Chapter 203 Kunpeng
"It's really different." Ye Lian struggled to get up from the pile of rubble, looked at Lei Yiyi, and smiled calmly.

Lei Yiyi frowned and looked at Ye Lian: "You are too weak, you are not my opponent at all, surrender."

Ye Lian was not as strong as imagined, even a little weak. Lei Yiyi felt that Ye Lian's strength was close to Tang Mingkong's, maybe even worse than Tang Mingkong's.

If it hadn't been for the battle with Chen Bai, Lei Yiyi might not necessarily be stronger than Tang Mingkong.

After the battle with Chen Bai, Lei Yiyi's control over his body has directly risen to a higher level. Now Lei Yiyi can use his own power freely, and has begun to show his strength far surpassing that of the strengthener.

Ye Lian stood up in embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Surrender? Yiyi, you are still too naive."

Ye Lian also felt very helpless for Lei Yiyi's innocence. Once she fell into the hands of the military with her status, what she would suffer would be worse than death.

Lei Yiyi gritted her teeth: "Then I'm sorry."

Lei Yiyi's face was serious, and with a step, the whole person seemed to teleport, rushed to Ye Lian's eyes, and punched Ye Lian's chest, the howling wind of the fist, and even the smoke and dust that rolled up .

Facing Lei Yiyi's attack, Ye Lian no longer fought recklessly as before, but jumped backwards, directly onto the wall of the villa courtyard behind him.

Lei Yiyi's punch missed, and her expression didn't change much. Although Ye Lian wasn't strong in strength, she was more sensitive than Lei Yiyi.

But when the two were entangled, a dense sound of small footsteps was approaching quickly.

Two dark shadows rushed towards Ye Lian on the courtyard wall from an inconspicuous corner.

Ye Lian didn't turn his head back, as if he had expected it, he straightened his body, staggered his feet, and slid sideways for a distance of one meter on the courtyard wall, two black shadows flew straight into the air, crossed the courtyard wall, and landed on the ground .

The mechanical claws sparked on the ground, and the two mechanical dogs slid a certain distance on the ground, then stabilized their bodies, and turned to look at Ye Lian.

The moment the two mechanical dogs flew into the air, several more mechanical dogs jumped into the air and rushed towards Ye Lian.

Lei Yiyi looked at the street ahead. On the not-so-spacious street, three floors of mechanical dogs were already surrounded, and mechanical dogs were constantly coming.

After Ye Lian escaped the attack of the mechanical dog again, he turned his head to look at the blocked roads around him, with a calm smile still on his face.

"You have nowhere to go." Zhang Pingping rushed over with the Huaxia team.

After seeing the scene in front of them, everyone in the Huaxia team couldn't help their legs and feet a little weak. The densely packed mechanical dogs surrounded Ye Lian who was standing on the wall. The mechanical claws slid on the hard ground, leaving strands of white Scars, dense red eyes, fixed on Ye Lian.

Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian who was still smiling, and frowned slightly. Even in this situation, Ye Lian still looked confident. Zhang Pingping didn't know what her strength was?
"Zhang Pingchee, there won't be any winners in this game. Once I die, the Zerg that has been restrained by me will swarm out and attack major cities." Ye Lian said with a calm smile.

Zhang Pingping looked at Ye Lian calmly: "That's something to consider after you die."

"It's not beneficial to let you go in order to prevent the major cities from being attacked, no matter how you look at it." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Tsk, I'm talking about people like you who treat human life like nothing." Ye Lian shook his head.

"Sacrifice is inevitable." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Ye Lian looked up at the sky and smiled, "That's right, but do you really think I'm really unprepared?"

Zhang Pingze's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked up at the sky.

The blue sky is so intoxicating, and the lazy white clouds spread in the endless blue sky, everything is normal.

Zhang Pingche frowned puzzled.

"I have read your Chinese ancient books. There is a fish in the North, and its name is Kun. The size of the Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng. The back of the Peng, I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is." Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

Ye Lian actually stood on the wall in a narcissistic manner, memorizing "A Happy Journey".

"Is this giving up resistance?" The teenagers who controlled the mechanical dog in the computer room looked at Ye Lian blankly.

They didn't know about "Escape", but after saying such a passage, everyone's heart seemed to be suddenly pressed against a mountain, and a feeling of vastness and grandeur lingered in their hearts.

But just when everyone was a little puzzled.

The technicians in charge of intelligence suddenly discovered the radar covering the floating island, and suddenly found some huge monsters approaching the floating island quickly.

