Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 197 Exchange 【Supplement 10】

Chapter 197 Exchange 【Supplement 10】

In less than three seconds, Zhang Pingping was directly stabbed in the chest by Yuan Xinying with a branch, and lost the competition.

Everyone in the Huaxia team was indignant. This is simply cheating, and the rules were agreed before.

Without waiting for everyone to complain, Zhang Pingping took a step back, then threw the chip bag in Lei Yiyi's hand to Yuan Xinying, and said calmly, "You learn very quickly."

Lei Yiyi looked at Yuan Xinying angrily, his face was full of anger, obviously he was very hostile to Yuan Xinying.

It's not because of losing the chip, but because Zhang Pingze seems to have a very good attitude towards Yuan Xinying. Others can't feel it, but Lei Yiyi can feel it.

Perhaps others only felt that Zhang Pingche was calm and indifferent, and that he was precise and orderly in doing things, but Lei Yiyi had been with Zhang Pingche for so long, but he knew that Zhang Pingche really cared about the people he cared about in his heart.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Yuan Xinying and said calmly: "Your sword skills are very powerful, but there are still many problems in this world that cannot be solved by sword skills, so pay attention to yourself."

This sentence seemed to have a hint of warning and threat. It sounded like Zhang Pingche's threatening words when he lost the competition and was not convinced.

But this category, similar to, if you don't want to leave after school, you won't be able to scare Yuanxin Sakura.

After Zhang Pingping finished speaking, he turned and returned to the Huaxia team.

Lei Yiyi glanced at everyone, then snorted coldly: "If you are all right, then we will leave."

The Western European team and the Fusang team looked at Lei Yiyi, and then they all flinched. They knew that Lei Yiyi was strong before, but they never had a clear concept.

They may even think that the competition in Huaxia District is just a scene directed and acted by people from Huaxia District, in order to create Lei Yiyi's invincible image, whether it is Lei Yiyi who is almost invincible, or Zhang Pingzhe who looks like God's perspective , it seems a bit fake to them.

But the jumping ability that Lei Yiyi showed just now instantly made them realize that Lei Yiyi might really be invincible below A-level.

Judging from the overall strength of the Western European team and the Fuso team, they are not strong in the first place, not as good as the North American team and the Huaxia team. No matter how arrogant they are, they still have self-knowledge.

Seeing the silence of the Western European team and the Fusang team, they gave up, and the crowd who had been hunted down just now were relieved.

Lei Yiyi shook his head, took the lead, and left.

The figure with waist-length hair was like an insurmountable mountain, which made the two teams lose their temper and let the Huaxia team leave.

"Damn it, why is that Lei Yiyi so strong? Could it be a secret weapon cultivated by some big Chinese consortium?" The captain of the Western European team looked gloomy.

Genshin Sakura threw Murata Masaichi with the chip bag, and then silently returned to the team.

"It's Sakura." Toyama praised Yuanxin Sakura with a smile.

"That's right, as expected of Sakura, she defeated that raving guy in three moves."

The people around all praised Yuan Xinying, Yuan Xinying nodded slightly, showing a polite smile, even if she responded to her teammates' pursuit.

Murata was holding the hand of the chip bag, and his veins were bulging, but he smiled instead: "Sakura, you did a good job."

"Hmph, what do you need to say?" Sada snorted coldly, not giving Murata Masaichi the captain any face.

Murata Masaichi gritted his teeth secretly, but smiled helplessly on his face.

At this moment, the captain of the Western European team came over.

"Friends from Fusang District, we should talk about it." The captain of the Western Europe team restrained his arrogance and said seriously.

"What's there to talk about?" Sada rolled his eyes, not waiting to see the captain of the Western European team.

"If you make trouble again, Sada, I will replace you with a substitute right now." Murata Masaaki said angrily.

Sada snorted and didn't say anything else. If he was replaced by a substitute, he would not be eligible to enter the floating island for the competition. Although Satian was arrogant, he was not stupid. A great honor.

