Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 200 The Game Committee That Knows How to Play

Chapter 200 The Game Committee That Knows How to Play
"This small town is so realistic, except that there are no people, it is almost the same as the situation in the third district." Lei Yiyi touched the rough walls of the apartment building.

"By the way, why did we all come in? Don't we need substitutes for this competition?" Xiaogu asked in a daze.

"Um, I don't know either." Lei Yiyi said that she was also at a loss, this competition was completely different from the quota competition in Huaxia District, and she hardly saw many staff members.

Even after coming to the floating island, there are no missions.

"There is actually a department store over there?" Lei Yiyi looked to the other side of the road as if he had discovered a new continent.

"There are still snacks to buy inside." Lei Yiyi lay down in front of the glass display case in the department store, looking inside the mall.

"Really?" Hulan Huayu leaned over curiously. If it was true, the small town used for the competition would be too realistic.

Lei Yiyi was lying on the window, staring at the snack bag, nodding vigorously. Although she is not a foodie, seeing so many snacks, it is inevitable that she will be a little greedy. Times are advancing, and the taste of snacks is improving, getting better and better Eat, few people can resist the kind of small food with all kinds of harmless spices added.

Hulan Huayu walked over and said with a smile, "Can we go in and take whatever we want?"

Lei Yiyi was also expecting to drool, but just as she was staring at the shelf, a red glow seemed to flash across the unconscious area of ​​her vision.

Lei Yiyi was not frightened, but suddenly became vigilant.

The moment Lei Yiyi straightened her waist, a black shadow suddenly appeared from behind the display case in the department store, and flew towards Lei Yiyi who was standing in front of the display case.

Under the pounce of the black shadow, the special glass showcase instantly shattered and turned into glass shards all over the sky, splashing in all directions, and the fine pieces of glass reflected various colors of light in the sunlight.

Everyone in Huaxia District was stunned by what happened suddenly before their eyes, and their brains froze a bit.

Lei Yiyi was in a trance and didn't see what was rushing towards him. She slid her right foot backwards, pulled up a layer of dust on the ground, and then firmly nailed it to the ground like a nail.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the ground, accompanied by Lei Yiyi's coquettish shout, came out simultaneously. Facing the pounced black shadow, Lei Yiyi didn't even think about it, and just raised his hand and punched out with all his strength.

How strong is Lei Yiyi's full power?The power of more than 3000kg is concentrated on a small fist, and the destructive power produced can be imagined.

The moment Lei Yiyi punched, he felt that the air had become an obstacle to his fist, preventing him from punching.


The crisp collision sound echoed in the neighborhood, but the black shadow that flew up straight fell straight down in the air, and a part of the black shadow flew out directly in the air, and the black shadow's body seemed not to accept it. The powerful reaction force fell straight to the ground.

As soon as it landed, everyone saw clearly what was flying over just now. It was actually a mechanical dog more than two meters long, but the head of the mechanical dog was no longer on its body, and the broken neck was still flashing. with sparks.

The face of Lei Yiyi's fist was dripping with blood, and the skin on his fingers had almost burst from the knuckles due to the collision just now, exposing the dense phalanx. People all have very ugly faces. It takes a lot of power to create such an effect.

Ye Lian screamed when she saw it, and quickly took out the medicine and bio-dissolving bandages from the medical kit.

Lei Yiyi's arm was also trembling slightly. Obviously, the collision just now somewhat exceeded the limit of the arm's tolerance. After all, this is an opposing force, which is different from hitting a target. The force generated by the momentary collision is definitely an explosive force. value.

Technical room.

A teenager took off his helmet in a daze, and then looked blankly at the staff behind him: "What's going on? Why do I feel like my eyes are blurred and I can't see anything?"

The staff had forgotten to record the work status, and stared at the screen on the display with wide-eyed eyes.

The young man looked blankly at the display screen. A headless mechanical dog, like a dead dog, was lying on the ground, with liquid still lying on its neck, sparks flashing.

"This, this is impossible."

The mechanical dog is a military project undertaken by the Technology Department of Academy City. It is absolutely qualified in terms of quality, but the situation in front of it makes people very speechless. If military inspectors see it, they will definitely question the scientific and technological strength of their Pacific independence.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." The boy looked awkwardly at the recorder behind him and said.

With so many mechanical dogs put into production together, it is normal for one or two to malfunction occasionally.

The boy in charge of the control gritted his teeth, grabbed his wireless headset and shouted: "Coordinates 723, 1256, send the dog there immediately, stop playing, notify the Huaxia team and the Pacific team of the mission, and start hunting."

How could the Pacific Independents build such a huge floating island specifically for a competition. Holding the competition is a purpose, and more importantly, use these young elites to test various new technologies.

The last battle for strongholds was to test the materialized particle barrier technology.

The outcome of the competition is not important, the real purpose is to show the new technology to the inspectors sent by the Development Association through the fight conference.

This is an era of rapid development. Since the development of space technology, the entire scientific community has ushered in a new spring. The development of science and technology, which has been stagnant, has also been driven by space technology, and a large number of research fields have emerged. , and the Pacific Independent Body is a large-scale scientific research organization that focuses on research.


The Huaxia team looked curiously at the corpse of the mechanical dog on the ground.

And just when everyone was wondering why this thing appeared in the small town, everyone's personal terminals received a warning at the same time.

"Attention everyone, the entire city is now occupied by mechanical hounds. Your task is to avoid hunting and survive until the end time. The team with the most 'survival' people will win."

An announcement made everyone stunned for a moment, the number of survivors?Even with the quotation marks, the wording is a bit chilling.

"What does this mean? The fighting competition is not fighting with humans, but fighting with robot dogs?" Yuan Long asked in confusion.

I've heard that the Youth Fighting Conference, the competition committee can play, but I didn't expect to be able to play like this.

But now, everyone has no way out, and the most important thing is to quickly find a place to hide.

"Let's find a place to hide first." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Since the requirement of the game is the number of survivors, finding a place to hide seems to be the most sensible choice.

However, since the competition committee dared to arrange it this way, it probably wouldn't do much to hide it.

In the apartment building where the Pacific team was huddled, a mechanical hound with the conduction line at its neck cut off lay in front of the door.

Anlu heaved a sigh of relief. More than a dozen members of the Pacific team sat on the ground to rest, not to mention how embarrassed they were. In order to subdue this mechanical hound, the Pacific team designed countless mechanisms based on local materials. Hard bones cleaned up.

When An Lu was resting, he silently opened his personal terminal, edited a message, and sent it.

"What will Captain do next?" The black-haired boy threw the chipped fruit knife on the ground and frowned.

"Hide and wait." An Lu shook his head.

"What are you waiting for?" The black-haired boy was puzzled.

"Wait for the Huaxia team to do something."

 ps: salted fish.

(End of this chapter)

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