Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 164 Nothing is impossible

Chapter 164 Nothing is impossible
Lei Yiyi left with Leke, while Zhang Pingche followed Chris and stood in front of the soldiers.

Zhang Pingche suddenly felt a little uncomfortable standing in front of so many people, and it was a bit strange to teach Chris Bajiquan in front of so many people.

Chris smiled and waved her hands, then turned to face a group of soldiers, and shouted majesticly: "Everyone spread out in a training formation! It is your luck to invite the members of the champion team of the Huaxia District of the Fighting Competition to teach you , study hard for me, and if anyone throws me off, don’t blame me for being rude.”

The soldiers dispersed quickly, and the way they looked at Zhang Pingche changed slightly.

They also knew about the central district's championship, but they didn't expect this young man to be a member of the championship team.

"Reporting, sir, I don't think we need to learn fighting." Just as the team dispersed, a soldier with a big waist came out and shouted, puffing out his chest.

Chris squinted her eyes. Usually, these soldiers are basically not brought by her. She doesn't know much about these soldiers, but this does not mean that these soldiers can raise objections in front of her.

"Corporal, do you have any comments?" Chris asked, raising her chin.

The soldier stood up straight: "Yes, sir, we have received professional training, and we don't feel the need for an athlete to teach us."

"Meaningless training will waste our training time." The soldier said confidently.

Chris's face sank, her expression was unkind: "What do you mean? Do you think the people I found can't teach you?"

"No, sir, it's just that we don't need to learn martial arts for performance and competition. What we learn are all methods of killing people, not for entertainment." He didn't take Zhang Pingche seriously either.

"Nonsense." Chris scolded angrily, "Do you think there is something wrong with my eyesight?"

The soldier didn't speak, but still had an unruly expression. He didn't have much confidence in Chris, his immediate boss. Without the mecha, he thought he would be no worse than Chris. Plus, Chris never cared about training. , Intervened suddenly, making them complain a little bit in their hearts.

Although there was only one person standing out at the moment, the rest of the people were basically on the same front as this guy in his early years. They had some resistance to Zhang Pingze, what kind of abilities could such a young boy who looked like a child have.

Fighting conference sounds like a global fighting event, but for soldiers, it is just a political game.

From the video, it seems that those players may be very powerful, but from the perspective of spectators, they are just like flamboyant fists and legs. This is why there is such a creature as keyboard man.

"Not at all, sir." The soldier gave Zhang Pingche a mocking look, and then replied to Chris.

Having said so much just now, the young man didn't interrupt. He was obviously a flirt with no skills, so he became more confident.

"Give me a [-]-kilometer off-road with heavy loads immediately. If I haven't finished it, I'm not allowed to eat." Chris yelled angrily.

"I protest, sir! I am right." The soldier did not obey the order.

"Reporting sir, we think so too, we don't want to learn how to show our fists and legs, it's a waste of time." Another soldier stood up.

As one soldier stood up, several immediately stood up to support the first soldier.

Chris gritted her teeth, and looked coldly at the soldiers who stood up. She couldn't step back at this time, otherwise she would be unable to manage it in the future, but in the face of such protests, she couldn't deal with them roughly. They all looked at themselves, waiting for their answer.

Just when Chris felt difficult, Zhang Pingze, who had been watching the show, spoke slowly, with a calm and unwavering tone: "Let's stop talking nonsense, let's try our hands, and you will go together."

Zhang Pingping suddenly raised his finger, and the five or six soldiers who stood up had calm faces, as if they had come out to choose vegetables and go home to cook.

Chris stared blankly at Zhang Pingche's paralyzed face, her eyes were a little unbelievable. Although she looked down on the soldiers under her command, these soldiers were all from the battlefield. If they really did it, their hands would be black. hello.

If Zhang Pingchee hit three or two soldiers, she still believed it, but suddenly he raised his hand and wanted to hit six soldiers, which shocked Chris a bit. Zhang Pingchee is not the pervert like Lei Yiyi, he still has no enhancements By.

The soldier who stood up heard this, glanced at each other, and then looked at Chris, waiting for her reply.

Chris approached Zhang Pingchee and whispered: "Don't be kidding, don't underestimate my soldiers. They all have combat exploits. Although they don't have any skills, they are absolutely ruthless."

Zhang Pingping shook his head: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion and won't hurt them."

"That's not what I meant, bastard." Chris looked at Zhang Pingze speechlessly.

"Sir, we're fine." The early soldier grinned.

