Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 196 Goose Pecks Eyes 【Supplement 9】

Chapter 196 Goose Pecks Eyes 【Supplement 9】

"Yiyi, go get the bag of chips on the nearby rock wall." Zhang Pingze directly pointed to the cliff behind and ordered Lei Yiyi to say.

Lei Yiyi looked vigilantly at the Fusang team and the Western European team who were not far away, and then turned around and went to the side of the cliff.

The chip bags on the cliff made people in the two regions who hadn't collected a few chips so far feel a little greedy.

"Stop!" Driven by this jealousy, Murata shouted in a low voice.

Everyone in the Huaxia team turned to look at the Fusang team. Lei Yiyi looked back wonderingly, but then he didn't care, and jumped more than ten meters high, and took off the chip bag on the cliff.

"Are you talking to me?" Lei Yiyi held the chip bag and looked at Masakazu Murata.

Murata looked at Lei Yiyi with a blank and terrified expression, what the hell was that just now?He is dazzled?
Lei Yiyi jumped more than ten meters on the spot, like picking apricots, and took down the bag of chips placed on the cliff?

What is the concept of jumping more than ten meters in place? It looks like some strange sci-fi movie, like Superman. At the moment of jumping, Lei Yiyi's speed is about to produce a phantom. After all, you have to get rid of gravity and jump. At such a high altitude, the first initial speed must be very amazing.

Everyone in the Huaxia team was a little surprised, but they had already experienced Lei Yiyi's strength, so they weren't too surprised, but the other two teams couldn't accept this reality.

Jumping ten meters high, can this still be called a human?

The physical fitness of a B-level enhancer is already at the peak of what humans can currently achieve, but the record for jumping height has remained at seven meters so far.

Don't underestimate the gap of only three meters, this gap is extremely huge, at least in terms of strength, Lei Yiyi is much stronger than a B-level enhancer.

After Murata wanted to understand the gap, he closed his mouth decisively and did not speak again. Although strength does not mean strength, but if strength crushes it, skills and so on become unimportant. The so-called one This is the principle of force drop ten meetings.

Murata Zhengyi admitted that he was scared, but it didn't mean that the rest of the Fusang team were scared. The radical Sada directly stepped forward, stood up, pointed at Zhang Pingping and said coldly: "I want to challenge you."

Zhang Pingping looked at Zuo Tian expressionlessly, then shook his head: "I refuse."

"You, why do you refuse!" Zuo Tian obviously didn't expect Zhang Pingze to refuse the challenge.

"Why can't I refuse? This is a meaningless challenge." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

In the final analysis, I still want to grab some prizes.

Sada gritted his teeth, took out a bag of chips, and said, "I'm dueling with you. Didn't you say that Sakura's swordsmanship is inferior? Then we will compete in swordsmanship. If you win this chip, you take it away. I will recognize your swordsmanship." Great, lose, you lose a chip to me, and then admit that you are a hot chicken who can only talk empty words."

"Sada, you are enough, how can you take the team's things as a bet?" Toyama shouted angrily, hoping to wake up Sada who was already in a daze.

"I got this chip with all my efforts, and I have the right to control it." Sada's attitude was very tough.

"Sada, you are now a member of the Fuso team, please watch your words and deeds." Murata Masaichi said coldly.

"Murata Masaichi, I respect you as the captain and give you some face, but you don't care about my affairs, this is my private matter." Satian Hong said with eyes.

Murata Masaichi's face turns green and pale, and he feels that his face is dull. This is not the first time that Sada has disobeyed him as the captain, but Murata Masakazu has no way to target him. Second only to Sakura, if it wasn't for Sakura's obedience, I'm afraid he, the captain, would have died in name only.

"That's enough! I don't need you to help me out." Sakura, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said angrily, with a dangerous gleam in her fox eyes, and the eightfold teeth protruding slightly from the corners of her mouth, revealing a cold light, and her face was full of humiliation.

All the members of the Fusang team were stunned by Sakura's roar. Sakura, who was always quiet and indifferent, actually got angry?

Regarding Sakura's sudden outburst, the entire Fuso team fell silent, including the red-eyed Sada, and only Murata Masaichi gritted his teeth with hatred, obviously he was the captain.

Yuan Xinying was silent for a moment, and then stepped out, looking at Zhang Pingze with narrow fox eyes, the eyes were full of calm, without too many complicated emotions.

"I agree with what you said, and I also follow your advice, but I still want to challenge you. You are right. Actual combat is the best way to test your sword skills. The bet remains the same, but only the map chip." Source Xinying looked at Zhang Pingze calmly, with a gentle voice, carrying a trace of natural charm.

