Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 212 This Sick Brain Path

Chapter 212 This Sick Brain Circuit

After the star destroyer completely erased the floating island from the map, the floating convoy with nowhere to go, after receiving the order, turned directly and flew towards the east.

After half an hour of high-speed flight, a huge city in the sky appeared in the field of vision. The city in the sky was not completely suspended, but was connected to an uninhabited island below by a vertical elevator shaft.

The scale of the entire city in the air is dozens of times larger than the previous floating island. Seen from below, it looks like a boundless black cloud.

An elevator shaft is obviously not a support point to support the city in the sky. The foundation of the city in the sky is anti-gravity technology.

City in the Sky - Pacific Independence

This academy city full of mysteries has opened its doors to everyone.

"Is this the most famous scientific research city on earth? It looks very ordinary." Murata Masaichi, who got off the suspension vehicle, looked at the Academy City in front of him and whispered to himself.

The academy city in front of me does not seem to have any special features, not even comparable to the flowers in the second central district. The architectural style is more inclined to the style of the third district, but all the buildings are very standardized and tidy.

And it is particularly obvious that there are no suspended vehicles in the sky, and some only electric cars traveling on the ground.

It is unbelievable that such a slightly backward city is actually the concentration of the earth's cutting-edge technology.

But before everyone took a closer look at the city, a group of soldiers in military uniforms hurried over and stood scattered on both sides, forming a welcome formation. Not far away, an old man in a neat military uniform walked out of the car. Come down, walking like a dragon and a tiger.

Looking at such a scene, even if everyone had a big heart, they couldn't help putting away their casual expressions, and looked at the approaching old general as seriously as possible.

The moment the appearance of the old general appeared in front of everyone, everyone was a little excited. They all knew about this iron-blooded general. In the class of interstellar history, there was a record of this iron-blooded general. The God of War has never lost a single battle across the Xinghai.

Jagged God of War, Cressi Dragon General.

Fighting methods are known for being ruthless. In order to win, they must be ruthless at all costs. It is precisely such a fierce fighting method that allowed this iron-blooded general to successfully lead the former First Strategic Army to stabilize the strategic line of mankind. And laid a solid foundation for subsequent expansion.

Such a god of war, if he hadn't taken the initiative to choose to retreat bravely at the peak of his life, he might still be a leader in the human expansion army.

And now it is such a general who has been recorded in the history books, standing in front of everyone like this, how can it make people not excited.

The old general walked up to the crowd and looked at the embarrassed faces, then nodded and pursed his lips tightly. There was no tenderness on his face, only sternness.

"You guys are doing well, you are worthy of the word elite." The old general nodded to everyone, and said with a stern and serious face.

Everyone showed excitement on their faces. It was an extremely honorable thing to be praised by such a great general.

When each team drove the suspension vehicle originally used for evacuation and crashed into Ye Lian, everyone had already set the best example on behalf of the human elite.

How can it be the elites to be cowardly without fighting. They are always full of responsibility and self-confidence in themselves and their race, and they are well-deserved elites.

This is not a civil war, but a war of foreign races, and there are only positions in this war.

Everyone couldn't help straightening their backs. No matter how they were members of the human race, they didn't back down when facing the dangerous Zerg King Race, especially when Yuanxin Sakura came out of the sky in the end, and the interception of seeing death as if it was home was even more impressive. It shows the quality of being an elite.

The original purpose of the fighting competition is to cultivate talents of mecha masters. If mecha masters don't have any sense of responsibility as a human being, then what's the use of cultivating such mecha masters.

"You are a very good class of players I have seen. In order to commend your contributions to the crusade against the Zerg King Race just now, I have decided to give all of you a chance to go to the Kunlun Star Mecha Master Academy , an opportunity for further study." The Iron-Blooded General said solemnly and solemnly with his wrinkled face.

"Really!! Really?"

"My God, I'm not dreaming."

Uncontrollable ecstasy appeared on everyone's faces. Isn't their purpose of participating in the fighting competition to become mecha masters?But now, although everyone's life was hanging by a thread due to sudden changes, they almost died, but after the end, they got such unexpected joys.

But recalling what happened on the floating island before, everyone felt a little ashamed. To be honest, they really didn't make any contribution, and the most important hero was still behind. Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Huaxia who was behind. Team and others.

Zhang Pingping was seriously injured by Ye Lian before, and even now he has not recovered, his face is pale, and the position of the ribs in his chest is still a bit deformed, Hulan Huayu supported the expressionless Zhang Pingping, his face was full of helplessness.

