Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 150 Team Competition

Chapter 150 Team Competition (4)

By the time the people from the Central District and the Bay Area arrived at the base in the Bay Area, the people from the Shanghu District and the Northeast District had already left with flags, and the coordinates of the flag capturers were clearly marked on the map.

"Shall we chase?" Lin Feng asked a little depressed.

Why are they always the ones who get hurt.

"If you don't chase, I'm afraid it's a trap. The movement speed of the flag capturer is not fast, it's obviously intentional." Thunderstorm said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded and agreed with Thunderstorm's analysis.

Zhang Pingping and Hulan Huayu followed, and watched as Lei Yiyi entered a team flag into the console in the bay area, and finally the crisis in the bay area was resolved.

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Pingche with a tangled expression. The repeated changes made Lin Feng lose confidence.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lin Feng, then paced, sat on the tree stump, and looked at the blurred map sketch on the ground that seemed to have been artificially filled in.

Everyone in the Central District also looked at Zhang Pingche, who was frowning and thinking, hoping that he could give the next instructions.

"Brother Zhang, what should we do next?" Lei Yiyi turned around and asked.

"We have confirmed the locations of Shanghai and Northeast Districts, plus the previously confirmed locations of new snow areas. The map we have now should be the most comprehensive." Zhang Pingze improved the map on the ground again, and then Said calmly.

"The people we took down just now included four people from the Shanghai District and six people from the Northeast District. That is to say, their two teams will be seriously short of manpower now. It is a good time for us to attack." Zhang Pingping said calmly. Circled the locations of Shanghai District and Northeast on the map.

"Even if the two teams are mixed together, there are about nine people. We divide our troops into two groups, go directly to capture the bases of the two teams, force them to return to help, and then make a beautiful counterattack. Wait until we get the two teams' bases. flag, we can already establish the victory." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Okay." Lei Yiyi nodded without thinking too much.

"Wait, how should we deal with the next revenge?" Lin Feng asked with an ugly face.

Lin Feng was also a little confused at the moment. Zhang Pingze's idea was good, but he suddenly got a large number of team flags in the central area, because the base was not exposed, so it can be preserved for the time being, but the base in the bay area has been exposed. If they were to besiege, they would probably be kicked out immediately.

The players in the Bay Area all looked a bit ugly. They cooperated with the Central District only to keep their spots, but if they really listened to Zhang Pingze's words and did so, the Bay Area might be besieged by many teams coveting the team flag. , and then disqualified from the competition.

"I have a way to crack it, don't worry." Zhang Pingze said calmly, his tone was flat and inexplicably reassuring.

Lin Feng looked at Zhang Pingping's calm eyes, and nodded with difficulty. Now he doesn't have much choice, so he might as well just give it a go.

"It's not too late, let's set off immediately, avoid the coordinates of the flag capturers, and directly attack the bases of the two teams." Zhang Pingzhen stood up directly and said calmly.

"Thunderstorm, you follow the team in the bay area. In case of an emergency, you can deal with it." Zhang Pingze thought for a while, and arranged for a thunderstorm.

The people in the bay area also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Having a B-level enhancer following them is undoubtedly reassuring.

Thunderstorm hesitated and nodded: "Okay."

"Okay, let's go now, Lin Feng, you lead the team to the base in the Northeast District, and we will go to the Shanghai District." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Speaking of which, Zhang Pingping walked up to Lin Feng, stretched out his hand and said calmly: "Please write down my bracelet number, and I will contact you at any time."

Lin Feng looked at a large number of bracelet numbers, memorized them a few times, and then nodded. With the bracelet numbers, they can communicate with each other.

"Okay, let's go, there is no need to keep people here." Zhang Pingchee nodded, then waved directly and led the team members in the central area into the jungle.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth: "Let's go too."

The open space of the bay area base immediately became empty, and everyone was not worried about the safety of the base in the bay area. After all, the distance of three kilometers and half an hour were enough to get back.

What's more, the Xinxue District has not moved yet, and the two closest Shanghai District and Northeast District have lost troops and generals.


"We're just waiting here? Are Yu Wenqing's words reliable?" The captain of the Northeast District leaned against the trunk of an old tree depressed.

Qi Fengdong was not far away, closed his eyes and meditated: "I don't know."

Shanghai District was beaten [-]-[-] by the Central District. Up to now, Qi Fengdong is still a little depressed, and he is also a little unconvinced. The last time he lost to Zhang Pingche, he completely underestimated the enemy. If he does it again, he will definitely not will lose again.

