Chapter 258

Although Silver Wolf despises him as the owner of a small auction house, since an auction house can gain a foothold in Taixu City, it shows that Ling Xiaochen's life is not simple.

Everyone took the suspension car and directly entered the garage of the auction house. The auction house under the name of Ling Xiaochen is called Lingxiao Auction House. It is a relatively well-known small auction house in Taixu City, although the scale is not as large as those of the big auction houses. , but also has its own characteristics.

As soon as everyone got out of the car, the staff of the auction house came to help carry the things, and there was a small crane to help, so there was no need for Lei Yiyi to carry them with bare hands.

Zhang Pingping is not afraid that Ling Xiaochen hacked his things, if Ling Xiaochen dared, Zhang Pingping would definitely beat this guy up to doubt his life.

Ling Xiaochen's eyes were fixed on the big box that was two people tall, and his face was so happy that the things brought by Zhang Pingzheng were definitely hard currency. For Zhang Pingcheo, Ling Xiaochen now has a kind of blind self-confidence .

Lingxiao Auction House is a small five-story building. Because of the special structure of Taixu City, there is no garden or the like outside the auction house. Everything is inside the house. The basement floor is the garage. One floor is a whole floor garden.

Originally, Zhang Pingze meant to go directly to Ling Xiaochen's office to discuss matters, but Ling Xiaochen suddenly wanted to take them to visit his auction house, probably because he was stimulated by Yinlang's words, and insisted on proving himself as a small auction The line is still very high-end.

"By the way, Yasha, your movements are slow enough. I walked a day later than you, but arrived at Kunlun Star before you. Did you get delayed on the way, or were you teleported to a distant space station?" Ling Xiaochen asked casually. road.

"Some things on the road delayed me for a while." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

Ling Xiaochen must have seen something by asking this question. You must know that when you left, there were more than 30 people in the hunting group, but now there are only a dozen or so left, half of the staff is reduced. What happened on the road made Ling Xiaochen Xiaochen was a little curious.

"Oh." Ling Xiaochen looked at Zhang Pingche's face, then nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. Although he was curious, he also knew that there were some things he could ask and some things he couldn't ask.

Just when the scene was a little silent, a group of people suddenly walked in front of them, heading straight for Zhang Pingzhe and the others.

Lei Yiyi approached Zhang Pingche with a vigilant face. There was a bloody smell on the bodies of this group of people, and it was obvious that none of them were good.

Everyone in the hunting group cheered up and looked at the people approaching in front of them vigilantly. There were not many people on the other side, but they were also dressed in neat uniforms like the people in King Qin's hunting group, and they were obviously members of a certain hunting group.

Zhang Pingze was not worried, he and others had just arrived at Kunlun Star, and had never been in contact with anyone, so this group of people was obviously not targeting them.

"Boss Ling!" The group of people walking straight over, led by a tall and strong white man with beards, shouted with a grin.

"Brother Lance! Long time no see." Ling Xiaochen nodded with a familiar smile.

"Boss Ling, you are back. Once you leave, I can't even find a person in charge in Ling Xiao." The big man named Lance said with a smile.

"What? Could it be that they offended Brother Lance?" Ling Xiaochen asked with a smile.

"That's not true. I, Lance, are not the ones who suffer. If someone offended me, I would have screwed his head off. I'm looking for Boss Ling. You have other questions." Lance shook his head.

"What's the matter? Brother Lance just say what he wants." Ling Xiaochen said with a smile.

"Let's not rush things. Boss Ling, won't you introduce the brothers behind you first?" Lance looked at Zhang Pingping and the others, his eyes lingering on the girls with their own characteristics for half a second.

However, his gaze didn't change much. Beautiful women are not a rare thing for Lance. On Kunlun Planet, as long as he has money, he can find any kind of woman. It is obviously unwise to cause some trouble because of a woman.

Lance could tell at a glance that the people behind Ling Xiaochen were obviously centered on the boy with glasses, and even Ling Xiaochen was very polite to that boy.

Ling Xiaochen glanced at Zhang Pingchee, who didn't say anything, so he smiled reassuringly and said, "The one next to me is Zhang Pingchee, the commander of the Qin King's hunting group, and the ones behind are all Qin King Brothers of the hunting group."

"King Qin's hunting group?" Lance felt as if he had never heard the name of this hunting group.

Lance knew about the well-known fleets on Kunlun Star, but he had never heard of the Qin King Hunting Group.

"Well, our hunting group has just been established, please take care of us in the future." Zhang Pingze said calmly.

"Oh, Captain Zhang Jian is really young and promising. He formed a hunting group at a young age, and he can't afford to take care of him. But if Captain Zhang needs help, just ask." Lance said with a smile.

Although he praised him, Lance was even more sure of his own thoughts. This Zhang Pingze probably belonged to some powerful son, and he came out to form a hunting group as a way of training and playing.

The start-up capital required for a hunting group is too large, and it is absolutely impossible to form it without a certain background.

Lance didn't intend to have a good relationship with the other party, but it's better not to offend such a young master who seems to have a huge background.

"The commander of the Lance fleet is awesome. We are newcomers and we still need to learn more." Zhang Pingping said calmly.

"Okay, if you don't understand anything, you can ask me." Lance smiled kindly.

