Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 155 You will get used to it

Chapter 155 You will get used to it

"What's wrong with you, Brother Zhang?" Lei Yiyi asked nervously.

Zhang Pingche didn't answer, just hugged his head and groaned in pain.

"Brother Zhang, don't scare me." Lei Yiyi was about to burst into tears.

Zhang Pingche only felt a splitting headache, as if something was coming out of his head, this kind of pain, even a person like himself who resisted the process of phagocytosis gene injection couldn't stand it.

But with this kind of severe pain, it is indeed a very wonderful experience. Everything around me seems to appear in my mind without eyes. The scenes in front of me, in the cubicle, and outside the changing room are all as clear as daylight. Take a closer look.

Zhang Pingping even saw Tang Mingkong who was sitting on the hospital bed with resentment and shame on his face, and he could also see Tang Yuanyang who seemed a little depressed outside the changing room.

Of course, you can also see Lei Yiyi in front of you, and you can even directly see through Lei Yiyi's coat.

This miraculous experience is accompanied by excruciating pain, which is both fascinating and terrifying.

Zhang Pingze continued to explore outwards, but the accompanying severe pain became stronger and stronger.

This is a wonderful new world, 360-degree vision without dead ends, or in other words, telepathy.

Just as Zhang Pingze continued to explore outside curiously, a cold snort directly hit his mind, and the spiritual world that Zhang Pingze had built trembled violently, and then instantly shattered.

Zhang Pingping suddenly opened his eyes, and the severe pain in his head stopped abruptly, as if the burst of severe pain just now had never existed before.

After waking up, Zhang Pingche only felt his whole body cool down after being brushed, and sweat was secreted from the pores instantly, and then soaked his whole body.

Zhang Pingping was leaning against the wall, with fear in his eyes, and he was dressed roughly, while Lei Yiyi anxiously waved his hands in front of Zhang Pingping's eyes.

He raised his hand and took Lei Yiyi away, shaking his hand: "It's all right."

Hearing Zhang Pingze's tone returned to normal again, Lei Yiyi also heaved a sigh of relief, Zhang Pingze's state was simply terrifying,

Zhang Pingqi stood up slowly, but he was thinking about other things.

He could hear the cold snort just now, and he was able to withdraw from that state only because of that cold snort, who made it?

"Are you really alright?" Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingze nervously.

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi, then fell silent for a moment, then nodded: "It's okay."

"Go out." Zhang Pingping looked at the soaked hospital gown and said calmly.

After Zhang Pingping changed his clothes, he dragged Lei Yiyi out, and as soon as he went out, he met a crowd of curious eyes.

Tang Yuanyang showed a contemptuous look with the bodyguards in black: "It took so long to change clothes?"

Ye Lian looked sleepy: "I'm going to rest first."

Zhang Pingping ignored Tang Yuanyang's words, turned around and left.

"When did you figure it out, you can find me anytime, this is my business card." Tang Yuanyang raised his mouth.

Looking at Tang Yuanyang's smile, Zhang Pingping frowned slightly, then nodded: "Yes."

After Zhang Pingze said that, he and Lei Yiyi left. The next step was the harvest time. All the competitions were over, and it was time to announce the results.

Lei Yiyi followed behind Zhang Pingping, and when she went out, she turned her head to look at Tang Yuanyang indifferently.

Tang Yuanyang was stared at, and felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, a sense of danger directly hit his heart.

"This little girl's eyes are so murderous." Tang Yuanyang swallowed and said to himself.

Lei Yiyi glared at Tang Yuanyang angrily, then looked away, she just wanted to warn this guy who promoted his daughter to pay attention.

Zhang Pingping walked in front, and Lei Yiyi followed closely. Seen from the back, it was quite a harmonious scene. Perhaps only Lei Yiyi could bear Zhang Pingping's personality.

After taking back his personal terminal, there was a rush of message prompts on the personal terminal immediately, and when he opened it, it was all congratulatory messages from everyone.

The rest of the team members in the central area are in the same situation, and everyone has a smile on their faces.

"Zhang Pingze!" A familiar voice came.

Zhang Pingping didn't turn his head, but sensed the appearance of the person behind him, it was Yu Wenqing from Yunchuan District.

Yu Wenqing looked a little haggard at the moment, but with a gentle and helpless smile on his face: "This time you won, and it is my honor to meet an opponent like you."

Zhang Pingping calmly shook hands with Yu Wenqing: "It's a fluke."

Yu Wenqing shook his head with a wry smile: "Whatever you say, I've tried my best. We should have a chance to fight again in the future. Let's decide the outcome at that time."

Zhang Pingze nodded indifferently.

Yu Wenqing came over to say hello, and then went directly to communicate with other teams. The game is over, and now is the time for the members of each team to communicate with each other. After all, they are all from the Huaxia District. Outside of the game, there is no longer any deep hatred. Off the field, they can live in peace.

