Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 146 Chapter 1

Chapter 146 First
"Xingyi?" Qi Fengdong was also someone who knew Gu Wu well, so he naturally saw what trick Zhang Pingze was going to use.

Although Xingyi is an ancient boxing method, if you really talk about martial arts, it may not be comparable to Shenyiquan that has been checked and calculated by modern thinking and high-end intellectual brains. Among thousands of calculations, Shenyiquan has a winning rate of over 90.00% against other ancient martial arts.

Although Qi Fengdong was confident in the strength of the body and mind fist, he did not underestimate it. After all, just now Zhang Pingche easily broke through the mighty Qi Tian combo.

With a soft drink, Qi Fengdong suddenly jumped in front of Zhang Pingche like a nimble ape, raised his hand and grabbed it, quite like a monkey.

Zhang Pingche's eyes flickered, he pressed his hands and split his palms, he didn't care about it at all, and pressed and chopped towards Qi Fengdong's shoulder.

But at the moment when Zhang Pingzheng fought back, Qi Feng moved his feet, twisted his body abruptly, and suddenly turned to Zhang Pingche's side, sending out low-sweeping legs and high-whip punches at the same time, as if his body violated the laws of physics , launched a combo of attacks frantically.

Xingyi is upright and upright, while Shenyiquan is flexible and changeable, attacking on the sidelines, just suppressing Xingyi's uprightness and vigor.

But before Qi Fengdong succeeded, Zhang Pingzheng's three bodies changed, and he turned around with his feet buckled. Qinglong turned his head, and the Eight Diagrams Wandering Dragon Step was running, and he directly stepped on Qi Fengdong's side, with his horoscope palm facing Qi Fengdong. The neck was cut across.

Qi Fengdong was startled, subconsciously raised his hand to block, and punched Zhang Pingche's waist at will.

The physical and mental punching is just a reaction, the body does not need extra thoughts, the subconscious reaction is much faster than thinking, and the moves are also more varied.

The palm slashed fiercely on Qi Fengdong's arm, but the recoil force also made Zhang Pingche feel uncomfortable for a while.

The pupils constricted, and the dynamic vision broke out again. Although the mental load was huge, there was no room for mistakes at this critical moment.

The palm changed, and the mantis hand suddenly hooked on the wrists of Qi Fengdong's hands.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Pingze pulled Qi Fengdong's arm violently, Qi Fengdong staggered when he pulled it, the originally powerful fist suddenly lost its strength, and hammered on Zhang Pingche's waist.

But just such a punch also caused Zhang Pingche to be severely injured.

But the severe injury didn't affect Zhang Pingze's movements, his hands hooked into Qi Fengdong's pulse gate, his hands were like lightning, like a wind wheel spinning crazily, it was a burst of continuous blows to Qi Fengdong.

Mantis's hands were quick, Zhang Pingze's fist shadows were almost connected into a piece, Qi Fengdong was hit on the head, and he backed back again and again in a panic.

However, although Zhang Pingze's hands are fast, without the assistance of dynamic vision, it is not an easy task to hit acupuncture points, and the C-level strengthened Qi Fengdong has rough skin and thick flesh. The skin is sore and the flesh is tight.

Qi Fengdong backed up again and again, couldn't bear it any longer, he punched as his heart moved, brazenly punching his head, with the strength of a tripod, not for beating someone, just to push Zhang Pingping away.

Zhang Pingping was suddenly hit by Qi Fengdong's pushing punch, and immediately staggered, raised his foot and kicked, one footprint landed on Qi Fengdong's chest, and kicked Qi Fengdong away.

The mantis walks but is unstable, afraid of brute force, Qi Fengdong accidentally hits and hits and directly breaks Zhang Pingche's offensive.

But Zhang Pingchee's forward kick at the end also hurt Qi Fengdong.

Qi Fengdong rolled around on the ground like a gourd rolling on the ground, and immediately turned up.

Oncoming is Zhang Pingze's whip leg.

