Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 232 Sword and Heart

Chapter 232 Sword and Heart

The worm-class supply ship was directly named Gaia because it was equipped with the Gaia Star Destroyer Cannon. The butterfly-shaped main battleship Fuyou No. [-] and the shuttle-shaped auxiliary battleship Fuyou No. [-].

Supply ships don't need to pursue high flexibility and mobility, so they are usually larger than combat ships, and this supply ship has obviously strengthened its carrying capacity, making it even bigger.

The 120-meter-long hull has a width of more than 30 meters and a height of more than 15 meters. The overall appearance is a bit square. Only the front section has three forward-looking rail frames. It looks a bit like the Trident of the Sea God. In fact, the three A track frame is used to receive the suspension vehicle for transporting materials.

The huge hull means that there is a huge space. Entering it is like entering a huge military base. The entire supply ship is divided into upper and lower floors. The upper layer is the command area and the living area, while the lower layer is dedicated to storing of various materials.

After entering the starship, everyone was stunned by the huge and spacious space in front of them. Star voyage on such a spacious starship is an enjoyable thing.

The storage floor is lined up with freezers neatly arranged one by one, and it can deliver an astonishing amount of supplies at a glance. After reaching the living area, everyone looked in amazement at the white corridor full of technology in front. A series of spacious rooms are arranged, and a series of glass safety doors divide the living area into three parts, the bedroom area, the entertainment area, and the dining area.

There are a total of thirty rooms, and each room has an area of ​​no less than twenty square meters, which can be considered huge. After all, on a starship, every inch of space has important uses. There can be a single bedroom of twenty square meters. It's already exaggerated, even some starships for full-time tourism are nothing more than that. .

The entertainment area has a series of entertainment rooms such as swimming pool and fitness room.

Looking at the living environment in front of them, the mercenaries choked up for a moment. They had never thought about such living conditions before.

Everyone has a deep understanding of the hardships of Xinghang. The narrow rest space without privacy, bad food, boring spare time, everything is so bad, on the way of Xinghang Mentally insane, suicide countless people.

And after joining the hunting group, they can get such favorable living conditions, which made them burst into tears. This is the benefit of having a backer.

"The conditions of the hunting group are still relatively difficult, so let's bear with it for now." Zhang Pingping said calmly after leading everyone to watch the situation of the starship.

All the mercenaries burst into tears: "Captain, it's not hard, it's not hard, it's fine like this."

The six of Xu Zhengyuan glanced at the tearful mercenaries, and suddenly wondered, what happened to these people?Why are you crying while looking at it?

Char and the half-breed looked at each other, their hearts sank, but they didn't say anything, they just secretly had plans in their hearts.

"Okay, let's all go find the room by ourselves. After finding it, report the room number to the starship's brain, and have dinner together in the dining area at noon." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

After finishing speaking, everyone left one after another, and happily went to find their own room.

Zhang Pingping looked at the dispersed crowd, then turned to Lei Yiyi and the other three and said, "Let's go to the command room."

Xiao Meng nodded excitedly, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu were also curious, and naturally followed.

Walking through the uncomplicated corridor, he soon came to the end of the corridor, and a thick door lay in front of him, blocking the way forward.

Zhang Pingze directly popped up the identity verification system, began to enter the password and verified the iris and palm prints, and then he was able to open the door of this layer of protection.

"Although it is a supply ship, in order to ensure the safety of the pilot and commander, the safety level of the command room is the highest in the whole ship. Not only does it have the ability to sail independently, but it also has excellent anti-collision and anti-strike effects." Zhang Pingze said calmly. Said.

Xiao Meng jumped directly into the door, looking at the rows of seats in the command room, and the semi-circular projection command curtain wall on the center stage, feeling excited.

"Welcome, Captain. The whole ship is in good condition and has sufficient energy. Please drive it in the captain's way." Gaia Intelligent Mastermind said calmly.

"Wow, that's great, the real holographic podium, that's great!" Xiao Meng jumped up and down on the podium with excitement, touching this and that.

Lei Yiyi looked at the excited Xiao Meng with the eyes of looking at cute things. The little man was jumping up and down on the large podium. Good control of all command points, only running back and forth to control it.

"Sister Xiao Meng, you are so cute." Lei Yiyi looked at Xiao Meng with red eyes.

Zhang Pingping looked at Xiao Meng tossing calmly: "Don't control Gaia to fly too far, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with it as an illegal intrusion."

Xiao Meng nodded in response: "Don't worry, I know."