However, Zhang Pingche didn't have time to communicate. The matter of communication was left to Lei Yiyi and the others. He should stay where he was quietly and think about the problem.

He still remembers the interruption of his own spiritual world, who is that person?Zhang Pingze couldn't figure it out, there were quite a few people in the medical room at that time, and Zhang Pingze didn't know what this strange spiritual world was.
When Zhang Pingze was thinking about the problem, Hulan Huayu walked over wearing a navy blue long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of conservative slim black trousers on his legs.

Looking at Hulan Huayu who was dressed in black, Zhang Pingze couldn't complain. Hulan Huayu's personality dictates that she doesn't like to dress up conspicuously, and always likes to be a little more transparent, but with her current appearance, she is always the focus wherever she goes. The gaze clearly made her uncomfortable.

"Student Zhang, congratulations, you won the first place in the team competition." Hulan Huayu smiled a little reservedly and shyly.

"You really don't plan to go back to the Central District?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Hulan Huayu smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, classmate Zhang, I promised my boss, so I will definitely return to Xinxue District."

"Oh, Yeka. Did your boss tell you anything else?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly.

"No, the boss only said that after this competition, he wants me to accept some kind of experiment." Hulan Huayu said calmly.

For experiments, Hulan Huayu didn't have any fear. After all, the injection of enhanced fluid was also a kind of enhanced experiment. Biological experiments had spread all over the fields of life, so Hulan Huayu wasn't too worried.

"Well, then take care."

"Student Zhang, you too." Hulan Huayu bit her lip and whispered.

After getting along with Lei Yiyi, Hulan Huayu also seemed to have given up the idea of ​​continuing to entangle with Zhang Pingping.

Zhang Pingze looked at Hulan Huayu's tangled look, then lowered his eyes, opened the communication software of his personal terminal, and tapped his fingers in the air to quickly connect to the line.

"Are you there?" User ***
Seeing Zhang Pingze's appearance, Hulan Huayu lowered her head sadly, ready to leave.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Hulan Huayu, and then continued to look at the silent dialog box.

Your friend [Ekaterina] is online.

"Here, what's the matter? Do you have any new discoveries to tell me?" Yekaterina asked.

"Can you give Hulan Huayu to me?" User ***
"Hey! So this is the matter, don't you have a thunder and lightning?" Yekaterina.

Zhang Pingche pursed his lips, this Ekaterina really did investigate everything clearly.

"Can or can't, the price?" User***
"Hey! It's okay to give it to you, just come and be my servant." Ekaterina said.

"No, change another condition." User***
Zhang Pingping quickly chatted with a netizen named Yekaterina with his fingers faster than ordinary people's thinking speed.

"Cut! Listening to your tone, it seems that I am the one asking for help, hey! How about it, tell me, how to suppress the spread of the phagocytosis gene? Many toys have died in recent experiments." Ekaterina.

Zhang Pingche could even imagine that the woman on the other side of the network was squinting with a smug look on her face.

"Special human serum can achieve the inhibitory effect." User ***
After hesitating again and again, Zhang Pingze still sent it.

"Who's it, don't say half of what you say. Nah!" Yekaterina said.

"The method has been told to you, now it's up to you to fulfill your promise." User ***

Messy and cramped bed

The person who was lying on the bed wearing only a thin pink pajamas had a subtle grin on the corner of his mouth: "Cut."


"Okay, Hulan Huayu is yours now, I will send you the agreement, and then I will notify her." Yekaterina
Zhang Pingping breathed a sigh of relief. This Ekaterina kept her promises more than she imagined. Although her words were a little unreliable, her actions were extremely reliable.

Zhang Pingze looked up at Hulan Huayu who had walked five or six meters away, and the next moment, a file was transmitted to the terminal.

But Hulan Huayu, who was leaving in despair, suddenly opened her personal terminal in a hurry.

Then Zhang Pingze watched Hulan Huayu staring at the screen in front of him for a while, then covered his mouth in shock.

After a while, Hulan Huayu turned her head to look at Zhang Pingche, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Classmate Zhang? What does this mean?" Hulan Huayu blushed and pushed the virtual light screen in front of Zhang Pingze.

"Xiao Huayu, you are Zhang Pingchee's person now, enjoy your life, I have already submitted the transfer procedures for you." Yekaterina
Zhang Pingze looked at the subtitles in front of him, and then said calmly: "It's literally, I discussed the result with your boss."

"But, but this didn't go through my consent at all." Hulan Huayu whispered with shame and indignation.

"Do you still have the right to speak in front of your boss?" Zhang Pingze asked miraculously.

"Hey? Hey! No." Hulan Huayu replied dejectedly.

"Then follow the arrangement." Zhang Pingping spread out his hands and put on a helpless look with no expression on his face.

"But like this... why do I always feel like a pet like a kitten or a puppy, being sold here and there." Hulan Huayu muttered.

Zhang Pingping patted Hulan Huayu's shoulder: "You will get used to it."

(End of this chapter)

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