"I've figured out your weakness." Qi Fengdong's eyes suddenly burst into light, and without dodging or evading, he punched Zhang Pingze's leg in an instant.

Zhang Pingche's eyes flashed, and the whip kicked down suddenly, and it hit Qi Fengdong's waist.

Qi Fengdong tightened his waist and swallowed the kick vigorously, but his face was full of excitement.

"Drink!" Qi Fengdong punched brazenly without dodging or evading.

Zhang Pingping stepped back immediately, frowning and looking at Qi Fengdong.

There were obvious slap marks on Qi Fengdong's face, which was the evidence of Zhang Pingche's merciless slapping on the face just now.

"Your strength is too weak!" Qi Fengdong laughed.

Zhang Pingze nodded without hesitation, his chest rose and fell slightly, and he took a quick breath to recover his strength.

It's not that Zhang Pingche's strength is weak, but that Zhang Pingche's strength is too weak for the strengthener. The toughness of the skin and well-developed muscles of the strengthener are very strong in resisting blows. Zhang Pingche's attack has nothing but the punch , had an effect, although the other attacks hurt, they didn't produce too much lethality.

"Although you are very strong, this is a competition after all, and we will accept this point in Shanghai." Qi Fengdong clenched his fists, with a confident smile on his face.

Zhang Pingze raised his hand and said nothing.

After Qi Fengdong understood Zhang Pingche's reality, he no longer hesitated, and immediately stepped on the snake step to attack boldly, punching hard without dodging or avoiding.

Zhang Pingping looked at Qi Fengdong who was rushing, his eyes were full of calm.

Stamping his feet and punching, the punch was like shaking a gun, the bones suddenly made a burst of crisp sound, and the air seemed to produce a crisp crackling sound because of the punch.

The bones sounded together!Qi Fengdong suddenly realized that he had made a big mistake.

The two fists rushed out at the same time, one forward and one backward, Zhang Pingze's body seemed to be twisted into a rope.

The violent punch directly hit Qi Fengdong's lower abdomen, and Qi Fengdong's fist also landed on Zhang Pingche's chest.


Zhang Pingche let out a heavy breath, his chest sank suddenly, Qi Fengdong's fist seemed to be trapped in a soft swamp, from the aggressive momentum at the beginning, it became limp and weak.

But Zhang Pingche's fist was deeply imprinted in Qi Fengdong's lower abdomen.

Qi Fengdong's face was full of regret, he staggered two steps, knelt down on the ground with a plop, clutched his stomach, and sat down slumped.

A flush appeared on Zhang Pingche's face, and he felt sore.

"If you are a B-level enhancer, you win." Zhang Pingze said in a hoarse voice.

Qi Feng couldn't even lift his head, and lay on his side on the ground, moaning in pain.

Zhang Pingping held his chest and raised his hand.

The B-level fortifier's ability to resist attacks will increase again. At that time, even if Zhang Pingche uses his special force technique, he will not be able to make an effective attack. In the final analysis, physical fitness is an insurmountable gap.

Zhang Pingze can defeat Qi Fengdong who is far more powerful than a B-level enhancer, but he is not an opponent of the most common B-level enhancer.

The referee didn't react until this moment: "The Central District wins!"

The medical staff rushed forward to check the injuries of the two people.

"The ribs are not broken, but the soft tissue contusion is serious. You need to follow us to the infirmary immediately, classmate." After a simple examination, the doctor said directly to Zhang Pingping.

Zhang Pingchee nodded: "May I say a few words to my teammates first?"

The doctor nodded: "You lie down now, I'll call someone for you."

After a while, Lei Yiyi ran over, with a nervous look on his face, tears welling in his eyes: "Brother Zhang, how are you, are you okay?"

"It's because I'm useless, otherwise, Brother Zhang wouldn't be on stage at all, I, I will definitely practice more in the future." Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche with self-blame.

