Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 160 What's the situation?

Chapter 160 What's the situation?
"Have you, Datang Group, participated in the construction of space nodes in the solar system?" Zhang Pingze calmly looked at the black smoke at the elevator entrance.

Tang Mingkong glanced at Zhang Pingping: "I have participated, what's the matter?"

"Voted against?"

"Well, space nodes have huge benefits, but there are also risks. Our Datang Group does not lack those benefits. The safety of the Earth headquarters is more important than anything else." Tang Mingkong said calmly, dispelling the ion shield.

"Someone is here." Zhang Pingze suddenly turned his head to look at the safe passage,

"Huh? How do you know?" Tang Mingkong looked at Zhang Pingze inexplicably.

After hearing this, Lei Yiyi leaned directly to Zhang Pingche's side, frowning and looking towards the safe passage.

Lei Yiyi didn't know how Zhang Pingche knew who was coming, but since Zhang Pingze reminded him, it meant that the person who came was not kind.

Tang Mingkong looked at the two people who were nervous, and said flatly: "Don't be nervous, Jiuxiao Yunting is the property of our Datang Group, and there are three armed security guards on every two floors, and the ones coming up now should be the armed guards of our Datang Group." personnel."

Lei Yiyi glanced at Tang Mingkong: "Didn't Brother Zhang tell you just now that the person who caused the sabotage just now may be an internal member of yours, and the one who came up now is also an internal member. How do you know that it's okay?"

Tang Mingkong was choked by Lei Yiyi, and his expression was a little ugly: "It was just an unexpected situation just now."

Ding Ding Ding-

The heavy footsteps of shoes came from the safe passage, and three men in ordinary clothes ran up quickly. If you ignore the speed of the three of them and just look at their clothes, the three of them are no different from ordinary guests. .

Tang Mingkong raised his hand to sweep at the three of them, and a report came out from the personal terminal immediately: "Armed member 1089.1090.1091. Identity verification completed."

Tang Mingkong turned his head and smiled proudly at the two of them: "Whatever I say, they must have no problem."

"Raise your hands!!" Just when Tang Mingkong was proud, the three of them pulled out electromagnetic pistols at the same time and pointed at Tang Mingkong.

Tang Mingkong turned to look at the three of them, his eyes were full of shock: "You don't know me?"

Tang Mingkong is the eldest lady of the Datang Group, and has a great reputation, especially for the internal members of the Datang Group. They may not know Tang Yuanyang as the general agent, but they must recognize Tang Mingkong, who likes to make trouble Miss, be ready to deal with emergencies for Miss at any time.

"I'll say it again, raise your hand, if you don't raise your hand, I'll shoot!" The leader of the armed member 1089, the electromagnetic pistol he held has already started to charge and is ready to fire at any time.

Tang Mingkong stared blankly at the three armed members with unfriendly faces, then raised his hand to show his identity card.

However, when they raised their hands, the three of them, who had been tense all the time, directly pulled the trigger.

"Bastard!" Tang Mingkong shouted angrily, and immediately activated the ion shield.

Three ripple-like shield fluctuations appeared directly on Tang Mingkong's head and chest. These three shots were definitely aimed at the vital points, not some scaring joke.

"Damn it, there is still an ion shield, fire suppression, break his ion shield."

Armed member 1089 shouted directly, and the three of them immediately picked up the electromagnetic pistols, all of them adjusted the energy level to the highest level, and the electromagnetic guns half as long as the forearm began to flash sparks caused by energy overflow.

"Where are you still waiting to die?" Zhang Pingping calmly hid behind Tang Mingkong and said.

"What else can I do, there is no place to hide here, there must be something wrong, why don't they know me?" Tang Mingkong roared hysterically.

"Yiyi, open the door of your room by remote control."

Lei Yiyi nodded, and opened the door of the room by remote control directly through Yao's personal terminal.

"Ten meters away, please block the bullet." Zhang Pingze stepped back and said expressionlessly.


