Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 159 Suicide Attack

Chapter 159 Suicide Attack
"I will send you what you want, but there is one thing I want to talk about." Tang Yuanyang seemed very satisfied with the transaction just now.

Enhanced liquid strains are kept secret in the industry. Although they are not of high value, in order to avoid too many competitors, most of the enhanced liquid companies will not disclose them.

For things like enhanced liquid, it is not enough to just have a strain of bacteria and then mass-produce it. In addition to the secretion of enhanced bacteria, it also needs the combination of various biological materials. This formula is valuable.

So Zhang Pingze asked for E-grade fortified liquid bacteria, and Tang Yuanyang agreed without even thinking about it.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Pingze straightened a strand of hair on his head while facing the mirror indifferently.

"Mingkong is actually quite suitable for you." Tang Yuanyang said with a smile.

"It can't be suitable, Tang Mingkong has a strong personality, and so do I." Zhang Pingche said solemnly.

When two powers meet, one will die and the other will be injured.

Tang Yuanyang looked at Zhang Pingze with an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth: "Some things, what you see may not be true, hehe, you are really suitable."

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Yuanyang, Tang Yuanyang smiled and left without saying anything.

Zhang Pingping followed Tang Yuanyang and left.


Satisfied with wine and food, and also listened to the song sung by Tianhou Nanli, Tang Yuanyang's purpose of holding a big banquet today has also been achieved, and the guests and hosts have a good time.

After the banquet was over, Tang Yuanyang didn't stay and left directly, while the others were not allowed to leave the hotel at the request of Chris, and went back to their rooms to sleep.

"Yiyi, go back to your room."

"En." Lei Yiyi responded, and opened the door to enter the room.

The rooms Tang Yuanyang arranged were all single rooms, one room for each person.Lei Yiyi's room is next to Zhang Pingche's room.

Seeing Lei Yiyi enter the door, Zhang Pingze sighed slightly: "You can come out now."

At the corner of the elevator, a head poked out: "How do you know I'm here?"

Zhang Pingze was silent for a moment without explaining.

He can't say: Not only do I know where you are hiding, but I also know the blue and white striped pants you are wearing.

The uses of the spiritual world are very extensive. Zhang Pingze doesn't know what the so-called spiritual power is. He only feels that as long as he moves a thought, it is like a radar, which continuously emits electromagnetic waves, and then clearly feeds back to the brain. looking at everything around

Tang Mingkong came out of the elevator, then stretched out his hand to Zhang Pingping, and said casually, "Give me Nanli's signature."

Zhang Pingze passed the 3D signature over, and then handed the paper signature card to Tang Mingkong.

Tang Mingkong eagerly reached out to grab the signature card.

"Pretend you didn't hear what you said at the banquet today, do you understand?" Tang Mingkong said proudly.

After Tang Mingkong finished speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the elevator, without any intention of saying a word to Zhang Pingze.

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Ming and went to the high-speed elevator without looking back and pressed the button.


The elevator seemed to go right down to this floor.

Zhang Pingshe's eyelids twitched, and he said calmly, "You'd better take two steps back."

Tang Mingkong was taken aback, then turned to look at Zhang Pingchee, who looked at her calmly.

Tang Mingkong was a little puzzled. The elevator door opened, and two people wearing black jackets, hats and masks suddenly appeared at the door. Pulled it out of the pocket.

Tang Mingkong was wary when he was reminded by Zhang Pingze, but now he reacted immediately when he saw these two strangely dressed people.

However, Tang Mingkong's reaction was not to retreat, but to advance. With his slender legs, there was a whistling sound, and he kicked the man in black at the front.

Before the man in black raised his hand, he was kicked directly on the chest, flew backwards, and hit the back wall of the elevator. The metal elevator wall was directly dented.

The man in black lowered his head, slid down and passed out, and the stun gun in his hand fell directly to the ground.

But Tang Mingkong dealt with one of them, and the other man in black didn't care about his companion's life or death at all. He raised his hand and pulled the trigger on Tang Mingkong.

The blue arc blasted out directly, and the current of tens of thousands of volts directly hit Tang Mingkong's body.

Tang Mingkong's eyes flashed, and he didn't dodge at all. The kicked leg swept across and slammed on the shoulder of the man in black.

But that arc was blocked by a faint film of light the moment it approached Tang Mingkong's body.

"Ion shield?"

Tang Mingkong kicked the man in black's shoulder, and the man in black's shoulder made a crisp cracking sound. The whole arm seemed to lose its bones suddenly, twisting in a strange direction.

Tang Mingkong spat softly, stepped half of his foot into the elevator, and stepped on the man in black with the broken arm.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to act wildly on the territory of Datang Group." Tang Mingkong sneered while stepping on the chest of the man in black.

The man in black sneered, then gritted his teeth, and his whole body swelled up suddenly.


The shocking explosion flames shot out directly from the elevator entrance, instantly blackening the wall opposite the elevator, and the roiling heat wave made Zhang Pingxiang squint his eyes.

However, in the flames, a tall figure slowly walked out, the jewelry on the wrist and a few spots on the clothes were shining with a faint blue light, and a layer of light-colored light mask like the substance firmly protected Tang Mingkong. inside.

"Can even protect against entities?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Tang Mingkong shook his wrist before the protective cover on his body dissipated: "Of course."

"How much does such a set of equipment cost?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Tang Ming gave Zhang Pingze a blank look: "Is now the time to ask this? It was a suicide attack, and it was still on the site of our Datang Group. bomb?"

"What's so strange? You Datang Group has a big business, so it's normal to have rivals." Zhang Pingping shook his head.

The sound of an explosion frightened Lei Yiyi directly, and he was relieved when he saw Zhang Pingche and Tang Mingkong in the corridor.

"Normal ghost, this is Cloudy Sky. The security inspection system is the most advanced on Earth. If someone enters with weapons or explosives, they will be discovered immediately." Tang Mingkong said contemptuously.

"Then they are not outsiders?" Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Impossible, the internal armed personnel of Jiuxiaoyunting can be exempted from inspection, and the armed personnel are all the most loyal private troops to our Tang family." Tang Mingkong frowned.

Zhang Pingping looked at the still smoking elevator entrance: "Maybe they were hypnotized."

The expressions of those two people just now reminded Zhang Pingping of the doctor who betrayed Ling Xiaochen. He had an expression of relief in his frenzy, and he never forgot
 Ps: There is only one small chapter. I have a lot of things recently, I am very tired, and I am not in a good state.

(End of this chapter)

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