Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 173 You Are Not Invincible [Leader, Chapter 6]

Chapter 173 You Are Not Invincible [Leader, Sixth Update]

Wang Jue clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were full of anger: "Hiding? They should be hiding!"

As Zhang Pingping said, there actually appeared a large number of Cave Snake forces armed with guns in the streets and alleys, and the equipment was as good as his personal guards.

"What should I do, boss?"

"You still ask me what to do? Find cover and fight back! Call someone! Cave snakes shouldn't exist in the third district long ago. This time, let's just clean them up." Wang Jue shouted directly, suppressing his anger.

Looking at the densely packed guns and human heads protruding from the corner, his subordinates felt scalp tingling for a while. He was in favor of retreating, but since Wang Jue wanted to fight, he couldn't retreat.


"All the cave snakes have come out, Zhang Pingping, who the hell did you provoke?" Wang Jue looked at the headbands of different colors, with a bit of bitterness in his mouth.

There is no doubt that the underground world is the king of the underground, but this is reflected in the quality of personnel and weapons. When these local minions have advanced weapons, the advantages of the underground world will not be reflected.

The gun control in the Huaxia District is a little stricter than other regions, so although the Cave Snake forces are loud and loud, they have no advantage in themselves other than the number of people.

But now this group of miscellaneous fish is actually equipped with the standard weapons of the army. The forces behind this are simply terrifying.

Apart from the underground world, Wang never knew anyone else with this energy.

"The underground world. Could it be Katerina?" Wang Jue thought in horror.

But thinking about it, I don't seem to have revealed any flaws. Isn't Katerina always in an alien world? Why did she suddenly pay attention to the underground world of the earth.

Thinking about it again, the other party seems to have robbed him of his strength, Lei Yiyi.

Wang Jue was quite sure that behind the Cave Snake, the person who kidnapped Lei Yiyi was definitely Katerina.

Wang Jue dialed Zhang Pingze directly, wanting to tell Zhang Pingze the information.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Pingping's calm voice came out, and there was also a whistling wind in the communication.

"The person behind the kidnapping of Lei Yiyi should be Katerina." Wang Jue said simply.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Cave Snake on the opposite side suddenly opened fire, and as soon as he fired, bullets roared down the sky and covered the sky.

Wang Jue and his personal guards, who were hiding behind the cover, did not dare to fight back at all.

Faced with such firepower, there is no need to fight at all.

"There are too many people, Gan." Wang Jue shrank behind the corner, and the wall was about to be smashed under the ravages of bullets, and there was no place to hide at that time.

"Boss can't go on like this." The guards on the side shouted anxiously.

"Nonsense." Wang Jue shrank back as he spoke. There were many people on the opposite side, and the firepower was no worse than them. Wang Jue couldn't make fun of his own lives.

Just when Wang Jue had no choice, Zhang Pingping's calm voice came from the terminal: "Don't worry, people from the military will come to support you in a while, don't act rashly, there are not many people going, it's just to shock the scene, delay Just live, their purpose should be to hold you back."

"I've confirmed Yiyi's location, and it won't be long before I can rescue Yiyi." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"What the fuck, to save a person, you actually put up such a big battle, Star Wars." Wang Jue complained cursingly.

Zhang Pingche was taken aback for a moment, and fell silent.

Wang Jue immediately realized his slip of the tongue: "I didn't mean that."

"You're right. It's not worth fighting such a big battle to save someone. There must be a reason for such a big battle."

Zhang Pingping said calmly, but Wang Jue was stunned.

"Don't think too much now, just calm down before talking." Just as Wang Jue was in a daze, there was a burst of gunshots from Zhang Pingche's side.

"Uh, good."

Zhang Pingze turned off the communication and looked at the Cave Snakes below who were raising their guns to shoot at his hover car, his face turned cold.

Not far ahead is Lei Yiyi's positioning position, and there is a hover car parked there, and at this moment the hover car is slowly rising.

Can't let him fly.

Now the Security Bureau has not been authorized, and the three central districts have not been banned from going out. If the suspension vehicle takes off, it will be difficult to chase after it. After all, the vehicle I am riding is just a cargo suspension vehicle. In terms of straight-line speed, it is not as good as that light suspension vehicle.

"Faster." Zhang Pingze yelled at the driver, in order to reach high speed, the suspension car has switched to manual driving.

The driver was originally a freightman of Qin Wang, so he had experienced this kind of nervous and exciting feeling, not to mention the fast flying speed, and there was still a hail of bullets below, chasing after him.

The master driver was about to short-circuit his brain. What Zhang Pingze said, he immediately unlocked the safety mode of the suspension car and started to speed up in an all-round way.

The violent wind pressure squeezed in through the hatch, and the entire suspension vehicle began to shake and became extremely unstable.

"Little boss, close the hatch!" the driver shouted.

Zhang Pingze ignored him, turned around directly, and stood in the big iron box.

The exoskeleton device was quickly glued on, and it was directly and automatically assembled on Zhang Pingze's body.

Zhang Pingze came out of the iron box, and through the eyepiece, directly locked on the hover car that had just taken off.

"Cruising speed." Zhang Ping said calmly.

The driver master didn't say anything, and directly adjusted to the constant speed mode, and the speed of the suspension car stabilized.

"Milu Ji, Milu Ji!" Zhang Pingze called out to the terminal.

"Come on, classmate Zhang Pingche, I'm getting access to the network, please allow permission." Milu Ji's voice appeared directly beside her ears.

"Open permissions!"

