Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 240 Yuanxin Sakura's Whole Field Freezes

Chapter 240 Yuanxin Sakura's Whole Field Freezes
However, until now, the patriarch would never have imagined that this series of troubles were all caused by his idiot grandson.

Outside the demon god's tower, three reorganized guard teams watched the surrounding situation nervously.

And just when they were on guard with trepidation, three bright lights suddenly appeared in the dark sky.

Three piercing bombs with flame tails struck from the air, and directly plunged into the center of the three teams.

"Be careful!" The guards repeated their exclamation.

Three piercing bombs inserted into the ground exploded in an instant, and the flames soaring into the sky directly enveloped all three teams.

Some people didn't understand until their death why the shells passed through the forbidden area and landed directly on the outside of the demon god's tower.

The flames of the explosion dissipated slowly, and some of the guards who were dizzy from being bombed struggled to get up. There were always some lucky ones who survived the violent explosion. After all, the spread of shrapnel was not enough to completely cover the entire area. .

However, these "lucky ones" were shot and killed by gunfire just as they got up from the ground.

The people of the hunting group slowly showed their hidden figures from all corners, all holding electromagnetic rifles in their hands, and began to replenish their guns one by one. Everyone understood that in battle, being kind to the enemy is being cruel to yourself.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu watched the massacre from a distance, and they had different reactions. Lei Yiyi didn't feel much, but Hulan Huayu felt a little uncomfortable.

Just as everyone in the hunting group was replenishing their guns, the square floor of the Demon God Tower suddenly changed, and four deep underground passages suddenly opened.

Char immediately raised his hand to signal, and everyone stopped.

"Find a bunker, hurry!" Char subconsciously felt bad, and gave the order directly based on his experience.

Having been in the galaxy for many years, Char has an incomparable advantage in terms of experience.

Just as everyone was looking for cover, there was movement in the underground passage. Four tall robots came out directly from the passage, holding a powerful laser knife in one hand, and a six-barreled electromagnetic gun known as the Thor Cannon in the other. machine gun.

When everyone in the hunting group saw the Thor Cannon, they were scared out of their wits and frantically searched for a stronger bunker, but they all knew that these were all futile. nonexistent.

"It's over, it's over, it's actually a strategic-level mechanical killer." The well-informed Char hid behind the wall, his face turned black.

No matter what kind of weapon it is, once the three words "strategic level" are added, it will be upgraded several grades in an instant. What does strategic level mean? It means that his appearance can change the direction of the battle.

The Thunder God Cannon, coupled with a highly flexible mechanical body, and the programmed melee sword technique, this is a super weapon that can solo alone, C-level Zerg, and even deal with two or more Zerg alone.

If the cost is not too expensive, I am afraid that it can become the main force in the interstellar battlefield.

The Murata family, who took out four units at once, is also rich and powerful, and they are not small. They dare to use this kind of strategic weapon on the earth. This time, there is another reason for the suppression of the Murata family, just like the suppression of the Silver Wolf Weapon Factory. Same.

The mechanical killer scanned the audience with infrared vision, and directly raised the Thor cannon in his hand, and the six barrels began to spin faster in an instant.

Everyone's heart was filled with a layer of gray.

With thick bulletproof armor and powerful firepower, it seems that these four mechanical killers are invincible.

And in the demon god tower, the image of the mechanical killer was also projected immediately, and all the parents were happy. They didn't expect the family to have such a strong hole card.

"Look at those mice, they don't even dare to show their heads." A parent laughed loudly.

The six-barreled machine guns fired at full power, and the entire Demon God Tower was enveloped in dense gunfire. The blue electric light emitted was half a meter long, and the dense stream of bullets was enough to tear apart all obstacles in front of it.

If it weren't for the timely order given by Char, I am afraid that more than half of the hunting group would have been killed or injured by now.

Zhang Pingping also hid behind the bunker, frowning slightly, suddenly felt that the matter in front of him was a bit tricky, he still looked down upon these big consortiums a little too much, and his actions this time were a bit hasty.

"Student Zhang, I'm here to support you." Xiao Meng's voice came through the communication.

Zhang Pingze raised his head suddenly, and suddenly saw Gaia's huge hull covering the sky and covering the sun.

"The altitude is too low." Zhang Pingze warned.

When the worm-class starship is lowered to this height, it can already be attacked by conventional weapons.

Although the Thor cannon will not be able to penetrate the energy shield of the bug-class starship for a while, the shield energy consumed is real. There are no other weapons on the Gaia starship except for a star destroyer. Pressing it down is of no use, Zhang Pingze has no idea what Xiao Meng's so-called support is.

But soon he knew.

In the night sky, the hatch of the starship opened, and a figure in a maiden costume jumped straight out of the sky. No matter whether it was compared with the starship or the tower of the demon god, that figure seemed extremely small.

This leap reminded Zhang Pingze of the time when he was on the floating island. At that time, Yuanxin Ying also jumped down without hesitation.

There is no landing device, no protective armor, only two long knives gleaming coldly at the waist, and a long tube on the back.

"It's okay, this time we went back to Bohai Pearl and brought back some good things, which are just in time for us." Xiao Meng's voice came immediately.

Needless to say, Xiao Meng, Zhang Pingze also knew, because Yuan Xinying in the air directly took off the tube on his back and aimed at the four mechanical killers below.

As the blue light appeared instantly, ice and snow fell from the sky, pouring down overwhelmingly, covering everything below, including the corpses all over the ground, including the majestic mechanical killer.

This scene is like the explosion of Bingli's ice gun. The difference is that the range is larger and the power is more terrifying. The temperature of the whole land has dropped by several dozen degrees in an instant. It's like winter.

This is not an ice gun, but a proper ice cannon.

The four mechas instantly turned into ice sculptures. Except for the hot barrels, the other parts were covered with a thick layer of ice.

However, Yuanxin Sakura used the reverse thrust of the ice cannon to reduce the landing speed to a level where it could land safely.

After landing, Yuanxin Sakura rolled on the spot, and the beautiful maiden uniform was covered with fine ice shards.

"Beautiful!" Everyone in the hunting group shouted in surprise.

But before everyone was happy for a while, the mechanical killer covered under the ice layer started to move again, and the thick ice layer immediately began to crack.

"It's a joke, just relying on freezing, you actually want to restrain the mechanical killer, despair, ants." There was a moment of silence in the demon god tower, and immediately began to cheer.

After all, the mechanical killer is not a living life. In front of the ice, it still maintains its vitality. With a little force, coupled with the cooperation of the laser knife, it immediately breaks through the ice.

Yuanxin Sakura reached out and held the two knives around her waist tightly, and everyone in the hunting group also looked at the mechanical killer who was breaking through the ice in despair. The powerful bulletproof armor made people feel real despair.

"I'm coming!" Just when everyone was a little desperate, a soft voice came.

The crimson armor is the most distinctive sign, and the big thunder character on the octagonal skirt tells the identity of the visitor.

Lei Yiyi ran quickly, firmly holding the Amaterasu Knife at the back of his waist with his right hand. The rapid movement made a series of shadows appear on his body, and the scabbard on his back was emitting bright light, like a bright light in the night sky. meteor.

 Ps: The second update, it is said that there are only two fans who have received the title of fan. Don't you like the title of "Bleached Salted Fish" (manually funny).

(End of this chapter)

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