Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 157 The Intention To Kill

Chapter 157 The Intention To Kill

"What did you say? You threatened me? Do you know who I am!" The girl in sunglasses took a step back in shock, her lips trembling in anger, and she took off her sunglasses with her hand.

"Give you three more seconds, get out!"

Lei Yiyi's canine teeth gleamed coldly, and said in a cold voice, the delicate and soft voice conveyed a real coldness at this moment.

"Look carefully, I'm Nanli." The girl in sunglasses took off her sunglasses, revealing a stunning beauty, and then said proudly.

"Nanli, it's actually Nanli's queen! My idol." The melon-eaters who were watching from the sidelines immediately boiled up and shouted.

"I thought it looked familiar at first, but I didn't expect it to be Tianhou herself."

"Oh my god, I actually saw my idol, Queen Nanli, please sign me." Fanatic fans screamed.

"Nanli Tianhou, actually came to Yunchuan District, tsk tsk, the famous Nanli Tianhou, a global idol." Of course, there are also those who are not fanatical fans.

When the girl in sunglasses heard the support from the people around her, she was immediately determined, and then she looked at Lei Yiyi: "I'm Nanli, I really need this hat of yours, sell it to me."

Lei Yiyi looked at Nanli who had taken off his sunglasses, and frowned: "So what, what do I want to do with the things I bought, what does it have to do with you?"

After speaking, Lei Yiyi suppressed the anger in her heart, turned around and made a detour to leave.

"Why are you talking to Queen Nanli like that? Nanli wants to buy your hat to save you face. You little girl really doesn't know what's good." The onlookers immediately stopped Lei Yiyilu.

Lei Yiyi raised his hand and directly pushed Lan Lu Zhe aside, and left with a sullen head.

But before taking two steps, Nanli directly blocked Lei Yiyi's eyes.

"Leave the hat first, I have a performance tonight and I need this hat very much." Nanli stopped Lei Yiyi and said relentlessly.

"Get out!" This block completely detonated Lei Yiyi's anger.

Immediately Lei Yiyi didn't care about anything, made a wrong step, and suddenly punched Nanli's face.

Nanli didn't expect that Lei Yiyi would actually make a move. Facing Thunder's fast fist, she was powerless to dodge or parry. She was just a star singer, but Lei Yiyi was the tyrant Lei Dian who was afraid of even underground boxers. .

Just before everyone's eyes flashed, and subconsciously felt that Nanli was about to die under this fist, a slender hand with well-defined bones, like a prophet, pressed directly on Nanli's shoulder, and slammed Push aside.

Lei Yiyi's fist brushed against Nanli's ear with a whistling wind.

Nanli's exquisite face was full of horror, and his expression seemed to freeze.

The punch was fruitless, Lei Yiyi's body immediately reacted as quickly as possible, with his slender legs, he bounced up violently, and kicked Nanli's head directly with a ferocious high-whip kick.

"Yiyi." A cold voice came from behind Nanli.

After Lei Yiyi heard the sound, her body froze suddenly, but she couldn't take back the kicked leg.

Zhang Pingping directly pressed Nanli's shoulder, dragged it back, and dragged Nanli dangerously past Lei Yiyi's whip, and the howling air directly messed up Nanli's hairstyle.

Nanli was wearing high heels, his body became unsteady, and he fell directly backwards.

Zhang Pingche's eyelids were not too tight, he raised his hand to support her on the back, pushed her back, and did not hug Nanli violently.

The two dangerous dodges that Nanli experienced had already turned pale with fright, but she still looked back gratefully.

The scene just now was like a scene from a movie I acted in. A peerless master manipulated the bodies of ordinary people and then fought against villains.

After receiving Zhang Pingche's warning, Lei Yiyi woke up suddenly, and retreated from that runaway state, her eyes were full of fear.

I have the most strength, if I got hit by the punch and kick just now, I am afraid that the woman in front of me may not even need to go to the hospital, she can go directly to the morgue.

Nanli turned his head, only to see a cold and handsome face.

The person who helped her was a handsome guy, all of which fit the elements of an idol drama, and she was the heroine in the drama.

"Who is this handsome guy? He's so awesome." From the perspective of the melon-eaters, the scene just now was even more mysterious. Zhang Pingping pushed and pulled, and Nanli dodged Lei Yiyi's attack directly. This magical method, It's almost like making a movie.

"You are?" Nanli quickly returned to normal, and asked with a little shyness in his eyes.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Nanli, then walked up to Lei Yiyi, raised his hand and held Lei Yiyi's hand: "Let's go."

Realizing that she was in trouble, Lei Yiyi nodded and followed Zhang Pingche to leave this place of right and wrong.