Zhang Pingping looked at the six soldiers who were gearing up and sneered, and said calmly: "It doesn't matter what method you use, if I win, you will listen to me in the future. If you win, any material conditions of yours will be I can satisfy you as far as I can."

"Hehe, you still want to win against us? Alright, I agree." The soldier in the lead smiled proudly.

The others hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement. From their point of view, it is impossible to lose. Whatever means they use, that is to say, they can also use guns. Although there are no real guns at hand, training firearms is still a hung around the waist.

Although the training gun can't kill people, the bullets contain anesthesia, and one shot will knock them unconscious.

Chris shook her head, didn't say anything, and stepped aside, although she felt that Zhang Pingche had no chance of winning, but Zhang Pingche had never fought an uncertain battle.

"Maybe there are some hole cards." Chris comforted herself.

However, this kind of self-deception didn't convince her at all, so she could only bite her lip and wait for the soldiers to surround Zhang Pingche with a blank expression.

The six directly surrounded Zhang Pingze, and they didn't seem to intend to use the training gun.

Zhang Pingping looked at the six people who had already surrounded him within three steps, and then said calmly: "The lion needs all his strength to fight the rabbit. Is this the so-called veteran of the battlefield?"

After Zhang Pingping finished speaking, the complexions of the six people changed, and they immediately became angry, and they were about to rush forward and teach this young boy a lesson.

But the target moved suddenly, and when he moved, it seemed like a thunderbolt pierced through the sky, and the whole person slammed forward in an instant.

Stepping up to the elbow, Zhang Pingzhe took three steps and suddenly appeared in front of a soldier in front of him. He turned sideways and shook his foot to push the elbow.

Zhang Pingze turned around quietly, almost without any signs, as if it violated the laws of physics.

But in fact, none of the six people noticed that when Zhang Pingche's words distracted the six people, his body already had a tendency to lean forward. The seemingly incredible speed was the result of long-term preparation.

Bajiquan is famous for its fierce close-to-body bunt. Once it is close to the body, the power of Bajiquan will be infinitely magnified. The use of knees and elbows is more fierce than Muay Thai, and the way of force is different from the indomitable Muay Thai.

Cross strength, fits the way of balance, while paying attention to power, but does not let oneself fall into an irreparable situation.

The soldier who was hit by the frontal impact hadn't reacted yet, and quickly put his hands on his chest, but in the next moment, he was directly pressed against the center of his chest by a heavy elbow, and a huge force exploded.

Zhang Pingche's knee directly leaned against the soldier's thigh, and the soldier who suddenly lost his balance was thrown backwards by an elbow.

The moment Zhang Pingche made his move, all the soldiers surrounding him rushed forward. Judging from the actions just now, the six of them completely gave up their arrogance and besieged Zhang Pingche collectively.

But at the moment Zhang Pingche rushed out the soldiers in front of him, he also rushed out from this breakthrough, directly breaking away from the encirclement.

A soldier was the closest to Zhang Pingche, and immediately greeted Zhang Pingche with his fist on the back of the head. Keep your hands.

Even if this punch goes up, it can't open people up, but it can definitely knock Zhang Pingping unconscious with one punch.

Two fists are no match for four hands, if you can take care of one side but not the other, can you still have eyes behind you?
Chris bit her lip and wanted to stop, but she had hope for Zhang Pingche, so she forcibly resisted the idea of ​​terminating the competition.

However, when the fist went straight to the back of Zhang Pingchee's head, Zhang Pingchee really seemed to have eyes in the back, tilted his head suddenly, avoided the sinister punch, and then leaned back on the soldier.

With a close-to-body bump, it hit the soldier's ribs directly, causing the soldier to spit out his breath, and his eyes widened.

Zhang Pingping elbowed back expressionlessly, directly hitting the waist of the sneak attacking soldier.


Moaning all over, the soldier clutched his waist and fell to the ground. Beads of sweat dripped down his painful face.

"Does it have eyes behind it? How can I play this?"

"Use a gun!"

The remaining four immediately touched the training guns at their waists. Anyway, Zhang Pingze said that all methods can be used, and the four of them simply don't even want to face and shoot directly. It's better than losing.

Zhang Pingche, whose spiritual world was fully unfolded, could clearly see the small movements of the four people touching their guns, and stepped back suddenly.

He kicked the gun off the hand of the person closest to him.

The man obviously didn't expect Zhang Pingche's movements to be so fast and accurate, and the training gun was thrown out of his hand.

Zhang Pingche stepped on the man's lower abdomen and chin very quickly, and then slid sideways in front of the soldier.

