Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 145 Fighting the Heavens

Chapter 145 Fighting the Heavens

Yu Wenqing stared blankly at Zhang Pingping with his eyes closed all the time, feeling a sudden sense of frustration in his heart.

"I'm not as good as him after all." Yu Wenqing thought with some frustration.

"You are far less domineering than him." Tang Mingkong rolled his beautiful eyes, glanced at the position in the central area, and then said calmly, "He never thought of getting any ranking other than the first."

Yu Wenqing couldn't help lowering his head, there was some resentment and absent-mindedness in his eyes.

"Don't think too much, Shanghai District is not that easy to deal with." Looking at Yu Wenqing's appearance, Tang Mingkong calmly relieved.

"No, no, since he dared to challenge, he must have a plan. Although the Shanghai District is strong, it is definitely not the opponent of the first team in the Central District!" Yu Wenqing said through gritted teeth.

Tang Mingkong looked at Yu Wenqing who was losing his composure, and couldn't help shaking his head. Now Yu Wenqing's heart is in a mess.

As the referee's voice fell, Tang Mingkong stood up silently and walked onto the stage at a leisurely pace.

The contestants in the Northeast District watched Tang Mingkong take the stage, swallowed dryly, and reluctantly chose to abstain.

Under the oppression of the first team in Yunchuan District, the Northeast District still did not score a single point in the end. So far, Yunchuan District has reached the top with 19 total points.

Then the battle between Smecta District and the Bay Area ended in the victory of the Bay Area. .

Of course, no one's mind is on these games, because the next game will be the match point of the entire individual competition.

Whether it is the Shanghai District or the Central District, they are all favorite teams to win the championship.

As the referee's voice fell, Zhang Pingping opened his eyes, without even thinking about it, he got up directly and walked towards the Chan Wutai.

At the same time, Qi Fengdong from Shanghu District also seemed to have sensed it, got up directly, and walked up to the Chanwu Terrace.

Every time Qi Fengdong takes a step, his aura becomes stronger. He is the last disciple of Cao Wangyu, the most powerful person on earth, and he is also a genius that Cao Wangyu himself admits. He has no fear in martial arts.

Zhang Pingze didn't have any emotional ups and downs. The calm aura seemed to be like a black hole that swallowed everything. No matter what kind of stimulus touched Zhang Pingze's aura, it disappeared into nothingness. any ripples from him.

"Central District, Zhang Pingze." Zhang Pingze introduced himself calmly.

"Shanghai District, Qi Fengdong."

"Why does Qi Fengdong insist on confronting Zhang Pingche? Doesn't he know Zhang Pingche's skills and have some restraint on him? Why give up a great opportunity?" Yu Wenqing stared at the two with puzzled eyes.

Tang Mingkong smiled calmly: "Because you are not a real warrior, but Qi Fengdong is."

Yu Wenqing gritted his teeth: "Even so, Qi Fengdong's odds of winning are still great. Zhang Pingping doesn't have Lei Yiyi's strange strength. Facing Qi Fengdong, a C-level enhancer, he doesn't have much chance of winning, even if his skills are better. High, it can't play any role."

And here Lei Yiyi couldn't help clenching her fists, her fighting method was indeed suppressed when she encountered Qi Fengdong, just like the strengthened axe she met back then, the axe could be able to rely on its excellent skills Regulator Lei Yiyi has one head.

Although Lei Yiyi's own strength is strong, she can't easily control this power. In other words, Lei Yiyi has never adapted to her own strength, so her fighting style has always been to fight and rush. It's not that Lei Yiyi doesn't want to be steady, but Can't be steady.

"Brother Zhang, come on!" Lei Yiyi clenched his fists and shouted.

Zhang Pingche turned his head and looked at Lei Yiyi who was shouting down.

The moment he turned his head, Qi Fengdong moved suddenly, and his explosively powerful leg muscles swelled suddenly, but instead of rushing out in a straight line like Lei Yiyi, he swayed slightly from side to side, stepping on the snake Step forward, bully him directly.

"No one ever said that distraction is a big taboo when playing against a master?"

Qi Fengdong let out a cold snort, Lightning shot out, even with a phantom on his arm, he directly blasted Bengquan at Zhang Pingche's lower abdomen.

With a punch, Qi Fengdong twisted his waist and stretched his hips, and there was a breath-holding hum from his mouth and nose. The power of this punch was instantly concentrated on the front of the entire arm, like a punch like a cannonball.

Zhang Pingchee's expression remained normal, he was indeed prepared, stepped back and pressed his palm, and pressed his hand directly on the wrist of this Bengquan. Side drawing circle unloading force.

While drawing a circle to release force, at the same time, the palm of the hand changed into a claw, which was pointed towards Qi Fengdong's pulse gate.

