Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 201 Ye Lian?

Chapter 201 Ye Lian?

"GG!" There was another sound of slapping the table in the computer room, and the boy took off his helmet directly and shouted depressingly.

In the entire computer room, there were quite a few teenagers who had already taken off their helmets.

The ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

The performance of the mechanical dog is indeed very strong, but there are still some shortcomings in order to deal with the elite combat talents selected at this level. After all, each team acts collectively, but the mechanical dog is currently acting alone.

When the mechanical dog appeared at the beginning, it really caught the teams by surprise, and even some players were marked for death.

After being marked for death, the player loses the qualification to continue participating in the competition. Although he can still follow the team, he is already counted as a dead person and directly included in the score.

However, the prestige of the mechanical dog only lasted for a few raids. After the players of each team got used to it, the counterattack began. After all, the mechanical dog will not dispatch too many at a time. A few mechanical dogs are still very easy.

In this case, the most embarrassing thing is the technicians of the Pacific Technology Department. The weapons of war that were promised have been dismantled by a group of students with bare hands. What are you talking about going to the battlefield?

"What's going on!" The slightly gray-haired weapons expert from the technical department rushed to the computer room and shouted at a group of testers after hearing the situation.

"We don't want to either, the enemy is really difficult to deal with." A teenager who had just been kicked out of the game complained.

Now it's not what they expected at first. The driven teams ran for their lives, but now the situation is a bit reversed. All the mechanical dogs are forced to sneak attack. When they see the large army of students, they can only run for their lives. A lost dog needs a lost dog.

Of course, among these teams, if you want to get rid of the Pacific team, as a team with zero enhancers, they can only be chased by mechanical dogs and run all over the street. Talking about counterattacks, the main reason is that the competition committee is really good at playing.

This kind of situation makes Anlu completely helpless. They are not fighting with people, but they can also rely on calculations to gain some advantage. Those mechanical dogs, not to mention fast action, have strong tracking ability. They have no room to resist at all. Now they can only I hope that the Huaxia team can come to rescue them and let them hug their thighs after they can deal with their own affairs.

"Brother Zhang, do we need to hide? That mechanical dog is actually not strong." Lei Yiyi directly pushed open the door of a small duplex building with a bandaged hand.

"You have no problem, but others will still be attacked by themselves." Zhang Pingping said calmly, and entered the small building first.

The moment the Huaxia team entered the small building, a mechanical dog with red eyes poked its head out from the corner of the street, looking at the duplex villa building.

"I'm just looking for abuse, forget it, sneak attack counts as one." The boy gritted his teeth, controlled the mechanical dog to shake his head, eyes with red light, and directly turned on the infrared vision.

Under infrared vision, more than a dozen people from the Huaxia team were wandering around on the first floor of the duplex villa.

"If you attack from the window, maybe you can take advantage of it by surprise." The boy gritted his teeth.

The mechanical dog was controlled to quickly move to the position below the side window of the small villa building, and the infrared vision was always on, watching the situation inside the house.

In the computer room of the technical department, where there was a lot of scolding, the quiet boy became a unique focus. The staff in charge of inspection gathered behind the boy, watched the boy's behavior, nodded, and recorded all the data.

Mechanical dogs are indeed excellent in some aspects. Infrared vision and spatial residual vision are the most outstanding features. Although the current combat effectiveness shown is somewhat insufficient, the tracking ability is very good. Because the structure is relatively simple, mechanical dogs can completely become Mass production is also an advantage. .

Especially the spatial residual vision, this new type of tracking technology, can be effectively used, which is enough to show the value of the mechanical dog, the spatial residual vision, the spatial memory technology used, a thing that has been in a certain space for a while It causes subtle changes in space, and spatial residual vision achieves the purpose of tracking by observing this change.

From a certain level, space is like water. Changes in the quality of the location of space will cause extremely subtle distortions in space. Objects with greater mass will cause greater space distortions. By observing the ripples of space distortions and the degree of recovery , the purpose of tracking can be achieved.

Of course, it is not possible for human eyes to recognize these ripples. Only through data restoration through spatial residual technology can judgments based on such fluctuations be made.

Closer to home, the juvenile's cautious actions made the inspectors see the prospect of some mechanical dogs.

The body movements of the mechanical dog are obviously very flexible, and such sneaking movements do not have any blunt performance, and may be used to perform some sneaking tasks.

Of course, this is also because it is controlled by a real person, and the complex and subtle terrain changes are judged by the human brain, which is obviously fast and convenient. A tiny pit under the foot, if it is handed over to the computer for calculation, it will go through a series of complicated calculations. The human brain completes this complex calculation entirely by experience reflection.

Intuition is the most unreliable way of thinking for human beings, but it is also the most magical calculation process.