Zhang Pingping shook his head: "It's okay, the next order of appearance is, Feng Yuming, Thunderstorm, you, Yuan Long, remember, try not to mess up, score five points, we are No.1."

With a distressed expression on his face, Lei Yiyi nodded.

"Brother Coffin Zhang, are you okay?" Feng Yuming asked, touching his head.

"It's okay, the strongest person in Shanghai District has already been defeated by Big Brother Zhang, it's up to us next, in the individual competition, we must win No.1!" Lei Yiyi looked at the huge Chan Wutai, firmly Said.

The game is still going on in full swing.

Ye Lian watched the live broadcast in front of him and yawned profusely.

"I didn't expect you, student Zhang, to be quite powerful." Ye Lian turned to look at Zhang Pingche who was lying on the bed.

"En." Zhang Pingze didn't know what modesty was at all.

Ye Lian swiped the screen, secretly watched the replay of the game just now, and then looked at Zhang Pingche who was lying weakly on the bed, with a blush on his face: "No matter how you look at it, he is really a perfect guy, just There is no string in the brain."

In the self-study room of Galaxy High School

"It's so handsome!" Chu Lanluo screamed, almost scaring Qingyun who was having a meal into a heart attack.

"What are you yelling?" Qingyun wiped his mouth and said angrily.

"Brother Zhang is so handsome! You idiot, why don't you learn to fight!" Chu Lanluo habitually despised Qingyun.

Qing Yun coughed twice: "What are you looking at?"

"You don't know about the live broadcast of the Youth Fighting Conference!" Chu Lanluo looked at Qing Yun with contempt.

Qingyun spread his hands: "The graduation exam is going to be in one month, I don't have time to watch those things, besides, what kind of fight conference do you, a girl, watch?"

As soon as Qingyun finished speaking, there were bursts of nympho-like screams from the study room, all girls' screams without exception.

Qingyun was speechless: "Okay, I'm ignorant, but is it really good for you to be nympho in the study room?"

As soon as the voice fell, the radio in the study room suddenly turned on.

"The following is an important news report. Our team from Yinhe High School in the Central District won the No.1 individual competition in the Huaxia District Youth Fighting Conference. Cheer, jump for joy, and applaud our heroes." Elk Ji Zha bluffed and cheered on the radio.

"Yeah! Great! First! First!"

"We're number one! That's awesome!!"

"What's the rest of the study, let's go, brothers, let's go get together today and celebrate, we finally won the first place in the Central District again! Are the beauties coming together?"

The entire study room was in a state of madness, and some people threw up the tablets in their hands in excitement.

Qingyun looked at the study room which suddenly boiled up, and was speechless for a while.

"What did I say, you are an idiot." Chu Lanluo smiled triumphantly.

Qingyun held back for a long time: "Hold the grass, it is actually the first!"

"Brother Zhang is mighty, long live Sister Yi!"

"Lang Luo, today you call the people in your dormitory, and I call the buddies in my dormitory. Let's get on with it tonight!"

Qing Yun also looked excited. He never thought that Zhang Pingping and the others would be able to win the first place. Even though it was the first place in the individual competition, it was still a big event worth celebrating.

Walking out of the self-study room, Qingyun suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the whole school was a bit strange, and everyone had a more or less happy expression on their faces.

At this moment, some public screens in the Central District are broadcasting the fight contest, which is a major event in the Central District.

It has been five or six times in the Central District, and it has not won a place in the qualifiers for more than 20 years.

Many people who have come from the passionate era, seeing the information on the public screen, can't help but burst into tears at this moment. After so many years, they finally see hope again.

Wearing formal clothes, the uncle hurried across the street and was about to go to a banquet. He looked up at the public screen, with tears in his eyes, bowed his head and walked away, fists clenched tightly.

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  That 515 fan title, you can claim it if you want, I am sorry for you, the fan title is too bad. 55555, I didn't mean to.In addition, students who read on the computer remember to give this book a five-star review.


(End of this chapter)

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