Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 219 Medal: King Hunter

Chapter 219 Medal: King Hunter
He entered the Badaling Military Region with ease, and this time he still did not encounter any obstacles. Obviously, Chris had already greeted her well.

After entering the military area, it wasn't just the acquaintances Chris and Lek who came to greet them, but many new faces.

Apparently, most of the prominent figures in the Badaling Military Region were present.

Such a scene made Zhang Pingche a little uncomfortable. He was only here to accept a false job, so why did he alarm so many big bosses.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." Liu Heng stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Major Liu, you are safe and sound." Zhang Pingping calmly shook hands with Liu Heng.

Zhang Pingping didn't expect that the person who came here was actually an acquaintance. Liu Heng had won over g94 at the beginning, and because of this relationship, Zhang Pingping has been on the military's care list.

"Every time we meet, you impress me." Liu Heng sighed.

"I'd rather not surprise you." Zhang Pingping said calmly, and looked at the strange faces around Liu Heng.

Most of the people looked at him with scrutiny or contempt. Obviously, they already knew the position Zhang Pingping was going to take. It was a false position without any real power, and he didn't even have a guard under him.

For most people's contemptuous eyes, Zhang Pingche didn't feel anything. He didn't want to join the army, and he didn't care about other people's opinions.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu also clearly sensed the faint hostility around them, they both frowned, followed behind Zhang Pingche, and did not act rashly.

However, although most of the people were slightly hostile, there were also people who looked at the three of them with heartless smiles.

Wearing a military uniform, Chris put her hips on her hips and said with a smile: "Little handsome guy, you are well-developed. You started as a senior cadre, unlike me who has been fighting for so many years and is still a little captain."

Zhang Pingping glanced at Chris: "Speaking of which, I still have something to ask you."

Chris was shocked by Zhang Pingze's eyes, and smiled apologetically, "What's the matter, business or private?"

"Private business."

"Let's talk first, I'll go and see the progress of my mecha repair." Chris was about to run away.

"Your grandpa?" Before Zhang Pingze finished speaking, Chris rushed forward like a fury, and then covered Zhang Pingze's mouth with her hand.

Chris's hands were not smooth, and there was a thin layer of calluses on the palms, but they were still soft. Her white and tender fingers were tightly covering Zhang Pingzhe's mouth, and her face was full of panic.

"Don't talk about this!" Chris glared at Zhang Pingze with her big blue eyes.

Zhang Pingchee looked at Chris calmly, then reached out and took away that weak and boneless little hand: "Why?"

"Please, at least don't say it here again." Chris's face suddenly softened, and a pitiful pleading expression appeared on her tough face.

"Then we'll talk about it later." Zhang Pingze looked at Chrissy's pitiful look, and didn't have the heart to refuse.

"Thank you, thank you. Just go back and open the room. Just tell me the room number. I have a secret in your hands. You can do whatever you want me to do." As soon as the crisis was resolved, Chris revealed her true colors and held Zhang Zhang with her backhand. The flat hand smiled delicately.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Lei Yiyi said angrily, "How could Big Brother Zhang be that kind of person?"

"What kind of person is that? Is it possible to be in front of the public? Huh~ Yiyi, you are so harsh." Chris squinted her eyes, and couldn't help teasing Lei Yiyi and said.

Lei Yiyi suddenly became angry, her face flushed from holding back: "You are the one who speaks harshly, you pervert!"

Before Chris could reply, Liu Heng coughed lightly: "Captain Chris, please pay attention to the timing of your words."

Chris raised her eyebrows at Lei Yiyi, smiled, and then stood aside without continuing to speak.

"Okay, you all know Chris's character, don't take it to heart, come with me for the award ceremony." Liu Heng shook his head helplessly, but he didn't have any feelings for this bastard like Chris. way.

The only mecha master on earth, this title is also a bit painful, and Chris has made a lot of military achievements. After Zhang Pingping is awarded the honor, it may be Chris' turn. Now we have a good relationship It will be good for him in the future too.

Of course, Liu Heng still doesn't know about the relationship between Chris and the supreme military chief of the earth, Kressy. Otherwise, his attitude would not be the same now, and he would probably have to take good care of her.

The awarding ceremony was presided over by Cressy, the supreme military chief of the earth, but it was not an award in person, but a pre-recorded virtual projection, which was also of high standard.

Entering the awarding room, all the leaders of Badaling lined up with smiles on their faces.

And Zhang Pingping came to the simple awarding platform under the leadership of Liu Heng.

Everyone present had some understanding of Zhang Pingche's position, it was a false position.

Although the relationship between Liu Heng and Zhang Pingche seems to be good, if it is just a vase-like job, it is not worthy of their expression. After all, the most important thing in the army is the real power, the real power in charge of the soldiers.

As the projection equipment was turned on, a serious figure appeared on the awarding platform, an old man with white beard and hair in military uniform, slowly turned around, and smiled at Zhang Pingze: "I knew you wouldn't dare not come. "

"Huh? What's the situation? Is this the recorded image of the award?" Several majors on the side looked at the projection of Cressy on the stage with some puzzlement.

"Report, report, Major General Cressy's connection request has been approved unconditionally."

Following the report of the communication soldier who rushed in, all the faces of the people present changed. That is to say, the video on the stage was not a pre-recorded video at all, but Cressy's real-time meeting video.

This time, the soldiers who were still somewhat contemptuous quickly stood at attention, looking solemnly at the figure on the stage, the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

General Kressy personally connected to award honors. What kind of treatment is this? It's like a general who suddenly came to take care of a chef and hand out pots and pans in person.

"What's the matter with this kid? He shouldn't be the illegitimate son of the God of War."

"What kind of illegitimate child? If you say so, General Clyde must have skinned you. I think he is General Clyde's illegitimate son, the grandson of God of War."

"The two of you are out of your minds. Zhang Pingze has an obvious oriental face, while General Cressy and General Clydein are both typical Western races. Even if the genes are mutated, there won't be such a big gap."

"Could it be, the grassland above the head?" A young man with the rank of major guessed.

After the others heard this, they took a step across in an instant, away from the major who was speaking, and all turned their heads to look elsewhere, with a face like I didn't know him.

While whispering in the audience, Cressy, who has always been vigorous and resolute, also completed the award ceremony, conferring on Zhang Pingping the rank of major, and rewarding the exclusive medal, King Hunter.

"Boy, don't let me down." Cressy said with a smile as she looked at Zhang Pingche who was a little sluggish.

And Zhang Pingze looked at the detailed explanation of the medal just transmitted to his personal terminal, the light in his eyes was extremely complicated.

King Hunting Species: This exclusive medal is awarded to leaders who have made outstanding contributions in the hunting of the Zerg Kings. Holders of this medal can freely enter and exit any living planet in the Human Alliance without paying customs duties and enjoy the priority of passage .

The value of this medal alone made Zhang Pingche no longer have any reason to refuse.

The functional medal is the honor that many soldiers pursue all their lives, but he got it so easily.

"Did you give him the medal, did it mean it or did you mean it?" In General Kressy's office, a middle-aged man who was also dressed in military uniform and carried the rank of general on his shoulder asked.

"I proposed, and the higher-ups have also passed it." Cressy smiled, but the information contained in this smile caused the face of the middle-aged man on the side to change.

"Well, it seems that the higher-ups are a little tempted."

"Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, so let's look at Zhang Pingze herself." Kressy laughed.

 ps: Everything is ready and only owes Dongfeng.

(End of this chapter)

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