Tang Mingkong's face was messed up, but at this time, there was no other way, the first thing to do was to hide to avoid the limelight.

"Stop!" The three shouted loudly, accompanied by three roars.

The electromagnetic bomb instantly increased to the extreme speed in the short barrel, ejected along with the thunder light, and bombarded Tang Mingkong's ion shield almost instantly.

Surprised by the dazzling light, Tang Mingkong raised his hand to cover his eyes, and three energy ripples all bloomed on the chest of Tang Mingkong's ion shield.

The marksmanship of the three of them is very good. Using the maximum power of the electromagnetic pistol, they can still hit the target so accurately, which shows that the armed members of the Datang Group are well-trained.

Although it was something to be proud of, Tang Mingkong's face turned black from anger at this moment.

"Your ion shield is really good." Zhang Pingping dragged Tang Mingkong back, and then praised flatly.

"Your uncle!"

The three fully charged electromagnetic bullets were blocked lightly, and the advantages and disadvantages of this ion shield can be seen at a glance.

The individual ion shield, because it is inconvenient to carry energy, so the defense power is generally relatively low. It can defend against two electromagnetic bullets, which is relatively good. Tang Mingkong's ion shield is easy to carry, and the defense power is amazing. It's no wonder that Zhang Pingping's eyes are greedy.

"It hasn't broken yet! Unfortunately, the other party took hostages and entered the room! Contact the front desk immediately and ask for support."

The last thing Tang Mingkong heard was asking for reinforcements, and his angry face turned from black to white.


The solid door was closed, and all sounds from the outside world were blocked out.

"What's the situation!" Tang Ming took the show fist angrily, and slammed the wall fiercely. The wall trembled suddenly. The force of this punch was not light.

"I also want to know that we were with the eldest lady of the Datang Group, and then we were attacked by armed members of the Datang Group." Zhang Pingzhen shook his head.

"Yiyi, is there any drink in the refrigerator?"

Lei Yiyi smiled and went to open the refrigerator: "Yes, Brother Zhang, what do you want?"

"Have a glass of milk."

Tang Mingkong stared blankly at Zhang Pingche: "Whenever, you will return?"

Zhang Pingping looked at Tang Mingkong: "I moisturize my mouth."

After taking a sip of milk, Zhang Pingze held the cup and said, "Miss Tang, you are sure that all of your armed members know you, right?"

"I'm sure." Tang Mingkong said embarrassedly, because he was too capable of causing trouble.

Zhang Pingchee nodded: "It should be that someone used some kind of mental hallucination weapon on the three of them."

"Psychic hallucinations? What the hell? There is such a weapon?" Although Tang Mingkong understood the literal meaning, he didn't know what this unscientific thing meant.

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible to simulate brain waves and then conduct brain wave interference, which should be able to make people have specific hallucinations." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Simulating brain waves, are you joking?" Tang Mingkong sneered.

"Why hasn't the virtual reality brainwave game come out yet? Don't you know? Brainwaves are too complicated to analyze. It's a near-impossible task. You still want to simulate?" Tang Mingkong shook his head and laughed. Dao, expressing his disbelief.

"The human brain still has many functions that have not been developed. My idea of ​​spiritual weapons has only just appeared, and the things in front of me should not be caused by weapons." Zhang Pingping said calmly after taking a sip of milk.

"what is that?"

"Does Miss Tang know that the Zerg Kings have a special ability?"

"What ability?" Tang Mingkong rolled his eyes, saying how do I know, I'm not a researcher on this.

"The physical strength of the King Zerg may not be as strong as that of the soldiers, but the King Zerg has powerful spiritual power. It has been recorded in many battles against the King Zerg. When encountering the King Zerg, soldiers were affected by hallucinations on a large scale. Only the high-spirited mecha masters are not affected, so the mecha masters are so valued by the Human Development Association." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

 Ps: Update one chapter first, and update later.

(End of this chapter)

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