Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 172 Unstoppable [Leader, Chapter 4]

Chapter 172 Unstoppable [Leader, Fourth Change]

Chen Bai moved his legs quickly, and kicked the door out. He thought he could take Lei Yiyi to find the hover car that had been prepared, and then left in a cool way. But the moment he looked at the door, he saw two people. A group of black shadows rushed towards our faces.

The highly sensitive nerve reaction directly made Chen Bai react quickly, directly kicked at one of the black shadows, and dodged the other black shadow.

But before his legs touched the black shadow, the dazzling light burst out directly from the two black shadows,
Only now did Chen Bai understand that this tm turned out to be a grenade.

Immediately, Chen Bai didn't care about anything at all, and directly placed Lei Yiyi in front of him.

The gas explosion bomb and the electromagnetic bomb exploded instantly, and a huge gas explosion burst out suddenly, as if suddenly experiencing a [-]-level gust of wind, the two of them were directly blown away by the violent airflow.

Then a burst of dense electric current erupted directly in the narrow space, and countless electric sparks exploded, hitting every corner of the passage, leaving scorched black marks.

"Idiot, don't use gas bombs together with electromagnetic bombs." Bingli was speechless as she looked at the figure that was blown away.

Ling Xiaochen touched his head, and smiled happily: "It's okay, I still have this."

"Ah, my eyes." Xiao Ming was shaken by his own flash bomb and was rolling on the ground.

"Don't pretend to be dead." Ling Xiaochen kicked Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming got up directly, patted the ashes on his body, took out the low-temperature bomb, and prepared to shoot.

"No, I'll throw it later." Ling Xiaochen hurriedly stopped Xiao Ming.

Chen Bai also recovered from the numbness, and looked out of the passage with cold eyes. If he had been hit directly by the electromagnetic bomb just now, his actions would be affected now.

"Damn it, why would there be someone?" Chen Bai calmed down and looked at Lei Yiyi.

After dismantling Lei Yiyi's personal terminal, Chen Bai was a little unsure, since the personal terminal had been shut down, could there be some secret program running?
Throwing away Lei Yiyi's personal terminal, Chen Bai looked at the passageway, frowning slightly.

"Hey, they don't seem to be some powerful weapons. It seems that you don't want to hurt Lei Yiyi either." Chen Bai twitched his lips and directly blocked Lei Yiyi in front of him.

Without any psychological burden, Chen Bai directly carried Lei Yiyi and rushed forward.

"Come up!" Bingli reminded.

However this time it was Lei Yiyi who came up first, the three of them stared at each other, and said in unison: "Despicable!"

Although air blast bombs and electromagnetic bombs do not have terrible lethality, they are weapons after all. Since they are weapons, there will be no humane restrictions at all. If they are hit directly, they will not die or be disabled.

At the beginning, the gas bomb directly crushed several bugmen. Just now, Chen Bai's position was very good, so he avoided the impact and did not suffer serious injuries.

"Lei Yiyi will definitely be rescued, but rescuing a wounded person is not the same as rescuing a whole person, so, let's go to Bingli." Ling Xiaochen said directly.

Bingli snorted coldly, she didn't want my old lady to take action in the end, two trash.

"Hurry up, Xiao Ming, come and help me install the trap." Ling Xiaochen waited for Bingli to rush up, and immediately greeted Xiao Ming.

A weapon smuggler, the most important thing in his hand is all kinds of strange things. This time, he was too hasty. If he was given a little time, he could make Chen Bai get out of the passage.

Bingli looked at Chen Bai who pushed Lei Yiyi to the front, her already icy face became even colder. Although Ling Xiaochen was a wretched person and not upright, he was a very responsible man, this person was simply unworthy called men.

When Bingli bullied her, Chen Bai also saw it. Seeing such a Bingshan beauty come to her door, the corner of her mouth also provoked a sneer.

Bingli made a move without saying a word, and directly pulled out the ice blade on her back with her right hand. The ice blade, glowing with a hazy light like amber, cut towards Chen Bai's hand at a strange angle.

And at the same time, Bingli also raised the ice gun in his hand, sealing off the area behind Chen Bai, as long as Chen Bai dodges and retreats, what greets him is an extremely cold ice bullet.

"It's a good idea, but it's still too tender." Chen Bai praised with a sneer.

With a slight force on his arm, he directly blocked Lei Yiyi in front of him, Bingli's face changed, and the ice blade suddenly stopped on top of Lei Yiyi's head, and the trigger of the ice gun in his hand could not be pulled.

Chen Bai appeared from behind Lei Yiyi, and kicked Bingli's stomach fiercely.

Bingli snorted, and the ice blade cut down sharply, cutting towards Chen Bai's leg.

It is not a loss at all to exchange injuries for disabilities.

But Chen Bai's movements were even faster, he folded his calf abruptly, and then kicked Bingli high, hitting Bingli's face.

Bingli did not dodge or dodge, and raised the ice gun with his left hand to point at Chen Bai, but the trigger was delayed because Chen Bai pulled Lei Yiyi to stick him together. Bai was frozen together.

There was only a moment to shoot, Bingli hesitated, and then she kicked her hard, and was kicked to the ground, and the ice skate in her hand was also kicked away by Chen Bai.

"Despicable!" The corner of Bingli's mouth was bleeding, and a large area of ​​redness appeared on his cold face.

Chen Bai stepped on Bingli's left hand, hooked up the ice gun, and held it in his hand: "You should be glad that I don't have time to play with you today, otherwise, I will make you regret being my enemy."

Chen Bai held the ice spear in his hand, and then walked out the door with Lei Yiyi in his hand.

