Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 151 Team Competition

Chapter 151 Team Competition (5)

"It's impossible." Yu Wenqing staggered two steps back.

Lin Zonglin looked at Yu Wenqing's appearance, and immediately felt extremely refreshed, and said with a smile: "Yu Wenqing, you also have today."

Since the individual competition, Nanguang District and Yunchuan District have completely turned against each other. Seeing that Yu Wenqing lost to Zhang Pingping in the aspect he was most proud of, he immediately felt extremely relieved.

Tang Mingkong looked at Yu Wenqing, who was beaten and almost collapsed, and frowned: "Without Lei Yiyi and Thunderstorm, do you think you can take the team flag from us?"

Lin Zonglin laughed loudly: "Don't forget I'm still there. Although I can't beat you, it's no problem to hold you back."

The corner of Tang Mingkong's mouth twitched, and he smiled domineeringly and confidently: "You think too highly of yourself."

Lin Zonglin's face darkened. Although there was a big gap between B-level fortifiers, Lin Zonglin didn't believe that he couldn't hold back Tang Mingkong.

"No, no, don't fight, I want to ask clearly, why did I lose?" Yu Wenqing screamed, looking a little crazy.

Yu Wenqing stumbled out and looked at Zhang Pingche with bloodshot eyes: "Tell me, how did you find out? Who should be inside? Tell me, you definitely don't know, you must be lying to me, right?"

Zhang Pingping looked at Yu Wenqing's madman-like appearance, and said expressionlessly: "It should be a thunderstorm. He once sent a video to Yunchuan District. Need I say more?"

Yu Wenqing didn't say much, Zhang Pingze said simply, everything he wanted to understand.

"It turns out that from the very beginning, I lost at the starting point." After Yu Wenqing figured it out, he couldn't help but murmured to himself dejectedly.

The video that Zhang Pingping mentioned was a video of him fighting Yuan Long. That video was deleted by Xiao Meng in the second half. Only the first half of the video was circulated on the Internet, and there was no video of acupuncture in the second half. The video is the missing video.

Before the competition, Zhang Pingping had asked Xiao Meng to keep an eye on the people around him, only to find that the thunderstorm was secretly recording. With the help of Milu Ji, he followed the thunderstorm directly to Qingcheng University in Yunchuan District.

After learning about Lei Tian's betrayal, Zhang Pingping didn't say anything, but just used his tricks.

Yu Wenqing lowered his head: "I lost again this round, but"

Zhang Pingping looked at Yu Wenqing, wondering what he had to say next.

"I won't give up easily!" Yu Wenqing's eyes faded instantly, and he turned to look at Zhang Pingche sternly.

"Mr. Yu, here we come!" At this moment, there was a sudden shout from the back of the Central District.

The team from Smecta District unexpectedly attacked from the rear of the Central District.

"Zhang Pingchee, do you think I really need you to give me an answer? When I saw you guys appear, I already figured out what was wrong." Yu Wenqing regained his confidence and looked at Zhang Pingchee.

"It's just a Smecta area, do you really think it's a powerful helper?" Lin Zonglin sneered.

Nanguang District did not send all the team members, but an elite team of five people came. After several divisions, the Central District only had six people. At this moment, it is actually at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Five people from Yunchuan District plus ten people from Smecta District made a total of 15 people.

Lin Zonglin glanced at Zhang Pingche with some regret: "Sorry, I didn't listen to you, and brought everyone here."

When Zhang Pingping found Lin Zonglin through the bracelet before, Lin Zonglin was still a little skeptical, but now he made a mistake here, and he was a little ashamed.

"Leave all the people in Yunchuan District to us. Brother Zhang, stop the people in Smecta District." Lin Zonglin directly took the task of blocking Yunchuan District out of guilt.

Zhang Pingping nodded and did not shirk. The team from the Bay Area is coming, and they can definitely be faster than the Shanghai District and the Northeast District. As long as support arrives, the victory should be established.

Hulan Huayu has been put back to the new snow area by Zhang Pingping, which has stabilized the hearts of the people in the new snow area, and there will be no problems in the new snow area.

This was a chaotic battle, a huge vortex involved all the teams.

At this moment, a tepid live broadcast also directly focused the camera on the base in Yunchuan District. The outcome of this battle will determine the outcome of the entire competition.