As for Lei Yiyi, who was like a god of war descending to earth, she was also in a mess. Although she was not injured, the goddess who was originally a good neighbor had become like a beggar.

Yuan Xinying's arms and legs were still wrapped with bandages, she obviously looked good, but she leaned against the beggar-like Lei Yiyi, she didn't dislike the dirty Lei Yiyi at all.

In this battle, they were just playing soy sauce. Apart from rushing towards Ye Lian as if they were dead at first, the only thing they were doing was running for their lives and calling 666.

The group combat ability of the mechanical dog in this battle was perfectly interpreted, which also represented the success of the test of this war weapon.

In the end, the six mechanical dogs squatted on Kunpeng's carapace in the firelight, watching everyone leave. I'm afraid they will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

Lei Yiyi's powerful foul force, Yuanxin Sakura's magnificent swordsmanship performance, and Chris's crazy fighting spirit, this battle is a gorgeous stage for their group of women, which actually makes them guys feel a little discouraged.

Girls sometimes become strong, and they are really not human.

But fortunately, their men still have Zhang Pingze, that guy is not powerful, but perverted.

The changes on the battlefield are dazzling, but nothing seems to be beyond Zhang Pingche's expectations. If the girls showed the strongest force, then what Zhang Pingze showed was unrivaled wit and planning and calculation ability.

And they still don't know how Zhang Pingche discovered Ye Lian, the Zerg King.

Ke Leixi also followed everyone's gaze to look at Zhang Pingping and the others behind him. In fact, his main purpose was to recruit Zhang Pingping, Lei Yiyi and the others.

A hundred generals are easy to get, but a handsome man is hard to find.

Ke Leixi saw a trace of handsome talent from Zhang Pingche, with an absolutely calm mind and impeccable resourcefulness and calculations. Judging from the information Chris got, Zhang Pingche's display of ability made him Great appreciation.

However, Chris also said that Zhang Pingze seems to have no intention of serving the military.

And just now, he said that he planned to let everyone go to Kunlun Star for further study, which was also the first step for him, Bole, to learn about horses.

Further study is not to serve the military, but to select and reserve talents. Such an opportunity is a rare opportunity for any student.

Zhang Pingze is a very assertive person, so the intention of soliciting should not be exposed too early, and subtle changes are needed.

The commander followed the old general to see the way slightly, and thought: "After all, it is the Dragon General of the God of War, this arrangement is really vicious."

Not only did he avoid irritating Zhang Pingze and prevent an irreversible situation from happening, but he also successfully brought the person into his hands and trained him slowly.

"Brother Zhang, Kunlun Planet's Jijia Teacher Academy? Could it be the school known as the No. [-] Military Academy?" Lei Yiyi scratched her messy long hair and turned to ask.

"Well, yes, Sister Yi, it seems that we can go to the same school." Before Zhang Pingze could answer, Yuan Xinying nodded happily, and tentatively took Lei Yiyi's arm with her hand. There was no objection, his face was even more joyful, his whole body was almost attached to Lei Yiyi's body, and he greedily took a breath of Lei Yiyi's body.

"Students, do you have any questions?" The iron-blooded general, who has always been taciturn, asked unexpectedly.

Everyone was a little stunned, but they realized immediately that this sentence was obviously addressed to Zhang Pingche. The expressions on everyone's faces showed their joy and agreement, and only Zhang Pingche seemed to be hesitant.

Being taken extra care of by the iron-blooded general, is this inhuman treatment?
Zhang Pingping was expressionless and seemed to be lost in thought. Apparently, the so-called First Military Academy was not so attractive to a guy like him whose brain circuits were different from ordinary people.

"Boss!! We are coming!" Just as Zhang Pingze was thinking, a burst of bluffing voices came, and a group of teenagers wearing Academy City student uniforms stood outside the soldiers' cordon, facing the while waving.

Looking at this group of ecstatic students, Zhang Pingze suddenly thought of a question.

"What kind of research are you all doing? I have invested in a weapons laboratory. Are any of you interested?"

Cressy: "mmp, can you think about my business first?"

Others: "This brain circuit is indeed abnormal."

The elite students of the student city: "Huh? Weapons Research Office? Isn't it our major? The boss actually wants to recruit people? Join! There seems to be a lot of things to do with the boss."

 Ps: I almost missed it, oh~
(End of this chapter)

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