Nanli was left on the spot, his eyes full of confusion, this routine is a bit wrong, why did the hero elope with the villain?

But before Nanli could figure it out, the fans gathered around and asked for autographs.

Zhang Pingping took Lei Yiyi and walked quickly in the department store. Lei Yiyi moved his legs and followed quickly. It looked a little funny. Zhang Pingping took a big step, and Lei Yiyi took two steps to follow.

People from the department store watched the two people with different styles of painting, hurried out of the gate of the department store, and went straight to the Jiuxiao Yunting Hotel opposite.

"Young people nowadays are really in a hurry." The aunt who was in charge of controlling the cleaning robot shook her head and sighed.

"What happened to you just now?" Zhang Pingping walked in front and asked calmly.

Lei Yiyi was taken aback, and lowered her head in shame: "Yes, I'm sorry, Brother Zhang, I almost got into trouble."

"Let me ask you, what happened to you just now?" Zhang Pingping stopped and turned to look at Lei Yiyi.

"I, I'm fine, I was stopped by that woman, I felt very angry, very angry, and then I couldn't control myself and shot directly." Lei Yiyi said a little aggrieved.

"You were not like this before." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Lei Yiyi panicked and bit her lips: "Brother Zhang, I, I will change."

"I'm not talking about that." Zhang Pingze said calmly, looking into Lei Yiyi's eyes.

"Come with me." Zhang Pingping dragged Lei Yiyi into the room.

Lei Yiyi was also very obedient, and followed Zhang Pingping directly into the room.

The room is a luxurious presidential suite. It even has a living room. The room is very large, with a balcony and a small swimming pool. This configuration is really worthy of the price of the room.

Zhang Pingping took a glass of water: "When I say you have changed, I don't mean that your personality is getting worse now, but that your ability to control your emotions seems to have declined. There is a clear difference between before and after the game."

Lei Yiyi picked up the water glass, then raised her head and drank it down, and her dry lips got a little moist.

"The situation just now, if it was before, you would definitely be angry, but you won't go berserk." Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi who was sitting by the bed and said calmly.

Lei Yiyi lowered her head: "I, I don't know what's wrong, anyway, I was very angry, so I shot uncontrollably."

Zhang Pingping looked at Lei Yiyi, and said calmly: "If you continue like this, I can only give up on you."

As if struck by lightning, Lei Yiyi froze, staring at Zhang Pingche in a daze.

"No, Brother Zhang, I can control myself, this time it was really just an accident." Lei Yiyi's eyes suddenly showed panic.

"You also know that Hulan Huayu can also match with the devouring gene, so if you can't control your emotions, I will really give up on you." Zhang Pingping looked into Lei Yiyi's eyes calmly.

"No, don't, don't!" Lei Yiyi's eyes filled with tears instantly, and then she reached out to grab Zhang Pingche's sleeve.

Zhang Pingze avoided it without a trace, and then continued to say calmly: "Hulan Huayu is very smart. During the team competition, I discovered this one thing about her. She is very good at thinking, and it is easy to assign tasks to her. Not bad, and his personality is relatively peaceful."

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche with tears in his eyes, and stretched out his hands helplessly to Zhang Pingche, but Zhang Pingche backed away to avoid them.

Looking at Zhang Pingze who was getting further and further away, Lei Yiyi's eyes seemed to lose focus in despair.

"You are not the only choice now, Hulan Huayu will be my next choice." Zhang Pingping frowned slightly, and then fixed his eyes firmly on Lei Yiyi.

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche with blank eyes: "Why? Brother Zhang, won't you give up on me? Are you planning to give up on me because there is a substitute?"

Zhang Pingche didn't speak, Lei Yiyi had tears in his eyes, and he was still talking to himself: "Then, if there is no substitute, Brother Zhang, do you belong to me alone?"

"Yes, it must be like this, hehe, I understand." Lei Yiyi stood up numbly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Substitutes or something, just kill them."

After Lei Yiyi finished speaking, she got up and walked out the door.

"Yiyi!" Zhang Ping shouted in a low voice.

Lei Yiyi's body trembled a bit, but her footsteps did not stop.

Zhang Pingche's face changed slightly, and he immediately grabbed Lei Yiyi's hand: "Yiyi, calm down! It was just a test!"

"Just kill it." Lei Yiyi's eyes became bloodshot, and his expression also became crazy.

This time Zhang Pingchee's face finally changed, he immediately blocked Lei Yiyi's way forward, grabbed Lei Yiyi's shoulder and shook: "Be sober!"

"Kill it."

The corners of Lei Yiyi's mouth raised an arc, revealing his fangs emitting a cold light.

