Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 171 Equivalent Exchange [Leader, Part 3]

Chapter 171 Equivalent Exchange

Lei Yiyi looked at Chen Bai in disbelief, and stabbed Chen Bai's throat fiercely with his fingers, but it didn't feel like stabbing flesh and blood, but like stabbing hard on a steel plate.

The blood slid down Lei Yiyi's fingertips, but Chen Bai didn't care, but gently raised his hand, and inserted the syringe into Lei Yiyi's neck.

Lei Yiyi slid down against the wall little by little, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, but then the violent heartbeat gradually slowed down, and the consciousness that had recovered a little fell silent here.

Looking at Lei Yiyi, who was leaning against the wall with his head tilted, and fell into a coma, Chen Bai smiled, and pulled out the syringe, a small drop of blood bulged on Lei Yiyi's neck.

"It's a pity, the boss wants someone, otherwise I really want to taste your girl first." Chen Bai looked at Lei Yiyi, and said to himself with a smile. Chen Bai directly hugged Lei Yiyi, and then quickly Step by step disappeared in the alley.

Apart from the two corpses, there was nothing left in the alley.

Zhang Pingping, who was waiting on the spot, looked at the unconscious Ye Lian calmly, tapping his fingers on the bracelet of his personal terminal with some anxiety.

Lei Yiyi didn't answer for such a long time, something seemed wrong, so Zhang Pingze immediately dialed Lei Yiyi's communication.

Then, after getting the notification that the user had gone offline, Zhang Pingze directly put down Ye Lian, and then directly popped up the tracking software on his personal terminal. How could there be no other preparations for the tracking maniac.

There was a chip implanted under Lei Yiyi's skin, so Zhang Pingze directly started to track Lei Yiyi's location through satellite positioning.

Soon a map appeared in front of Zhang Pingze's eyes, and a light spot moved quickly on the map.

Immediately, Zhang Pingze immediately called up the communication equipment and started frantically making calls.

Almost at the same time, Wang Jue, Chris, and Ling Xiaochen all received Zhang Pingze's communication.

"What? Lei Yiyi was kidnapped? I'm afraid you're kidding me." Ling Xiaochen looked at Zhang Pingche with the expression that you must be joking.

Wang Jue also didn't believe it, what kind of monster Lei Yiyi is, who can control that monster.

"They used banned drugs, a very strong anesthetic." Zhang Pingze said quickly, "Now I have located Lei Yiyi, but I think the other party must be prepared, so I notified you."

"Small meaning, I'll be right there." Ling Xiaochen yawned, and then said indifferently, "But afterward, you should give me some favors."


"Hehe, I just like straightforward people, share the location with me." Ling Xiaochen said with a cheerful smile.

Ling Xiaochen's wishful thinking was pretty good, and if he could get Zhang Pingchee's promise, it would definitely be a profit. Zhang Pingchee has never brought out anything disappointing, so this deal is definitely a profit.

Wang Jue also replied in a deep voice. Judging from the actions over there, it seems that they have already started to arm themselves and get on the car.

And Chris hesitated: "I'm in Badaling, I'm rushing over now, but I may not be able to help in a short time, and this is a private action, so I can't bring many people."

"It's fine if you can come." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Although it was a private action, according to Chris's specifications, no matter where she went, the mecha combat department would definitely follow.

Then Zhang Pingping also directly called the police. Director Wang of the Security Bureau was originally ordered by the military to take care of Zhang Pingping, a future S-level biological scientist. Kidnapping, immediately responded directly, and began to mobilize the police force.

Zhang Pingche was really panicking at the moment, he searched all the people he could find, if something really happened to Lei Yiyi, then he would have no place to regret it.

Picking up Ye Lian, Zhang Pingping ran outside and jumped onto the suspension car that had been reserved.

Zhang Pingping did not go after Lei Yiyi but went home as fast as possible.

The direction of the person's movement is obviously heading towards the third area, and Ling Xiaochen shared the position, so he must be ready to intercept him in the third area. You still have to rely on yourself.

At this moment, someone suddenly sent a message.

Yekaterina: "Don't waste your efforts, this is an exchange of equal value. If I give you Hulanhuayu, Lei Yiyi will return it to me. Otherwise, why do you think I gave you Hulanhuayu for free?"

Ekaterina: "Don't be angry, there is no free lunch in the world, that's all."

Zhang Pingping stared at the two messages, and suddenly felt powerless.

Turning his head to look at Ye Lian who had passed out, Zhang Pingping lowered his eyes in deep thought.

Ye Lian, Yekaterina, Katerina.

Once upon a time, he had guessed whether there would be any connection between them.

When I was in Yunchuan District, when I just awakened the spiritual world, who was that cold snort I encountered?Zhang Pingze made a lot of guesses and finally felt that it might be Ye Lian. Ye Lian was not surprised when he showed the devouring gene, but when he was preparing the stimulant, he was still studying with burning eyes. understood.

It is very likely that Ye Lian has seen the devouring gene. Although she pretends to be similar, she casually intervenes in other people's experiments without making any mistakes. Obviously, she cannot hide her proficiency.

