Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 156 Lei Yiyi's Mind

Chapter 156 Lei Yiyi's Mind

Although Hulan Huayu has been won by Zhang Pingping, Hulan Huayu still has to follow the team from Xinxue District back to Xinxue District, and then go through the formalities before being transferred back to Galaxy University.

Hulan Huayu is an orphan. Because of the government's policy, she has been able to go to college with excellent grades. She lives on a scholarship. When she made the decision to transfer schools, she almost gambled everything. If you find a part-time job, you may have to rely on the nutrient solution distributed by the government to survive.

But I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune, she met Yekaterina, so that she would not live on the streets.

For Yekaterina, Hulan Huayu was both afraid and grateful. Just like what Zhang Pingping said, why did such a powerful and mysterious boss take the initiative to find her, which made Hulan Huayu a little anxious.

But now it's all right, the sale agreement has been transferred to Zhang Pingping's subordinates, at least it won't be too frightening.

Hulan Huayu definitely didn't expect that Zhang Pingping and Ekaterina were essentially the same thing, and they both used people as test subjects, but the difference was that Zhang Pingping had successful experience, while Ekaterina is still in the exploratory stage.

The time for exchanging pleasantries passed quickly, and all the team members returned to their positions.

Then under the camera, the notarized referee read out the appearance score.

Without exception, No. 1 is still the Central District. After all, the sword dance was so eye-catching that many netizens from other districts turned their backs and voted for the Central District.

"Triple Crown, the real Triple Crown, the Central District's performance this year is really outstanding."

With the sound of the music, the ten-day Huaxia District Fighting Tournament Quotation Tournament came to an end. After the players from each district shook hands with each other, they dispersed and left, while the live webcast was being played back. clip shot.

Walking down the Emei Golden Summit, Chris in a black tights was wearing sunglasses, standing out in front of the crowd, looking at the people in the Central District who were slowly descending the mountain with a smile on her lips.

"Good job." Chris took off her sunglasses and smiled boldly.

All the people in the central area showed proud smiles, but some team members had tears in their eyes, and the tension that everyone had been tense for ten days was finally let go.

"In view of your good performance, tonight, I will take everyone's public funds to eat and drink." Chris waved her hand and smiled.

"Good!" Feng Yuming was the first to jump up.

It is a pity that I have not had time to enjoy the beautiful scenery and food in Yunchuan District. Now that I have seen the beautiful scenery of Emei, I will have a good taste of the delicious food in Yunchuan District.

"Jiuxiao Yunting, let's go!" Chris waved her hand proudly, and led a group of guys with shining eyes behind her to the dock on the side of Mount Emei.

"Jiuxiao Yunting? The No. [-] restaurant in Yunchuan District? Be good, these local tyrants in the Central District are really rich." The captain of the Bay Area, Lin Feng, looked at the people in the Central District swaggering past with a twitching corner of his mouth.

The consumption of a meal in Nine Clouds is no worse than the Tianhai Feast in the Central District, and even worse. After all, Yunchuan District is a large tourist area, and the scale of the hotel is stronger than that of an economic center like the Central District. Area.

Calculated according to the number of people in the Central District, the price of a meal fluctuates around [-] Galaxy Points, and the public funds are too cruel to eat and drink. Apart from Feng Yuming, the heartless guy, there are only Zhang Pingzheng and Lei Yiyi Relatively calm, the others all looked at Chris walking in front with a dazed expression.

"Master instructor, you are not afraid to go back, the principal turned against you." Xiaogu looked at Chris worriedly.

Chris tilted her head and smiled, then looked at Zhang Pingche: "What are you afraid of? It's said that it's public funds to eat and drink, but someone treats you."

Zhang Pingche looked at Chrissy's gaze, the corners of his mouth twitched, what are you looking at me for?It's not my treat.

Chris withdrew her gaze, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, her hands behind her head, and she walked gracefully.

Sitting in the suspension car, everyone fell asleep exhausted. After all, the whole day of the team competition consumes too much energy and energy. Even Lei Yiyi fell asleep leaning on Zhang Pingzhe's shoulders, his face With a quiet smile on his face, his hands were still firmly clutching Zhang Pingping's shirt.

In the cabin, only Chris and Zhang Pingchee were left awake at the moment. Chris crossed her legs, crossed her arms and looked at Zhang Pingche with a half-smile.

"I didn't expect you, with a dead face, to be so charming, that you even managed to hook up with the eldest lady of the Datang Group?" Chrissy smiled charmingly and dangerously with a twitch of her mouth.

Looking at Zhang Pingche's eyes is like looking at a husband who might go out to steal.

Zhang Pingche raised his eyebrows. Although his face was expressionless, some small facial movements could still show his emotions to some extent.

"You think too much."

