Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 247 The Space Station Disturbance

Chapter 247 The Space Station Disturbance

Lei Yiyi graduated with the highest score in the cooking major of Galaxy University. Lei Yiyi, who is very talented in herself, has worked hard in cooking, so the cooking is naturally very delicious, even if many well-known university students I'm afraid the chef is not as good as Lei Yiyi in some respects.

The Silver Wolf, on the other hand, was completely engrossed in the struggle with the food, and from time to time, he uttered praises from the highest level.

It wasn't until he couldn't take another bite of food that Silver Wolf licked his lips, and said indifferently: "The energy has been replenished. Silver Wolf is going to perform a system self-check now, so it's inconvenient to move around."

"???" Lei Yiyi and Yuan Xinying looked at Yin Lang blankly, always feeling that the words spoken by this little loli were incomprehensible.

"I'm so full that I can't move." Zhang Pingze automatically translated.

Silver Wolf leaned back on the seat with a groan, a lazy expression appeared on his indifferent little face, and his eyes were also in a state of emptiness, as if he had lost his ability to think.

While Yinlang was digesting food, Zhang Pingche's personal terminal rang a communication.

Xu Zhengyuan: "Boss, we are approaching the Moon Palace space station ahead, and the space station asks us to show the public beta certification documents and stop for inspection."

"Docking for inspection?" Zhang Pingche asked suspiciously.

What does it mean to be inspected through the space station?It's not a war zone, all the commercial starships come and go, there is no such thing as a need to stop for inspection.

The structure of the space station is special. Even star-killing weapons can’t play a big role here. Theoretically, the safety is very high. Therefore, starships are usually not allowed to stop for inspection in non-combat zones, resulting in a decrease in the operation efficiency of the space station. .

But the docking order at this moment makes people have to think more.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Pingche understood the reason. It was nothing more than some people wanting to take advantage of the public beta period of the space station to gain some benefits, and using public power for private use.

As long as the starship docks, the relevant personnel may immediately charge them with a charge of carrying prohibited items, and then use this as a threat to profit.

Originally, as long as someone reported this kind of thing for a while, relevant agencies would immediately take care of it, but now it is the peak period of the public beta, and all major companies on the planet are in a hurry to expand their business channels. There is no time and Most of these impediments, Moji, chose to spend money to eliminate disasters.

At this moment, many starships have been parked at the docking station of the space station, most of which are worm-class supply ships. Obviously, these people are also optimistic about the target.

The current flagship of King Qin's hunting group is Gaia, a worm-class supply ship that looks quite luxurious. With such a configuration, one will subconsciously think it is a caravan fleet at a glance.

In the promenade service station of the space station made of transparent special plastic material, there are many people standing with resentment on their faces, and all of them look at the casual staff with unkind eyes.

At this moment, the staff was scanning their starship, and then casually wrote the violation regulations for carrying contraband, and then signaled the captain to detain the starship for careful inspection.

At this time, the captains of the fleet could only smile helplessly, and dragged the staff to the side for a little "theory", and then the staff expressed their understanding reasonably, and checked the Option to go through security.

Just when everything was developing according to normal, a small fleet with two dust-class frigates completely ignored the docking order, and flew slowly towards the break point of the space station.

In the service station, you can have a panoramic view of the outside scene, and this special fleet naturally attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, the captains of the ships who had already "theorized" felt unbalanced.

"Why can they pass directly without being inspected." A captain of the fleet said angrily.

There was nothing special about that fleet, it was just a big sword-shaped logo printed on the ship, and the scale was not even comparable to some fleets that were still under inspection.

The staff said that they were not sure, and immediately contacted the main station of the space station.

As a result, in less than three seconds, he was scolded back by the main station.

Then the scolded staff members looked dumbfounded, and directly lost their temper on the captains of the ships.

The captains of the ship immediately felt that they were being teased. They united directly without any organization, and made a fuss to the general management desk of the space station.

In the general management desk, the person in charge of the space station was still trembling when he looked at the things in front of him.

The King Hunting Medal and the rank of major were placed in front of him, the station master who had just been counted as a government official.

Not to mention the rank of major who overwhelmed him by several heads, the Medal of Honor of the King Hunter is not something he can stop.

This is a serious medal of the hunting king. The number of this medal in the entire Human Federation can be counted on ten fingers. This is a medal that only generals of the dragon general level have the right to award, and this small one in front of me is a bit shabby There is a dragon general behind the fleet?

This almost scares him, okay, but just now someone came to ask if you want to stop this fleet, I'm afraid there is something wrong in your mind.

While the chief stationmaster was wiping off his cold sweat, the captains of the ships who came to discuss the matter also arrived at the door, asking the stationmaster for an explanation.

The station master, who was so frightened that he couldn't take care of himself, lost his temper immediately when he heard that the captains of the ship had formed a group to make trouble. in the eyes.

"What are you shouting about? This is the main station of the space station. If you don't want to be detained, shut up!!" The station master jumped out and shouted at the captains.

"Hey, a space station master, what a majesty." Just when the chief station master was about to vent his aggrieved emotions before, a haughty and sharp voice came.

"Who said that! Come out, I now suspect that you intend to threaten the safety of the space station!" The chief station chief roared.

"Me." A tall figure stood out, with long hair like a waterfall gathered behind her back, braided into a simple single ponytail, wearing a well-fitting black combat uniform, with a delicate Tang character on her chest, showing her identity .

"Smelly girl no, little girl, who are you?" The chief station master's arrogant tone didn't last for two words, and immediately changed his tone, staring at the Tang character on the chest of the tall woman in front of him, swallowing dryly .

"Will this girl change her name or surname, Tang Mingkong?" the tall slender girl snorted coldly.

"It turns out that she is the daughter of the Datang Group, and she was greeted by others." The chief stationmaster's face turned pale, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly, seriously doubting whether he didn't read the almanac when he went out today.

"Don't be so useless, I don't have time to be polite to you, immediately lift the ban on our Datang Group's fleet, and I don't care about your current private use of public power, or you will wait to go to jail " Tang Mingkong said directly without any gossip with the obsequious chief stationmaster in front of him.

"Alright, alright, Xiao Liu, hurry up and help undo the restrictions on Miss Tang's fleet." The chief station master said enthusiastically.

"Forget your sense, let's go." Tang Mingkong didn't say a word, just turned around and left, just like she said, she didn't have time.

After inquiring the news from her channel, Zhang Pingping joined the hunting group of King Qin's creatures and went to Kunlun Star.

In the arena, Tang Mingkong couldn't beat Zhang Pingze. She didn't believe it. After entering Xinghai, she couldn't beat Zhang Pingze. You must know that the large hunting group of Datang Group is in the Kunlun Star Field. As long as she wants, she can immediately mobilize a The reorganized combat team, come to help, can it be inferior to Qin Wang's shabby little hunting group?
Of course, although she has the idea of ​​competing with Zhang Pingze, in fact, she has family affairs to deal with when she goes to Kunlun Star. As one of the most important components of the Datang Group, the Datang Hunting Group has The Tang family's control over it has been declining year by year, and Tang Mingkong was sent to deal with this problem.

In Tang Mingkong's eyes, the competition with Zhang Pingzheng was nothing more than a smooth ride. She abused the dishes smoothly, allowing her to enjoy the feeling of bullying Zhang Pingping. She was so arrogant that she couldn't swallow it, and she was always suppressed by Zhang Pingping's resentment. .

 ps: I have no motivation to write down (lying)

(End of this chapter)

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