But Yu Hong, who was watching the three starships in the sky in Bohai Pearl, suddenly found that the three starships were flying straight into the distance, and disappeared after a while.

"Hahaha, it's so cool, driving a real starship is really different from the simulated one." Xiao Meng directly set the projection screen in front of him as a live location, watching the whistling starship whizzing past in the clouds, that kind of rapid flight The pleasure is different.

"Yiyi, tell me quickly, where do you want to go, senior sister will take you there, hahaha!" Xiao Meng stood on tiptoe and started to set up the flight route, and quickly slid on the curtain wall with her short fingers.

Lei Yiyi was also obviously excited, and shouted directly: "Go, go to the Sakura High School in Fusang District, and find Sakura!"

Zhang Pingping was upset for a while, but he didn't object. Fusang District did not have a strict air ban area. Now Fusang District has become a tourist area, and the policies in various aspects have become a lot looser.


Cherry Blossom High School has just started school. Compared with the various leading science and technology disciplines of Galaxy High School, Sakura High School is obviously a bit biased. The most popular major in Sakura High School is the life skills major, which is more like Lei Yiyi's A specialty in cooking.

Subjects such as maid service, makeup, sewing, kendo, and martial arts are the main subjects of Sakura High School.

Cherry Blossom High School, as its name suggests, is full of cherry blossom trees. When the cherry blossoms bloom, the entire campus is like entering a sea of ​​flowers. There are brilliant cherry blossoms everywhere. At the same time, Sakura High School is also one of the famous attractions in Fusang District, retro The traditional architecture and school spirit are great attractions.

Fusang District is also happy. Tourism is the largest industry income in Fusang District today, accounting for more than [-]% of the entire regional economy.

Yuanxin Sakura is a member of Sakura High School, a third-year elite student of kendo.

Yuanxin Sakura, dressed in a refitted priestess costume and wearing a short knife, walks in the campus full of cherry blossom trees, without any sense of disobedience, and the students around are also wearing various distinctive national costumes.

The charming fox eyes and sharp eyes made Yuanxinying keep turning her head back. Everyone who saw Yuanxinying couldn't help but look back twice.

Yuanxin Ying, who was walking in the lush forest path, suddenly stopped, her loafers stepped on the ground, and her fox eyes looked dangerously at the group of people blocking the front.

"Sakura, why do you keep avoiding me recently? Patriarch Yuanxin has already transferred your household registration to our Murata's name. From now on, you will be a member of our Murata family. How can you avoid me, the young Patriarch?" Murata Looking at Yuanxin Sakura with a smile on his face.

In order to develop the tourism industry, Fusang District, which is engaged in a large-scale retro movement, has almost returned to the ancient social structure. Although this form is not recognized by the legal system of the earth, it is like a folk custom, and there is no way to solve it. In order to ensure that they can live a good life, most people rarely cause trouble and make trouble for themselves.

After all, it is like the identity of Yuanxin Sakura. Although it is called a sword slave, the basic human rights can be guaranteed. Otherwise, I am afraid that Murata Masaichi would have taken illegal means to take it down. Therefore, for Fusang The Earth Security Agency just turned a blind eye to this strange social system in the region.

However, although Yuanxin Sakura's personal rights will not be violated hastily, but she is always harassed by Murata Masaichi so openly, she can't take any action, and I am afraid that anyone will not be able to stand it.

"Get out of the way." Except for the fact that Yuanxin Ying showed a little difference when facing Lei Yiyi, she basically had a cold face to everyone else, even to the Patriarch Yuanxin who taught her swordsmanship.

"Get out of the way? Haha, Sakura, are you confused? Do you want to go hungry? I can completely control your living expenses." Murata Masaichi sneered.

"If you're hungry, you won't have the strength to practice kendo, and your body functions will probably degenerate by then. You don't want to do that," Murata said with a smile.

Yuanxin Ying gritted her teeth tightly, and her hand holding the scabbard tightened slightly. She had an urge to kill, just like facing that woman named Ye Lian, she didn't need to think about it at all, and shot with all her strength.

Fight with all your might!
Only fight with your own mind!

To fight unscrupulously regardless of life and death!

Unleash the sword skills you have learned to the ultimate battle!

Yuanxin Sakura tightly held the hand of the scabbard, and slightly let go.

can she
she can't!
Yuan Xinying is not an impulsive person, she is calm and sensitive, and clearly knows the consequences of her willfulness.

"Does it have to be so sad? Yichan, where are you now? Are you living freely?" Yuan Xinying looked down at her sword hilt and asked herself calmly.

 ps: Thanks to the bosses who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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