Chapter 202

Ye Lian smiled wryly: "I never thought of harming you. I have always approached you carefully, but I just don't want to see what happened today."

"Ye Lian. Should I call you Yekaterina, or Katerina? Our position determines that we can only be enemies." Zhang Pingping said calmly, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Could you tell me how you found out? I don't think I've exposed any flaws." Ye Lian asked curiously.

Zhang Pingche pursed his lips, but before he could speak, Ye Lian in front of him suddenly moved, a sharp phalange popped out in front of his fingertip, and the sharp fingertip pierced Zhang Pingche's heart.

With the dynamic vision turned on, Zhang Pingzhe directly supported Ye Lian's wrist, but was pushed by a huge force and hit the wall directly. The sharp fingertips were only less than three centimeters away from his chest.

"The first time I had doubts was when I awakened the spiritual world, I basically ruled out the possibility of everyone present, only you, I'm not sure." Zhang Pingze resisted Ye Lian's stabbing with trembling arms , said in a calm tone.

Ye Lian's eyes flashed, and then his knees jumped up instantly, rushing towards Zhang Pingche's lower abdomen.

Zhang Pingping slid sideways against the wall, using Ye Lian's waist and hips to exert force, and the moment his hand relaxed, he narrowly avoided Ye Lian's knee bump.

Ye Lian's knee hit the wall fiercely, the concrete wall didn't change much, but Ye Lian's pants were a little damaged, and his knee was red, swollen and torn.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Ye Lian and raised his eyebrows: "It seems that your body is not too strong."

Ye Lian looked at the bleeding knee, and smiled indifferently: "It is enough to deal with you, but you should thank me. You have awakened your spiritual power, but you are infinitely expanding your spiritual realm. If I hadn't saved you, I'm afraid you would die."

Zhang Pingping was silent for a moment: "Do you think I will take into account your life-saving grace?"

"That's not true." Ye Lian shook his head and smiled, and the moment he spoke, he rushed forward, and his sharp nails pierced Zhang Pingche's heart viciously again.

Zhang Pingping retreated directly backwards, with a calm expression on his face: "You have no chance."

"Although I am not your opponent, you are not Lei Yiyi's opponent either." Zhang Pingze stepped back, but he was still suppressing his words.

"Really?" Ye Lian sneered.

Zhang Pingping dodged Ye Lian's piercing palm, but was kicked by Ye Lian on his chest. Ye Lian's speed was very fast, even faster than Tang Mingkong. Although Zhang Pingping could capture her movements, his body But it was too late to react.

Zhang Pingping was kicked directly from the stairs on the second floor, smashed the handrail of the stairs, and fell hard on the floor of the first floor.

Zhang Pingping's sudden flying out also shocked everyone. Lei Yiyi was pressing the mechanical dog firmly on the ground. Both of the mechanical dog's forelimbs were removed by Lei Yiyi with his bare hands. He was about to unscrew its dog's head. Zhang Pingping flew down from the second floor.

"Brother Zhang!" Lei Yiyi let go of the half-disabled mechanical dog, and rushed towards Zhang Pingze.

Zhang Pingze felt a fishy-sweet breath rushing up from his throat, his face was frighteningly pale, and his chest sank slightly, obviously he had received a serious injury.

"Are there mechanical dogs sneaking up on the second floor?" Tang Mingkong frowned.

Zhang Pingze said in a hoarse voice, "Yiyi, be careful with Ye Lian."

"Sister Ye Lian?" Lei Yiyi looked blank.

Ye Lian ran down from the second floor in a hurry, her face was slightly panicked, her knee was still bleeding, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

"Sister Ye Lian, what's the matter, is there a mechanical dog in ambush on the second floor?" Lei Yiyi asked in surprise.

Ye Lian nodded flusteredly: "Yes, thanks to classmate Zhang Pingping who saved me, otherwise I'm afraid I would have suffered more than this injury just now."

Zhang Pingze wanted to say a word, but his chest was heavy and he coughed violently due to choking.

"Cough! Yiyi! Ye Lian!" Zhang Pingchee hadn't finished speaking, and there was a sharp pain in his head, which almost made Zhang Pingche faint.

Ye Lian looked at Zhang Pingze with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Zhang Pingping panicked, he almost forgot that, as the Zerg King, the biggest weapon is far from the body, but the mental power.

Lei Yiyi helped Zhang Pingping stand up, and said angrily: "I'll go up and deal with that guy, Huayu, I'll leave it to you!"

Zhang Pingping held Lei Yiyi, and the spiritual world instantly opened up, covering the entire room.

Sensing Zhang Pingche's behavior, Ye Lian couldn't help sneering, a spiritual realm that was far stronger than Zhang Pingche's spiritual world opened up.

The brain waves fed back continuously impacted Zhang Pingze's brain, and the large amount of wrong information fed back by the brain waves almost overwhelmed Zhang Pingze's mind.

"Yiyi Ye Lian, that's Ekaterina." Zhang Pingping spoke out word by word with his teeth chattering.

The collision in the spiritual realm was definitely not a unilateral crush. Zhang Pingping was certainly being impacted by a lot of wrong information, and Ye Lian was also like this. The spiritual collision with Zhang Pingping made Ye Lian's face a little pale.

After hearing what Zhang Pingping said, Lei Yiyi looked at Ye Lian in a daze.

"Sister Ye Lian? How is this possible?" Lei Yiyi didn't believe it.

Ye Lian smiled. Although her face was a little pale, her fluent speech was much better than Zhang Pingche's.

"Yiyi, classmate Zhang Pingche's complexion doesn't look good, can you see if he hit his head when he fell down just now, and he's hallucinating?"

Lei Yiyi subconsciously looked at Zhang Pingze.

