Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 137 Individual Competition

Chapter 137 Individual Competition (4)

"Everyone who lost the captain in the first round, please decide to challenge the team."

Zhang Pingze looked at the four teams on the panel, and then looked up at the subtle situation on the field.

"Yesterday's winning team was Nanguang District, Shanghai District, Smecta District, and Xinxue District. Which one should we choose?" Lei Yiyi put his finger on his chin, thinking to himself.

"Choose Smecta District, those sticks have long disliked them." Yuan Long shouted from the side.

Lei Yiyi is also more inclined to challenge the Smecta District. After all, yesterday the Smecta District was full of strong players and won the first round directly. It is definitely cheap.

Among yesterday's winning teams, apart from Smecta District, only Xinxue District is weaker. Shanghai District and Nanguang District still have two aces in their hands, and they are reserved. To challenge them now is simply to go Looking for abuse.

The other players are also more inclined to challenge the Smecta area, whether it is for scoring or to vent their anger, they all tend to challenge the Smecta area.

"We challenge the new snow area." Zhang Pingping glanced at the audience, then bowed his head and said.

"Huh? Is this so?" Lei Yiyi was a little puzzled.


Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiran calmly and continued, "If you're lucky, you might meet the Northeast District."

Lei Yiyi touched the ends of her hair, and then selected the quota in the new snow area: "Um, brother Zhang, your logic is really different from ours."

"It's normal logic. Yunchuan District is also a strong team. In order to guarantee points, they usually choose Smecta District. In this way, they can score five points in one round, and at least three to four points in the next round. It opened up the gap all at once and directly stabilized the ranking to a high place."

"We chose the new snow area, it can only be said to be a gamble, the most likely to appear is us, plus the Northeast area, the Bay area, all chose the new snow area, and then were randomly assigned, but that is better than meeting the Yunchuan area There are many."

Looking at the distance, Zhang Pingze calmly analyzed the Bay Area team that seemed to have some disputes.

"It's really troublesome, can't you make some simple rules?"

With some complaints, Lei Yiyi put down the captain's operation panel in her hand, sat on the chair, and dangled her two smooth white legs.

The temperature in Yunchuan District is not too low even in late autumn, so Lei Yiyi simply changed into crisp shorts again, swinging her two seductive long legs, ostentatiously everywhere.

Not long after, the referee began to announce the battle list.

"South Canton District vs. Smecta District."

"Shanghai District vs New Snow District."

"Yunchuan District vs. Bay Area."

"Central District vs. Northeast District."

Lei Yiyi's eyes widened: "Brother Zhang, your guess is absolutely right, the list has been messed up."

The four winning teams were actually fighting together, while the four losing teams were fighting each other, which was completely reversed from the literal meaning of the rules.

Zhang Pingping breathed a sigh of relief. If the bay area finally chose to join in the fun with the central area, it would be a mess. The six teams were randomly assigned, and no one could find any rules.

"Everything is going according to plan, let's start harvesting." Yu Wenqing, who is in Yunchuan District, smiled gently.

Nanguang District vs. Smecta District, [-]-[-], complete victory!
The instant nightmare in the Smecta area was imminent. This kind of record of shaving their heads made them want to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Tang Mingkong got up and stretched his waist, his face was full of excitement: "It's finally our turn, let me experience the famous wrestling technique in Xinxue District."

"Be careful, set a good example, and don't patronize and play." Yu Wenqing warned.

"Anla, Anla, Miss Ben will never forget."

Tang Mingkong straightened his left arm, placed it on his bent right arm, stretched his shoulders, and said with a smile.

Tang Mingkong took the stage to challenge the big man in the new snow area, and performed a magnificent battle with ingenuity and strength in the true sense. Everyone was moved by his nimble and light figure.

Afterwards, the players from the Yunchuan District imitated one after another, causing the players from the Xinxue District to have a lot of strength, but they couldn't show it no matter what, and finally had no choice but to admit defeat.

Yunchuan district won the victory four to one against the new snow district.

After that, there was not much suspense in the battle between Shanghai District and the Bay Area. After gaining advantages in all aspects, they finally won the game four to one.

The players in the Northeast District also tried their best to fight, but unfortunately, this time their players were generally relatively ordinary, while everyone in the Central District was trained by Lei Yiyi himself. They still remember the tragedy that went on.

In terms of combat power, although it is not as good as the professional Qitianguan players, it is still better than the same level of enhancers.

In the end, the Central District also won the second round [-]-[-].

And in the third round, the losers, looking at the four stumbling blocks on the roster, felt hopeless.

Winning teams: Nanguang District 9, Shanghai District 7, Yunchuan District 6, Central District 6
How does this make them choose?No one seems to be able to beat anyone, and the whole rhythm falls into the grasp of the strong team in an instant.

And they didn't have the same considerations as Zhang Pingche and Yu Wenqing. In the end, under the random selection, they couldn't let the strong team fight by themselves, but they fell into the swamp by themselves.

After the end of the three rounds, the points ranking will be announced directly.

Nanguang district top contracting, 11 points

Shanghai District, 10 points

Central District, 10 points

Yunchuan District, 9 points

Fresh snow area, 6 points

The teams behind the fresh snow area were directly left too far behind in terms of points, and it seemed that they had no chance to compete for the top three.

"Haha, so, if we keep going, we can at least be in the top three!" Lei Yiyi looked at the ranking happily.

Zhang Pingze looked at the rankings, his eyes didn't change much: "It's not as simple as you think, the flock of sheep has left, and the next step is to fight among the wolves. I don't think we have the strength to continue."

"Uh, is that an exaggeration?"

Lei Yiyi scratched her head, she always felt that if she really wanted to fight within a strong team, it might not be so easy to implement.

But thinking about it carefully, according to Zhang Pingche's command, he did meet the opponent he wanted to meet, and it seemed that it was not impossible.

There is only one first place, so no one will budge.

Although it was the first place in the individual competition, that was a total of 45 points. There were more uncertainties in the team competition.

The next few days, just as Zhang Pingze expected.

In the fourth round, it was obvious that the atmosphere on the field had changed. On the fourth day of the competition, it was actually a direct collision between the four strong teams. Going to the civil war, I dare not involve the position of the big bosses at all.

Looking at the seemingly tacit understanding, Zhang Pingze's expression changed slightly.

He never expected Yu Wenqing to be so direct.

Why did the four weak teams directly choose the civil war with such a tacit understanding? Some of them may be fueling the flames.

Unfortunately, Zhang Pingping also witnessed the scene where Yu Wenqing went to find the captains of the major teams after the game, but Yu Wenqing did not go to Lei Yiyi.


Zhang Pingze looked at the match arrangement as if it was predetermined, with an extremely calm face.

 ps: The approximate launch time is Friday, please join us.

(End of this chapter)

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