"Damn it, block it." The other three moved anxiously, looking for a shooting position.

With one hand, he pinched the restrained soldier's neck, blocking the shooting sight of the three of them.

The three soldiers spread out to ensure that they could find a better shooting position. Even if Zhang Pingze wanted to hide again, that soldier could only block one side of his sight.

"The attention on the left is distracted, and the attention on the right is concentrated, first left and then right." Zhang Pingze completed the calculation almost instantly, and directly pushed the soldier in front of him to the right, while he himself rushed to the left in an instant.

The soldier on the left obviously didn't expect Zhang Pingche to be able to fight back in such a situation. When he raised his gun, Zhang Pingche had already rushed in front of him.

"Open the door!" Zhang Pingze calmly raised his hand to hang it up, and directly blocked the soldier's arm holding the gun to his ear.

Eighth-level boxing is opened first and then punched. Opening the door means breaking the move and breaking the defense.


The anesthesia bomb passed by Zhang Pingche's ears. Although the sound was loud, Zhang Pingche was not affected.

A bang sounded from under Zhang Pingche's feet, and the sound seemed to be louder than a gunshot.

At the moment Zhang Pingping shook his shoulders and twisted his waist, his palm burst out, and he slapped the soldier's chest.

Huge power erupted, and Zhang Pingche's body exploded, and the explosive force of the bone-cracking sound instantly sent the soldier in front of him flying, flying up half a meter in the air, and fell directly out.

Footsteps spun, Zhang Ping moved a distance horizontally.

A burst of continuous gunshots rang out, and the sound of the wind caused by the howling bullets seemed to be right next to my ears.

Zhang Pingping turned around with his feet clasped, his steps suddenly became strange, and within a few steps he got close to the soldier who was shooting. At the same time, his body turned upside down, as if he was drunk, making it impossible to catch the trajectory.

drunken stagger

In a trance, Zhang Pingche has already rushed to the front.

"Missed?" The soldier couldn't believe his eyes. He had aimed and fired, but he missed.

Zhang Pingchee came close to him, and he didn't have time to put away the gun in his hand, so Zhang Pingchee slapped the soldier's face directly on the head.

The soldier was directly stunned, his head was buzzing.

Zhang Pingche withdrew the palm that was originally inserted into the soldier's throat, then lowered his arm and slapped him horizontally on his chest, knocking him down to the ground.

Only at this moment did Zhang Pingche turn his head to look at the soldier on the right who had just caught his companion's body.

At this time, the faces of the soldiers watching from the side were full of disbelief.

"It's impossible, dodging bullets, am I dazzled?" The soldiers looked at Zhang Pingze in disbelief.

The last soldier gritted his teeth and raised his hand to raise the gun in his hand: "I still don't believe you can really dodge bullets!"

Just as the soldier was roaring hysterically, he directly pulled the trigger.

However, the moment before the soldier pulled the trigger, Zhang Pingche suddenly turned sideways and slid to the side.

He can't compare the speed of bullets, but the extremely accurate data feedback in the spiritual world allows Zhang Pingzheng to capture every movement of a person, and at the moment before the soldier wants to pull the trigger, through subtle changes in muscles and pupils, Then he can judge when he will pull the trigger. At the moment of pulling the trigger, he can avoid the trajectory of the ballistic, and he can't react at all with the reaction speed of human beings.

The bullets whizzed and hit the ground, bursting out a cloud of red liquid, which was dyed anesthetic.

"Hiding. Passed!!!"

Chris covered her mouth and couldn't believe her eyes. Zhang Pingche was lucky to avoid the bullet by staggering left and right before, and everyone could accept it, but the situation in front of him was really dodging the bullet. , This damn is superman.

"Do you want to continue?" Zhang Pingze looked at the soldier calmly after avoiding the ballistic trajectory.

"We lost." The soldier said dejectedly.

"Are you a B-level master level enhancer?" The soldier asked dejectedly.

They also only know that a B-level grandmaster can rely on nerve reflexes to avoid ordinary bullets, and Zhang Pingche's display of this ability is undoubtedly a B-level grandmaster in their eyes.

"I'm not an enhancer."

Zhang Pingping loosened his shoulders. Just now, he used his bone-cracking explosive force, which put a heavy load on his shoulders and arms, and now he felt a little sore when he stopped.

"How, how is this possible?"

Zhang Pingze didn't answer, and calmly looked at the five downed soldiers who were slowly getting up.

"I, we learn from you, can we become like you?" The eyes of the six people were shining brightly.

"Well, I can't."


(End of this chapter)

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