Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 243 The Girl on the Second Floor

Chapter 243 The Girl on the Fifth Floor

"Whatever he does, just kill him." Lei Yiyi snorted coldly, and approached with a knife, completely ignoring the muzzles of several guns pointed at her.

"No, we can talk. I know why you came here, and we don't have to be enemies." The head of the Murata family was anxious, and immediately shouted, and pressed the guns of the people around him to show his determination to negotiate peace.

"I've already investigated your matter. It's all done by my bastard grandson. Now I'll hand him over to you. I hope you can let me have a few words with your boss." Murata said anxiously , and pulled out Masaichi Murata who was hiding behind, and kicked him on the ground.

Murata looked at his grandfather in disbelief, and then at his father.

Murata Harukawa sighed, turned his head away from looking at Murata Masaichi, and expressed his attitude.

"Grandpa, I'm your grandson, how can you." Murata Zhengyi wailed and hugged the thigh of the elder of Murata.

"Get out! You bastard, I don't have a grandson like you." The head of the Murata family was directly angry, and stepped on Murata Masaichi's face.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu watched the scene indifferently, quietly waiting for the next one.

Murata was lying on the ground with a face full of despair, looking at his father and grandfather in despair.

The head of the Murata family looked at Masaichi Murata lying on the ground with no sadness or joy, and then said humbly: "You two, he is the chief culprit who harmed you. The whole matter has nothing to do with our Murata family. Give us a chance."

The young parents looked at the elder Murata in shock. This old man who has always been arrogant, fierce and decisive actually bowed his knees to the two women and begged for perfection.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu didn't know what to do for a while.

At this moment, Yuan Xinying and Zhang Pingze walked up from the stairs.

Zhang Pingche's exoskeleton armor is much shabby compared to the two big outer armors of the crimson blast. Only a small part of the body is covered by metal bones, which lacks a bit of beauty and protection.

The moment Yuanshin Sakura walked up the stairs, Murata Masakazu's complexion changed directly, and the despair in his eyes instantly turned into hysterical anger.

"Bitch! How dare you appear in front of me! You [beep——]" Murata Masaichi cursed frantically, dragged his seriously injured body, got up and rushed towards Yuanxin Sakura.

Yuan Xinying looked at Murata Masaichi with a calm expression, Yuan Xin Jianming is dead, and the culprit is this very pitiful young man in front of him, Yuan Xinying's hatred for Murata Masaichi is not weaker than his hatred for her .

Looking at Murata Masaichi who staggered towards him, Yuanxin Sakura slowly pulled out Yuanxin Jianjian's knife. Yuanxin Jianjian's knife was very long, and Yuanxin Sakura pulled it out very slowly. In the whole room, except for the blade and Apart from the sound of the scabbard rubbing against each other, there was no other sound.

The blade light flickered, and the long blade pierced Murata Masaichi's heart.

Yuanxin Sakura kicked away Murata Masaichi, who was half a head taller than her, and then pulled out the long knife, flicked the blood on the knife, put the knife back into its sheath, completely ignoring Murata Masaichi's angry eyes Eye.

Zhang Pingping glanced at Murata Masaichi's body calmly, then looked up at the head of the Murata family: "I heard that you want to talk to me?"

The head of the Murata family looked at the corpse of his grandson on the ground, his eyebrows twitched, and then a smile appeared on his face: "It is because of this evil obstacle that we have caused some misunderstandings, and now this evil obstacle has been repaid. Your side and our Murata family The misunderstanding should also be solved, I hope you can give us a chance to negotiate peace, and our Murata family will definitely pay a generous apology."

"Oh? But you guys are holding weapons, so it doesn't look like you want peace talks?" Zhang Pingping looked at everyone in the Murata family calmly.

The head of the Murata family immediately laughed. As long as you can talk, everything is easy to talk about. If you put a lot of benefits on it, are you afraid that there will be things that you can't agree on?

So he turned around and shouted sharply: "What are you waiting for, put down your weapon, this is a misunderstanding, you don't have to worry."

After hearing this, the little parents hesitated and threw the weapons in their hands on the ground. Anyway, now that people are fighting with knives and we are fish and meat, even if they resist, there is no point in resisting.

"Can we talk now?" Murata asked with a smile.

Zhang Pingchee nodded, and then said calmly: "Sorry, I don't want to talk about it."

The face of the head of the Murata family changed suddenly, and before he could react, the bullet had already been shot from his right eye socket and penetrated his head.

Zhang Pingping held the electromagnetic pistol calmly, and shot and killed all the members of the Murata family present.

Hulan Huayu couldn't help shivering when she saw the scene in front of her. Lei Yiyi's face was still very calm. Anyway, in her opinion, these people were already dead. They didn't kill them just now, but they didn't know that Zhang Pingche kept them. Whether they are useful or not, there is no time to continue to dawdle.

Genshin Sakura's face showed a cheerful look, in her opinion, everyone in the Murata family deserved to die.

Zhang Pingping retracted the gun, changed the magazine, scanned the whole room, turned around and walked out.

"Student Zhang Pingche! Wait a minute!" At this moment, Milu Ji's voice suddenly came.

"Is something wrong?"

"Go to the fifth floor, where there is a little girl, take her away!" Milu Ji's voice was very anxious.

Zhang Pingchee nodded and rushed up to the fifth floor.

After entering the fifth floor, everything in front of him made Zhang Pingche feel a little lost. There was nothing on the entire fifth floor, only the two training tanks in the center, one was empty, and the other contained an exquisite and translucent body, which was as perfect as a divine creation. girl's carcass.

The five-story dome is a hemispherical structure. On the high dome, various mountains, rivers, insects, fish, birds, animals, sun, moon and stars seem to be all-encompassing. It's very novel, and I don't know what genre it is.

Zhang Pingze didn't look at it for too long, but focused his eyes on the training tank in the center of the room. He didn't know what was so special about this girl that attracted Milu Ji so much.

After Mi Lu Ji smashed the demon knife, the whole Murata family has no secrets for her. Since she cares about this girl very much, there must be some reason.

Walking into the training tank, Zhang Pingze took a careful look.

The girl in the training tank obviously looks like a little girl who has just entered puberty. She has silver-white hair and her eyes are closed tightly. She is curled up and lying quietly in the training tank. Her skin is as exquisite as jade. Looking at it, you can feel the silky touch.

"Don't look, old rascal! Move away, together with the cultivation tank." Milu Ji's voice sounded inappropriately.

"Continuous training tank." Zhang Pingze was speechless for a while.

Then Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu saw a pervert with an expressionless face running downstairs with a coffin-sized cultivation tank on his shoulders.

 ps: Two chapters to keep morals.Ask for a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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