As a closed disciple of Qi Tianguan, Qi Fengdong didn't care about the quota at all, and he was a martial idiot himself, so the original intention of participating was to find someone to learn from.

So after getting Yu Wenqing's invitation, Qi Fengdong didn't think too much, and agreed directly. As for the other team members, they were all seniors, and they all expressed their support for Qi Fengdong's idea.

"The soldiers were lost just after the attack, and our team members haven't contacted us yet?" The captain of the Northeast District was aggrieved and smashed the tree behind him with his fist.

"Didn't Yu Wenqing also say that, that's just part of the plan." Qi Fengdong looked at the old tree behind him, hesitated for a moment, then climbed up directly, and said while climbing.

The captain of the Northeast District snorted coldly: "In case that Yu Wenqing made a mistake, people from the Central District and the Bay Area will come over. Our little people can't stand it."

Qi Fengdong stood on the branch of the old tree, calmly watching the sun that had begun to turn to the west, and touched his hungry belly: "Probably not, I'm a little hungry."

When the captain of the Northeast District heard this, his face turned green: "Don't fucking talk about it, the labor and capital who are talking about it are hungry."

Qi Fengdong looked at the empty branches, and couldn't help sighing, this is the same in Mount Emei, it would be great to replace all these red maple trees with fruit trees, and in autumn, there will be wild fruits all over the mountains and plains.

"Well, I'm so hungry." Qi Fengdong sat cross-legged among the branches, looking at the sky.

The sun is still moving slowly.

Nearly six or seven hours have passed since the competition, and the hunger in my belly began to slowly appear. The longer the time, the more severe the test for the contestants. Under the harsh conditions, there are obviously many more competitions Uncertain factors.

Just when the remnants of Shanghu District and Northeast District were hungry and heart-wrenching, sirens sounded from the wristbands of the two teams.

Qi Fengdong suddenly jumped down from the tree and glanced at the captain of the Northeast District: "Sure enough, as expected, the Central District and the Bay District chose to attack our base directly."

"Then what should we do now?" the captain of the Northeast District asked anxiously.

"What are you waiting for, come back for help!" Qi Fengdong shouted immediately.

At the same time as the sirens sounded in the Shanghai and Northeast districts, Yu Wenqing also saw two location coordinates that suddenly appeared on the map.

"Hehe, Zhang Pingche, you are not very good." Yu Wenqing sneered, and then dialed the communication through the bracelet.

Tang Mingkong glanced at Yu Wenqing casually, a little absent-minded.

She doesn't like such a victory, because there is no sense of accomplishment.

"Do it!" Yu Wenqing said with a chuckle through the bracelet.

[-] meters away from the base in the Central District
Tang Donghe, dressed in a blue and white uniform, stood under a very tall old tree, staring at the old tree in a daze. This old tree can be called the tree king of the entire jungle, thanks to this tree The tallness made them find this place easily.

Tang Donghe turned off the communication, and then excitedly shouted to the four people behind him: "Eldest brother let us do it."

"Look at the marks on the ground, which direction should we go?" Tang Donghe looked at the extremely hidden marks on the ground, and then pointed to the direction of the base in the central area.

The four team members in Yunchuan District also looked at Tang Donghe excitedly: "Brother, you are really amazing."

"That's right, the big brother is the best, hahaha, the central district is full of hot chickens, and I just won the individual competition by luck." Tang Donghe smiled happily.

"They would never have thought that we have already touched their base." A team member from Yunchuan District smiled and followed Tang Donghe's footsteps.

Tang Donghe smiled confidently with a corner of his mouth: "People from the Central District and the Bay Area are going to attack the bases in the Shanghai District and the Northeast District. It is too late to return to the rescue at this moment. On the way, the big brother has arranged for people who are responsible for blocking and procrastinating." , I don’t believe that under such circumstances, the Central District can survive.”

The five of them quickly walked through the jungle of less than [-] meters along the inner sign, and then found the base in the central area. The taupe console stood alone in the open space.

The five walked quickly to the console, and then directly opened the operation page.

"Hold the grass!" Tang Donghe swears directly after seeing the numbers on the operation page.

The operation page is very simple, and a number, 5, is simply displayed on it.

Exactly five team flags.

And there are five of them.

This does not mean that they are lucky, but that they have already received an internal tip, so they naturally know how many team flags there are in the base in the Central District.

The five players took turns to go into battle, and immediately took away the five team flags. The base in the central area was instantly in a state of empty flags, and a half-hour countdown appeared on the interface. Once half an hour is up, the central area will be kicked out of the game , their purpose is achieved.

