Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 136 Individual Competition

Chapter 136 Individual Competition (3)

"What was the reason why you left Galaxy High School in the first place?" Zhang Pingche said with an air of interrogation.

Hulan Huayu lowered her head: "I, I, didn't I explain the reasons in the message?"

"Then you've done it now, are you coming back?" Zhang Pingping asked without changing his expression.

A blush appeared on Hulan Huayu's face, but she quickly shook her head: "I can't go back."

"Why?" Zhang Pingze was puzzled.

"I owe favors and a lot of money, and I want to work for others." Hulan Huayu lowered her head.

Zhang Pingping looked at Hulan Huayu: "How much do you owe?"

Hulan Huayu raised her head and quickly waved her hands: "No, I can't say that. I can handle my own affairs."

"How many?"

Zhang Pingping asked calmly, and Lei Yiyi also looked up at Hulan Huayu.

Hulan Huayu smiled wryly and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I really can't say, I'm already working for that person, and I owe not only Galaxy Points, but also favors, this time participating in the fighting conference was arranged by my boss. "

"Your boss? What's his name?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"I don't know, I've never seen him, and I don't know what he does, but in my opinion, he is omnipotent." Hulan Huayu had a look of helplessness on her face.

Zhang Pingze stopped asking questions, he needed to digest the information just now.

"I'm sorry, I've always been stupid. I wanted to change, but I sold myself in a daze. I'm sorry, I let you down, classmate Zhang." Hulan Huayu got up and said apologetically.

"I went to the new snow area. I had no connections, no income, and almost couldn't survive. The boss helped me. Not only that, but also gave me the best medicine to make me change and become a strengthener. Although I have never met him, but I am really grateful and want to repay him. He is probably the second person who has no prejudice against me and treats me well when I grow up."

Hulan Huayu seemed to have opened up the conversation box, and slowly narrated that period of hard and touching time like pouring beans.

"I don't object to what you said, he is a good man, but what's the point of him doing this?" Zhang Pingping looked at Hulan Huayu calmly.

It's not that Zhang Pingping looked down on Hulanhuayu, but that Hulanhuayu had other advantages besides the sound?

"Or, do you think your current worth is worth the price paid by your boss?"

What Zhang Pingze said was cruel, but it was the truth.

Hulan Huayu stared blankly at Zhang Pingche, and said a few words, each of which pierced her heart. It's not that she didn't think about it, but she didn't dare to think about it.

There is no love without reason.

"I don't know." Hulan Huayu's voice was almost the size of a mosquito.

Zhang Pingchee sighed slightly, for Hulan Huayu, he really didn't want to give up, there were too few qualified receptors for the Martial God Project, Lei Yiyi's words might still be accidental.

After Lei Yiyi's experiment, Zhang Pingze's research on the phagocytosis gene has become more and more mature. He really hopes that Hulan Huayu can join.

"I'm not saying this to hurt you, but I hope you can tell me everything you know, and I might be able to help you."

Zhang Pingze took a deep breath and continued.

Hulan Huayu also had some struggles on her face: "I really haven't met the boss, I only know his online name, Ekaterina."

The expression on Zhang Pingze's face froze: "It turned out to be her, yes, I understand."

"Student Zhang, do you know him?" A look of hope suddenly appeared on Hulan Huayu's face.

"I have made some contacts, but they are only limited to online relationships." Zhang Pingzhen shook his head.

Hulan Huayu nodded, originally thought that Zhang Pingping would know her boss, and wanted to ask him what kind of person he was.

"Let's eat first. If she finds you, I'm afraid I still know some reasons. You don't have to think too much. We'll talk about it after the Huaxia District Placement Tournament." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Well, good." Hulan Huayu nodded.

After dinner, Hulan Huayu left.

On the way back with Lei Yiyi, they met someone who seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

Qi Fengdong, dressed in black, stood quietly under the dim light, like a sculpture, but it was a sculpture full of fighting spirit.

Zhang Pingping stood still and looked at Qi Fengdong who was blocking the road: "If you want to fight, there are still five rounds. There are plenty of opportunities. There is no need to rush at this moment."

Qi Fengdong looked at Zhang Pingche with a calm face, and slowly put away his fighting spirit.

"Zhang Pingche?!"


"Which school did you learn from?" Qi Fengdong asked this question for the first time.

"There is no inheritance. If there is nothing else, we will leave first." Zhang Pingping didn't even look at Qi Fengdong.

"Then ask Mr. Zhang, how can we make the bones resonate together?" Qi Fengdong asked with his head lowered as if cutting flesh.

Zhang Pingche knew that the bones were ringing together, after all he had learned so many ancient martial arts, he still knew the state of bone ringing together.

"I don't know, anyway, you can achieve it after practicing." Zhang Pingping spread his hands, expressing that he didn't know.

After Qi Fengdong heard it, he didn't jump, saying that Zhang Pingping was joking, but fell silent.

He remembered what Cao Wangyu once said to him: Generally, there are only two kinds of people who can achieve the state of sounding bones, one is a genius, and the other is a fool.

Wizards can accomplish things that ordinary people can't achieve for decades with a little practice, while fools practice hard day and night, forgetting to sleep and eat. They are not afraid of cold and heat, rain or shine. All sounded.

And Zhang Pingchee has already reached that level at such a young age, obviously not the latter kind of person, but the former kind, a wizard.

Cao Wangyu has always called himself a genius, but he dare not call himself a genius.

Monkey King Cao Wangyu is now the number one master on earth, and even a genius, so if Zhang Pingping continues to go on, how far can he reach?

"I see, thank you for your advice." Qi Fengdong was a little disheartened, cupped his hands, then turned and left.

"What's wrong with him, why does he suddenly look very shocked?" Lei Yiyi looked at the frustrated Qi Fengdong inexplicably.

"Maybe it's because I'm frustrated that I'm too stupid." Zhang Pingping said heartily.

The more proud and powerful a person is, the easier it is for them to be unable to withstand blows. The reason why they strive to become stronger is also because they do not allow themselves to fail. Once they encounter that insurmountable obstacle, they will crash to death on it.

And a fool like Lei Yiyi won't, if I fail once, I can get up and fight again, it doesn't matter if I fail a thousand times, I'm still a good man when I get back up.

The rising sun is born, and a new day begins.

In the second round of the competition, the losing team will first choose the opponent.

 Ps: It exploded today, the paper will be handed in tomorrow, and the second one will be published later.

(End of this chapter)

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