Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 213 What Routine?

Chapter 213 What Routine?
"Hey, it seems that this classmate poached our students from the Pacific Independence Unit in front of me, the research chief. It seems that it is not a good behavior." The old expert in the gray-collar uniform said angrily and funny.

"Well, I just said it casually." Zhang Pingze nodded calmly.

Is there a shortage of people in Dr. Jiang's weapons laboratory?There is indeed a shortage of people.

Insufficient funds can't support too many people, even the people who test the outer armor can't be found, a group of old men can manufacture and research with fully mechanized equipment, but once it comes to the problem of using young and middle-aged people At that time, I was a little powerless.

So when he saw this group of young elites full of vigor, Zhang Pingze had a whim and asked, um. It was just a whim.

Without waiting for the commander on the other side to get angry, Zhang Pingze turned his head to look at the old God of War with a great record, and said calmly: "I'm sorry for the Kunlun Star Mecha Master Academy, but I'm not interested."

"You really don't know what's good and what's wrong!" After hearing this, the commander couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately shouted angrily, "Do you know who you're talking to?"

General Crecy's face was calm, and he didn't stop the commander's shouting. The main reason was that he didn't understand the reason why Zhang Pingze refused. When did the first military academy become so attractive?

"I know." Zhang Pingping nodded calmly. Even Hulan Huayu and Lei Yiyi knew this old general, so how could he not.

"Then you don't have fun, kid? Do you know how strict the recruitment criteria of the Kunlun Star Mecha Master Academy is!" said the commander angrily.

Why did the general promise such a big benefit this time?Isn't it for this boy and the girl who was traveling with him?If these two people don't go, then this originally meticulous plan will become an extremely wrong plan.

Iron-Blooded Army God made a mistake?Such a thing is extremely unwilling to see in the commander's heart.

"Since this officer said so, let me also explain my reasons. First, although the Kunlun Star Mecha Master Academy is good, it will have little effect on my future growth. I will not be able to become an excellent mecha master. Second, My ambition is not in the military department, I don't like to accept strict management. Three, I still have my research to continue, which is very important to me, and the restrictions imposed on me by joining the Kunlun Star Mecha Division Academy with militarized management too big."

Zhang Pingping calmly looked at the calm General Crecy.

"You! The military department is the place where a good man can show his ambitions. Why are you so self-willed!" The commander said with hatred.

In the context of the interstellar era, the Human Development Association has been working hard to establish the image of the military. After all, whether it is fighting for space resources or maintaining the stability of the human front, the people's support for the army is needed, so the military has always been very tall in the public's mind. , Many people are proud of serving in the military.

But this Zhang Pingze didn't take it seriously at all. Between becoming an elite in the army and some bad research, he actually chose the latter. How did he have such a brain?The rice bowl of the army is not an iron rice bowl, but an indestructible golden rice bowl.

What is Rodikin?Luodi gold is an interstellar mineral resource. It has the metallic properties of gold and excellent performance far surpassing that of nickel alloy. It can be said to be a very valuable strategic-level resource.

"Son, do you know my name?" Cressy, who had been silent all this time, said calmly.

"The Iron-Blooded God of War, General Crecy, can be regarded as a god-like existence, no matter to the enemy or to his own people." Zhang Pingping calmly stared into the old man's eyes.

He is as cruel as a god, yes, he is as cruel as a god, and he is aloof. His decisions have never been disobeyed, and those who disobeyed are either in prison or their graves are high.

On the surface, Dragon General Crecy is like the brave, fearless and witty God of War in mythology, but if you really want to know more about this person, he is extremely ruthless. In Lawrence's planetary battle, Crecy's advanced tactical command was opposed by his colleagues. Xi didn't even bat an eye, and directly shot and killed his colleague who was from the same school for five years.

What is cruel to one's enemies is equally terrible to one's own.

"It seems that you know me." Cressy smiled steadily.

Zhang Pingze nodded silently.

Cressy: "Then you are quite courageous."

Zhang Pingze: "I'm just stating the facts."

Cressy didn't get angry: "I can see it. I thought we were the same kind of people, but now it seems that we are different."

Zhang Pingze remained silent and did not respond to Kelexi's words.

The commander looked at the iron-blooded general with a calm face, and he didn't have any confidence in his heart, so he didn't even dare to intervene now.

And the other contestants felt the bursts of hostility emanating from Cressy, which was different from Kunpeng's brutal hostility, but a feeling of a high-ranking god faintly angry.

"Come here." Kelexi beckoned to Zhang Pingping.

"?" Zhang Pingze was a little hesitant, but finally moved and followed.

This scene seems to overlap with the plot where Cressy killed his colleague.

Cressy got into the old-fashioned four-wheeled car and waved to Zhang Pingping.

Zhang Pingze also sat in.

In the spacious back seat, the two sat on one side, looking at each other.

"How dare you follow me?" Crecy glanced at Zhang Pingche's tense body.

"There's nothing to dare, I have confidence in myself, at this distance." Zhang Pingze responded calmly.

"I'm already old, and I'm not as good as you young people." Seeing Zhang Pingze's serious attitude, Ke Leixi shook her head, "Don't be so nervous, I just want to tell you something."

"whats the matter?"

"Kriss is my granddaughter, she is very optimistic about you, you know." Kressy said calmly.

"?" Zhang Pingping was a little confused this time. Is Chris the granddaughter of Jagged God of War?
Well, the granddaughter of a generation of dragon generals is actually a mecha master who can't even pass the internship period.

Being assigned to be stationed on the earth is equivalent to not having passed the internship period.

"Now I know, but do you have anything to say?" Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Even if my granddaughter doesn't live up to expectations, she will definitely not be able to marry a man outside the military system. You understand." Cressy shook her head.

"I don't understand." It's not just that he doesn't understand, Zhang Pingzheng is already in a daze, what kind of trick is this, how did he and Chris get involved in talking about marriage?

"Huh? Aren't you chasing my granddaughter?"

"I don't have one." Zhang Pingze was in a big trough.

Don't think about it, it must be the good thing that Chris did.

Zhang Pingze understands why Chris can easily mobilize the army to come forward.

Back then Zhang Pingping approached Chris and told her his conjecture, hoping that Chris would mobilize troops to help. Chris readily agreed and gave a reply not long after. Chris was able to convince the military to believe that she was a poor student.

Feelings are in the name of grandson-in-law, please ask your grandfather to help.

"How is this going?"

The old God of War who had always been calm and calm was no longer calm. He stared at Zhang Pingping with a pair of tiger eyes, as if he was about to swallow Zhang Pingping alive in the next moment.

"You have to ask your granddaughter about it." Zhang Pingping directly blamed him.

"Ah!" Chris rubbed her nose, pushed back the messy golden hair in front of her head, and muttered, "Who's talking about me?"

 Ps: I have time in the future, maybe I will add more in a day
(End of this chapter)

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