Zhang Pingping nodded: "Thank you very much."

Lance nodded to Zhang Pingping, then looked at Ling Xiaochen again, and said, "Boss Ling is not looking for you this time for other things, I just came to ask, do you still have the blue medicine?"

"Blue potion?"

Ling Xiaochen's loose eyes gathered together, pondered for a moment, and then said with a smile: "If Lance had come a few days earlier, maybe I didn't dare to give you an answer, but now you come to me, it's true, it's the right person to come. when."

Blue medicine is a slang word among mercenaries for naming the g92 culture medium. Because the g92 culture medium is blue all over, it is called blue medicine.

"Really!?" Lance asked a little excitedly.

"Let's go upstairs and talk." Ling Xiaochen said with a smile.

Lance nodded excitedly, directly greeted the members behind to join the main force, and followed Ling Xiaochen upstairs.

There are 30 people in the group. Such a large team naturally attracted a lot of attention along the way, but no one paid much attention to it. Most of the people who come to the auction house at this time are sellers, and they are scattered. Free mercenaries, these mercenaries don't care what these hunting groups do.

The output of g92 is not bad, but compared with the demand, the output is far behind. Mercenaries are active in the front line of the battlefield, and injuries are common, and the shortest time for a mission is one month. As long as one year, the efficiency of healing is directly related to the preservation of the hunting group's combat effectiveness.

As the most cost-effective culture medium on the market, g92 has been monopolized by large hunting groups for a long time on Kunlun Star. The supply of g92 from formal channels exceeds demand, and some small hunting groups can only seek some extraordinary channels.

The supply of special channels is usually unstable, so Lance was so excited after hearing Ling Xiaochen's reply.

Office on the fifth floor of Lingxiao Auction House
There were only a few people sitting on the meeting table, Ling Xiaochen only brought Bingli, Lance brought a member who looked a little fair, and beside Zhang Pingze was Silver Wolf with a lollipop in his mouth.

Sitting in front of the tall conference table, Silver Wolf's height was flawed, with only a small head poking out of the table, which looked very funny.

Lance looked at Zhang Pingche who was sitting opposite, and thought with a wry smile: "It turns out that this son is also here for g92. It seems that the business this time is a bit difficult."

But even if it's not easy to do this time, they must strive for a batch of g92 culture medium, after all, there is a big task waiting for them.

Lance gritted his teeth and said, "Boss Ling, we've known each other for so long, and I won't tell you anything useless. This time I'm here for g92, and I have a big task to take on next, please invite Ling For the sake of friendship, the boss must leave three groups for me."

"Only three groups?" Ling Xiaochen looked at Lance inexplicably.

A set of ten doses is not a lot. In the past, what Lance wanted was ten groups of ten groups. After all, Lance’s hunting group has more than 100 people, and ten groups of one hundred doses are just enough to meet the needs. This time there was only one group, Ling Xiaochen couldn't help being curious.

Lance glanced at Zhang Pingche with a wry smile: "It would be good if there were more, but the liquidity of our hunting group is also limited. If there is price competition, it is true."

Lance looked at Zhang Pingche helplessly. Zhang Pingche was the second generation and had plenty of money. He couldn't do it. He still had the entire hunting group to run, so he couldn't be willful at all.

"Price competition?" This time it was Ling Xiaochen's turn to be confused, competition?Who are you competing with? The goods were just brought by Zhang Pingze. You are the first to come to the door. How can anyone compete with you?

Zhang Pingping hesitated for a moment, seemed to understand Lance's words, shook his head and said, "Captain Lance, how much do you want, tell me."

Lance looked at Zhang Pingche, his eyes were a little moved, Zhang Pingche's words were obviously intended to meet his needs first.

In the trading field, such a concession is definitely a great favor, mainly because they have just met, Zhang Pingze can be so magnanimous, it is really touching.

At this moment, Lance's little prejudice against Zhang Pingche disappeared, and he nodded gratefully to Zhang Pingche: "Thank you, brother Zhang Pingche, for your kindness. I will remember this kindness. This time, our ship The regiment really has a big task that requires a lot of medicine and culture fluid."

Zhang Pingze didn't explain it either, so let Lance misunderstand it by himself. It's good to earn a favor. Anyway, Zhang Pingze didn't lie to him, it's just that Lance thought too much.

"Thirty sets of g92 culture fluid, I can pay five percent more for the price, but I have to ask Boss Ling to give me all the goods within two days, okay?" Lance asked tentatively.

Ling Xiaochen didn't know what to do, but glanced at Zhang Pingche, as if asking, how many g92s did you bring?

The silver wolf at the side raised his head and blinked at Ling Xiaochen with his silver eyes. The next moment, a burst of message reminders came from Ling Xiaochen's personal terminal.

The above content is very simple: Scumbag, promise him, we have enough goods.

Ling Xiaochen looked at the personal terminal with an expression of seeing a ghost. Is this little girl a robot? Why didn't she do anything, and actually sent him a message directly.

Besides, he didn't give the silver-eyed girl his personal terminal number at all.

Then again, this fucking conference room is shielded from signals! ! !

 ps: Thanks to [One Sword Donglai jk] for the 200 tip, and [book friend 160814202103691] for the 1100 tip.Ask for support, ask for warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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