In addition, Ekaterina knew the situation between himself and Hulan Huayu very well at that time, so he once wondered whether Ye Lian was Ekaterina.

But now it seems that I should be suspicious, Ye Lian is in a coma, and Yekaterina is still communicating with him.

If it wasn't for testing Ye Lian, how could Zhang Pingping come to the appointment at such a tight time for the exam? Now it seems that he was thinking too much.

Zhang Pingping stuck his fingers into his hair and felt a headache. If it wasn't for testing Ye Lian, how could he come back for the appointment, and Lei Yiyi would be kidnapped if he didn't.

"Can I not change it?" Zhang Pingze responded through the chat software.

Zhang Pingping regretted it, really regretted it. He would rather give up Hulan Huayu than Lei Yiyi.

Ekaterina: "It's too late, it is impossible to go back on the deal that has been completed."

"Then let's see if you have the ability to take Lei Yiyi away." Zhang Pingche almost poked a few words fiercely.

Yekaterina: "Well, if I can't take it away, then you win, Lei Yiyi and the Hulan Flower Jade, how about they all belong to you? If you lose the Hulan Flower Jade, I will take it back."

Zhang Pingze calmly looked at the words on the light screen: "It's a deal."

The suspension car stopped, but there was a motorcade parked at the gate of the community. Qin Aiguo looked at the stopped suspension car with a serious face.

"Pingze, I brought you the suspension car you wanted." Qin Aiguo didn't ask anything, and pointed to the luxury version of the cargo suspension vehicle behind.

"Thank you, Uncle Qin." Zhang Pingze didn't say much, just raised his hand and said, "Follow me to the basement to carry things."

Those workers were all taken aback for a moment, and then left following the fast-paced Zhang Pingze.

"Sister Liu, help me take care of her." Zhang Pingping said in a deep voice.

Sister Liu followed Qin Aiguo and said with a smile, "Don't worry, you can go and do your work."

Qin Aiguo looked at Zhang Pingche who was leaving, his face darkened: "Aiai, do you think our King Qin should raise a group of mercenaries?"

Sister Liu helped Ye Lian cut her hair, and said with a smile: "Recently, there is a demand for the supply of g92 and g94 concentrate from the military, and the King of Qin has the financial resources."

"Then go back and ask the think tanks to come up with a plan. It's time for us King Qin to leave the earth." Qin Aiguo said firmly.

His brother is just such a son, and now Zhang Pingping has something to do, but he can't help him as an uncle, he can only do logistics, which makes Qin Aiguo unbearable, besides, King Qin's business is getting bigger and bigger , Sooner or later, the extraterrestrial industry will be expanded, and he just made this day earlier.


"Bingli, look at the moving direction on the map, that person should know the passage." Ling Xiaochen sat on the folding stool, wearing a bright white windbreaker and wearing sunglasses, which is very flirtatious Said.

The icy Bingli at the side snorted, which was the answer.

"I didn't expect that the Red Cave Snake would still have a remnant crime back then, and would know this passage." Classmate Xiao Ming was dressed in a black windbreaker just like his boss.

The passage Ling Xiaochen mentioned was the passage used to transport insects in the second district. This passage was opened by the Red Cave Snake, and was later occupied by Ling Xiaochen, who also made a lot of money by doing smuggling business. .

This is a natural inspection-free passage, and any contraband can be brought in.

"It's getting close, boss, it should be a strengthener, can the three of us do it?" Classmate Xiao Ming was a little timid.

Ling Xiaochen spat out the cherry pits in his mouth, stood up, and took out two miniature electromagnetic submachine guns directly from the windbreaker: "Last time, hundreds of insects were beaten, and there was only one person on the opposite side. What's the point?" Scared."

"He has a hostage in his hand." Bingli snorted coldly.

"That's a big deal." Ling Xiaochen grabbed the micro punch in his hand, scratched his hair, then put the gun into the windbreaker, and took out two grenades from his back waist.

"If you can't use a gun, just use a gas bomb. Say hello."

"My left hand is explosive, my right hand is paralyzed, and my left and right are in slow motion." Ling Xiaochen stood at the gate of a factory and danced awkwardly on the spot.

Classmate Xiao Ming twitched, put away the gun in his hand, took out a flash bomb in his hand, and writhed accordingly.

Bingli looked at the two with a look of disgust, rubbed her finger on the blade of the ice skate on her back, and took out the ice gun with her left hand, she could see that these two goods were not reliable at all, at best It still depends on her.

"I have left hand and right hand, replay in slow motion." Ling Xiaochen shook the grenade in his hand, and directly flicked the grenade ring.

"Here we come." Bingli looked at the screen, and then suddenly shouted.

"I'll go! Damn it, try my uncle's double egg explosion." Ling Xiaochen directly faced the passage of the door, and threw the two hands in his hand together.

"I am coming too."

Xiao Ming let out a low growl, and the flashbang crossed an arc, hit the door frame, and bounced back.

bounced back
bounced back
bounced back
Ling Xiaochen calmly put on the sunglasses: "Xiao Ming, you don't have to come to work tomorrow."

 ps: vomiting blood.This salty fish style is about to die
(End of this chapter)

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