With the hostages in hand, Ling Xiaochen and Xiao Ming didn't dare to shoot, so they could only let Chen Bai go out.

"Don't get close, although Lei Yiyi is very important to me, but I don't think she is more important than my life." Chen Bai grinned brightly, showing his fangs.

Both Ling Xiaochen and Xiao Ming swallowed their saliva, then looked at Bingli who was knocked down, and realized that the two rookies were no match at all.

"Md didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful. If I had known earlier, I would have ordered people to surround this place. The inside is [-]% and the outside is three floors. It looks like a vegetable market. It would take half an hour to evacuate." Ling Xiaochen was nervous. Mouth full of nonsense.

"Do we have so many people?" Classmate Xiao Ming was a little confused. Could it be that the boss has taken care of people recently?
"I can't do it all at once." Ling Xiaochen sprayed Xiao Ming's face with saliva.

Chen Bai didn't care about the evil behavior of the two people, he directly supported Lei Yiyi without any slack, and walked out of the factory gate.


There was a buzzing sound, and Chen Bai suddenly felt a piercing pain from the soles of his feet.

Under the severe pain, Chen Bai's feet went limp and he knelt on the ground.

A thin laser line slashed across the soles of Chen Bai's feet, cutting off all the flesh on the soles of the shoelaces.

"Mercenaries, call this thing 'Call Dad'." Ling Xiaochen looked at Chen Bai who was kneeling on the ground, laughed, and directly raised his gun to shoot Chen Bai in the head.

'Calling daddy' is a joking term, meaning like kneeling down and calling daddy.

In fact, this thing is called a boot mine. After it is triggered, the laser line will cut the soles of the feet. The pain on the soles of the feet will make the opponent kneel down immediately, temporarily losing resistance. Moreover, because the device is very hidden, if you want to It's hard to dodge.

The electromagnetic bomb directly hit Chen Bai's head with huge kinetic energy.

Ling Xiaochen didn't even talk nonsense at all. After Chen Bai fell to his knees, he directly rewarded him with a shot, saving night and dream.

Chen Bai was directly hit backward by the huge kinetic energy of the electromagnetic bomb, fell to the ground, knelt on the ground, but his body leaned back and folded into a straight line, which looked ridiculous.

"Huh, it's finally solved, the baby is scared to death." Ling Xiaochen wiped off his cold sweat.

The scene just now was not as simple as expected, Chen Bai was carrying Lei Yiyi, so Lei Yiyi's feet didn't touch the ground, if it wasn't like this, Ling Xiaochen really didn't dare to use it, thunder on the soles of the boots.

Bingli, who was lying on the ground, struggled to get up. The two feet just now made her feel that her bones were about to be kicked. This Chen Bai's strength is terrifying, and he should be an advanced enhancer.

Bingli got up and wanted to take back her weapon, but suddenly saw Chen Bai raising his head and smiling at her.

"Be careful!" Bingli shouted immediately.

Ling Xiaochen and Xiao Ming were stunned, and then Chen Bai, whose head was bleeding, suddenly jumped up, and shot at each of them with an ice gun.

The two didn't react at all, and they froze into ice sculptures.

Chen Bai loosened his muscles and bones, then picked up Lei Yiyi, glanced at the sluggish Bingli, and said with a grin: "They did a good job, it's a pity, hahaha."

There was no more threat, Chen Bai dropped the ice spear, and quickly ran to the depths of the third area with Lei Yiyi in his arms. Although the soles of his feet had no flesh and blood, they had a layer of soles like Zerg bones. He stepped on the ground, There will be a clanging sound.

And the blood hole on the top of the head, that is, a blood hole, the electromagnetic bullet with huge kinetic energy did not penetrate Chen Bai's skull at all.

Bingli looked at Chen Bai who had disappeared from sight in an instant, and immediately with tears in her eyes, she climbed up to the ice gun, grabbed the ice gun, and started to cover and shoot crazily at Ling Xiaochen and Xiao Ming.

With tears in her eyes, Bingli didn't stop for a moment, and frantically shot at the two of them, then changed the magazine and fired again.

It wasn't until all the low-temperature bombs were emptied that Bingli knelt on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I, I need help." Bingli dialed the phone and said biting her lip.

The two Ling Xiaochen and Xiao Ming, who had completely turned into ice sculptures, still had unbelievable expressions on their faces.

"I hope, I hope it can be done." Bingli knelt on the ground, her eyes were full of despair.

She never thought that one day, Ling Xiaochen might die in front of her like this.

"It's definitely possible." Bingli covered her belly and stood up with her arms lowered.

"It should be possible to lower the temperature in both of their bodies just now, and it should be completely vitrified now. With the current level of medical treatment, it should be possible to save them." Bingli looked at the two ice sculptures in comfort.

Bingli guarded under the two ice sculptures, looked up at the speeding hover car, and bit her lower lip lightly with her white teeth.

Wang Jue jumped down from the hover car, looked at the two ice sculptures, said nothing, pursed his lips, and started to work with Bingli, carefully lifting them onto the hover car.

"You take care of him and go first." Wang Jue picked up Bingli's ice skates and handed them to her.

"They'll be fine."

After thinking about it, Wang Jue still comforted him.

Bingli bit her lip, nodded, directly closed the car door, and left with the hover car.

"Where are you now?" Zhang Pingze's calm voice came from the terminal.

"Near the exit, people have already run away, Ling Xiaochen almost died." Wang Jue said calmly.

"I saw you, and there are armed men around you, it's best not to take off again, find a place to hide, and I'll chase them." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

 Ps: The salted fish is dead, burn paper if something happens.

(End of this chapter)

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