Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 125 The Competition Is To Win

Chapter 125 The Competition Is To Win

"Participants of Galaxy High School, please follow me, I am your guide, Xiaoyou."

After getting out of the car, the race officials of Mount Emei were already ready to welcome people.

The slender, lively and lovely girl from Yunchuan District is wearing a special costume of Yunchuan District, holding an ultra-thin work tablet in her hand, standing outside the floating car door with a smile.

Everyone from Yinhe University got out of the car one after another. The place where the hover car stopped was at the foot of the main peak of Emei. There were other hover cars parked around. It was obvious that teams from other regions had also arrived.

In fact, it was totally unnecessary for Chris to come. The arrangements in Yunchuan District are not inconsiderate. The little girl holding a work tablet is lively and enthusiastic. With a voice like a silver bell, she introduces various infrastructures and competitions to everyone in detail. Basic rules.

"Cricket, have you noticed that there are so many beautiful girls in Yunchuan District?" Feng Yuming looked at Xiaoyou, who was leading the team, and touched Xishuai who was beside him.

"One side supports the other side's people. The climate here is humid and mild, and there are special places in terms of diet. People who live here for a long time usually have smooth and fair skin, so they look very beautiful." Zhang Pingze said calmly from the side.

"Okay, coffin face, have you studied it?" Feng Yuming jumped up directly, put his arms around Zhang Pingche's neck, and smiled wretchedly.

"No." Zhang Pingze seemed to be somewhat resistant to Feng Yuming getting so close, and his brows tightened slightly.

In the service area at the foot of Mount Emei, all kinds of facilities are available, and staff wearing light blue clothes are everywhere.

"Okay, that's all for the facilities in the service area of ​​Mount Emei's main peak. If you have anything you haven't remembered, you can bring it up. I'll tell you individually." Xiaoyou stood in front of the team and turned around, facing everyone in Galaxy University , showing a lively smile.

"No more." Chris, wearing sunglasses, spread her hands, and replied directly, regardless of the crowd behind her.

"Okay, I'll take you to the physical examination right now. After the physical examination, you can move freely in the service area. Of course, you can also climb our majestic and beautiful main peak of Mount Emei." Xiaoyou said with a smile.

The purpose of the routine physical examination is to check everyone's strengthening level and physical condition to ensure the fairness and rationality of the competition.

The body transformed by the strengthening fluid will leave corresponding special ingredients in the body, and the verification of the strengthening level depends on some of the special ingredients.

After confirming that everyone has no problem, Xiaoyou nodded: "Okay, follow me, the quarantine station is on the mountainside, everyone must follow."

After finishing speaking, Xiaoyou led everyone to start climbing along the wide climbing stairs.

"I still have to climb the mountain." Hou Tian muttered with some complaints.

Xiaoyou turned around apologetically: "It's like this. The purpose of taking everyone to climb the mountain is to make the test results more accurate, so please forgive me."

Hou Tian wanted to say something, but Yuan Long slapped him across the face: "Climb a mountain, you're so lazy, how can there be so much nonsense."

Hou Tian was patted, and his face was a little displeased, but because of Yuan Long's face, he couldn't say anything.

"I'm really sorry." Xiaoyou bowed again and apologized.

"It's okay, I'll trouble you." Lei Yiyi smiled, walked quickly a few steps, and walked side by side with Xiaoyou.

Just as everyone stepped up the climbing ladder, a frivolous laughter came: "Hey, isn't this the participating team of Galaxy University, which is known as the number one university in China? How can you be afraid of climbing a mountain?"

Zhang Pingche turned his head and looked at the speaker.

However, the moment Zhang Pingchee turned his head, the person who spoke had a ghostly expression on his face: "It's you!?"

"?" Zhang Pingze looked at Jin Yuantai, feeling a little inexplicable about his reaction.

"You actually represented Galaxy High School in the fighting conference!" Jin Yuantai pointed at Zhang Pingze and screamed.

The people who came were the participating teams from Smecta District, and Jin Yuantai was among them.

What makes people feel funny is that in this group of people, each of them has dyed a different color of hair, which looks a bit like the Shamat Tiantuan.

"How far behind is your news?" Zhang Pingping calmly responded.

He joined the team, but even the video has been on the relevant news. The people in the Smecta District don't even know about it?

"Our practice is in the mountains far away from the troubles of the world. We lack all contact with the outside world and concentrate on studying martial arts. Naturally, we have no time to control your team." Jin Yuantai said angrily, poking his neck.

"How long have you been locked up?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly.

Jin Yuantai's face changed suddenly: "You damn Chinese! How dare you mention this!"

"Yuantai, don't talk anymore. You have a clear mind and no distracting thoughts. All words are useless. We will defeat everyone with our unparalleled strength." At this time, the leader of Smecta District shook his head indifferently.

Only then did Jin Yuantai take a vicious look at Zhang Pingche: "I'll see you on the ring, and I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy."

Zhang Pingche's eyelids were drawn, and he looked at Jin Yuantai calmly. Although he didn't know where Jin Yuantai's strange self-confidence came from, he didn't have any fear.

Then the team from Smecta District quickly climbed up the stairs and walked to the front of Galaxy High School.

"This group of sticks." Yuan Long looked at the people in the Smecta area in front with an unkind expression.

Xiaoyou also stuck out her tongue at their backs when their team passed by.

Although it has been a long time since the Smecta District was assigned to the Huaxia Region, this group of people are just a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves.

Now the entire earth is divided into eight regions because of the integration of forces, China, Western Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Fuso, Australia, and Pacific Independence.

Except for these eight regions, there is no longer any boundary between countries. The entire earth directly belongs to the Human Development Association, referred to as the Human Development Association.