"Calculating the take-off time, I'm going to land on that hover car." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Checking the model of the suspension vehicle ahead and calculating the speed difference."

"Calculate wind resistance."

"Calculate the trajectory, correct the trajectory!"

"Comprehensive calculation."

"After the calculation is complete, please follow the command of Elk Ji."

Although it was a series of calculations, the calculation time did not exceed half a second.

Zhang Pingche moved his arm, opened the box beside him, and pulled out the thermal energy cutter.



"Full power, jump!"

Zhang Pingze looked normal, hypnotized himself, and immediately began to imagine that he could jump into outer space directly by relying on his jumping ability.

The exoskeleton device made a grinding sound of tooth acid, and Zhang Pingche jumped to the ground and flew out from the hatch.

The huge force directly shook the hovering vehicle that was sailing smoothly, and the pedaling body, and even changed the direction of advancement.

Driver master: "My mother, what is this thing that almost kicked my car over?"

"The error is 0.54 meters, please raise your left arm to increase the wind resistance on the left side!"

Milu Ji's excited voice rang in Zhang Pingze's ears, as if she was the one who jumped down from the sky.

The strong sense of weightlessness almost made Zhang Pingze stop breathing, and the existence of goggles allowed him to open his eyes.

"Correct 0.32 meters, prepare to land."

Relying on the mechanical power of the exoskeleton, Zhang Pingche turned around forcefully in the air, with his feet down.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Chen Bai grinned at the scene outside the window, showing a pleasant smile and showing his fangs. Although the blood on his face was a little scary, it didn't hinder his happy mood.

It is obvious that Chen Bai is also very excited to engage in such a big matter: "Sure enough, following the boss is the most correct choice."

Just when Chen Bai happily waited to go back and get the reward again, a heavy and huge impact came.

The entire suspension car seemed to be out of control, and it directly lowered its head and slammed into the opposite building.

"Hold the grass!" Chen Bai suddenly raised the rudder and pulled up the suspension car.

But then a silver steel knife slammed through the alloy casing and pierced into the cab.

Chen Bai was directly sliced ​​into the shoulder blade, and cried out in pain.

"Damn!!!" Chen Bai immediately knew that there seemed to be someone up there.

But this is the roof of the suspension car, and now it is more than ten meters above the ground, who is so bold as to jump on it.

But it was a palm that answered Chen Bai. The metal palm was directly inserted into the opening made by the blade just now, and it was torn out violently.

"No way." Chen Bai stared blankly at the shell on the top of his head being torn apart by that palm.

After tearing open a hole, Zhang Pingche, who was wearing a metal exoskeleton, looked at Chen Bai coldly.

Chen Bai looked at Zhang Pingping and suddenly grinned: "Who am I, it turned out to be you."

Zhang Pingping looked at Chen Bai's mouth full of fangs, and said indifferently, "Alienated person?"

Chen Bai was taken aback when he heard this, and then sneered, "I never thought that after meeting so many people, there is actually someone who knows."

"Nonsense, I'm your father." Zhang Pingping indifferently raised his knife and slashed at Chen Bai.

Alienation is another strengthening method discussed by Zhang Pingze and Ekaterina. Different from Zhang Pingze's non-trace strengthening concept, alienation is to directly turn himself into a monster, regardless of the damage of the devouring gene, directly Forcibly transplanting strengthened limbs of other races for their own use.

Similar to insects, but much bigger than insects, insects are parasites of low-level insects, and alienation is strengthened insect limbs, implanted into human bodies, stronger and stronger bones , and can still maintain the original rationality.

After hearing this, Chen Bai's face turned cold, he turned his head and flashed Zhang Pingche's knife, jumped up from his seat, and reached out to grab Lei Yiyi.

Naturally, Zhang Pingze would not let Chen Bai succeed, he slammed the button on the thermal cutting knife with his fingers, and the blade was immediately filled with a layer of red light, and the high-temperature and high-speed particles began to move crazily.

One knife crosscuts Chen Bai’s only way. The thermal energy cutter cuts the alloy shell of the suspension car, just like a hot knife cutting cheese, directly cuts a long and narrow knife edge. The alloy shell at the edge of the knife is also red. Shiny, exuding a touch of high temperature.

Chen Bai had already sensed the danger, so he dodged ahead of time, and the knife naturally missed him.

Zhang Pingche stomped his feet, smashed the unrecognizable roof shell, and fell into the narrow cabin.

Zhang Pingping happened to stand between Chen Bai and Lei Yiyi, looked at Chen Bai with a calm expression, then silently raised the saber, put it beside him, squatted on his knees slightly, and was ready to draw the saber.

Armed with an exoskeleton, Zhang Pingche looked even colder and more ruthless, and the thermal cutting knife, which was still emitting a faint heat, also exuded a huge threat.

Chen Bai grinned, his fangs gleaming coldly: "Zhang Pingping, do you think you are sure of winning?"

Zhang Pingping looked at Chen Bai calmly. Zhang Pingping, armed with an exoskeleton, could resist Lei Yiyi for a while, not to mention Chen Bai, even if Chen Bai was an alienated person, his strength would not be stronger than Lei Yiyi.

"Let me tell you a secret that is not a secret. My boss is not a poor man." Chen Bai touched the wound on his shoulder and smiled nonchalantly.

"Then let me tell you, no matter how powerful your boss is, there is no A-grade material on the earth. Since it is not A-grade, you are not invincible here." Zhang Pingze said calmly, with his front foot crossed, the long knife pierced the air , without fancy cross-cutting.

Swallow three copies of water!
 Ps: It's almost a waste bird.

(End of this chapter)

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