Chapter 241 Attack
Just when Yuanxin Sakura appeared gorgeously, Murata Masaichi widened his eyes and called out: "It's that bitch Yuanxin Sakura, who actually joined other people to harm our Murata family!"

As soon as Murata Masaichi screamed, the elders immediately fixed their eyes on Murata Masaichi, and asked in a cold voice, "Do you have any problems with these people?"

Murata Masaichi was stared at by everyone's elders, shrank his neck, and quickly fell silent.

"I'm asking you something!" the elder shouted sternly.

"Frozen can't trap the mechanical killer, parents don't have to worry, if you have anything to ask after the intruder is dealt with." A parent calmly persuaded.

Then the head of the family withdrew his sharp knife-like eyes, and Murata Masaichi also heaved a sigh of relief. Being looked at by such eyes, he really didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of angering himself, who is known for being fierce and decisive. grandfather.

The following plot was just like what the parent said, the mechanical killer broke free from the frozen confinement and broke out of the ice in a short while.

However, what happened next made the smiles on the faces of the Murata family freeze. On the projection screen, a red figure flew out at a terrifying speed, facing the four mechanical killers without fear. .

Lei Yiyi held the Amaterasu Knife in his hand, looked calmly at the four mechanical killers that had just broken out of the ice, and spat out two cold characters: "Amaterasu!"

Amaterasu is taken from the ancient myth of Fusang, the god of the sun.

Lei Yiyi directly pulled out the short knife that was brewing to the extreme from behind, and slashed it out. A scorching light burst out from the scabbard. As the blade slashed horizontally, the arc-shaped energy wave blade formed in an instant, heading towards the not far away The four mechanical killers swept away.

The light of the knife was more dazzling than the sun, and the entire Demon Shrine was bathed in the light the moment Lei Yiyi pulled out the knife. The temperature originally dropped by the ice cannon almost instantly rose to an unbearable level for ordinary people.

The huge nuclear power is restrained within a certain range by the special structure of the dagger. The concentrated explosion of nuclear energy possesses terrifying destructive power, which is vividly displayed when facing the mechanical killer.

The bulletproof armor, which almost ignored bullets, became like paper under the ultra-high temperature of the knife waves.

The powerful impact of the knife wave directly swept out the four mechanical killers like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. At the same time, the fiery wave core almost cut off more than half of the mechanical killer's body, and the remaining part could not bear it at all. The heavy upper body of the mechanical killer bent directly backwards, losing its ability to fight.

And as the four mechanical killers were swept away, the mighty Amaterasu sword wave gradually faded, and when it hit the ion shield of the demon god's tower, the sword wave had become too faint to be seen clearly up.

But even the wave of swords that was about to dissipate caused the ion shield of the demon god tower to tremble for a while, shaking like water ripples.

"This, how is this possible! The mechanical killer was cut off at the waist, what kind of weapon is this?" Murata stared at the projection screen in disbelief.

"Shut up! You bastard, tell me everything you know right away!" Murata Harukawa couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Murata Masaichi on the waist, kicking Murata Masaichi down, Then he roared in hatred.

Murata Masaichi looked at his angry father and grandpa with a cold light in his eyes, and immediately knew that he could no longer hide it, so he immediately told the story of finding someone to deal with Yuanxin Ying and Zhang Pingping and others.

"You bastard! I told you a long time ago that before you do anything, you have to investigate the background of your opponent. Are you an idiot! How could I have such a stupid son like you!" Murata Harukawa roared with hatred road.

Murata Masaichi was very wronged at this moment. Before he started, he did check it out. Zhang Pingping was only related to King Qin, and the other two women were ordinary students. There was nothing worth noting at all. , who would have thought that it would cause such a big trouble.

Murata Harukawa punched and kicked Murata Zheng directly in front of the parents, completely disregarding his image, as if he wanted to beat his son to death.

Murata Harukawa knew clearly that the harder he beats now, the more likely his son would survive, so Murata Harukawa didn't hold back anything at all, and kicked Murata Masaichi desperately, whose face was covered in blood.

"Enough." In the end, the elder couldn't stand it any longer, and snorted coldly.

Anyway, Murata Masaichi was his grandson after all, and he was unwilling to let his blood die like this.

"Father, I was the one who was not good at discipline and brought disaster to the family."

The head of the family waved his hands, and said calmly: "It's almost time, the demon god tower has ion shields, as long as it can last until the security bureau comes, it's fine."

Hearing what the elders said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as they don't get beaten in, everything will be fine.

But are things really going as they expected?

Zhang Pingze looked at the time, then directly switched to the detonation page, and clicked the detonation button without any hesitation.

The sound of explosions one after another made the ground tremble violently, and the ubiquitous flames, like the end of the world, made people despair.

With the sound of the explosion, the ion shield of the demon god's tower suddenly experienced some unstable changes.

At this moment, the butterfly-shaped main battleship cruising in the air opened fire instantly, and the dense explosive shells instantly bombarded the much thinner shield.

The soaring tower of the demon god is like a sycamore tree made of flames, with dense flame flowers appearing on its body, the ion shield shakes violently, and the entire protective layer becomes as fragile as a layer of paper.

But this last layer of paper is unbreakable.

Without any command, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu rushed directly to the edge of the ion shield, and the saber and thermal energy cutter instantly cut into the fragile shield layer.

Without any sound, the faint film of light outside the demon god's tower disintegrated instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Facing the gate that was right in front of him, Lei Yiyi took the lead and kicked directly on the solid gate.

A huge force erupted, and the wooden door, which was not considered strong in the first place, was instantly torn apart.

The low-key but luxurious hall appeared in sight, but unfortunately there were no people in the hall.

With a flash in his eyes, Lei Yiyi rushed upstairs along the stairs.

Hulan Huayu followed closely behind, followed by Yuanxin Sakura with a cold face.

And the ones at the end are the members of the hunting group who came in slowly. The mercenaries are a little bit resistant to the act of entering the enemy's lair, because this is their territory, and you don't know what you will encounter. Know.

On the other hand, Zhang Pingze was not nervous at all, and followed directly upstairs.

"Char, shall we go up?" the half-breed man asked, looking at the meeting room full of scenes.

"What the hell, we'll just stay at the door, if something happens, just run away." Char said with a guilty conscience.

When the Demon God Tower was originally under the control of the Demon Sword, it did have all kinds of means to deal with any intruders, but now the Demon Sword is firmly suppressed by the Elk Ji, and there is no time to take care of it. The defense of the Demon God Tower, Charles, etc. People don't know it at all, and Zhang Pingping doesn't bother to tell them, anyway, to deal with a group of pampered Murata parents, four of them are enough.

(End of this chapter)

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