Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 165 Outer Armor

Chapter 165 Outer Armor

"I'm convinced. I'll listen to what you say in the future." The soldier who made trouble at the beginning lowered his head and said freely.

Someone took the lead, and the other five also expressed one after another that they would obey the order.

"What's your name?" Zhang Pingping looked at the six people calmly and asked.

"My name is Xu Zhengyuan. The instructor can just call me Zhengyuan." The soldier in charge said with a hearty smile.

The other five people signed up one after another. After Zhang Pingping wrote down their names, he nodded: "You all return to the team, and don't make trouble next time."

"Yes!" The six stood at attention and saluted, and quickly returned to the team.

Just then Chris came over, staring straight at Zhang Pingche with a pair of eyes: "Little handsome guy, you can always surprise me."

Zhang Pingqi shook his head: "Stop talking nonsense, a lot of time has been wasted, let's start the formal teaching now."

Chris nodded.

"The Baji boxing I want to teach you is a short boxing style. Its movements are fierce and direct. You can fight or fight against the enemy. When I sparred with the six of them just now, you can also see that Baji The characteristic of boxing is to give up one's life without self, and to be the first to face danger. It belongs to the boxing method of breaking through the middle and taking risks with one's body. So at the beginning, I did not agree with you to teach this boxing method to your soldiers, because this is a desperate boxing method in itself. " Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Chris's blood boiled when she heard it, no matter how she looked at it, this Baji Fist was too much for her taste.

And looking at the soldiers who were listening to the lecture quietly, their expressions were also excited, and their blood was on the top. Obviously, they were very excited about this kind of boxing. Enough for them to get excited.

Seeing the performance of Chris and the surrounding soldiers, Zhang Pingping couldn't help shaking his head, so he gave up persuading and focused on explaining the essentials of Bajiquan.

Starting from the six major moves and the eight major moves, and supplemented by action explanations, although Zhang Pingping spoke quickly, it really benefited everyone, especially the fierce eight major moves, a group of soldiers couldn't help but find someone to try hands up.

However, the opportunity came very quickly. Thanks to the development of medical technology, soldiers don't need to worry too much about training. They can learn quickly.

Pulling the excited Chris to practice for a while, Zhang Pingze kept shaking his head: "Your situation is different from others, practice the routine well, try to memorize every movement by relying on the inertia of the body, and then When you use it, you won’t be affected by violent emotions.”

Chris is very irritable, it's true, she might be able to control her emotions at the beginning, but after a few fights, the madness will come up, and the attack movements will be out of order, completely crazy.

Chris was panting heavily, and her towering breasts rose and fell, attracting attention. If someone else was here, she would definitely be distracted. Unfortunately, Zhang Pingze was opposite her. Although Zhang Pingze also had normal aesthetic needs, he would look at the two Eyes, but in the combat state, the mood will not fluctuate.

At this moment, Chris, who has been abused repeatedly, has bloodshot eyes and looks desperate, which makes Zhang Pingping very helpless.

After a confrontation for a while, Chris's mood stabilized.

"Forget it, forget it, let's practice here today, you monster, you are not human, even if there is a gap, why can't I even hit you." Chris said a little discouraged.

"Because all your movements, before they are completed, I have already seen them. No matter whether you punch or kick, there will be signs before you make a move. I don't look at your punches, but your omens. Move, that's why you can't hit me." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Chris nodded thoughtfully: "What if I deceive you with fake actions?"

"Then before you make a move, you will be beaten." Zhang Pingping shook his head.

"Damn, isn't that unsolvable?" Chris said depressed.

"It's just that your speed is not fast enough. If you move fast enough, even if I notice it, I won't have time to react."


Chris shook her head helplessly: "Let's not talk about that, let's go to Yiyi. I asked you to come to Badaling this time, not just to train my group of soldiers."

Zhang Pingze frowned, a little disgusted with Chris's private decision.

Chris turned her head to look at Zhang Pingchee, saw Zhang Pingchee's slightly frowned brows, and immediately reflected it, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, don't worry, this is not to order you, it should be regarded as compensation, the newly developed unit of the Guardian Legion Are you not interested in military equipment?"

Hearing this, Zhang Pingze's brows eased.

"What equipment?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"You want to know? I won't tell you. You'll know when you get there. Anyway, it's no worse than Lei Yiyi's ion bracelet." Chris smiled easily.

Zhang Pingping looked straight, and curiosity appeared in his eyes.

Lei Yiyi's ion bracelet has been tested. It has completely blocked an explosion and six gunshots, and it is still tenacious. This kind of thing is absolutely expensive in the market, and there is no sales channel on the earth.

