Chapter 158

"What's the matter, let's talk." Zhang Pingping didn't care about Tang Mingkong's attitude.

Anyway, in his opinion, the situation that occurred during the game was purely accidental, and he is not a god, so how could he have anticipated all possible situations.

Not using dirty tricks to Tang Mingkong to delay time is the biggest concession Zhang Pingche has ever made.

"I just came to tell you that you didn't hear what I said at the banquet later. No matter what, the two of us will have nothing to do with each other. Even my father can't control me. Private life." Tang Mingkong stepped back to a safe distance, then folded his arms and said arrogantly.

Zhang Pingche nodded: "I see."

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Pingze continued to ask.

Tang Mingkong lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, by the way, there will be invited celebrity guests later, please help me get a 3D stand and paper signature."

"Are you still chasing stars?" Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong and asked calmly.

"What's the matter, can't you?" Tang Mingkong blushed slightly, and looked away arrogantly.

"Then why don't you ask for it yourself?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Tang Mingkong pointed to himself, and then said proudly: "I am the eldest lady of the Datang Group. If I want to sign such a thing, how can I ask for it myself."

"Then with the power of your Datang Group, no matter which star you like, just say it, let alone the signature, I am afraid that even the underwear of that star can be taken off on the spot and offered with both hands." Zhang Pingping said without changing his face.

"You can't finish it! If you are asked to do it, you can do it. The signatures that come like that don't make any sense!" Tang Mingkong said angrily.

"Idols are for worship. To ask an idol for an autograph, you should have a reverent attitude, not the other way around." Tang Mingkong said with contempt.

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong indifferently, but he didn't expect that the eldest lady of the Datang Group was actually a serious star chaser.

Due to my status, I don't want to be admired by others, but I want to experience the normal feeling of worshiping stars. Are you a masochist?

Zhang Pingche looked at Tang Mingkong suspiciously, Tang Mingkong looked at Zhang Pingche's eyes, his whole body trembled, and then he said in a trembling voice: "Then let's talk about it, I, I'll go first."

Looking at Tang Mingkong who was staggering away with sloppy footsteps, Zhang Pingzheng shook his head, went straight back to the room, walked into the room, looked at Lei Yiyi who was lying on the bed disheveled, Zhang Pingzheng didn't want to continue the farce just now, time was running It's getting late, wash up early and take a rest, there is an unknown banquet to attend in the evening.

Although this meal was named after Chris, the real owner was Tang Yuanyang, but also, only a wealthy entrepreneur like Tang Yuanyang didn't take a meal worth 10,000+ seriously.

The night of late autumn fell very early, and by the time all the team members from the Central District came to the banquet, the sky outside was already completely dark, and the colorful lights were also shining in this bustling city.

The location of the banquet is the topmost floor of the Nine Heavens Court, the Heavenly Court.

A room on the entire first floor is full of rockery and flowing water, an indoor scene like a fairyland on earth. Dry ice smoke floats slowly among the rockery and flowing water, making the whole room look like a real fairyland in mythology.

There is only one large table in the entire heavenly courtyard. The classic gold and red colors are the main colors of the table. The white glazed lamp is directly in the shape of the Tiangong, exuding a soft and cool light.

The banquet of this specification made the team members in the central area stare blankly.

"Master instructor, are we really having dinner here?"

Chris showed a charming white eye: "Of course."

"Oh my god, when I go back, I will definitely give you a good word, Mr. Instructor, in front of the principal, otherwise I am really afraid that the principal will hang you up to watch." Feng Yuming laughed.

"Hehe, I didn't pay for this meal anyway." Chris smiled indifferently.


Just when everyone was stunned, a burst of laughter came.

"It's a great honor for Tang to be able to invite all the young talents in the Central District today." Tang Yuanyang walked in with Tang Mingkong and Tang Donghe directly.

"Who is this handsome uncle? It must be that instructor Chris was taken care of by someone." Feng Yuming looked at Tang Yuanyang who entered the door with a look of surprise.

The corner of Chris's mouth twitched: "If you want to die, you can continue talking. If you don't want to die, shut your mouth for me from now on."

Feng Yuming was so frightened by Chris's sneer that he shuddered and shut his mouth quickly.

Although he is not afraid of Chris with fists and feet, he has guns and soldiers in his hands. If he really offends Chris, a lunatic like Chris will definitely drive the mech to the school and hunt him down all over the school.

Tang Yuanyang completely ignored the words just now, pretended not to hear, and said with a smile: "Everyone, I am the global general agent of Datang Group, Tang Yuanyang."

Tang Yuanyang smiled and stretched out his hand without any airs, and smiled kindly.