With the shocking reversal in the Central District and the backhand of Yunchuan District, the whole situation of the battle became clearer, and many spectators who couldn't understand it immediately understood it.

This is an exciting confrontation, step by step, the game between the two sides has now become a complete line, which is amazing.

Lin Zonglin let out a low cry, and rushed directly at Tang Mingkong. He was the only B-level enhancer still in use in the central area, and he was the only one who could stop Tang Mingkong, who was also a B-level enhancer.

Tang Mingkong looked at Lin Zonglin who was flying towards him, and curled his lips in disdain: "You are too slow."

The moment Tang Mingkong uttered his voice, his body moved suddenly. All the muscles in his body exploded with strong force at the same moment.

The straight and well-proportioned long legs turned around and kicked, rushing towards Lin Zonglin's waist.

Lin Zonglin only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then a huge pain came from his waist.

Shrinking his waist in pain, Lin Zonglin directly whipped his backhand and swept towards Tang Mingkong.

Tang Mingkong raised his arms expressionlessly. On the slender arms, the well-proportioned muscle lines carved out obvious lines.

Bang - Lin Zonglin's face froze with the sound of a crisp collision, and the force from his arm gave him the feeling of being smashed horizontally on the iron rod.

Tang Mingkong's complexion changed slightly, his figure flickered, and the offensive was officially launched. Qingchengmen was not as famous as Qitian Pavilion, and there was no fixed routine. The fighting methods mostly relied on speed and agility to win.

With Tang Mingkong's strength, the fist shadow in front of him at this moment almost formed a violent storm, constantly impacting Lin Zonglin's defense.

Faced with such a high-frequency attack, Lin Zonglin had almost no chance to fight back, and retreated desperately to defend.

"Being so fierce, she must want to fight quickly. I need to stabilize first." Lin Zonglin immediately reacted in his heart. Tang Mingkong obviously wanted to defeat himself quickly so that he could free up his hands to help others.

"Being so fierce must consume a lot of physical strength. I must hold on." Lin Zonglin only felt that the shadows of the fists were layered on his body, and he felt overwhelmed, as if his whole body was being attacked.

Tang Mingkong looked at Lin Zonglin who was defending with all his strength, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. Lin Zonglin's thoughts were obviously obvious. He wanted to wait until his physical strength was exhausted.

But is that possible?In the face of such a stormy attack, blindly defending will only push oneself to the brink of failure.

Thinking of this, Tang Mingkong made her fist stronger. Due to physical limitations, her strength is destined not to be too strong, but her advantage in speed can well make up for her lack of strength.

No matter how thick Lin Zonglin's skin is, if he is attacked in the same position continuously, his body will not be able to bear it.

"Want to fight a war of attrition with me?" Tang Mingkong sneered. As the offensive accelerated, his lower abdomen began to float rhythmically, and his rhythmic breathing shocked Tang Mingkong's spirit, and his physical endurance was greatly enhanced.

"Sister's staying power is not comparable to yours."

Tang Mingkong's low whip kicked for the fifth time on the bend of Lin Zonglin's left leg. Lin Zonglin couldn't hold it anymore, and bent his leg directly. With a flash of sternness, he stepped forward and bent his elbows, facing Lin Zonglin's exposed head, and slammed his elbows.

The slender arm made a howling sound of breaking wind, and directly hit Lin Zonglin's head fiercely. The huge force exploded, and Lin Zonglin fell to the ground with a muffled sound, his head fell to the ground, and fell to the side of a dog gnawing shit. I couldn't get up for half a day.

No matter how weak Tang Mingkong's strength was, he was still a B-level fortifier. This elbow hit the side of his head directly, almost hitting Lin Zonglin with a concussion. It's not easy to be conscious at this moment.

Tang Mingkong looked down at Lin Zonglin who fell to the ground, and twitched his mouth contemptuously: "I said, with you bastards, you are far from defeating me, scum."

Regardless of Tang Mingkong lying on the ground, Lin Zonglin, who was in a semi-comatose state, looked up at the battlefield.

Yunchuan District and Nanguang District are in an inseparable fight. The two sides are similar in strength.
Tang Mingkong was taken aback for a moment. What was the situation? The Smecta District, which had a large number of people, was actually at a disadvantage at this moment.

