Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 220 Father's Way

Chapter 220 Father's Way
At the end of the award ceremony, Liu Heng greeted Zhang Pingping with a smile.

"Congratulations, Major Zhang. From today onwards, we are colleagues. In the future, we will need to rely on you, Xiao Zhang." Liu Heng said kindly.

General Kressy personally awarded the honor, this status, this treatment, if it is not a little tricky, they will definitely not believe it.

In addition, Zhang Pingze's own value as a biological scientist is there, so Liu Heng doesn't have to think about it at all, so he hastened to curry favor with Zhang Pingze.

But Liu Heng was not the only one who reacted, the other majors also rushed up and greeted Zhang Pingping cordially.

After Zhang Pingping responded one by one, he directly excused that Teacher Zeng Min'an had assigned an experimental task and wanted to escape first.

However, people like Liu Heng can't get rid of the dog-skinned plaster Chris.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhang Pingping looked at Chris and asked.

Chris looked at Zhang Pingche with resentment: "You bastard has eaten up everything, and you don't even talk about feelings, you are so heartless."

Zhang Pingche looked at Chris quietly with no expression on his face, and didn't speak.

"Uh, I learned it from watching TV dramas recently." Chris quickly defended herself from Zhang Pingping's staring numbness.

"Well, thank you this time, although I don't like your way." Zhang Pingze nodded and said calmly.

Chris froze for a moment, but Zhang Pingze was not angry at all, which made her panic for a long time.

"Hmph, it's good to know, I'm doing it for your own good, if I don't say you are my fiance, my grandpa won't help you like that." Chris pouted her nose and face.

"Let me tell you this, originally your grandfather would send elite air troops to carry out annihilation operations, saving time and effort."

"But you said that, your grandfather wanted to experiment with me, a pseudo-grandson-in-law, so he handed over the command power to me. As a result, I was allowed to perform on the spot, wasting time and energy, and causing many people to take huge risks. You still want to say Is it for my own good?"

Zhang Pingping explained calmly, the more he talked about Chris, the more cowardly she became, and her originally high-spirited aura instantly became submissive and timid.

"I helped too!" Chris attempted to explain.

"If it weren't for you disobeying orders and messing around, things would be a little easier." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

Heart-piercing, heart-piercing every sentence, Chris looked at Zhang Pingche with a look of lovelessness: "Am I so stupid?"

Lei Yiyi was laughing like crazy when she heard it, and Chris was deflated, which made her very happy.

"Go back and explain it to your grandpa. Besides, I hope you won't count down again for the next Mecha Master assessment." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Chris nodded dejectedly: "Okay, I'll take care of it."

"Come on, old woman." Lei Yiyi laughed.

"Hmph, don't worry, this time, I will find all my places." Chris regained her self-confidence in an instant, and said pissed off.

Lei Yiyi already knew about Chris's situation from Zhang Pingping. As the granddaughter of God of War, she didn't rely on any family power, but relied on her own hard work to get to her current position. Hostility, but can not help but admire.

"Train well." Zhang Pingping said the next sentence, easily threw off the dog skin plaster, and left with Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu.

After leaving the Badaling Military Region, Zhang Pingping went straight back to school and found Zeng Min'an.

"Your graduation project? Are you going to graduate now? You brat, you came here to ask for a graduation project before you finished your first year. You are too ambitious." Zeng Min'an felt Zhang Pingche's impetuous behavior. Very angry.

"Teacher, didn't you agree a long time ago? Why did you go back on your word?" Zhang Pingze asked calmly.

Before, Zhang Pingche had made it clear to Zeng Min'an that he would not study step by step, because in order to complete the Martial God project, he had to go out, and time was precious to him.

"Hmph, brat, don't ever think that you have already researched something more advanced, so you give up learning the basics. You are still far behind, just like your father." Zeng Min'an seemed a little angry.

"My father?"

Zeng Min'an snorted: "Your father is a genius. He developed the G-series culture medium at a young age, and even pioneered the concept of genetic enhancement, but he has a huge shortcoming, which led to his early death. Yao, the Human Development Association didn't give your father any help in the experiment, probably because of this consideration."

"My father has no shortcomings." Zhang Pingping looked at Zeng Min'an calmly, without anger or emotion, only firmness.