But he has no pretensions, which doesn’t mean that the people in the Central District are all fools. Datang Group, they know something about it. It’s an interstellar-level company and the general agent of the earth. And go up.

Standing in front of such a big man, the students in the Central District were a little cautious.

"Students, don't you welcome me as an uncle to join in? Although everyone has a generation gap, my heart is still very young." Tang Yuanyang stretched out his hand helplessly, and said humorously to himself.

"Uh, no, no, it just feels a little strange." Everyone waved their hands quickly, but they were all teased by Tang Yuanyang's self-deprecation, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

Chrissy raised her hand to touch Tang Yuanyang in a nonchalant way: "You are so young, I don't dare to call myself young and beautiful. An uncle with your daughter is so old, you still pretend to be tender."

Chris' words directly choked Tang Yuanyang severely, but Tang Yuanyang didn't care about it. Chris is different from others. She is one of the few mecha masters currently stationed on Earth, and the entire Huaxia District also Just such a person, the status can be imagined.

Moreover, Tang Yuanyang knew her character well, so she didn't take it seriously at all.

"Hehe, let's not say more. The competition is so fortunate, so everyone should attend first." Tang Yuanyang smiled gracefully, and then raised his hand to guide everyone to attend.

No matter which one of the Central District players present, they have already won the quota for the Global Youth Fighting Competition, and they will become celebrities when they are in the international arena, which is worthy of being recruited by Tang Yuanyang.

Besides, it's just a meal, and it doesn't cost a lot of money.

The formal dinner hadn't even started yet, but with just over a dozen appetizers, everyone was already shouting that it was delicious.

And Tang Yuanyang's humorous conversation also made everyone let go slowly, so it seems that Tang Yuanyang is really a very friendly and handsome uncle.

"Okay, everyone, stop laughing at Tang. In fact, I invite you to come today because I have an important matter to invite you to be witnesses." Tang Yuanyang stopped the topic and said with a smile.

The voice was not loud, but the scene was instantly controlled, and everyone quietly waited for Tang Yuanyang's next words.

"What's the matter, Mr. Tang, you can just say what you want." Everyone, who had gotten carried away at the moment, said with a smile.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just a personal matter. We're all teammates fighting together on the field. I'm afraid the friendship between each other is closer than that of brothers. I want to mention this matter to everyone, and I hope everyone can understand it." Help me to say something nice." Tang Yuanyang said with a smile.

On the other hand, Tang Mingkong's face was a little blank at the moment, and his eyes were a little empty.

"What's the matter?"

"During the team competition, something happened between Ming Kong and Zhang Pingping in your team. I don't know if you understand?" Tang Yuanyang said with a smile.

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Zhang Pingche with weird expressions, with a funny expression that something has happened.

They didn't know about the plot between Zhang Pingping and Tang Mingkong at first, but after the game, when they were browsing the information, they saw it in the lace report.

"Understood, understood." Everyone smiled funnyly with a look of knowing it well.

"Things during the competition are not countable, but because of the competition, Ming Kong secretly developed feelings for Zhang Pingping, and as a parent's choice to face their children, of course the only choice is to support, so Tang Someone is going to ask classmate Zhang Pingping for an answer out of the blue." Tang Yuanyang smiled calmly.

Tang Mingkong had a bulging vein on his head, obviously enduring it very hard.

"Haha, Brother Zhang, you just follow." Feng Yuming laughed loudly.


Lei Yiyi threw the chopsticks on the table.

Feng Yuming trembled suddenly, and quickly apologized with a smile: "Sister Yi, I owe you this, I should hit you, how can Brother Zhang be shaken?"

Frustrated by Feng Yuming, none of the people present dared to speak easily.

Lei Yiyi's sudden violent temper has also scared many people. Sister Yi is directly full of anger. In the past, even if Lei Yiyi rose up, she would not be so obvious, but now she just threw her chopsticks. The four words "I'm unhappy" are written all over my face.

Tang Yuanyang didn't expect that Lei Yiyi would have such a big reaction, he was stunned for a moment, and then said dryly: "This is also a matter for you young people, I just made a head start, Lei Yiyi don't have to be so angry."

At this time, it was Tang Mingkong's turn to speak out, Tang Yuanyang turned to look at Tang Mingkong.

Tang Mingkong's veins were bulging at this moment, his face changed several times, and then he stood up and said calmly: "Zhang Pingping, I like you very much, let's get married."

"WTF? Meow meow?"

Tang Yuanyang looked at Tang Mingkong in bewilderment, this is different from the script, okay, I'm embarrassed by your sudden change of the script, okay.

After Tang Mingkong finished speaking, he sat down directly, turned his face away, his face was slightly red, and his expression was a little arrogant.