Just when the five people breathed a sigh of relief, a silver-white figure rushed out of the jungle like a gust of wind, and attacked the five people crazily with lightning speed.

Lei Yiyi's eyes were burning with excitement, and he blatantly shot at the Yunchuan District team member who was closest to him, and the whistling wind of his fist made the sound of an explosion.

Before the member of the Yunchuan District could react, an infinitely enlarged fist appeared in front of his eyes.

Lei Yiyi grinned, with a gloomy and excited smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the player's eyes went dark, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably, directly hitting the bodies of the other two players.

Footsteps slammed on the ground, and then Lei Yiyi's body shot out again, and the soft leaf layer sank deeply into a big pit.

"What the hell! Lei Yiyi!!" Tang Donghe screamed, only to see Lei Yiyi rushing up like a madman without dodging or evading.

Sinking his waist and stabbing his horse, Tang Donghe counterattacked subconsciously.

Lei Yiyi's face remained unchanged, and he twisted his body and punched directly.

bang bang-

The sound of two flesh-to-blood collisions echoed in the open space. The two men didn't fight bloody fists, but they all hit each other.

A purple blush immediately appeared on Lei Yiyi's face, and red nosebleeds flowed down her delicate lips, while Tang Donghe simply passed out with a punch.

Lei Yiyi landed and raised her hand to wipe the blood from between her lips, but she didn't wipe it off, but instead she got blood stains all over her face.

Seeing Lei Yiyi looking at them with a hellish smile, the other three who were still awake were frightened to the point where they lost all fighting spirit, and ran away in a panic.

How could Lei Yiyi let the three people escape? With a sudden kick, like a flying shell, he caught up with the three fleeing people. This is still an open space. In the open space, Lei Yiyi's speed advantage will be brought into full play. extreme.

In less than two seconds, Lei Yiyi grabbed the collar of the last team member, and dragged him to run like a chicken.

"Go!" Lei Yiyi yelled in a low voice, and directly charged up the person in his hand, and threw it out.

The three of them rolled into a ball like a gourd.

Lei Yiyi took a few steps to catch up, and each of them passed out with a palm.

Standing up, Lei Yiyi rubbed her cheeks, dragged the three fainted guys with both hands, and threw them directly under the console. The five unconscious guys were all piled under the console.

"Okay, everything is settled." Lei Yiyi clapped her hands and nodded in satisfaction.

Quick and easy, none of the five sent out a distress message.

After blocking the bracelets of the five people, and putting a team flag on the console, Lei Yiyi turned around and rushed into the jungle.

Yu Wenqing looked at the location coordinates of the five extra flag capturers on the map, and nodded with satisfaction: "The elimination of the Central District is already a certainty."

Tang Mingkong curled his lips and folded his arms, his face full of indifference.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the coordinates of the flag capturers in Shanghai and Northeast Districts suddenly disappeared.

Yu Wenqing was taken aback for a moment: "What's the situation? The Shanghai District and the Northeast District took back the team flag?"

Before Yu Wenqing was surprised, the bracelet rang, and Qi Fengdong's voice came faintly: "We returned to the base, and only saw a member of the Central District, and the others were not found."

"What? Did they escape early?" Yu Wenqing frowned.

"But why do you have to leave one person in place?" Yu Wenqing felt a little puzzled, and couldn't figure it out.

Just when Yu Wenqing was struggling, a burst of noisy footsteps appeared.

Lin Zonglin suddenly came out of the forest, looked at Yu Wenqing, and laughed loudly: "Yu Wenqing, I didn't expect that! Hahahaha."

Yu Wenqing watched as the steady look on Lin Zonglin's face disappeared, replaced by shock.

"Why?" Yu Wenqing looked at Lin Zonglin in confusion. Yunchuan District had never revealed his location, so why was Nanguang District coming to him.

"No why."

While Yu Wenqing was amazed, in the woods on the other side, Zhang Pingze came out with the team from the central area and said calmly.

"This is impossible! How could you find it?"

Yu Wenqing opened the map angrily, looked at the sign representing Tang Donghe's five people on the map, and his face turned ashen. For such a long time, Tang Donghe and the others didn't move at all, obviously something happened. Tang Donghe's accident meant that Yun The location of Chuan District's base was exposed.

"How do you know my layout?" Yu Wenqing looked at Zhang Pingze in a daze.

There was no meaningful expression on Zhang Pingche's face, and he looked at Yu Wenqing calmly.

"It's like you have arranged the internal response before the fighting competition, the fighting has already started before the competition."

 Ps: Anyone want to take a guess, where do I start with the layout?Hey hey.

(End of this chapter)

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