But Qi Fengdong drew his hand to avoid it first, retracted his fist and pushed his palm, his palm seemed to be pushing the door face to face, and pushed towards Zhang Pingzhen's face door, the enveloping palm wind made a whistling sound.

Zhang Pingping raised his hand horizontally, pushing away the palm in front of his eyes, and immediately took a step back under his feet, opening a slight distance, avoiding Qi Fengdong's kicking foot.

"Ha——" Seeing Zhang Pingping retreating, Qi Fengdong didn't chase after him immediately. Instead, he took a deep breath and gave a low drink. His body was like a jumping giant ape, and he flew towards Zhang Pingping. Down.

Qi Tian combo, taking advantage of Zhang Pingping's retreat and weak breath, directly launched, chasing and striking, Qi Tian combo is originally an oppressive fist that gets stronger and stronger, and Qi Fengdong's choice of time to perform it is very sophisticated, it is Zhang Pingping's retreat , the moment when the momentum was slightly weaker.

In the competition, the most taboo is timidity and regress. Once you regress, you will be chased and beaten by a master, and your whole momentum will fall to the bottom.

Now Zhang Pingche is in such a situation, but for Zhang Pingche who kept Bing Xin, the situation is not so bad, without the influence of negative emotions, although Zhang Pingche retreated repeatedly, he did not panic.

One move of Qi Tian's combo was stronger than the other, and Qi Fengdong's strength was stronger than his own, so Zhang Pingping didn't dare to block it easily.

No matter how strong Qi Tian's combo is, there is a limit to moves, 28 moves.

Qi Fengdong's Qitian combo already felt like he was entering the room, obviously he was the true biography of the Monkey King.

The whistling wind of fists almost enveloped Zhang Pingchee's whole body. These fists and feet, which had already circulated through the waist and hips, accumulated energy in a dynamic manner, and became stronger and stronger, even if Zhang Pingchee just touched them, he might not be able to avoid the end of broken muscles and bones.


Zhang Pingze kept absolute calm in his eyes, silently counting in his heart.


Qi Fengdong threw out both fists, with both peaks piercing his ears, like an ape hugging a tree, and slammed towards Zhang Pingche's ear. Qi Feng moves less.


Zhang Pingche opened his eyes suddenly, but his pupils shrank suddenly at this moment, and the flow of time seemed to slow down suddenly.

Qi Fengdong's lower abdomen was agitated, obviously he was taking a breath at the moment, 28 strokes in one breath, even hard-working people can't hold back a few breaths, so Qi Fengdong has his own regular rhythm of breathing.

Zhang Pingping stopped abruptly, his left arm was put on the rack suddenly, his right fist rushed out like a cannonball, and went straight to the diaphragm under the xiphoid process of Qi Fengdong's chest.

Qi Fengdong's heart skipped a beat, he shrank back and embraced Zhang Pingze's arms with both hands, at the same time his back suddenly arched, and his body shrank back, buying a moment of time for his hands to return to defense.

Zhang Pingping's expression was as usual and he closed his fist, stepping forward with his Bengquan, with the momentum of a landslide, he slammed towards Qi Fengdong's lower abdomen.

The series of Xingyi cannonballs.

Qi Fengdong's face changed drastically, but he had no time to react, he tightened his abdominal muscles suddenly, and in the next moment, a heavy hammer-like impact felt on his lower abdomen.

The shocking feeling like a bell struck directly into the internal organs, Qi Fengdong clutched his stomach and kicked back five or six steps in a row, and there were bursts of cramps in his abdomen.

"Why is it so painful!" Qi Fengdong held his stomach, and found that as soon as he gasped, there would be a sharp pain in his lower abdomen that could not be ignored.

Zhang Pingping withdrew his fist, took a few deep breaths, cold sweat ran down his forehead, and his eyes felt sore.

Qi Fengdong gritted his teeth, looked at Zhang Pingche, stepped on his front foot, and his center of gravity sank, his whole body seemed to be a lot shorter suddenly, his slightly hunched figure looked like an ape.

"Monkey King Body and Mind Fist?" Tang Mingkong looked at Qi Fengdong who suddenly lowered his body, his eyes suddenly showed shock, "I didn't expect Qi Fengdong to be so favored by the Monkey King. It's all taught."

A look of joy suddenly appeared on Yu Wenqing's face: "Hahaha, Monkey King's boxing style, this time I want to see how you win, Zhang Pingping."

"Shenyi boxing, with agility in movement, focusing on footwork, punching at will, without a fixed way of punching, all moves are based on intuition and experience." Zhang Pingping immediately flashed a series of materials in his mind.

Zhang Pingping stretched out his front feet with calm eyes, with three to seven points of force in front and back, and started his hands in the Xingyi three-body pose.

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(End of this chapter)

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