Chris's complexion also changed slightly, and she looked at Zhang Pingze unkindly: "Didn't you say that she is not interested in you?"

Zhang Pingche had a calm face, pretending he didn't hear anything.

Lei Yiyi lowered her head, as if she was a little emotionally unstable.

Zhang Pingche quickly leaned over and said a few words to Lei Yiyi, Lei Yiyi looked up blankly, looked at Zhang Pingche, and then nodded in confusion.

"Student Zhang Pingping, it's no wonder that the girl Ming Kong is a bit straightforward. In fact, there is no need to make such a fast progress. The relationship can be cultivated slowly." Tang Yuanyang smoothed things over awkwardly.

Zhang Pingping stared at Tang Yuanyang, frowned and said nothing, then opened his personal terminal as if no one else was there, and sent a message to Tang Yuanyang: "What do you want? What kind of dragon formation?"

Tang Yuanyang was stunned for a moment, but he didn't look at the information impolitely, but snapped his fingers with a smile: "Put these away first, let's start serving."

With a snap of their fingers, the waiters who seemed to have been waiting for a long time came in quickly and began to serve the dishes. The exquisite dishes attracted everyone's attention very well, and the embarrassing incident just now was also put aside.

After being simple and polite, Tang Yuanyang directly pissed off the dodger, and Zhang Pingping also followed and left tacitly.

After washing his hands in the luxurious bathroom, Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang who had just come out of the bathroom beside him, and then turned his head to look at him calmly.

"Uh, classmate Zhang Pingping, why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that it's hard to agree in front of so many people at the wine table, so you asked me in private?" Tang Yuanyang asked with a smile.

"What do you want? After setting up such a big scene, isn't it enough?"

Zhang Pingze's tone was calm, making one unable to bear any doubts.

"I don't want anything, it's that girl Mingkong, I hope to get along with you." Tang Yuanyang opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"If you have something to do, you can just say it directly, and then tell the price, please don't beat around the bush, okay?" Zhang Pingze looked at Tang Yuanyang speechlessly, whether this uncle is old and his brain is not working well.

Tang Yuanyang looked at Zhang Pingche, as if he was about to turn around and leave, and hurriedly said, "Um, let Tang Mingkong join your reserve team."

"Yes, the price?" Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang, without any sense of guilt for using power for personal gain.

"what do you want?"

"What do I want, what do you give?" Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang and asked.

Tang Yuanyang was a little embarrassed, and wanted to say: You want as boldly as possible, there is nothing our Datang Group can't afford.

But after thinking about it carefully, if Zhang Pingze opened his mouth, he might lose the deal.

"You tell me first, let me think about it." Tang Yuanyang smiled.

"100 million galaxy points."

"Pfft—a spot in the reserve team, it's not that exaggerated."

100 million is not a lot, but it is not equal to the value. Tang Yuanyang, who was born as a businessman, naturally does not allow such outrageous transactions by his subordinates.

"I want to enhance the different qualities of the bacteria in the strengthening liquid, D-level and E-level are fine." Zhang Ping looked sideways at Tang Yuanyang.

"Enhanced liquid bacteria? Why do you want that thing? You plan to open a small workshop to make enhanced liquid? It's not necessary, the profit rate, why not come to our Datang Group as a technical director, and I will give you 20 annual salary , there is a bonus." Tang Yuanyang still did not forget to win over.

"Just say it's a deal or not." Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang and asked calmly.

"I can only give you E-grade fortified liquid strains. D-grade is a bit high in value. Only the E-grade of the bad street can give you." Tang Yuanyang looked at Zhang Pingche with a puzzled expression on his face.

Zhang Pingping nodded: "Deal."

"I really don't understand what you want an enhanced liquid strain for. If the enhanced liquid does not form a large scale, there is not much profit to be made, and you have no channels. You should come to the technical department of our Datang Group."

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang calmly, I will tell you, can the phagocytosis gene be used to screen and improve bacteria?

The one-time single-quality enhancement solution that was originally intended to be strengthened in the same way can be changed into a single-time all-quality enhancement by relying on the screening and collection ability of the phagocytic gene.

With a single strengthening, you can strengthen your physical fitness in an all-round way, save money and effort, and will definitely occupy a huge market share. Although it is only E-level, it is because of the high popularity of E-level that it has a wider market. Consumer groups.

Zhang Pingze wanted to buy a bug-class small starship for future material collection, but after learning about the price of the starship, Zhang Pingze suddenly found that he was short of money.

 Ps: I don't know if there will be an update tomorrow, tomorrow is very busy, and the day after tomorrow is very busy.

(End of this chapter)

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