It wasn't that the other players in the central area were too strong, but that Zhang Pingze was like a wolf in a herd of sheep. Facing the players in the Smecta area, he basically resolved the battle within a few moves.

The contestants in the Smecta area are all elite fighters with rich fighting experience, but facing Zhang Pingze's weird moves, they are almost like paper.

"Bastard! Damn Chinese." Jin Yuantai also seemed to have noticed Zhang Pingping's unstoppable tendency, and immediately rushed forward angrily.

Facing the rushing Jin Yuantai, Zhang Pingze didn't have any strange expression. This time Jin Yuantai learned to be smart, and he didn't raise his legs full of loopholes, but put his hands in front of him, posing a steady posture of free fighting.

Zhang Pingchee looked at Jin Yuantai, who was approaching with walking steps, with a blank face, and directly shot first.

Stepping through his palms, Zhang Pingche hardly hesitated, his palms were tightly together, and he inserted into the gap between Jin Yuantai's hands.

The movements in ancient martial arts are omnipotent. They are originally used to kill and attack. There are no rules at all. something born of power.

Jin Yuantai obviously didn't expect Zhang Pingchee to make such a move, his hands were too late to defend, Zhang Pingchee's palms were like a knife that drove straight into Jin Yuantai's face, and his fingers were ruthlessly inserted into Jin Yuantai's face.

The finger pierced through the skin, and Jin Yuantai's face was covered with blood, and he swayed back in a panic.

Retreating is weak, Zhang Pingzhe had no extra expression on his face, passed through Jin Yuantai's hand, and suddenly changed his move. The mantis hand hooked Jin Yuantai's wrist, pulled back directly, and forcibly dismantled Jin Yuantai's two-handed defense.

Lifting his leg and kicking his abdomen, Zhang Pingze's right leg bounced up suddenly, directly kicking towards Jin Yuantai's lower abdomen.

The pulling force of one front and one back directly raised the strength of this kick to a higher level.

Zhang Pingping stood with his feet back, looked at Jin Yuantai who was lying on the ground clutching his stomach, looked up and searched for his opponent again, this was already the result of his mercy, if according to Gu Wu's thinking, this kick should have directly kicked Jin Yuantai's crotch Department, so as to cause the best damage.

But this is not a battlefield after all, it's just a competition, Zhang Pingze is still merciful in his shots.

The moment he raised his head, Zhang Pingche's eyes collided with Tang Mingkong's.

Tang Mingkong twitched the corner of his mouth and showed an interested smile.

Looking at Tang Mingkong's smile, Zhang Pingping's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned and ran away.

Tang Mingkong was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted, and immediately became angry, and he didn't care about the battlefield, he just raised his legs and chased him out.

Zhang Pingping once again almost ignored the battle, which directly made Tang Mingkong explode. From the moment he saw Zhang Pingping, the man with facial paralysis ignored her again and again, and now he is ignoring her again. Tang Mingkong's proud heart couldn't bear to ignore it.

"You bastard! Dare you turn around and fight!" Tang Mingkong yelled at Zhang Pingche's back.

Zhang Pingping didn't turn his head back, he dodged a few times, bypassed the trees, and disappeared from sight.

"Damn!" Tang Mingkong looked angry, and immediately quickened his pace to catch up.

On the complex jungle terrain, Tang Mingkong's speed was restricted, and he would not be able to catch up with Zhang Pingze for a while, so he yelled angrily behind.

Zhang Pingche didn't care about the situation behind, just ran with his head down. Facing the agile Tang Mingkong, Zhang Pingche had no chance of winning. Even if the dynamic visual state was turned on, his shooting speed was still limited by his body, so it was impossible. What harm did it do to Tang Mingkong?

Tang Mingkong quickly dealt with Lin Zonglin, and also directly demonstrated the strength of a Grandmaster B-level. The Grandmaster B-level can even dodge bullets, and he is definitely not something he can deal with.

As the eldest lady of the Datang Group, just for this body that has been strengthened to the limit, the strengthening cost exceeds one billion.

Zhang Pingche has no idea how strong a body with more than one billion galaxy points is, and maybe Lei Yiyi is no match either, but who knows, just try it out.

A hint of excitement flashed across Zhang Pingping's indifferent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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