Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 246 Top Level!

Chapter 246 Top Level!

Half an hour later, the small starships of King Qin's hunting group had broken through the earth's atmosphere, and everyone stood on the orbital frame with some emotion, looking at the blue planet that was getting farther and farther away.

After Zhang Pingping dealt with some trivial matters, he stayed in the command room, quietly watching the silver-haired girl in the training cabin.

At this moment, Elk Ji has already transmitted the brain program and a large amount of data into Silver Wolf's brain.

Silver Wolf, who has self-awareness, has also begun to enter the awakening stage. The integration of the brain program with Silver Wolf's biological brain is relatively perfect, without any mistakes.

"What kind of feeling is it to experience this world as a human being? I can't wait." Elk Ji said a little excitedly.

Zhang Pingze calmly pressed the drain button of the training cabin, and the air quickly drained all the liquid in the training cabin under the action of the air pressure pump, and the girl's flawless body was slowly exposed to the air.

The air contains a small amount of sober aerosol, which can quickly relieve anesthesia.

As the hatch of the training cabin opened with a slight vibration, the silver-haired girl who had been quietly curled up in the training cabin suddenly opened her eyes, and her silver pupils instantly met Zhang Pingze's eyes.

The indifferent silver pupils and the calm black pupils reflected each other, there was an indescribable coordination.

The silver-haired girl sat up, not paying attention to her naked body, and glanced around.

"Silver Wolf?" Zhang Pingping asked tentatively.

"What's the matter?" The silver-haired girl tilted her head and glanced at Zhang Pingche, then said indifferently.

"No, I just want to confirm your recovery and intelligence operation." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"The vital signs are normal, and the intelligence is running well. I can check myself without the help of others." Silver Wolf looked at Zhang Pingche calmly with silver pupils and said.

"." At this moment, Zhang Pingze finally knew how speechless he was when talking to people.

"But." Silver Wolf tossed some wet hair, calmly said a turning point.


"However, there is a feeling of emptiness in the abdominal cavity. It seems that something needs to be filled?" Silver Wolf said expressionlessly.


Zhang Pingche was speechless for a while, judging from the context, [-]% of what Silver Wolf said was because he was hungry, but what did this weird word mean?
"What's the situation with Milu Ji? I want to keep Silver Wolf's pure personality, but why doesn't she even understand the most basic knowledge of life?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"Ann, you have to know that I'm an intelligent brain. I forgot that you humans still have a huge amount of life knowledge that needs to be memorized, so I didn't transmit the information of life knowledge to Silver Wolf. It's my fault." Milu Ji immediately explained.

"Okay." Zhang Pingze reluctantly accepted Mi Lu Ji's explanation.

Anyway, it's just some life knowledge, and it won't take long for Silver Wolf to learn it.

"Get up, get dressed, and I'll take you to dinner." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Clothes? Food? What is it?" Silver Wolf looked at Zhang Pingze suspiciously.

"." Zhang Pingze was silent for a moment, and then said with a serious face: "You need equipment to cover the detailed data of the body, and replenish body energy through eating."

"Well, Zhang Pingche, you are right." Silver Wolf nodded solemnly.

Immediately, Mi Lu Ji was amused by the conversation between the two, and she let out a cramp-like laugh, and could even imagine a scene of a slovenly girl rolling on the ground laughing.

There is no need to deliberately prepare clothes. There are hunting regiment military uniforms of various sizes on the starship. The orange-red imitation military uniform is almost versatile.

Finding the smallest uniform of the hunting group, Zhang Pingping put on clothes for Silver Wolf with ease, and dressed and undressed Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu. Zhang Pingping was already familiar with the matter of dressing people. up.

Silver Wolf didn't think there was anything wrong, and let Zhang Pingze toss about it. Anyway, according to the information, Zhang Pingche was someone who could be absolutely trusted, and there was a female human named Lei Yiyi as well.

When the petite and exquisite body was put on a layer of modified military uniform, a huge contrast suddenly stood out. A long silver hair was scattered on the delicate shoulders and thin back, and the whole body of the silver wolf radiated There is a kind of lovely light.

Even if there is no expression on the small face, and the silver-white pupils are full of indifference, it can't hide the cuteness of the contrast.

Zhang Pingche looked around and felt that everything was perfect, so he nodded in satisfaction and stretched out his hand to Silver Wolf.

The silver wolf's silver eyes looked at Zhang Pingchee's outstretched hand, then fell silent for a moment, then directly raised his own tender little hand.


