Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 250: Once a Mercenary

Chapter 250: Once a Mercenary

"Gaia! What's the situation?" Zhang Pingze immediately asked the starship's brain.

"Master Captain, what's the matter?"

"Why do these cleaning robots come to my room?" Zhang Pingze asked.

"I'm sorry, Captain, Gaia's list of connected devices does not have an entry for cleaning robots, and Gaia can't handle it." Gaia said seriously in a calm voice.

Zhang Pingze thought about it. These robots are fully automatic and have not connected with Gaia at all. It seems that they must get the controller and flash the machines for these guys again.

But the dense cylinders in front of him directly blocked the way out, making Zhang Pingping extremely helpless.

Just when Zhang Pingche was about to go out in front of the crowd, there was a lazy and a little smug voice from the bathroom.

"Zhang Pingping, do you want to surrender or not? Silver Wolf has already started fighting, and my soldiers are ready to fight."

Zhang Pingze: "."

It turned out to be the work of that seemingly harmless guy inside.

"The whole Gaia belongs to the silver wolf. The silver wolf can do whatever it wants, Captain Salty Fish." The silver wolf snorted in the bathroom, his voice echoing in the small space, appearing muffled.

Don't even think about these strange Internet words, they must have been transmitted by that trouble-loving Elk Ji.

"I want to replenish my energy, let Lei Yiyi go and prepare the highest-level energy product for me, I want more!!! Me."

Zhang Pingze directly opened the door of the bathroom, and lifted the silver wolf, who had just dried himself off and put on a shirt of Zhang Pingche's, out of the bathroom like a chicken.

"Let the robots go out." Zhang Pingping said calmly, holding the silver wolf in his hand.

"Silver Wolf has its own will and will not obey anyone's orders." Silver Wolf said without any expression on his face, with his short legs and short hands stretched down.


"Even if the perverted lolicon uncle Zhang Pingping beats my ass, I will not give in." Yinlang said calmly, but his little hand still honestly covered his little butt.

The only method that Zhang Pingze can think of to teach children is spanking. He has no experience in teaching children, but the hand feels good. He is already over 300 years old, but his body is still like a child, and he does not have much experience. Knowing what is special about her genes, maybe I can find time to extract some and study it.

Yes, even if a legal loli is conceived again and can be ravaged wantonly, Zhang Pingze's first thought was to study it.

Lei Yiyi's wish clearly has a long way to go.

Just when Zhang Pingche was about to teach him a few more lessons, Lei Yiyi covered his mouth and smiled: "Brother Zhang, let me do it."

Zhang Pingping took a look at Lei Yiyi, then directly put Silver Wolf down on the only sofa where he could stand.

"Silver Wolf, let your soldiers go to work, or I won't cook for you." Lei Yiyi said with a smile.

The silver wolf's lazy expression suddenly became serious, and then the silver eyes turned, and the cleaning robots crowded in the room began to rush out in an orderly manner. After a while, the room returned to normal.

Zhang Pingping took a look at Lei Yiyi, and sure enough, women have a future in dealing with children.

"How do you control these robots?" Zhang Pingze looked curiously, and asked the cute and begging silver wolf in Lei Yiyi's arms.

"Captain Xianyu, don't think about it, only an advanced intelligence like ours can do it." Silver Wolf said calmly, staring at Zhang Pingze.

"Is it really relying on the brain? But you can actually release electrical signals?" Zhang Pingze looked at the silver wolf with some surprise.

Silver Wolf's original brain had aged and died, but what was replaced was the most advanced artificial intelligence brain, the most cutting-edge part of mechanical biology research.

Now Zhang Pingping also somewhat understands that the reason why the military department wanted to wipe out the weapon research room in the Silver Wolf District was simply that the military department might have taken a fancy to the research results of mechanical creatures, and the discussion failed, so they could only use this extreme method.

"What's so difficult about it? It's just a signal wave. If necessary, I can do it even if I discharge my whole body. Captain Xianyu, have you finally realized the gap between us?" Silver Wolf buried his face in the thunder of course. Yiyi's chest, and then looked at Zhang Pingche indifferently.

"I can't wait." Zhang Pingchen bowed his head in silence for a while, then said.

Silver Wolf: "?"

Lei Yiyi; "?"

Zhang Pingze: "Oh, it's okay, Silver Wolf is waiting for you to be free, and I will give you a physical examination." Very pure physical examination, a real all-round examination, down to the examination of genetic arrangement and combination.

The more Zhang Pingche thought about it, the more he couldn't help it. He turned around and left the room, heading straight to the laboratory on the first floor.

Gaia is divided into two floors, the first floor is the warehouse, and the second floor is the living and combat area. However, during the renovation, Zhang Pingze specially asked the staff of Bohai Pearl to come out of the laboratory on the first floor.

On the way to the laboratory, Zhang Pingze was thinking about the problem. The corner of his eyes swept the corridor, and he saw an extremely ugly member of the hunting group standing at the door of Charle's room.

Zhang Pingping, a member of the regiment, seems to be called Yang Qingzhi, and his native place is a mineral planet in the Kunlun star field. During the eradication of the demon shrine, his little finger was cut off by a stray bullet. This member of the regiment is also a ruthless person. It wasn't until after the fight that it was discovered that he was injured.

"Yang Qingzhi, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Zhang Pingping asked calmly, purely as a ship commander, an ordinary greeting of concern.

"Fleet, Captain!" Yang Qingzhi saw Zhang Ping, his face became a little flustered, and he quickly straightened his back and shouted.

"Don't be so nervous. If you have a problem with your health, go to the medical room immediately and don't delay." Zhang Pingzhen nodded calmly and said.

"Yes, thank you Captain for your concern." Yang Qingzhi nodded.

"Well, don't worry about the fingers. When we get to Kunlun Star, I'll take you to plant a phalanx." Zhang Pingze said casually.

"Thank you, Commander." Yang Qingzhi didn't know why, but when he heard these words, he suddenly felt a little moved.

Judging from past contact, Zhang Pingche is the kind of person who will definitely do it if he doesn't say anything, or if he says it, he can be treated so seriously by Zhang Pingche for such an insignificant injury. It has never been experienced in any force in the past.

After being moved, Yang Qingzhi thought about what Chaer said to him just now, and suddenly felt panicked in his heart.

There have been too many incidents of repaying kindness and revenge in Xinghai, but this time Yang Qingzhi felt a little fluctuating in his heart, perhaps because of trust, or perhaps because of this calmness. In the hunting group, he experienced a lot of things in the past. Unexperienced warmth.

Wandering in the star sea, even teammates have to be on guard, but on the starship Gaia, everyone's satisfied and gentle smiles changed his cold heart.

"Captain!" Yang Qingzhi called out to Zhang Pingping.

"what's up?"

"You said don't give up, don't give up, is it true?" Yang Qingzhi knew that his question was stupid, but he really needed to give himself a reason before he could make up his mind.

"Of course it is true." Zhang Pingze nodded seriously.

"Haha, Captain, you also know that we were mercenaries before, but we have never enjoyed this kind of treatment." Yang Qingzhi laughed, as if he didn't take Zhang Pingche's promise to heart.

"But you are no longer a mercenary, are you?" Zhang Pingping looked at Yang Qingzhi calmly.

"Yes, captain, I will work hard." Yang Qingzhi straightened his regiment uniform and smiled lazily.

Zhang Pingping nodded, and after turning around, there was a dark current in his eyes.

 Ps: The second update is here.

(End of this chapter)

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