The captain of the Western Europe team frowned slightly, but said calmly: "Lei Yiyi is too strong, we need to weaken her."

"Weaken. How to weaken?" Murata Zheng's mouth twitched. Do you think this is a game character?Weaken it if you want to weaken it?
"What I mean is to weaken her role. We must find a way to limit her ability."

"It's easy to say, the strength that Lei Yiyi showed just now has obviously exceeded the limit of a B-level enhancer, how can it be so easy to limit?" Murata shook his head and said.

"Our two teams alone may not work, but if the North American team joins, maybe we can try. Anyway, Lei Yiyi is still human, she is still flesh and blood, not as powerful as Zerg and alien beasts, As long as we work together, we can definitely suppress her, and even if we can't defeat her, we can limit her performance."

When Murata Zheng heard this, he was a little moved, Lei Yiyi really fouled too much, if he didn't restrain himself, then the game would be meaningless.

After hearing this, Murata nodded silently.

The captain of the Western European team smiled: "The most important thing now is to collect the virtual map. How are you collecting the map fragments in Fusang District?"

"It's only the second, fifth and ninth fragments." Speaking of this, Murata smiled confidently, obviously confident in his team's results.

The captain of the Western European team frowned: "We are still short of fragments No. [-] and No. [-]. My dear friend, do you have extra fragments?"

Murata was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated for a moment: "We have a spare No. [-] fragment."

"Great, my friend, for our alliance plan, can you give us the extra pieces?" The captain of the Western European team asked politely with a smile.

Murata looked at his team members with a tangled look, then gritted his teeth and nodded: "Of course, but if you get the fragments we need later, remember us."

"Of course, we are allies." The captain of the Western European team said happily.

Speaking of this, Murata Masaichi handed the chip bag he had just obtained to the captain of the Western European team.

The captain of the Western European team took the chip, as if he was afraid that the Fuso team would go back on his word, he directly inserted the chip into his personal terminal, and then completed the location of the map fragments.

As soon as Murata looked at the virtual map of the Western European team, which was only one fragment away, he was envious for a while. As long as he got another No. [-] fragment, the Western European team had already qualified for the promotion, and they were still three fragments short.

However, after understanding, Murata Masaichi could only admit that he was defeated. The Western Europe team was so lucky that they almost never got duplicate fragments. Basically, they were all missing something. Unlike Fusang District, they got several duplicate fragments.

"My friend, don't be discouraged. There are still some areas that we haven't explored yet. Maybe we will be able to fill up your map fragments soon." The captain of the Western European team comforted.

What else can Murata Masaichi say, there is no other way now, who made them unlucky.

On the other side of the uninhabited island, on the golden beach, the Pacific team, which had already cleared customs, was resting on the edge of the beach.

 Ps: When I wrote the two hundred chapters, Niaofeng sighed a little in his heart. It is really not easy to persevere until now. Thanks to all the book friends who have accompanied me all the way. With your support, I have been able to survive until now. , I have a lot of tj with the author of the same period, and sometimes I have such thoughts, but always when I am most discouraged, the savior appears to give me a hand, just like Lu Mingfei, the bad boy in the Dragon Clan , when you are about to despair, you will always be pulled, so that you will not be so desperate that you give up. The grades in the book are not good, but even if it is for everyone, I will persevere.thank you.Bird Kaze also ushered in the graduation season. This is the most sad and confusing time. In this society, it is really not easy to maintain one's heart. I may have escaped as a student before, but soon, I will lose this identity. Asylum, I don't know how to go in the future, no plan, no plan, take one step at a time, reality is not a novel, life does not have the outline I want, is it a carp leaping over the dragon's gate, or hanging a southeast branch and drying it into a salted fish, the bird wind himself I don’t know, I hope everyone can accompany me to go on, thank you, respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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