Silver Wolf gave Zhang Pingping a high five by surprise.


Silver Wolf's indifferent and crisp voice spit out a lifeless cheer.

"." Zhang Pingping's head was full of black lines.

He stretched out his hand just to drag Silver Wolf to the dining area to eat, definitely not to high-five this 300-year-old little lolita.

Looking at Silver Wolf's cold expression, Zhang Pingping also gave up the idea of ​​explaining, and directly reached out to grab the little Lolita's hand, pulling her out of the command room, and went straight to the dining area.

But when he opened the hatch, he met Lei Yiyi and Yuanxin Ying who lamented the return of life.

"Hello, Brother Zhang, you're so cute." As soon as Lei Yiyi finished greeting, his eyes were completely attracted by the silver wolf, and he let out a cry of surprise.

Lei Yiyi's resistance to cute things is completely equal to zero. It was like this when facing Xiao Meng, and now it is the same when facing Silver Wolf. Although Yuan Xinying's eyes are a little bright, but her eyes are more focused on Lei Yiyi body.

"You are Lei Yiyi. Hello, my name is Yinlang Bangya. Please take care of me in the future, but please don't get in the way now. Zhang Pingze will take me to replenish my energy." Regarding Lei Yiyi and the two blocking the way, Yinlang's attitude Not too friendly.

"Replenish energy?" Lei Yiyi was stunned for a moment, the hand pinching his face stopped in mid-air, with a question mark expression on his face.

"Eat." Zhang Pingze translated.

"Ha! It's on me, little sister Silver Wolf, I'll let you see my cooking skills today." Lei Yiyi suddenly felt that she could jump out and brush her pure sense again.

"What is cooking? Can it replenish energy?" Yinlang looked at Zhang Pingche with a question mark on his face.

"'ll know when you get there." Zhang Pingze didn't bother to explain.

As soon as Yuanxinying heard that Lei Yiyi was going to cook, she also followed.

It's not meal time yet, so there's no one in the dining area at all.

The seats in the dining area were a bit high for the frail Silver Wolf. She managed to climb up to the seat, then stared at the empty table solemnly, and asked calmly, "Where are the energy supplements?"

"Wait a minute, still doing it."

Silver Wolf nodded silently.

Yuan Xinying looked at Silver Wolf curiously, and then suddenly remembered something, directly took out a small square wrapped in oil paper from the small bag at his waist, and handed it to Silver Wolf: "If you are hungry, eat some first." Pastry, this is my own rice ball."

Silver Wolf looked at the tightly wrapped small square bag, then looked up at Zhang Pingche.

Zhang Pingping calmly took the rice ball and put it in front of Yinlang's eyes: "You can eat it."

After hearing this, Silver Wolf didn't hesitate anymore, just picked up the square bag and stuffed it into his mouth.



Yuan Xinying and Zhang Pingchee looked at the oil paper bag that had been bitten off in half with speechless faces, and the white rice balls were exposed at the gap, which looked soft and delicious.

"The silver wolf seems to have ingested a foreign object." The silver wolf said, and then spit out the oily paper ball that was half eaten.

"That's the outer packaging, it's not edible." Yuan Xinying looked at the little girl in front of her with an embarrassed expression.

"Oh." Silver Wolf nodded, then gently opened the oiled paper packaging with his hand, and said to himself: "This kind of protective measure can't trouble Silver Wolf at all. The folding of the paper is obviously used to hinder Silver Wolf. Those who have ingested energy substances, hmph, it’s a trivial matter, let’s untie it easily.”

Zhang Pingze: "."

Yuanxin Sakura: "."

After Silver Wolf stuffed the soft and delicious rice ball into his mouth, his expression was slightly startled, and he said calmly, "The superior energy substance."

"Huh? Uh, as long as you like it." Yuan Xinying heard the praise in Yin Lang's words, and said with a wry smile.

After the silver wolf wiped out a small piece of rice ball, Lei Yiyi officially brought up an appetizer.

"Here we come, ten-color rainbow fruit salad with honey sauce." Lei Yiyi wore an apron, and placed the plate in front of Silver Wolf with an excited face.

Silver Wolf was first attracted by the colorful fruit platter, and impatiently took a big bite out of it with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

The silver wolf's silver eyes were wide open, and he raised his hands in cheers, but Gu Jing roared in a dead tone.


 PS: The Xinghai chapter begins.

(End of this chapter)

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