Follow Chris out of the training room and head to the testing room.

The mecha test room is a large room with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters. The underground space is limited, and it is not easy to reserve such a large room.

After entering the door, Zhang Pingping also saw Lei Yiyi.

At this moment, Lei Yiyi was standing there helplessly, while a thin old man with gray hair was excitedly walking around Lei Yiyi, dancing and talking.

"It's really amazing. It's obvious that human genes have such a strong physical fitness. It hasn't been strengthened yet, and almost every cell remains in its original state. This is simply a miracle, no, a miracle." The old man was excited. Said dancing.

Lieke on the side also looked at the old man speechlessly, but he still didn't dare to take any overstepping action. This old man is an A-level scientist of the Human Development Association. In terms of status, he is much higher than they don't know, that is Liu Heng. When the major comes, he has to wait on him in a friendly voice.

"Brother Zhang!" Lei Yiyi walked towards Zhang Pingping in great surprise the moment Zhang Pingping entered.

Lei Yiyi approached, with a resentful expression on his face: "Brother Zhang is really annoying."

Chris looked at the old man who seemed a bit displeased with embarrassment: "Hey, Dr. Jiang, why are you here?"

The old man glanced at Chris, but in the end he didn't ignore the mecha master Chris, and said with a hum: "Why can't I come here, I originally planned to test the data of the white bear, and I was going to decorate the white bear to advance." Facilities, strengthen flexibility."

"That's really bothering you to get old." Chris said with a twitching corner of her mouth.

"Hmph, who is Chris, Lei Yiyi? Could it be that he is a new mecha master?" But Dr. Jiang soon became excited, looking at Lei Yiyi and asked.

"No, I just invited her here to test the neural exoskeleton device." Chris Khan said.

Dr. Jiang was stunned for a moment, then his face changed immediately, and he cursed: "Are you stupid? You actually let this girl test the exoskeleton device. It's like filling your brain with shit. It really pissed me off. Do you understand, no? Can you stop messing around?"

Chris and Lek were about to be scolded, and they all looked resentful, and it was hard to fight back.

Although Chris is crazy, she is not mentally retarded. It is absolutely useless to really quarrel with this stubborn little old man.

"The strongest strength of the exoskeleton is only 2000KG. This girl's punch strength exceeds 3000. You actually asked her to use the exoskeleton? I'm afraid that the structure of the exoskeleton will be broken with one punch. Do you think you are brains? I'm sick, you think it's an addition operation." Dr. Jiang continued to spray at the two.

But after this scolding, Zhang Pingche finally figured out what was going on.

"The so-called exoskeleton test should be to test the execution and flexibility of the exoskeleton." Looking at the miserable two who were sprayed, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

Dr. Jiang turned his head to look at Zhang Pingche, and squinted at Zhang Pingche with his triangular eyes: "There is someone who knows a little bit, unlike these two guys with brains."

This old man is completely different from Zeng Min'an. Although old man Zeng Min'an has a hot temper, he is always elegant and angry and won't speak too much, while this old man is full of dirty words and has the scorn of a street hooligan.

Lek wiped the saliva off his face, and said with a smile, "Then change someone else. It happens that Dr. Jiang is here, so you can help me take a look."

"Since you want to test flexibility and execution, let me do it." Zhang Pingze suddenly volunteered, mainly because he was really curious.

I also learned about exoskeletons from the Internet, but the real neural exoskeleton has always been in the conceptual stage. Although the Internet is full of hype, the kind of neural exoskeleton that is completely controlled by nerve commands has never been produced. come out.

Just like a mech master, the neural control system has too high a requirement for nerve fluctuations. Only those with strong emotional fluctuations can play the role of the neural control system well.

If the requirements of the exoskeleton are the same as the neural control system of the mech, then there is no point.

"Okay, what's your name, young man? I like you. You're much better than those two idiots." Dr. Jiang nodded.

"Zhang Pingze."

"Huh? That student old man Zeng recognized?" Dr. Jiang suddenly had a surprised expression when he heard Zhang Pingche's name.

"You know me?"

"Damn it, how could I not know you? Old man Zeng blows you up to the sky in front of us, beeping and beeping all day long." Dr. Jiang said with a depressed face.

"But you're not bad, not to mention g92. You were the one who created the g94 in the military recently. You also led the central district to win the championship in Huaxia district. It's ok. The school is catching Xiaoman (sister)." Dr. Jiang bluffed while running the train.

"You two guys, hurry up and get ready for the test here." Dr. Jiang ordered directly.