Judging from the information fed back by the radar, the huge monster that was approaching rapidly was actually a hundred meters long.

Even the blue whale, the largest creature on the earth, is only 40 meters long, and this creature with a length of [-] meters is absolutely impossible to be any creature known on the earth.

"Level A alert, a giant creature is found in the waters below the floating island, and it is approaching rapidly at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour. Warning! Approaching quickly!"

The intelligence personnel immediately raised the alarm.

"Level A alert, the waters below the floating island."

In the computer room, the officer with the rank of general on his shoulder raised his bushy eyebrows and said in a deep voice, "Turn on the satellite positioning and lock the target sea area!"

The technicians immediately began to operate quickly, and soon a virtual projection appeared on the wall of the computer room. Under the deep blue sea, there was indeed a huge black shadow, which was rapidly shuttling under the sea. The shadow seemed to be some kind of big fish. .

For a fish, no matter how fast it is, it can't save Yekaterina on the floating island.

But before everyone could think about it, the strange thing was that the calm sea surface began to change, and the speed of the black shadow under the sea surface accelerated again.

"My God, what is it going to do! Is it going to rush to the floating island?"

For such a huge creature, the speed needed to rush up to a floating island as high as 01 meters is not 30:[-], at least it is impossible at his current speed.

Ye Lian lowered his head and looked at the mechanical dog and the Huaxia team below with pitiful eyes: "Here we come."

As the voice fell, a huge sound of water breaking came from the bottom of the floating island, a loud noise like an explosion, even everyone on the floating island heard it.

The streamlined and graceful body, as smooth as a beetle, jumped out of the sea, and the huge body covered the sky and the sun.

"Impossible, the speed is not enough, absolutely can't fly up." The technician stared at the screen and looked at the huge body that broke out of the water.

But just when the technicians were full of disbelief, the huge figure that had been clustered around slowly and steadily shook its huge fleshy wings in the air.

The insect-like body has the fleshy wings of the mythical western flying dragon. This huge contrast made everyone who saw this scene open their mouths.

When the momentum of the worm's nearly [-]-meter body was exhausted, the huge fleshy wings flapped vigorously.

With just one wing flap, the violent wind pressure almost caused the sea surface to sink a shallow layer.

In the history of the Zerg, there has never been an aerial unit with a size of more than [-] meters, but this scene in front of them has refreshed everyone's three views.

Then flying dragon wings, the huge bug flew higher and higher, and soon surpassed the height of the floating island.

At this time, everyone on the floating island also saw the huge figure in the sky, with its wings spread out, almost covering the sun in the sky.

Zhang Pingze looked at the huge figure in the air with some shock in his eyes.

Ye Lian looked at the huge creature in the sky intoxicated, and said with a smile: "Zhang Pingping, have you seen it? My favorite work, the Kunpeng, is countless times stronger than your Lei Yiyi."

Zhang Pingping withdrew his amazed gaze, looked at Ye Lian, and said calmly, "It's just a bigger target."

Above the clouds, a huge silver ship slowly emerged, the Python-class starship, Neptune.

The huge silver hull, like a mountain, exposed the tip of the iceberg in the air. Compared with Neptune, the originally shocking Kunpeng seemed a bit unsightly.

However, facing the giant Neptune, Kunpeng still showed no signs of timidity. He let out a sharp whistling sound in the air, and at the same time released his clenched claws, and countless black balls scattered from the air to the floating island.

Those seemingly insignificant spheres made people gasp after they landed on the floating island. Those spheres were all five or six meters long, strange bugs curled up into a ball like a mouse woman.

There were dozens of rat-like bugs, all of which rushed towards Ye Lian's position, unceremoniously and directly attacked the surrounding mechanical dogs.

Ye Lian flicked her foot, making Lei Yiyi's other attack miss. Instead, she stepped on the back of a mechanical dog, and then bounced towards the closest bug to her.

Ye Lian fell under the protection of the bugs, but Lei Yiyi was blocked by the mechanical dog.

The mechanical dog looks a bit fragile under the insect's sharp forelimbs. Although the forelimbs will not cut off the steel body of the mechanical dog, it can slash the mechanical dog into the air. The formation of the mechanical dog is too dense. The blockbuster looks extremely vulnerable.

Ye Lian stood on the worm's carapace, looking at Zhang Pingping calmly, while the worm's carapace that Ye Lian was standing on opened up, revealing the slender and transparent insect wings under the carapace.

"It looks like you can't stop me?" Ye Lian looked at Zhang Pingze with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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