Because it is the mother star, there are so many classifications. In the interstellar world, basically a planet, or even a galaxy, belongs to an independent political system.

Most of the planets currently occupied by humans, more than [-]% are under the control of the Human Development Association.

The other [-]% is a single huge force, or a chaotic area.

After surpassing the team of Galaxy High School, the Smecta District did not continue to advance rapidly, and just pressed in front of Galaxy High School.

"This tm means that their minds are clear and their minds have no distractions? These guys! We surpass them."

Seeing the Smecta area hanging in front of him, it made people angry, Yuan Long raised his voice, and immediately started to take big strides, quickly climbing to the top of the mountain.

No one objected to Yuan Long's proposal. Most of them held back their energy and sped up their feet a little. Even Xiao You, who was always lively and cheerful, held back his energy, and his steps accelerated a lot.

Wen Wu is the first, Wu Wu is the second, the literati are arrogant and stubborn, the warriors are unwilling to be inferior, and they are full of blood. When encountering such a thing, they are ready to roll up their sleeves at the slightest disagreement.

Mountaineering is already very gentle.

Everyone in Galaxy High School speeded up, and the team in Smecta District immediately followed suit. The two sides were more like running a race, and no one wanted to lag behind. You are faster, and I am faster than you.

Zhang Pingzheng walked steadily, and slowly fell behind the team, looking at the passionate crowd, his eyes were calm without any fluctuations.

"Even though the strengthener has superhuman physical ability, he is still a human being. How come there are still people who don't understand this truth?" Zhang Pingche walked steadily step by step, distributing every ounce of strength evenly.

Enhancers are indeed more powerful, faster, and more responsive, but all of these are not without consumption. If you fight like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before this group of passionate guys will be poured with cold water. up.

However, it is also true that a passionate person is suitable to be a mecha master.

Isn't the fight conference just to select those outstanding mecha master seedlings?
As Zhang Pingche walked, he slowly let go of his thoughts. Looking at the seemingly endless stairs, all the thoughts in his mind slowed down. After all, thinking also requires energy.

Since compare.

Then you have to win.

It's that simple.

The last laugh is the winner.

Looking up, the two teams competing for speed had already run some distance away, while Zhang Pingche was standing alone on the empty stairs, step by step, moving his legs quickly and steadily.

Below Zhang Pingche, a team in blue and white uniforms also quickly advanced up the stairs.

"That person is a team member of Galaxy High School, right?" Tang Donghe pointed to Zhang Pingche, who was mechanically climbing a mountain not far ahead, and said to Tang Mingkong beside him.

Tang Mingkong raised his slender and well-proportioned legs, stepped up two steps, and nodded, "That's right, he's a weirdo. His teammates have gone to compete with others, yet he can still take a leisurely walk behind him. "

Just as Tang Mingkong complained, a boy with shoulder-length hair who was two behind him smiled softly and softly: "I don't think so, let me see, the last one with a smile must be This guy."

"Okay, Yu Wenqing, how about we make a bet?" Tang Mingkong in front proudly turned around and looked down at the long-haired boy.

"What are you betting on?" Yu Wenqing smiled softly, with a doting look in his eyes.

"I'll bet, he's definitely not the first person to arrive at the quarantine station." Tang Mingkong raised his chin.

Yu Wenqing thought for a moment: "Well, then I'll bet that he is the first to arrive."

"Okay! It's a deal, just bet on the captain's position, I win the captain and give it to me!" Tang Mingkong smiled triumphantly.

"Then you lost?" Yu Wenqing said with a smile
"I'll call you senior brother." Tang Mingkong said proudly.

"It's a deal." Yu Wenqing replied immediately, as if he was afraid of the girl's repentance.

"You're doomed, because I must be the first one to arrive at the quarantine station!" Tang Mingkong smiled triumphantly.

Tang Mingkong was just about to catch up quickly, but suddenly someone grabbed his hand, almost pulling her down.

"Donghe, look after your sister." Yu Wenqing said with a smile.

"Asshole, you are cheating!"

Tang Mingkong was pulled by Tang Donghe, and he couldn't break free. He wanted to turn around and beat Tang Donghe, but since he was his own younger brother, he couldn't do it.

Yu Wenqing shook his head, and said gently: "We are betting on the people in front, how can I let you intervene?"

After speaking, with his hands behind his back, he walked up the steps steadily step by step. As he walked, his breathing rate became a strange rhythm.

Qingchengmen's special breathing method gives Qingchengmen's disciples a huge advantage in physical fitness.

Therefore, Tang Mingkong's argument that he wants to be the first is not because of inflated self-confidence, but because he has this strength.

Although ancient martial arts has faded out of the public's field of vision, the inheritance has become more rigorous, from the teaching of the general public to an absolute master's inheritance, and Qingchengmen and Qitianguan both belong to this kind of master's inheritance.

"You bastard, you actually help outsiders to bully your sister." Tang Mingkong was cursing at Tang Donghe at the moment, grinning.

"Sister, just listen to what the senior brother says." Tang Donghe grabbed Tang Mingkong's arm helplessly, enduring his elder sister's inhumane scolding.

Yu Wenqing listened to the fighting between the siblings behind, with a knowing smile on his soft face, looking at the firm and steady figure in front of him, he said to himself: "This year's fighting conference should not be too boring. Bar."

 ps: I don’t know how to say it, the editor is great, let me put it on the shelf, in fact, I’m really not ready yet.

  But since it was arranged, I had no choice but to put it on the shelf. I don't know how dismal the results will be, and I don't know if I will have the motivation to write down after seeing the results. It all depends on God's will.

  I just hope that all the book lovers who read books can give a bite to eat and support Niaofeng when it is put on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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