Valkyrie Development Program

Chapter 257 Taixu City Local Snake?impossible!

Chapter 257 Taixu City Local Snake?impossible!
"Brother Zhang, why do we have to go alone with them? Since your military rank is useful, why don't you just show it to them?" Lei Yiyi said with some complaints, dragging the cart behind him.

"The situation on Kunlun Star is complicated, we still have to be careful." Zhang Pingping explained calmly.

"Huh?" Lei Yiyi couldn't make up his mind, what does this have to do with being careless.

Hulan Huayu looked helplessly at the confused Lei Yiyi: "The captain didn't want to reveal his identity, and he didn't want anyone to be curious about the things in our boxes, so he cooperated with the security check. In this way, It can also dispel some people's minds."

"Oh." Lei Yiyi nodded half-understood, pulled the small cart behind with one hand, scratched her head with the other hand, and looked at Zhang Pingche's back blankly.

On the other hand, Yuanxin Ying looked at Lei Yiyi's cute look, couldn't restrain the excitement in her heart, hugged Lei Yiyi's arm, and rubbed against her.

The silver wolf on the side was holding the wave lollipops made by Lei Yiyi in his mouth, with two small hands in his pockets, his face was indifferent, his silver hair was gathered in the gray-white hood, and he didn't look very good. While looking curiously at the crowd coming and going around.

This uniform with a hood was changed with the help of Hulan Huayu, in order to cover up the somewhat special hair color of Silver Wolf.

Silver hair and silver eyes, these features are too eye-catching.

As for the people in the hunting group behind, there were only Xu Zhengyuan and Yang Qingzhi, and the others had already gone ahead to deal with various trivial matters.

However, if the team is marching in neat uniforms, it will inevitably attract attention. This makes Silver Wolf extremely disgusted. With his head lowered, almost the whole body is retracted into the hood, and only the handle of the lollipop is exposed outside. .

As Zhang Pingping got to know Yinlang better, he gradually discovered that Yinlang's character seemed to be a bit off. He was both homely and lazy, and he was lazy to eat and do things, but he felt that everything was taken for granted.

It was not Zhang Pingche's original intention to develop such a character. He originally wanted to raise a wise and strong little daughter, but somehow Silver Wolf went astray by himself.

This is not the main problem. The main problem is that Zhang Pingping watched Silver Wolf getting more and more lazy, and sometimes felt that he had such a little daughter, which was quite cute. Anyway, there was nothing wrong. Silver Wolf needs to worry about it, and Silver Wolf will be responsible for showing cuteness and dismantling the house.

Sitting on the shuttle bus of the space station, it quickly reached the surface of Kunlun Star.

A huge sky world appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The continental plate structure of Kunlun Star is quite special. The continental plate of the entire planet has not split but formed a whole continent. The land area occupies one-fifth of the entire planet, and the rest is all ocean.

The Kunlun star's crust is much more stable than that of the earth. There are almost no earthquakes on the entire planet, and even if they do occur, they are only a few small earthquakes.

The continental plate is divided into two pieces by a tall mountain range. From outer space, Kunlun Star looks like a water drop-shaped ball.

The sky city in front of him is a city built by humans on the sea surface using anti-gravity technology.

This aerial city is called Taixu City.

Hearing this name, Lei Yiyi and Hulan Huayu said hehe, this is very Chinese.

In fact, the captains of the first batch of explorers in the Kunlun Starfield were Chinese. Therefore, as the axis planet of Kunlun Star, many cities and places are named after Chinese allusions, which can be regarded as commemorating the pioneers. meritorious service.

Taixu City is different from the Pacific Independence Body of the Earth. The Pacific Independence Body has a land base, while Taixu City is suspended in the air, with roads and buildings suspended in the air. The whole city is like Like the heavenly palace in mythology.

However, this is not done for the sake of aesthetics. As the best planet developed by humans, humans still pay great attention to protection. A whole city base will affect the marine ecology below, so Taixu City has adopted this method as a whole. The hollowed-out construction style allows sunlight to project into the ocean below as much as possible.

The resident population of Taixu City is stable at around 500 million, which is less than the population of a second district in the Central District.

But this is not a city for people to live in. Taixu City is one of the six major service cities of Kunlun Star, and its purpose is to provide the best and most comprehensive services for hunting groups hunting outside.

Here is the most formal mission release office, the most authoritative appraisal office, and the fairest auction house. Everything that mercenaries can think of has been built here by more discerning merchants.

Entertainment, recruitment, trading, everything is available in this sky city.

After Zhang Pingping and the others got off the shuttle, they immediately saw a large and luxurious suspension vehicle parked on the air highway in front of them.

As soon as the suspension car came to a complete stop, three familiar figures jumped out of the car.

"Long time no see, Yasha, you shouldn't be called Major Zhang, hahaha." Unexpectedly, Ling Chen didn't appear in front of Zhang Pingping with a chicken nest on his head.

It should be said that Ling Chen stood in front of Zhang Pingche with a bald head.

Beside him was Bingli with a disgusted expression and Xiao Ming's classmate Duan Ming who kept giggling.

After the three of them came down, everyone from the hunting group at the back door of the suspension vehicle also came down one after another, looked at Zhang Pingche and said with a little shame: "Captain Captain, we met the person you mentioned just after we got down, and the rest of the matter will also come down." It was all done with the help of President Ling."

Zhang Pingping waved his hand to show that he was fine, but he took a straight look at Ling Chen: "It seems that you are doing well in Kunlun Star."

"That's right, Kunlun Star is my territory. This time, you can just lie down and rest assured when you come here. It's just a matter of one sentence." Ling Chen patted his chest and said.

"Ling Chen, born in the 85th year of the interstellar calendar, was born in Xingyufeng City, Kunlun. Later, he ran into a nobleman, and with the help of that person, he opened a small auction house. industry, but still haven’t made any achievements, how can a small arms dealer and the owner of a wild auction house have the confidence to boast?”

While Ling Chen was bragging, the hooded girl behind Zhang Pingping calmly held a lollipop and pointed at Ling Chen.

Ling Chen looked at the short figure less than 1.5 meters behind Zhang Pingche with an expression of seeing a ghost, and said with some stuttering: "You, how do you know so much?"

"Hmph, scum." Silver Wolf didn't answer Ling Chen's mindless question, but stuffed lollipops into his mouth and said vaguely.

Ling Chen looked at the little girl suspiciously, could it be that his identity is so worthless?Can any child check it out?And will be horribly despised by the little girl?
Zhang Pingping silently praised Silver Wolf, someone should have killed Ling Chen's arrogance long ago, otherwise this guy would never be able to figure out who is his father.

"Okay, let's get in the car first, it's not convenient to talk here, this time I brought you a big deal." Zhang Pingping calmly comforted the collapsed Ling Chen.

"Okay, okay, get in the car." Ling Chen hurriedly asked Zhang Pingping to get in the car, and the aura of the previous boss was lost in an instant.

 Ps: Thanks to [Sajihao] for the 100 tip, and [LJX] for the 588 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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