"Hehe, thinking too much? Then the general agent of Datang Group suddenly came to me and said that he wanted to treat us to dinner, and wanted to match you and Tang Mingkong. What's the situation?" Chris stood up with a sneer, and turned to Zhang Come over from the flat position.

Zhang Pingping glanced down at Lei Yiyi's hand holding his shirt, and said, "That's just his wishful thinking. I'm not interested in Tang Mingkong at all."

"Hehe, then did you tell me who you were interested in before?" Chris leaned over to put her fair and charming face on the back of the seat, and asked with a smile.

The warm and orchid exhalation caressed Zhang Pingze's face, and Zhang Pingze looked at Chris with a blank expression.

"You usually have an abstinent appearance. It seems that you are not interested in Lei Yiyi. In the end, shouldn't you eat everything? Facial paralysis is amazing, so you can just open your eyes and talk nonsense. When I watched the game, you hugged me. Tang Mingkong hugged her very vigorously, how is it, how is Tang Mingkong's long-legged girl, is her chest soft and her waist thin?"

There was a trace of fire in Chris's eyes, she only stared at Zhang Pingche, waiting for Zhang Pingche to speak, the air was filled with sour taste, Chris, this woman can actually show such a sour expression, she is not a pervert what?

Zhang Pingche didn't pay attention to Chris' gaze, but moved his eyes down, looked at Lei Yiyi's hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "My shirt is torn, Yiyi."

Lei Yiyi shook her hand, from Zhang Pingze's perspective, her neck seemed to be reddened a lot, but Lei Yiyi still fell asleep breathing steadily.

Zhang Pingping looked at the flames in Chrissy's eyes, and then said calmly: "Tang Yuanyang came to see me, and Tang Mingkong was also there at the time, and she has made it clear, so this is impossible, it's just Tang Yuanyang is just entertaining himself."

Chris squinted her eyes and stared at Zhang Pingzhe's eyes. Her long golden hair fell from her shoulders and hung in front of Zhang Pingzhe's eyes, exuding a faint fragrance: "Really?"

Zhang Pingping nodded.

Chris withdrew her head suspiciously, and then gave Zhang Pingping a white look: "I believe you once."

Zhang Pingze: "It's none of your business, you still believe me?"

Zhang Pingze raised his hand to stroke Lei Yiyi's hair, then leaned on the chair and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The levitating car landed directly on the landing pad of the Nine Heavens, and then everyone in the central area, under the guidance of the waiter, went directly to their respective rooms. After all, it is a hotel, and naturally there is a place to stay. A hotel above the sky with more than 50 floors.

The overall decoration style is the style of ancient China before the interstellar calendar, and there are antique carved railings and jade brickwork everywhere.

Zhang Pingping took the elevator and went to the department store not far from Jiuxiaoyunting to buy some clothes to wear with his tail on his back. Lei Yiyi grabbed two holes in the shirt he just changed, obviously he couldn't wear it anymore.

Like a primary school student who made a mistake, Lei Yiyi followed behind Zhang Pingche, bowing her head apologetically.

Walking into the department store, Zhang Pingping connected to the department store's network through his personal terminal, called up the layout map, and then went straight to the clothing area.

It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still a lot of traffic. Obviously, this department store is also a relatively famous place nearby. Although online shopping is developing rapidly, and you can even try on it at home through projection technology, the physical store is still still Occupy more than half of the market share of shopping.

It's like what Lei Yiyi said, shopping, it's only interesting to go out and choose by yourself, no matter how convenient online shopping is, it can't compare to the pleasure of going to the mall.

Lei Yiyi, who was still a little moody at first, gradually became more emotional after walking around the department store with Zhang Pingping. He looked at the various clothes on the storefront with bright eyes, and was lured by the shopping guide several times. Want to reach out and try it out.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he stuck out his tongue and withdrew his hand, thinking of Zhang Pingche beside him.

Holding a beautiful lady's round hat in his hand, the shopping guide smiled helplessly at the colleague beside him, "This girl's boyfriend has a really strict tutor, and his face hasn't changed much since he came in. "

Just when the two shopping guides were whispering, Zhang Pingping turned his head and looked at the two of them. His cold gaze made the two shopping guides shiver, and they quickly shifted their gazes to other places.

Zhang Pingping looked down at Lei Yiyi again: "Try what you want to buy, don't be too cautious, I'll choose clothes."

Lei Yiyi bit her lip, but in the end female nature prevailed, she nodded.

Zhang Pingping went straight into the men's clothing store, while Lei Yiyi stood at the door for a while, then turned around, and walked towards the place where she was selling round caps just now.

After Zhang Pingping entered the store, the shopping guide with strange eyes immediately came up enthusiastically, and said with a professional smile: "Hello, sir, what kind of clothes do you need to buy? I'll show you."