Zhang Pingping blocked Lei Yiyi's hand: "Ye Lian, when you were fainted and Yiyi was taken away, Yekaterina contacted me."

"Didn't Sister Ye Lian be with you at the time? Since Yekaterina contacted you, doesn't that mean that Sister Ye Lian is not Yekaterina?" Lei Yiyi looked at Zhang Pingche in confusion, as if she didn't know what Zhang Pingche wanted to say What?
"At that time, you realized that I was suspicious of you, so you came up with a way to clear up the suspicion." Zhang Pingze gritted his teeth, and the pain still couldn't overwhelm his reason.

"It's a pity that although you played beautifully with this hand, you didn't expect that your double would show flaws." Zhang Pingping's ugly face had a smile on his lips.

"In the past, when Ekaterina was chatting with me, she always had a mouth craving. The fake guy that day obviously didn't know it. After talking so much, she didn't have a mouth craving. Isn't this more suspicious? ? You deliberately removed the suspicion, but became the biggest suspect."

"You like wine very much, but you don't even know the most famous boiled water tavern in the circle of drinking friends in the entire Central District."

"In order to arouse the favor of others and facilitate your actions, you use it all the time. Your spiritual power increases your affinity. Lei Yiyi is hostile to any woman who approaches me, such as Chris, Tang Mingkong, and Hulan Huayu, but she is the only one who is not against me. Isn't it strange that you have been hostile?"

"Don't you think what you did was too seamless?"

Zhang Pingping spoke more and more fluently, and Ye Lian's face became more and more ugly. Ye Lian had withdrawn from the spiritual realm at this moment, and such a collision would not be good for her.

"I have also investigated your resume. You have a well-behaved study career and a well-behaved work life, but you are an ordinary person, but you have never shown any characteristics in biological research, and you met me on the suspension ship. On the first day, in order to please Lei Yiyi, I took out two drugs that had never appeared on the market. Later, when I was in Emei Mountain, I assisted me in completing the operation of swallowing the gene and extracting it. That's absolutely impossible."

Ye Lian couldn't hold back the fake expression on Ye Lian's face after hearing this, and clapped her hands with a smile: "It's true that I'm the one I like, and everything I thought was perfect is actually showing such a big gap in front of you." flaw."

Everyone in the Huaxia team is already confused. What's going on?It seems that Ye Lian is a terrifying mastermind behind the scenes?But what the hell is this all about?

"Since you already have so much evidence, why didn't you take action earlier, and even cooperate with the military?" Ye Lian asked with a smile, without any nervousness because of being exposed.

"Because this is a floating island, it can limit your ability as a king-species Zerg to the greatest extent." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

What is the strongest ability of the Zerg King? It is to control and command the inexhaustible army of Zerg. However, places like Floating Island make Ekaterina helpless. This is the sky, and most of the Zerg are good at For ground operations, even if there are Zerg with air combat capabilities, the outer periphery of the floating island can also raise materialized particle barriers.

This location was also decided by Zhang Pingze after deliberation. In an instant, he could finally test Ye Lian's authenticity. The cheese blade just now was designed with the help of the Pacific team.

Unru is obviously also a talent, and he was able to make something like a cheese blade out of local materials.

Ye Lian was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then laughed: "Should I be honored to be treated so solemnly?"

Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian with a frown. Even in this situation, Ye Lian didn't show any signs of fear. Could it be that there is something behind him?
Lei Yiyi looked at Ye Lian in disbelief. At this moment, Ye Lian's identity was already confirmed, and she even admitted it herself, so what's the excuse?
"Yiyi! Kill her." Zhang Pingping said cold words in a calm tone.

"It's hard for you to say such cruel words in front of your lifesaver." Ye Lian looked at Zhang Pingping calmly, his eyes gradually becoming indifferent.

Zhang Pingze remained silent and looked at Ye Lian calmly: "There shouldn't be any unnecessary emotions between us."

"Hahahaha, well, since this is the case, there is nothing to say." Ye Lian laughed.

Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Lian: "Sister Ye Lian, this is probably the last time I will call you sister, sorry!"

Ye Lian looked at Lei Yiyi and shook her head, the tip of her ten fingers poked out the sharp bony nails again, and said with a smile, "Come on, let me see how strong you are."

Lei Yiyi's face was tense, looking at Ye Lian, there was no sad look on her face anymore.


Lei Yiyi's footsteps on the ground made an ear-splitting sound, and a shallow pit appeared on the delicate floor.

At the same time, a group of officers in military uniforms with frightening military ranks on their shoulders poured into the computer room of the technical department.

The teenagers and girls who were still fighting in the computer room were all ordered to take off their helmets, and then they were stunned by the situation in front of them.

When will people from the military department be able to enter and leave the Academy City of the Pacific Independent Unit at will?

When everyone looked suspiciously at him, the leader was a soldier with gray hair and deep blue eyes, with the rank of major general hanging on his shoulder, and the person who came was actually a general.

"Now the technical department has been taken over by the military department, please cooperate with the military department in the next operation!"

"It is now officially announced that the game is suspended, and all game players are evacuated to the evacuation point, ready to leave the floating island."

The Pacific team, who was being chased by the mechanical dog, suddenly found that the mechanical dog behind him stopped moving, and then turned around and ran away in the other direction after a while.

"What's the situation, is that dog blind?"

"You just went blind, here's the announcement, the game is suspended, everyone evacuated from the floating island." Xiao Luo rolled her cute eyes.

"What's the matter, Captain?"

An Lu looked at the direction in which the mechanical dog left, and frowned: "Don't think too much, go to the evacuation point immediately."

An Lu didn't expect that Zhang Pingzhen would really make a big deal, and even stop the game. What kind of big deal is this?

(End of this chapter)

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