Chris and Chris were kicked out without human rights at all.

After the two left, Dr. Jiang stared at Zhang Pingze: "That little Zhang, let me ask you a question."

"Please speak, Dr. Jiang."

"What's the matter with her?" Dr. Jiang pointed to Lei Yiyi and asked.

Zhang Pingping looked at Dr. Jiang calmly, and said calmly, "Dr. Jiang, do you know my father?"

Dr. Jiang's face changed, and then he nodded: "I know."

"I just want to prove that my father is right." Zhang Pingze looked at Lei Yiyi with a soft light in his eyes.

Dr. Jiang frowned, and then let go: "In this era, no one is right or wrong. You may not feel it now. When you have the opportunity to visit the extraterrestrial battlefield, you may understand that the earth is too comfortable. "

Zhang Pingchee nodded, and didn't say much. He just wanted to prove that relying on human strength can also fight against Zerg and alien beasts. He just wanted to prove that his father's Valkyrie plan is definitely not a ridiculous joke.

And Lei Yiyi is obviously a successful start, Dr. Jiang looked at Lei Yiyi curiously: "You don't plan to let her fight the Zerg in the future, do you?"

Zhang Pingche didn't speak.

Dr. Jiang continued talking to himself: "Although the strength and speed are good, it is really far from being able to fight the Zerg. Relying on fists is not enough. How is it different from ordinary soldiers when using firearms?"

Zhang Pingqie nodded solemnly. Although Dr. Jiang was talking to himself intentionally or unintentionally, he was obviously pointing him.

Compared with the huge size of the bug, Lei Yiyi is like an ant. Take the semi-mature body of the B-grade bug Saruwa that appeared in the Silver Wolf Street that day, with a length of several hundred meters, no matter how strong Lei Yiyi is, he can What harm?If you are not careful, you may be trampled to death.

"If a super soldier is combined with high-tech weapons, there may be some tricks." Dr. Jiang laughed while talking.

"I have a project. I don't know if Xiao Zhang is interested in you."

Dr. Jiang looked at Zhang Pingze with burning eyes.

"What project? I don't know much about technology and weapons." Zhang Pingze shook his head.

"No, no, not only in terms of technological weapons, but also in terms of biotechnology. There is just a lack of a biological expert. I think you are very suitable."

It was only at this moment that Zhang Pingping found out amusedly that Dr. Jiang had been forced for a long time, and his final intention was here. This was simply poaching Zeng Min'an's corner.

"Dr. Jiang, let me know what the project is first." Zhang Pingping said helplessly, it was not his character to make a decision hastily.

"The most advanced outer armor research and development project has already reached half of the progress. The project was born to manufacture super soldiers. This exoskeleton was originally developed to match the outer armor." Dr. Jiang said solemnly.

"Outer armor?" Zhang Pingche was a little lost.

"Yes, it's like the battle armor in ancient times, the same thing, but our outer armor is not only defensive, but also takes into account both defense and attack. It's just that in theory, the outer armor needs too much human strength to exert its power. Big, so we had to develop an exoskeleton device."

"And this little girl doesn't need an exoskeleton at all, she can bear the load of the outer armor, so we can even make the volume of the cutting-edge armor smaller, so that it won't be bloated and clumsy, and can maximize the flexibility of the human body Sexual advantage, when the time comes, it will definitely be a super soldier who shuttles through the battlefield."

The more Dr. Jiang talked, the more excited he was, dancing and talking with his body flying, as if he had already seen that scene.

Zhang Pingping's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Now that he has experienced so much, he can also see the flaws of the Valkyrie. If it is true as Dr. Jiang said, if the equipment such as outer armor can be developed, the flaws of the Valkyrie will be the same. can be compensated.

"It's a pity, damn it, we don't have enough funds." Dr. Jiang suddenly burst into obscenities while talking.

"Um, insufficient funds?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the lack of funds, I wouldn't take out the neuroexoskeleton and sell it to the military."

Zhang Pingping: "." Now that I am already struggling enough to raise a daughter of Valkyrie, is it possible that I still want to join a poor project?

But thinking about the potential of this cutting-edge armor, Zhang Pingze gritted his teeth.

"I'll join, and I'll figure out how to deal with the funding issue."

"Good boy, I know you won't do nothing. Old man Zeng said that you have shares in both g92 and g94. How much money you have now should be used for emergencies."

"." Zhang Ping looked up at the ceiling.

It always feels like the future is bleak.

  Ps: Valkyrie's armor is under development, please captain krypton gold.

(End of this chapter)

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