Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 251 A Day of Peace

Chapter 251 A Peaceful Day

After Zhang Pingping and Yang Qingzhi left, they went straight to the laboratory on the first floor.

However, Zhang Pingze didn't do any experiments, but opened a file recorded in his personal terminal.

After the document was opened, a layer of light curtain projection appeared above the personal terminal. The arrangement of the entire article was very random. It seemed to be just an essay, and I didn't even bother to divide the paragraphs. At first glance, it made people feel a little dizzy.

But Zhang Pingze didn't care, he just quickly read it from the beginning word by word.

This piece of questioning is not long, but every single word is shocking. This seems to be an extremely crazy statement, but it is still somewhat convincing.

The self-liberation methods of the human body's protection mechanism, the main points of self-hypnosis, the forbidden areas of self-suggestion, physical exercise methods and so on.

Asking the heart, through the method of psychological suggestion and special physical exercise, to liberate the protective mechanism of the human body, so that 100% of the body's strength can be exerted to achieve the effect of violent blood.

Just like the development of the human brain is far from reaching half a percent, the strength of the human body also has a limit. The brain and nervous system will control the muscle strength. The average person can only exert less than one-fifth of it, while athletes, martial artists Muscle strength can be exerted more through overload training, but it cannot exceed the 50.00% mark.

The questioning heart skill is to fully develop the limit of the body by contacting the self-protection of the human brain through training methods.

But this kind of extraordinary explosion is just like the engine of a car or plane. The faster the speed, the faster the damage. If you drive at full speed, it will be scrapped once you come down. If a person can really exert all his strength, the bone will be broken first with a punch. , because the bones cannot withstand such a large force, and then there is irreversible damage to the muscles and tendons.

The damage to the body caused by this kind of questioning skill is almost irreversible, but for ordinary people, it is a desperate move, but for the Valkyrie, it is a routine method for temporary outbreaks.

Strong muscles and bones are strong enough to withstand the wear and tear caused by a full-strength burst, but what the Valkyries need to overcome now is the self-protection consciousness left over by the human brain after millions of years.

This questioning skill is an opportunity and a method.

Although the state of violent blood is not long-lasting, it can play a miraculous effect in battle.

It took half an hour to read through the whole book of Asking the Heart, Zhang Pingze sorted out his thoughts, then opened a new document, and began to write the training plan for the Valkyrie.

The training plans recorded in Wenxin Gong are all aimed at ordinary people, and the Valkyries are not ordinary people.

So during dinner, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu received a document at the same time.

"Huh? What is it?" Lei Yiyi just took off the apron and opened the file.

When she saw the full training plan in the file, Lei Yiyi almost threw the spatula away.

The training of Xingong depends on talent. Talented people can practice it in ten days, and those without talent may not be able to practice it in decades. The reason is because of the character of the person.

"My God, why do you need to train again!" Lei Yiyi said with a sad face.

You know, since I learned the Nine Styles of Tang Dao and fully adapted my strengthened body, I seldom do intensive training, at most it is maintenance training, and the list in front of me is obviously a new training procedures.

I am already so strong, do I still need to train?Lei Yiyi couldn't help thinking.

But the training procedure in front of him is not fake. Although Lei Yiyi sighed, she didn't have any resistance. Judging from the past, there are reasons for the tasks assigned by Zhang Pingze.

And Hulan Huayu is also a little sad, but more helpless, because there is a kind of inertia in everyone's bones, and they all want to take a break, but if they have something to do, they will still feel very fulfilled.

Training is better than doing nothing every day now.

Yuan Xinying glanced curiously and asked, "Yichan, what's the matter?"

"No, training will start tomorrow." Lei Yiyi smiled wryly.

"Training?" Yuan Xinying was a little puzzled.

"That's right, Zhang Pingze should be practicing in the gravity room. He doesn't want us to waste our strength." Hulan Huayu shook her head and smiled.

Yuanxin Sakura nodded: "That's right, I haven't practiced swordsmanship for many days, I'm afraid my body's reaction has also declined a bit, I will train with Yichan and you guys."

"Okay." Lei Yiyi welcomed with a smile.

"At that time, I can also compete with Yijiang. I also want to see your Tang Dao Nine Styles." Yuanxin said with a slight smile.

If you want to win someone's favor, you must first have the same topic as her. Yuan Xinying believes that Lei Yiyi will definitely find his love for her if he gets along with her for a long time.

"Okay." Lei Yiyi's confidence was overwhelming, and she was right, even if Yuanxin Ying was a master of swordsmanship, she, Lei Yiyi, was just as good.

"Silver Wolf can also help Lei Yiyi calculate the amount of exercise, but as a price, Lei Yiyi will often make pudding for Silver Wolf." Silver Wolf, who has always eaten people with a short mouth, raised his hand.

"Okay, okay." Lei Yiyi smiled and touched Silver Wolf's head, the silky silver hair didn't feel too good to the touch.

Xiao Meng folded her arms and looked at the peaceful scene in front of her, and said with a smile, "It's another day of peace."


It was [-]:[-] a.m. Kunlun time. At this time, the entire starship had entered sleep time, and the corridors of the starship had also turned on the energy-saving mode, and the lights were a little dim.

However, under the dim light, black shadows moved rapidly in the corridor.

"You two go to guard the door of the weapon room, and don't let anyone in. If you see Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu, shoot directly, don't have any hesitation, remember, don't have any hesitation, after the woman is gone You can look for it again, but if your life is gone, then everything will be gone." The deep voice ordered.

"Okay." The two immediately left the team and disappeared into the dim corridor.

Under the dim light, Char's face looked a little gloomy. Although everything went well for today's actions, it always made him feel a little uneasy.

The main reason is that there are too many people who show resistance to the action. Charl did not expect that in a short period of time, this group of guys who were licking blood would be shaken. If the action was delayed, Charl would not dare to think time, what are the chances of success.

"Fight again this time, after this time, you can find a place to live in peace for the rest of your life." Charles kept hinting to himself, suppressing the anxiety in his heart.

Huge benefits, and good opportunities, this is a windfall that people can't give up.

"Brothers Char are all in place, can the operation begin?" came the voice of the mixed race.

"Wait a little longer, wait until the brothers in the weapon room are in place." Char said a little irritably.

It's been a while since those two people went out, why hasn't there been a reply?
"Boss, why do I feel a little strange? This cleaning robot is broken. I threw a cigarette butt just now, and it didn't deal with it?" A mercenary looked at the cleaning robot with a red light flashing on the corner detector, feeling strange for a while.

You must know that in the past, these robots ran around everywhere, wherever there was garbage, but the cleaning robot in front of me seemed to be broken, and the cigarette butt was still under its feet, but it did not move.

"Huh?" Char and the half-blood turned to look at the cleaning robot in the corner.


Just when everyone was looking at the cleaning robot, the cleaning robot also moved, the mechanical arm unplugged the plug on the back, and then calmly disposed of the cigarette butts on the ground.

"So it's charging." The mercenary smiled awkwardly.

But in the next moment, the cleaning robot's two slender mechanical arms suddenly lifted its top cover, and pulled out an electromagnetic rifle from the trash can.
(End of this chapter)

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