Just when the mechanical dog was lurking at the window, everyone in the house was looking at everything around them curiously. This kind of retro villa is really rare. The decoration style of ancient England makes this villa unique. There are plush carpets, a fireplace with no fire, and strange animal heads hanging on the walls.

"This villa is so beautiful." Ye Lian sighed after touching the somewhat rough brown-red warm-colored wall.

"It's obviously a competition venue, why do everything so realistically? It's not too much trouble." Thunderstorm feels that people in the Pacific Independent Unit really have enough time to spare.

"With full-dimensional printing technology, it's not that troublesome at all." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Full-dimensional printing? Are you saying that these carpets and chairs are all printed in full dimensions?" Lei Tian was a little surprised. Although he had heard of full-dimensional printing from the Internet, he didn't study that major, nor I have understood the essence of full-dimensional printing.

"En." Zhang Pingzhuo nodded, "When the chair was lifted up, a shallow imprint appeared on the ground, which is an unavoidable thing for full-dimensional printing. After all, it is a quick construction method. It is very easy to do this Not bad."

As they said, they lifted up the furniture around them and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a shallow crater for the legs of the furniture on the whole floor.

"Then the half-made cheese on the table is also printed?" Lei Yiyi was more curious about the food in the kitchen.

Zhang Pingze's eyes flashed, and then he nodded.

Lei Yiyi took a piece of cheese and looked at it before his eyes, his eyes were full of amazement.

"I haven't seen the world before. I'll go to the window to see if there is a mechanical dog." Tang Mingkong snorted coldly, and spontaneously went to the window to be on guard.

Everyone smiled embarrassingly. In fact, everyone is from the fighting department. They don't know much about these latest technologies, so we can't blame them. A person's energy is limited, and it is not easy to develop in one field. , How can I have the mind to pay attention to other things.

Just when everyone was embarrassed, the position of the window suddenly changed.

Just when Tang Mingkong was standing in front of the window, a black shadow rushed in from the window instantly.


Tang Mingkong was frightened and screamed immediately, but his body reacted extremely quickly. When he stepped on the ground, his whole body seemed to be spring-loaded, and he jumped straight back, but his body's center of gravity was also directly lost, and he turned his back to Zhang Mingkong. Ping Ze came over.

That black shadow was naturally the mechanical dog that had been lying in wait for a long time.

Zhang Pingping reached out and pushed Tang Mingkong's back expressionlessly, without any expression of surprise, as if the appearance of the mechanical dog did not surprise him.

Supporting Tang Mingkong, Zhang Pingping turned his head, stretched out his hand to hold Ye Lian's hand, and then ran upstairs with Ye Lian: "You block the mechanical dog, I will take Ye Lian to find a safe place first.

"???" Lei Yiyi looked blankly at Zhang Pingche who had already pulled Ye Lian upstairs.

It's just a puppy, why be so nervous?

But what I said was that sister Ye Lian was just an ordinary person, it would be bad if she was accidentally injured, she was here to help.

Zhang Pingping dragged Ye Lian upstairs: "You hide in this room, and you will come out after the mechanical dog is dealt with."

Ye Lian looked at Zhang Pingping in a daze, and said with a smile, "Student Zhang Pingping is so nervous, isn't Yiyi here?"

Zhang Pingze said seriously: "Just in case, you are here to help after all."

Ye Lian raised her hands and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, everything you say is right."

After speaking, Ye Lian pushed the door open and walked in.

A cold light appeared the moment Ye Lian pushed the door, and a carefully arranged blade cut towards Ye Lian's neck.

Zhang Pingze's pupils suddenly constricted.

A cold light flashed, and Ye Lian stood sideways by the door, looking at the "blade" shot on the wall with a slightly stiff face.

The blade was shattered and slid limply from the wall.

The inside of the blade reveals a slightly yellowish cheese color.

Ye Lian actually dodged at the moment of lightning and flint just now. The speed was so fast that even Zhang Pingze, who had dynamic vision turned on, felt a blur in front of his eyes.

Ye Lian looked at the cheese slices on the wall, and smiled with a stiff face: "It's dangerous."

Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian calmly, took half a step back, and said calmly, "It's really dangerous, but your speed really opened my eyes."

Ye Lian smiled bitterly: "In a hurry, I don't know what I did."

"At this point, do you want to continue cheating?" Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian calmly.

Ye Lian's gentle and ordinary face changed again and again, and then sighed faintly: "Why do you have to chase after him? Isn't it good to pretend to be stupid? Sometimes being too smart is not a good thing."

"Sorry, I can't do it." Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian calmly.

 Ps: After laying the groundwork for so long, it's finally time to turn over the old scores a little bit. Has anyone guessed the result?In the next chapter, decrypt and do things by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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