location and time of the individual competition have been decided. The Cicada Arena on the top of Mount Emei will start at [-]:[-] pm tomorrow. It will be broadcast live across China. Of course, the first day is the opening ceremony. If there is no competition, all the teams will show up once. Like, so that the audience can have a preliminary impression, so that it can be used to judge the appearance score." Chris said with a yawn.

"Moreover, I can't go to the opening ceremony tomorrow. You go up the mountain by yourself. During the individual competition, you will all stay in the hotel on the mountain, and you are not allowed to contact the outside world during the period, so you all follow the captain's arrangement." Chris He gave Lei Yiyi a sideways look, as if he was very worried.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Lei Yiyi licked the rice porridge from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

If you still complete the task, you are the one who is most worried, okay.

Today I said that I took it to see the competition venue, but in fact it was to familiarize myself with the process. After all, there are many rules involved in such a grand event.

After eating, everyone boarded the medium-sized suspension vehicle arranged to go to Mount Emei together.

Mount Emei is a major cultural tourist attraction in Yunchuan District. This time, because of the Youth Fighting Conference in Huaxia District, the entire tourist area was temporarily blocked.

It is also considered that the competition area is set in Mount Emei. Mount Emei can meet the venue environment required for the competition. The individual competition has the Chanwu Terrace, and the team competition has an area of ​​more than 150 million square kilometers, and the complex terrain can well meet the requirements of the competition. Team game requirements.

After nearly half an hour of flying, the suspension vehicle also entered the Emei Mountains and began to slow down slowly.

It was early in the morning, before the sun rose, and the whole Mount Emei was shrouded in a sea of ​​white clouds. The sea of ​​clouds was like fog, changing endlessly. The whole Mount Emei was like a fairyland in legend.

(End of this chapter)

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