"Your father is a madman, arrogant, arrogant, and extremely paranoid." Zeng Min'an said calmly.

Zhang Pingping listened calmly, expressionless, as if he didn't care.

"In the beginning, I was also complaining about your father. The Human Development Association's approach was too extreme. It was an unwise decision to ban a S-level biological scientist. But later, after going through a lot, I also wanted to understand that your father is It’s a ticking time bomb, and the Human Development Association didn’t dare to gamble, so it chose the most extreme way to block your father.”

Zeng Min'an said, as if recalling the past.

"It's easy for a paranoid scientist to go astray. When he experiences failure, he will become even more crazy. If he does something terrible at that time, it may have a huge impact on the entire human society. The progress of science and technology You can take it slowly, or you can make a big leap forward, but if you make a leap forward, if it is accompanied by huge risks, you have to consider the value balance.”

Zeng Min'an said with a sigh, it seemed that these words had been held in his heart for a long time.

"Son, don't hate the ruthless indifference of the Human Development Association. The Human Development Association, the Human Development Association, every decision it makes is the direction of the entire human society. The army can make mistakes, and the people can make mistakes, but only the Human Development Association cannot."

"Blocking your father back then was actually to wear down your father's edges and corners, but no one thought that your father's paranoia and arrogance were to such an extent that it led to tragedy."

Zhang Pingping listened calmly, his heartbeat slowly slowing down: "Teacher, what you said is just speculation. Who knows the real purpose of the Human Development Association?"

Zeng Min'an smiled wryly: "I knew you would say that a long time ago, so please read this."

As he said that, Zeng Min'an popped up a page with a screenshot, which seemed to be a section of a document.

"Mr. Zeng Min'an, I hope that you, who are highly respected, will use your personal relationship to give Zhang some help and stabilize his mood. On behalf of the Standing Committee of the Human Development Association, I would like to express my gratitude to you." - Li Long, Standing Committee Member of the Human Development Association .”

Zhang Pingche's hands trembled inadvertently, then, he enlarged the screenshot and looked at it word by word.

Seeing the end, Zhang Pingze suddenly felt a burst of sadness, and the long-lost emotion hit his heart.

"Thank you Mr. Zeng for telling me so much." Zhang Pingping calmly bowed to Zeng Min'an.

When Zeng Min'an heard this, his eyebrows twitched. There was obviously more to this remark.

"But I will prove my father's theory correct."

"Use my own strength to prove it!" Zhang Pingze said calmly but firmly.

Seeing the tenacity in Zhang Pingche's eyes, Zeng Min'an didn't feel nervous or frustrated. Instead, he was relieved that Zhang Pingche would definitely not follow his father's old path, and that was enough.

"What's your next step?" Zeng Min'an asked.

"Uncle Qin is going to form a hunting group, and I'm going to go out with him to see him."

"Hunting group? Isn't that very dangerous? No, then you might as well do research with me." Zeng Min'an was immediately unhappy when he heard that.

"Speaking of which, teacher, I would like to ask you for a favor. We are short of a pilot captain. Teacher, can you let senior sister Xiao Meng do the graduation project ahead of schedule." Zhang Pingze said.

Zeng Min'an: "." I'm so fucking meow that I haven't agreed to let you go yet, well, you're starting to want someone.

Besides, who is Xiao Meng?
Fenghe Entertainment Company, Xiao Meng's office, Xiao Meng, who is 1.5 meters tall, is sitting on a large office chair, which is indescribably funny.

Thanks to the relationship between Zhang Pingping and Wang Jue, Xiao Meng is now the marketing manager of Fenghe Entertainment.

However, this kind of life has always left Xiao Meng without much enthusiasm. Her dream is not to sit in an office and become a senior white-collar worker. Thinking of the experience of playing games at school, Xiao Meng still feels vividly in her mind.

"Starry sky?!" Xiao Meng said in a daze as she lay on the table and looked at the map of the galaxy on the virtual screen in front of her.

At this moment, a communication request came, and Xiao Meng looked at the other party's name, and Xiao Meng immediately chose to answer it.

In the evening of the same day, Xiao Meng handed over the resignation letter to Wang Jue's office terminal.

Wang Jue was taken aback for a moment, and clicked agree with a wry smile. Zhang Pingche had already greeted them.

 ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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