Zhang Pingche: "Only in swordsmanship?"

"It's just about swordsmanship, using branches instead of swords." Yuanxin Sakura casually broke off a branch of a shrub beside her.

Zhang Pingze: "You are a strengthener."

"I hold the sword with one hand and don't move my fist or foot." Yuan Xinying calmly said with downcast eyes.

Zhang Pingche shook his head: "Even if you don't move your fists or feet, your speed is much faster than mine."

"Then I'll stand where I am." Yuanxin Sakura frowned.

Zhang Pingze: "You"

"My God, there are still conditions. Just let that beautiful lady stand up and let you make plans. Isn't she a gentleman." The spectators of the Western European team were speechless. Once again had a profound experience.

"Hello, that's it." Zhang Pingze hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

It's not that Zhang Pingze is shameless, but Yuanxinying's sword is really fast. Even if Zhang Pingze can capture her movements with dynamic visual bursts and spiritual world, his body can't keep up with Yuanxinying's sword.

You can see through it, but you can't keep up.

Now that it has been finalized, Zhang Pingchee stretched out his hand and broke a branch, and gestured twice in his hand. It felt extremely light, and it was a bit uncomfortable, but Yuanxin Ying should be even more uncomfortable.

A good swordsman will not easily change his sword, even if the weight changes a little, it will have a non-negligible impact on the movement of the sword.

Zhang Pingping held the branch and walked towards Yuanxinying, while Yuanxinying, with one hand behind her back, was holding a half-length branch with one hand, looking at Zhang Pingping with bright fox eyes.

Zhang Pingze raised his arm and slowly approached with a branch in his hand.

Yuanxinying remained motionless and let Zhang Pingze approach, the branch in his hand trembled slightly, not steady, but the arm muscles in the cuff were shaking and contracting at a high frequency.

Trembling sword, with the shaking of the muscles, the posture of the sword in his hand is changing every moment, and it is possible to sway the sword at any time, and then stab out a deadly sword move.

Zhang Pingping's eyes flashed, and the branch in his hand was quickly drawn towards the branch in Yuanxin Ying's hand. This blow was not aimed at the person at all, but aimed at the sword.

With the explosive power of the two, the branches collided and broke instantly. At that time, both of them had no weapons in their hands, but Zhang Pingping could retreat and break another one, but Yuanxin Sakura couldn't move because of the previous conditions. Yuanxin Sakura, who has lost her weapon, is equivalent to a failure in this battle that only competes in swordsmanship.

The slightly trembling branches, but at the moment Zhang Pingze drew them quickly, flexibly followed Zhang Pingche's branches and moved slightly to one side, making Zhang Pingche's move fail.

Zhang Pingping was not discouraged, if it was done with one blow, he would have doubts instead.

Just when Zhang Pingchee "draws the sword" to prepare for the second attack, the branch in Yuanxin Ying's hand trembled again, and suddenly changed the posture of the sword. Zhang Pingze couldn't react at all.


The cleverness erupted, and the branch in Zhang Pingche's hand broke instantly, and Yuan Xinying stabbed Zhang Pingche's throat with a swirling sword.

In terms of sword skills, Yuanxin Sakura is really strong and impeccable, and half-baked players like Zhang Pingche are not opponents at all.

However, when spinning the sword, Zhang Pingche had already retreated vigilantly, narrowly dodging the precise throat-piercing sword.

But after avoiding Yuanxinying's attack range, Zhang Pingze also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, Yuanxinying couldn't move, so he could take a breath and think of other ways.

But before Zhang Pingchee took a breath, Yuanxin Ying stepped forward suddenly, and the branch in his hand directly turned into a sharp sword, pointing at Zhang Pingchee's vitals.

"What?" Zhang Pingze was startled suddenly, his dynamic vision and spiritual world were all turned on in an instant, and this sword was still too fast for people to react.

In the end, Zhang Pingping narrowly sideways avoided the vital point of his heart, and looked at Yuanxin Sakura in shock.

Yuan Xinying showed a sharp eight-fold tooth at the corner of her mouth, and smiled and drew out her sword: "This is actual combat. Since it is actual combat, why would I care about those regulations? You taught me these."

Fighting wild geese all day long, and finally being pecked by wild geese.

Zhang Pingping looked at Yuanxin Ying with a bright smile and natural charm, and found helplessly that this woman was really invulnerable, and this time, he was a failure.

(End of this chapter)

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