Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 244 Five Lolitas

Chapter 244 Three Hundred Lolita
After Zhang Pingche rushed out carrying the coffin-like training cabin, Charl and the others outside were obviously taken aback. Such a heavy training cabin was carried by Zhang Pingche on his shoulders without any effort. It simply refreshed their worldview.

"It exploded." When Zhang Pingze passed by, he didn't say anything, and directly threw two words to Char.

Charle came back to his senses and nodded immediately: "The bomb has been placed on the first floor."

"Then let's go." Zhang Pingping turned his head and glanced at the low-key and luxurious lobby on the first floor of the Demon God Tower.

The Gaia starship has been waiting at the pick-up location for a long time, and the hunting group came and went faster, boarded the prepared suspension vehicle in less than a minute, and quickly entered Gaia's orbital frame.

When entering Gaia, Char pressed the detonation button with a smile on his face, and the sound of the soaring explosion spread across the entire sky in an instant. The flames of the explosion rendered the entire sky dark red, and Gaia's The huge hull is looming in the flames.

The Security Bureau, which has been procrastinating in every possible way, has only arrived at the Yao Shrine slowly at this moment, and at this moment, the Yao Shrine, except for a mess, there is no longer any complete thing. On the real-time satellite map, the once brilliant and magnificent Demon Shrine.

As the instigator, the members of King Qin's hunting group paid only for the injuries of a few people.

The strength of Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu played a decisive role in this battle.

The members of the hunting group, looking at the two men in armor, couldn't help showing awe in their eyes. The strength shown by the two of them was too terrifying, especially Lei Yiyi's one-shot Amaterasu at the end, that kind of one-size-fits-all The shock of breaking four mechanical killers was too great.

But at this moment, the two people who were revered by the hunting group had no time to enjoy the awe-inspiring eyes of the crowd, but looked curiously at the training cabin that Zhang Pingping carried back.

"Brother Zhang, what exactly is this that you brought back?"

Lei Yiyi tilted her head and asked, the partition wall of the training cabin was opened, and no one knew what was inside.

Zhang Pingche was also a little distressed, it must be useful for Milu Ji to let him move back, but Zhang Pingche didn't know exactly what it would be useful for.

No one from the hunting group could enter the command room, only a group of girls and Zhang Pingping were in the command room at the moment, and even Yuanxin Ying followed curiously.

Under the curious eyes of everyone, Zhang Pingze opened the partition wall, revealing the transparent culture tank inside.

The moment the partition wall opened, everyone's eyes became strange, and all kinds of strange eyes looked at Zhang Pingze.

"Zhang, brother Zhang, is this, this is the type you like?" Lei Yiyi asked with trembling voice.

Zhang Pingze: "." I'm so serious, do I look like a lolicon pervert?

Xiao Meng and Hulan Huayu looked at Zhang Pingchee with strange eyes, while Yuan Xinying took a step closer to Lei Yiyi with the corner of her mouth twitching, and took the opportunity to hold Lei Yiyi's hand tightly.

The silver-haired girl in the training cabin fully meets all the conditions of a standard loli.

A fake loli like Xiao Meng, and an Oupie who doesn't fit the temperament of a loli, and the girl in the training tank looks like a little girl who hasn't started to develop yet.

No matter what era it is in, lolicon is synonymous with perversion, and Zhang Pingping went up to the fifth floor without doing anything, and actually brought back a loli, which perfectly interpreted the term lolicon.

Lei Yiyi's complexion became more and more ugly, and Zhang Pingze's silence seemed to be equivalent to acquiescing.

"It's Milu Ji." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Milu Ji?" Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu were both taken aback.

Xiao Meng and Yuan Xin Ying are a little confused, what does this have to do with Mi Lu Ji.

Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu knew that the breakout battle just now was so easy, and it was all thanks to Mi Lu Ji who suppressed Yaodao Zhinao.

But neither of them understood, why did Milu Ji ask Zhang Pingche to bring this little girl back?

"Brother Zhang, are you saying that Mi Lu Ji asked you to bring this little girl back?" Lei Yiyi still couldn't believe it, since Zhang Pingze is more likely to be a perverted lolicon.

"Yes." Zhang Pingze didn't know how to explain it, but he admitted it straightforwardly.

"Huh~ Why do you always feel that Zhang Pingping, you are making excuses?" Xiao Meng chuckled lightly and said with a smile.

"If classmate Zhang Pingping is really making excuses, no matter how you look at it, you are the more dangerous sister Xiao Meng." Hulan Huayu laughed.

After hearing this, Xiao Meng was stunned for a moment, hugged her shoulders quickly, stepped back a few steps away from Zhang Pingze, with a perverted expression on her face.

Just when Zhang Pingche was a little depressed, Milu Ji suddenly connected through Zhang Pingche's personal terminal.

"Hey, let me go, classmate Zhang Pingping, what kind of firewall do you use for this broken starship? I got in for a long time before I came in." Milu Ji's depressed and complaining voice came over.

"I don't know." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

He doesn't understand, the transformation is all given to the Bohai Pearl group, but he doesn't know anything, what kind of firewall, he doesn't know. There is little emotional quality.

"I'll go, you bloody firewall, blocked me for more than five minutes." Elk Ji complained.

Is 5 minutes long?It’s not long, but it’s long enough for Elk Ji. It took only 3 minutes for Elk Ji to break into the Yaojinja network and the Yaodao Zhinao, but it took her 5 minutes to invade the network of a starship. Simply intolerable.

The intelligence level of Gaia's intelligent brain is the same as that of a kindergarten child to Elk Ji, but that ghost firewall almost drives Elk Ji crazy.

"Let's not talk about that first, why did you ask me to bring this little girl back?" Zhang Pingze asked.

Through Zhang Pingze's personal terminal, Milu Ji also observed the extremely quiet little girl in the training cabin, and then said excitedly: "This time you guys can be considered rich, this little girl is not easy, I swept away the Murata family's The database was used to find out the identity of the little girl."

Halfway through speaking, Milu Ji stopped suddenly, and lost her appetite severely. Just when everyone was about to go berserk, Milu Ji laughed and continued.

"The rise of the Murata family is not accidental. This little girl is the source of the rise of the Murata family, and is also the core of the Murata family's immortality plan." Elk Ji laughed.

Everyone looked at the girl in the training tank curiously, and they didn't find anything special about this little girl except for her beauty.

"I'll tell you, is the little girl in front of you who doesn't seem to have grown up actually over 300 years old?" Milu Ji said in a startling way.

"Three hundred years old!!" Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu exclaimed directly.

A little loli over 300 years old? exm?

"But now she should be considered dead. 30 years ago, she was confirmed to be brain-dead, but her body still maintained infinite activity. She survived for 30 years easily by relying on nutrient solution alone. Her heartbeat is still strong, and her body functions are still as good as 16 years old. Girls are full of energy."

"how can that be?"

"Why is this impossible? Although her body will not age, her brain will not, so this does not violate the laws of nature, but she lives in this era, which determines her particularity and will be extremely popular." Make good use of it." Elk Ji said calmly.

"Mechanical creature, artificial intelligence brain? Immortality?" Zhang Pingping popped out three terms intermittently.

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(End of this chapter)

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