Zhang Pingchee nodded, but didn't say anything. He raised his wrist, connected to the store's network, and then stood in front of the mirror with a blank expression.

"Start projection!"

He gave an order softly.

The [-]D projection in the store was immediately projected onto Zhang Pingchee's body, and each piece of clothing was changing rapidly on Zhang Pingchee's body, making people dazzled.

The shopping guide looked at this strange customer with a look of surprise on his face. Is it really good to choose clothes so frivolously? You are so good, you can just shop online at home, why go to a physical store to pretend to be aggressive.

And Zhang Pingche's behavior also attracted the attention of other people in the store. Several women who came shopping with her boyfriend couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing.

Zhang Pingze's body shape is just like a clothes rack, and he is suitable for almost any type of clothes, but such frequent cross-dressing has a funny comedy effect.

Zhang Pingze simply ignored the gazes around him, and raised his hand to quickly operate on the panel. Even a skilled shopping guide couldn't see the flashing images.

After a light-speed change, Zhang Pingze directly made a list of what he wanted to buy.

The clerk looked surprised, looked at the list on the panel, and then went to get the clothes in a daze.

Zhang Pingping quietly waited for the shopping guide to pick up his clothes. Being able to work as a shopping guide in such a mall shows that he is skilled enough in business.

Not long after, the shopping guide came to Zhang Pingche with a bag and a bag.

"Sir, this is your clothes. Would you like to transfer money or credit card?"

Zhang Pingze completed the transfer directly through the personal terminal, and then walked into the fitting room with a set of clothes.

The eyes of the shopping guide looking at Zhang Pingze also became a little pink at the moment.

"More than 3000 Galaxy Points were spent without blinking an eye. It seems that this handsome guy is still a rich man."

The shopping guides themselves are all young beauties. I usually see a lot of rich people, but young, wealthy and handsome are very few.

The cold handsome guy in front of him made the single women in the store feel a little bit of fantasy in their hearts.

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. After changing into expensive clothes, Zhang Pingchee's overall appearance has been raised again. Zhang Pingchee has never bought clothes in a serious way before, and he just buys casually on the Internet. Clothes will do.

The result is either the size does not fit, or the style is old-fashioned. Now that I come to the physical store to choose it myself, it can be regarded as a suitable outfit. Of course, this is Zhang Pingze's own choice. If Lei Yiyi comes in to choose, there must be better choices .

Carrying two pockets, Zhang Pingchee came out of the changing room with a completely new look, with indifferent and calm eyes, a calm and youthful face, and a perfect body proportion, directly becoming the strongest in the store. Eye-catching.

"So handsome."

A girl who came with her best friend patted her best friend's ear, muttering with a flushed face.

But she yelled, but her best friend who had a male ticket didn't respond. The girl turned her head in surprise, only to see her best friend staring blankly and absent-mindedly.

"Look, I can't take the eyes off, your boyfriend is jealous." The girl said angrily, and casually glanced at her best friend's boyfriend.

I used to look at my best friend's boy ticket and I was a little handsome, but now I look at it again, what the hell is this?
Zhang Pingze ignored all the eyes in the store, raised his hand and tore off the label on his collar, then threw it into the trash can next to the counter, and walked out the door.

Little did he know that this action of pulling the label also caused a lot of suffocation in the back.

"How do I feel, the M-shaking soul in my body is burning." The beautiful girl who spoke tugged at her best friend's arm and bit her lip.

Pushing the door open, Zhang Pingze directly opened the tracking software, and the light spot marking Lei Yiyi seemed to be parked in a store not far away.

"How many times have I told you that I want this hat, and you can set a price." A stylish girl wearing sunglasses stopped in front of Lei Yiyi and said arrogantly.

Lei Yiyi lowered his head, clutching the hat in his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way! I told you I won't sell it!"

"Hmph, there is nothing not for sale in front of me. The original price of this hat is one thousand, and I will give you ten times the price. You can give it to me." The girl in sunglasses stopped at the door of the store and smiled contemptuously.

Lei Yiyi's body trembled a little, her fists clenched tightly.

"Ten times is not enough? Little girl, don't be too greedy, so I will give you twenty times."

Lei Yiyi raised her head slowly, her eyes were slightly bloodshot, and she said every word as if suppressing her anger: "Immediately, immediately, get out of here!"

The girl in sunglasses was taken aback by Lei Yiyi's eyes, but she stubbornly raised her chin: "I'll give you fifty times, fifty thousand Galaxy points, pay me now, in one lump sum."

"You're courting death!" Lei Yiyi smiled indifferently, his two canine teeth gleamed coldly.

 ps: Thank you [Bi Luo Huang Quan is a beauty] for the rewards of children's shoes, add a new chapter, and post it later.

(End of this chapter)

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