Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 231 Interim Decision

Chapter 231 Interim Decision
Upon receiving the news of the upcoming voyage, everyone in the hunting group was both excited and a little nervous.

Even members of the interstellar mercenaries who have been in the past have a different mood. This kind of voyage is different from the previous ones. The purposeful Xinghang, unlike in the past, has no idea what to do next, wanders aimlessly in the Xinghai, smelling fishy smell like a vulture to fight for carrion.

After some emphasizing, everyone boarded the suspension vehicle that had already been prepared.

The three suspension vehicles took off directly to the Bohai Pearl.

The starship customized by King Qin has been in half a month, and after a simple modification by the Bohai Pearl Laboratory, it has officially entered service.

Starships are different from vehicles such as suspension vehicles. Even during the modification process, they never fall from the sky, but are always suspended in the air. Floating near the ground is not a big burden for starships, and there is no need to Landing repairs are necessary, and the scale of the worm-class starship is not small. The space occupied by the [-]-meter-long hull is not small, and Bohai Pearl has not prepared a corresponding landing pad.

The worm-class supply ship is relatively large in size. From a distance, it looks like a hill suspended in the air. It looks full of momentum, but in terms of combat power, I am afraid it is not as good as a ship. Dust-class main battleship.

The supply ship is still floating around, two dust-class starships, one is a shuttle-shaped auxiliary battleship, and the other is a butterfly-shaped main battleship.

From a distance, the three starships were docked in the air, and they also had a pretty good momentum.

Looking out of the window, the small starship group composed of three starships made everyone in the hunting group feel an indescribable sense of excitement. This will be their reliance in the sea of ​​stars in the future.

Xiao Meng, Zhang Pingze, Lei Yiyi, and Hulan Huayu sat on a suspension vehicle, looked at the three starships floating in the air in the distance, and said with shining eyes: "That dust-class main battleship is the latest Is it a D series?"

Zhang Pingchee glanced at the information, then nodded: "Yes."

"Great, great, the main battleship belongs to me!"

"No." Zhang Pingze firmly refused.

Xiao Meng froze for a moment, then looked at Zhang Pingche with a puzzled expression.

"You have to drive the flagship, and the other starships use unmanned pilots." Zhang Ping said calmly.

Nonsense, Xiao Meng is the only person who has formal operating experience in insect-class starships. Those guys like Char are wild people. Although they can drive, they are not at the same level as professional ones, so Zhang Pingze would definitely not hand over the starship piloting job to them.

Xiao Meng looked at Zhang Pingche with a depressed face: "You are cheating, don't think I don't know, that bug-class starship is a supply ship, and it doesn't have much combat power at all."

"I know."

"Then you lied to me." Xiao Meng said furiously. For a Star Wars fan, being unable to fight is any different from being in bed but being unable to do that kind of thing?
Xiao Meng just wanted to refute, but when she thought about it, she realized with a sad face that Zhang Pingze didn't seem to have said such a thing.

Xiao Meng stuck to the window with a face full of lovelessness, staring blankly at the three starships in the distance.

Zhang Pingping was a little hesitant. It stands to reason that the starship that is still undergoing a major transformation should be regarded as the main battleship. It is used as the flagship, so it is not a bad idea.

Although Xiao Meng felt that she had become a salted fish who had lost her ideals, she still lifted her spirits when it was time to get off the car. Anyway, this is a real, real starship, not through the training cabin. simulated.

Bohai Pearl was already short of manpower, and few people came out to meet the hunting group. Only Yu Hong and Zhao Qiu came out.

The two stayed in the Bohai Pearl for a while, and their image became even worse. Their hair was disheveled like a bird's nest, and they had the temperament of a researcher.

However, the spirits of the two were quite good. Seeing Zhang Pingping getting off the car, they greeted Zhang Pingping immediately with a smile.

"Boss, long time no see." Yu Hong approached with a smile.

"The sister-in-laws are getting more and more beautiful." Zhao Qiu flattered her.

"What nonsense!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"


The reactions of the three people were different, but Zhao Qiu kept giggling on the sidelines.

"Are you trying to make trouble?" Zhang Pingping looked at Zhao Qiu calmly.

Zhao Qiu smiled, his expression gradually froze.

Lei Yiyi looked at Zhao Qiu with a displeased face: "What did you mean just now?"

Zhao Qiu looked at Lei Yiyi with an unfriendly expression, and his throat couldn't help rolling.

"No, it's not interesting. I thought you were together."

Just as Charles and the others got out of the car, they suddenly saw a figure flying across the air, and then plunged into the distant sea, screaming like a pig being slaughtered.

"What?" Charle and a group of friends were dumbfounded.

Lei Yiyi withdrew her throwing posture and hummed, "I'm telling you nonsense."

Poor Zhao Qiu, under the action of huge force, plunged headlong into the sea. He didn't know how far he slid under the sea level before he emerged.

The research uniform on Zhao Qiu's body had turned into a rescue state, and it was automatically inflated to support Zhao Qiu's body, while Zhao Qiu himself rolled his eyes and passed out under the stimulating parabolic motion.