"The canine teeth seem to have grown a lot?!" Zhang Pingze looked in surprise at Lei Yiyi's mouth, where other flat canine teeth had grown out, and was taken aback for a moment.

Indeed, he hasn't seen Lei Yiyi in a serious way for a long time, so the canine teeth probably won't grow out anytime soon.

Lei Yiyi's strength was not something that Zhang Pingze could restrain. Looking at Lei Yiyi who was in a coma, Zhang Pingze directly stretched out his hand and pressed a spot on Lei Yiyi's neck.

Lei Yiyi tilted her head and fell to the ground.

Seeing Lei Yiyi fainted, Zhang Pingchee was relieved. Leaning against the door, Zhang Pingchee suddenly found himself sweating a little.

"Am I getting nervous too?" Zhang Pingche tugged at his shirt and sighed softly.

Lei Yiyi was so full of energy and blood that she became sober within a minute after she passed out, and looked around with a little confusion in her eyes.

"I, I, I'm sorry, Brother Zhang." Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche with aggrieved eyes.

Lei Yiyi still had the consciousness just now. Although the desire to kill devoured his reason, it still left an impression in Lei Yiyi's heart.

"It's okay, it's my fault, I shouldn't have tested you like that."

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Zhang, did you really think about what you said just now, or did you lie to me?"

"I'm lying to you, I won't give up on you, you are unique and no one can replace you." Zhang Pingping patted Lei Yiyi's head.


"Really." When Zhang Pingche spoke the nasty words, although he had no emotion, he was not shy at all.

"Your changes shouldn't have anything to do with you. It should have something to do with the devouring gene." Zhang Pingze said calmly, stroking Lei Yiyi's head.

Lei Yiyi nodded, and she felt a little settled in her heart, since it wasn't her own problem, there would always be a solution.

Zhang Pingze suddenly remembered one thing, Lei Yiyi's mood swings, is it only irritable or other emotions that cannot be controlled?

"Yiyi." Zhang Pingping called Lei Yiyi.

Lei Yiyi raised his head in a daze, but Zhang Pingping directly pushed up against Lei Yiyi, leaning on the wall while pressing Lei Yi, looking at Lei Yiyi calmly and with as much emotion as possible.

Lei Yiyi's eyes were filled with bewilderment when he was suddenly wall-thumped, and then his head was buzzing with blood.

Zhang Pingche was almost stuck to his body, and his eyes were so ambiguous, Lei Yiyi immediately realized something, and looked straight at Zhang Pingche.

Breathing became more and more heavy, Lei Yiyi felt that her whole body was going to burn, looking at Zhang Pingze's face, looking at Zhang Pingze's lips, her mouth was dry.

Then Zhang Pingche felt that Lei Yiyi's eyes suddenly flashed like lightning, and he pushed him against the wall, grabbed his shoulder, and kissed him.

Zhang Pingping tilted his head, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, no matter what emotion Lei Yiyi is in, her control is so low that it's appalling. Whether it's anger, jealousy or lust, as long as Lei Yiyi's emotions fluctuate Will act on it, direct and brutal."

However, in the current state, Zhang Pingche is a little embarrassed, and Lei Yiyi is like a wild cat with a q, jumping on him, he is also very embarrassed.

And under Lei Yiyi's fierce attack, Zhang Pingping found himself reacting too.

Looking at Lei Yiyi's tender lips, Zhang Pingping felt like a flame was rising from his lower abdomen, making his heart itchy unbearably.

"Perhaps, it's okay to eat it directly." Zhang Pingping suddenly had a thought in his heart.

Although it's a little bit of taking advantage of others, but even if he doesn't take advantage of others, Lei Yiyi is still a delicious meal that he can eat at any time.

Just when Zhang Pingche was about to respond to Lei Yiyi's enthusiasm, a doorbell rang suddenly.

Zhang Pingche's expression changed, and he directly poked Lei Yiyi's neck with his fingers.

Now, in Zhang Pingze's heart, there is a feeling of being a dog, who is this damn?

Carrying Lei Yiyi to the bed, Zhang Pingzheng tidied up the messy clothes and went to open the door.

Tang Mingkong stood in front of the door with a frosty face, and rang the doorbell with some helplessness and determination on his face.

Zhang Pingche opened the door calmly: "What's the matter?"

"Yes, yes, of course." Tang Mingkong took a step back and looked at Zhang Pingche with some fear.

"Come in?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"No, no, just say it here, stay away from me." Tang Mingkong gritted his teeth, his tone trembling.

 Ps: Well, suddenly there are two more rudders, one chapter will be added first, that chapter is owed first, and I will go out again recently.

(End of this chapter)

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