Hulan Huayu and Xiao Meng wiped off their sweat. A simple-minded guy like Lei Yiyi really does what he thinks of. A living person, he throws it out as soon as he says it.

Yu Hong was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly arranged rescue robots to retrieve Zhao Qiu's "corpse", but he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Zhao Qiu is just a fool, sister Yiyi, don't take it to heart.

Charle and others came over: "Who was that person who flew out just now? What kind of new technology is that?"

"It's okay, this is our Bohai Pearl's entertainment, catapult diving, don't worry about it." Yu Hong laughed and explained, wiping the cold sweat behind his back.

"Entertainment? It looks very interesting." The half-breed said curiously.

"You want to try?" Lei Yiyi turned around and asked angrily.

The half-breed boy was stared at by Lei Yiyi, and suddenly felt a sense of danger. He hadn't realized that this little star had such a strong aura before.

Charle smoothed things over with a smile: "Just kidding, just kidding, it's important now."

Only then did Lei Yiyi look away.

The mixed-race child felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and murmured in a low voice: "What are you proud of, a little star who has been played to death, really thinks of himself"

Char glared at the half-breed boy and signaled him to shut up. It was far from the time to turn his face, so he couldn't show any signs of it.

Here Zhang Pingze has already started to accept the modification results.

Holding the tablet, Yu Hong reported one by one: "The supply ship is equipped with an energy-storage star destroyer-Gaia, but in order to ensure the starship's load, all secondary guns, butterfly-shaped main battleship and shuttle-shaped auxiliary guns are also removed. There is no change to the battleship, but a small propulsion furnace is added, in the burst mode, the speed is faster, hehe, you will like it."

"How is the transformation of Odin's gun?" Zhang Pingze was obviously more concerned about his flagship.

After the reconstruction map came out, Zhang Pingze named the almost completely rebuilt starship the Gun of Odin, which means the sharpest weapon and an unstoppable cutting-edge killer.

"The Odin's Gun has entered the final stage of debugging. During this period, almost all of our Bohai Pearl has been invested in the transformation of the Odin's Gun. Dr. Jiang temporarily decided to increase the investment budget to create a real Odin's Gun." Yu Hong said proudly, obviously he has also received unprecedented attention in Bohai Pearl.

"Increase the budget?" Zhang Pingze suddenly felt his scalp tingle when he heard these four words, what the hell?Originally, the renovation fee was as much as 300 million, and it needs to be increased?

"That's right, the budget has been increased by 300 million. Except for the core driver and internal structure, almost everything else has been dismantled and reinstalled."

Doubling it directly, this is all right, the amount owed is directly rounded up to 1000 million.

Zhang Pingping nodded stiffly: "Go back and tell Dr. Jiang to complete the commissioning as quickly as possible, and I will prepare to sail."

Yu Hong nodded, and there was no expression on his face. Anyway, he was just a messenger, and he didn't know the conflict of interests.

"By the way, where's the crimson armor?" Zhang Pingze suddenly remembered something important.

"The two sets of armor are already in the worm-class supply ship. After all, Odin's gun has been greatly changed, and there is no place to store it." Yu Hong explained.

"Two sets?" Zhang Pingze's eyebrows twitched.

"That's right, didn't you say last time that you want to design a set for Hulan Huayu? The studio has made minor adjustments on the basis of the original crimson, and transformed the Gale Armor. I will send the detailed information to you later. You." Yu Hong then remembered and explained.

"Two sets." Zhang Pingche chewed on the information.

This represents an additional arrears.
This day can't be passed!fall! ! !
Set sail as soon as possible, and never give Dr. Jiang, that irascible little old man, a chance to collect debts.

But now the capital deficit of Bohai Pearl is serious, if the research office is not full of research madmen, I am afraid it will not be able to bear it long ago, and give up.

"I've decided, I won't wait any longer, and I'll sail in two days." Zhang Pingze said solemnly, then stepped on the aircraft and flew towards the starship like a hill in the sky.

Charles and the others have been watching from the sidelines, and they are a little puzzled by Zhang Pingche's sudden decision, but the only thing they can guess is that Zhang Pingche is probably short of money now.

Although not well prepared, Zhang Pingzheng couldn't wait any longer. The deficit state of Bohai Pearl could not last for too long, otherwise he would definitely not be able to sustain it. This time he bought a large amount of g92 culture fluid and g94 quick-acting healing from King Qin at the purchase price. Even if they set sail this time, just selling medicines is enough to make up for the debts and the financial deficit of Bohai Pearl.

Char had already made the price very clear at the beginning, and the benefits of taking this trip would be terrible. Zhang Pingze temporarily decided to sail early, so as to get through this difficult period first.

The heavy refrigerated cargo box was quickly sent into the cargo compartment of the supply ship under the transport of the flight loader.

Charl looked at the huge cargo box, his eyes shone brightly, he smiled at the half-breed, and followed the hunting group into the starship.

 ps: Thanks to [Brother Nannannan] for the 100 reward, and [book friend 160814202103691] for the 1000 reward.

(End of this chapter)

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